protected virtual async Task <string> RequestPostAsync(int pageNumber)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                string url     = "" + Blog.Name + "/post_page/" + pageNumber;
                string referer = @"" + Blog.Name;
                var    headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "X-tumblr-form-key", tumblrKey }, { "DNT", "1" }
                HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreatePostXhrReqeust(url, referer, headers);
                CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(""));

                //Example request body, searching for cars:

                string requestBody = "q=" + Blog.Name + "&sort=top&post_view=masonry&num_posts_shown=" +
                                     ((pageNumber - 1) * Blog.PageSize) + "&before=" + ((pageNumber - 1) * Blog.PageSize) +
                                     "&safe_mode=false&post_page=" + pageNumber +
                await WebRequestFactory.PerformPostXHRReqeustAsync(request, requestBody);

                requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                return(await WebRequestFactory.ReadReqestToEndAsync(request));
        private async Task <string> GetGuestToken()
            if (guestToken == null)
                var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();
                    string url = await GetApiUrl(Blog.Url, 0, "", 0);

                    if (ShellService.Settings.LimitConnectionsApi)
                    var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    headers.Add("Origin", "");
                    headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + BearerToken);
                    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreatePostRequest(url, "", headers);
                    CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(""));
                    requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                    var content = await WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEndAsync(request);

                    guestToken = ((JValue)((JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content))["guest_token"]).Value <string>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Error("GetGuestToken: {0}", e);
Exemple #3
 public void SendStyle(EStyle Style)
     if (Style == EStyle.Blue)
         Icon = Assets.Musix_Icon_Blue;
     else if (Style == EStyle.Color)
         Icon = Assets.Musix_Icon_Rainbow;
     foreach (Control Ct in Controls)
         if (typeof(IStyleableControl).IsAssignableFrom(Ct.GetType()))
             IStyleableControl styleableControl = Ct as IStyleableControl;
     foreach (Control Ct in PNContent.Controls)
         if (typeof(IStyleableControl).IsAssignableFrom(Ct.GetType()))
             IStyleableControl styleableControl = Ct as IStyleableControl;
        protected async Task <string> RequestApiDataAsync(string url, string bearerToken, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null,
                                                          IEnumerable <string> cookieHosts = null)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetRequest(url, string.Empty, headers);
                cookieHosts = cookieHosts ?? new List <string>();
                foreach (string cookieHost in cookieHosts)
                    CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(cookieHost));

                request.PreAuthenticate = true;
                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken);
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                return(await WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEndAsync(request));
Exemple #5
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.ContextMenuStrip   = Program.AddNewUserControlCMS;
            Program.LabelControlCMS = LabelContextMenuStrip1;

            foreach (Control Ctrl in this.Controls)
                if (Ctrl.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.Panel")
                    Ctrl.ContextMenuStrip = Program.AddNewUserControlCMS;
                    foreach (Control Ct in Ctrl.Controls)
                        if (Ct.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.Panel")
                            Ct.ContextMenuStrip = Program.AddNewUserControlCMS;

            Menus.InitAddUserControls(ref ArticlecontextMenuStrip1);
            //Left_panel.Controls.Add(new AuthenticationUserControl(new List<string>()) { Location = new Point(0,0), Dock = DockStyle.Top , Name = "qq"});
            //textBox_password.UseSystemPasswordChar = true;
            // button_add_reklama.Visible = false;

            lable_name_of_polzovatel.Text = Users.CURRENT_USER;
            AdmButton.Visible             = IS_ADMIN;
            AutButton.Visible             = IS_AUTHOR;
            button2.Visible = false;

            if (IS_ADMIN)
                button2.Visible = true;

            /*  #region Advertising
             * reclamaPanel.Controls.Clear();
             * AdsUserControl recl = new AdsUserControl(new List<string>() { "5", "20" });
             * reclamaPanel.Controls.Add(recl);

            textBox_search.Text = LAST_SEARCH;
            Search_Click(sender, e);
            popularArticlesLabel.ContextMenuStrip = Program.LabelControlCMS;
Exemple #6
            // Recherche de l'arrete sur laquelle est contrainte la platine.
            private Edge ArretePlatine(List <Mate2> listeContraintes, Feature planContrainte, Face2 f_Dessus)
                Mate2 Contrainte = null;

                foreach (Mate2 Ct in listeContraintes)
                    foreach (MateEntity2 Ent in Ct.eListeDesEntitesDeContrainte())
                        // Si l'entite est un plan
                        if (Ent.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelDATUMPLANES)
                            RefPlane P = Ent.Reference;
                            Feature  F = (Feature)P;
                            // On vérifie que le plan a le même nom que le plan contrainte
                            if (planContrainte.Name == F.Name)
                                Contrainte = Ct;

                    if (Contrainte.IsRef())

                foreach (MateEntity2 Ent in Contrainte.eListeDesEntitesDeContrainte())
                    // On récupère la face associée à la contrainte
                    if (Ent.ReferenceType2 == (int)swSelectType_e.swSelFACES)
                        Face2 F = Ent.Reference;

                        // Liste des arrêtes communes, normalement, il n'y en a qu'une
                        List <Edge> L = F.eListeDesArretesCommunes(f_Dessus);

                        // On renvoi la première
                        if (L.Count > 0)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns true if OrderChangeMessage instances are equal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">Instance of OrderChangeMessage to be compared</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        public bool Equals(OrderChangeMessage other)
            // credit:
            if (other == null)

            return((Op == other.Op || Op != null && Op.Equals(other.Op)) &&
                   (Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id)) &&
                   (Ct == other.Ct || Ct != null && Ct.Equals(other.Ct)) &&
                   (Clk == other.Clk || Clk != null && Clk.Equals(other.Clk)) &&
                   (HeartbeatMs == other.HeartbeatMs || HeartbeatMs != null && HeartbeatMs.Equals(other.HeartbeatMs)) &&
                   (Pt == other.Pt || Pt != null && Pt.Equals(other.Pt)) &&
                   (Oc == other.Oc || Oc != null && Oc.SequenceEqual(other.Oc)) &&
                   (InitialClk == other.InitialClk || InitialClk != null && InitialClk.Equals(other.InitialClk)) &&
                   (ConflateMs == other.ConflateMs || ConflateMs != null && ConflateMs.Equals(other.ConflateMs)) &&
                   (SegmentType == other.SegmentType || SegmentType != null && SegmentType.Equals(other.SegmentType)));
Exemple #8
        protected async Task <string> RequestDataAsync(string url, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null,
                                                       IEnumerable <string> cookieHosts = null)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                int             redirects = 0;
                ResponseDetails responseDetails;
                    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetRequest(url, string.Empty, headers, false);
                    cookieHosts = cookieHosts ?? new List <string>();
                    foreach (string cookieHost in cookieHosts)
                        CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(cookieHost));

                    requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                    responseDetails     = await WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEnd2Async(request);

                    if (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found)
                        url = request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + responseDetails.RedirectUrl;
                } while (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found && redirects++ < 5);

                if (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found)
                    throw new WebException("Too many automatic redirections were attempted.", WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);

Exemple #9
        protected async Task <string> RequestDataAsync(string url, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null,
                                                       IEnumerable <string> cookieHosts = null)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetReqeust(url, string.Empty, headers);
                cookieHosts = cookieHosts ?? new List <string>();
                foreach (string cookieHost in cookieHosts)
                    CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(cookieHost));

                requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                return(await WebRequestFactory.ReadReqestToEndAsync(request));
Exemple #10
        protected virtual async Task <string> RequestDataAsync(string limit, string offset)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                string url = @"" + Blog.Name +
                             @"&post_id=&limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + offset + "&should_bypass_safemode=true";
                string referer = @"" + Blog.Name;
                var    headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "X-tumblr-form-key", tumblrKey }
                HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetXhrRequest(url, referer, headers);
                CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(""));
                CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri("https://" + Blog.Name.Replace("+", "-") + ""));
                requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                return(await WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEndAsync(request));
Exemple #11
        private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var selectedRow = dgvQuestions.CurrentRow;

            if (selectedRow == null)

            var index = selectedRow.Index;
            var cells = dgvQuestions.Rows[index].Cells;
            var model = new Ct((int)cells["id"].Value, cells["tg"].Value.ToString(), cells["a"].Value.ToString(),
                               cells["b"].Value.ToString(), cells["c"].Value.ToString(), cells["d"].Value.ToString(),
            var child = new AddOrEditForm(model)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent, Text = @"修改"

            child.ReloadDgv += Child_ReloadDgv;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the hash code
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            // credit:
            unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
                var hash = 41;
                // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)

                if (Op != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Op.GetHashCode();

                if (Id != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Id.GetHashCode();

                if (Ct != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Ct.GetHashCode();

                if (Clk != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Clk.GetHashCode();

                if (HeartbeatMs != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + HeartbeatMs.GetHashCode();

                if (Pt != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Pt.GetHashCode();

                if (Oc != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + Oc.GetHashCode();

                if (InitialClk != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + InitialClk.GetHashCode();

                if (ConflateMs != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + ConflateMs.GetHashCode();

                if (SegmentType != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + SegmentType.GetHashCode();

Exemple #13
        private new void WriteValues(string p_SubKeyName, ref Generic.SortedList <string, string> p_KeyValuePairs, bool p_CheckForCurrentProfileStore)
            // Write  all key values to an XML file
            // SubKey has to be absolute from the profile store root
            XmlWriterSettings WriterSettings;
            string            FName;
            int Ct;

            swSupport.Reset(); swSupport.Start(); // Start timing this call
            TL.LogMessage("  WriteValues", "  SubKeyName: " + p_SubKeyName);
            if (Strings.Left(p_SubKeyName, 1) != @"\")
                p_SubKeyName = @"\" + p_SubKeyName;

                Ct = 0;
                foreach (Generic.KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in p_KeyValuePairs)
                    Ct += 1;
                    TL.LogMessage("  WriteValues List", "  " + Ct.ToString() + " " + kvp.Key + " = " + kvp.Value);

                WriterSettings        = new XmlWriterSettings();
                WriterSettings.Indent = true;
                FName = FileStore.FullPath(p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_NEW);
                XmlWriter  Writer;
                FileStream FStream;
                FStream = new FileStream(FName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 2048, FileOptions.WriteThrough);
                Writer  = XmlWriter.Create(FStream, WriterSettings);
                // Writer = XmlWriter.Create(FName, WriterSettings)
                using (Writer)
                    Writer.WriteStartElement(PROFILE_NAME);                                                                 // Write the profile element
                    Writer.WriteStartElement(DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);                                                         // Write the default element
                    Writer.WriteAttributeString(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, p_KeyValuePairs.Item(COLLECTION_DEFAULT_VALUE_NAME)); // Write the default value
                    Ct = 0;
                    foreach (Generic.KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in p_KeyValuePairs) // Write each named value in turn
                        Ct += 1;
                        TL.LogMessage("  Writing Value", "  " + Ct.ToString() + " " + kvp.Key + " = " + kvp.Value);
                        if (kvp.Value == null)
                            TL.LogMessage("  Writing Value", "  WARNING - Suppplied Value is Nothing not empty string");
                        switch (kvp.Key)
                        case object _ when COLLECTION_DEFAULT_VALUE_NAME     // Ignore the default value entry

                            Writer.WriteStartElement(VALUE_ELEMENT_NAME);                 // Write the element name
                            Writer.WriteAttributeString(NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, kvp.Key);    // Write the name attribute
                            Writer.WriteAttributeString(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, kvp.Value); // Write the value attribute
                            Writer.WriteEndElement();                                     // Close this element

                    // Flush and close the writer object to complete writing of the XML file.
                    Writer.Close(); // Actualy write the XML to a file
                    FStream = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                }// Ensure no error occur from this tidying up

                Writer = null;
                try // New file successfully created so now rename the current file to original and rename the new file to current
                    if (p_CheckForCurrentProfileStore)
                        FileStore.Rename(p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME, p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_ORIGINAL);
                        FileStore.Rename(p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_NEW, p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME);
                    catch (Exception ex2)
                        // Attempt to rename new file as current failed so try and restore the original file
                        TL.Enabled = true;
                        TL.LogMessage("XMLAccess:WriteValues", "Unable to rename new profile file to current - " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_NEW + "to " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME + " " + ex2.ToString());
                            FileStore.Rename(p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_ORIGINAL, p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME);
                        catch (Exception ex3)
                            // Restoration also failed so no clear recovery from this point
                            TL.Enabled = true;
                            TL.LogMessage("XMLAccess:WriteValues", "Unable to rename original profile file to current - " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_ORIGINAL + "to " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME + " " + ex3.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    // No clear remedial action as the current file rename failed so just leave as is
                    TL.Enabled = true;
                    TL.LogMessage("XMLAccess:WriteValues", "Unable to rename current profile file to original - " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME + "to " + p_SubKeyName + @"\" + VALUES_FILENAME_ORIGINAL + " " + ex1.ToString());

                WriterSettings = null;

                TL.LogMessage("  WriteValues", "  Created cache entry " + p_SubKeyName + " - " + swSupport.ElapsedMilliseconds + " milliseconds");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("  WriteValues", "  Exception " + p_SubKeyName + " " + ex.ToString());
                Interaction.MsgBox("XMLAccess:Writevalues " + p_SubKeyName + " " + ex.ToString());
        protected async Task <string> RequestDataAsync(string url, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null,
                                                       IEnumerable <string> cookieHosts = null)
            var requestRegistration = new CancellationTokenRegistration();

                int             redirects = 0;
                ResponseDetails responseDetails;

                    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetRequest(url, string.Empty, headers, false);
                    cookieHosts = cookieHosts ?? new List <string>();
                    foreach (string cookieHost in cookieHosts)
                        CookieService.GetUriCookie(request.CookieContainer, new Uri(cookieHost));

                    requestRegistration = Ct.Register(() => request.Abort());
                    responseDetails     = await WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEnd2Async(request);

                    url = responseDetails.RedirectUrl ?? url;

                    if (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found)
                        if (url.Contains("privacy/consent"))
                            var ex = new Exception("Acceptance of privacy consent needed!");
                            ShellService.ShowError(new TumblrPrivacyConsentException(ex), Resources.ConfirmationTumblrPrivacyConsentNeeded);
                            throw ex;
                        if (!url.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            url = request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + url;

                    if (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved)
                        Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                        if (!uri.Authority.Contains(".tumblr."))
                            Blog.Url = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
                } while ((responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found || responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved) && redirects++ < 5);

                if (responseDetails.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Found)
                    throw new WebException("Too many automatic redirections were attempted.", WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error("AbstractCrawler.RequestDataAsync: {0}", e);
        protected string RetrieveOriginalImageUrl(string url, int width, int height, bool isInline)
            if (width > height)
                (width, height) = (height, width);
            if (ShellService.Settings.ImageSize != "best" ||
                !isInline && !url.Contains("/s1280x1920/") ||
                (width <= 1280 && height <= 1920) ||
                isInline && !new Regex(@"\/s[\d]{2,4}x[\d]{2,4}\/").IsMatch(url))

            if (isInline)
                var re = new Regex(@"\/s[\d]{2,4}x[\d]{2,4}\/");
                url = re.Replace(url, "/s2048x3072/");
                url = url.Replace("/s1280x1920/", (width <= 2048 && height <= 3072) ? "/s2048x3072/" : "/s99999x99999/");
            string    pageContent = "";
            int       errCnt      = 0;
            Exception lastError   = null;

                    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequestFactory.CreateGetRequest(url, "",
                                                                                new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "Accept-Language", "en-US" }, { "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate" }
                    }, false);
                    request.Accept    = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
                    request.UserAgent = ShellService.Settings.UserAgent;
                    request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip;
                    using (Ct.Register(() => request.Abort()))
                        pageContent = WebRequestFactory.ReadRequestToEndAsync(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    errCnt = 9;
                catch (WebException we)
                    if (we.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("RetrieveOriginalImageUrl request cancelled");
                    if (we.Response != null && ((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Error("AbstractTumblrCrawler:RetrieveOriginalImageUrl: {0}", e);
                    lastError = e;
                    if (errCnt < 3)
                        Thread.Sleep(errCnt * 10000);
            } while (errCnt < 3);
            if (errCnt == 3)
                ShellService.ShowError(lastError, Resources.PostNotParsable, Blog.Name);
                throw new NullReferenceException("RetrieveOriginalImageUrl download", lastError);
                var extracted = extractJsonFromPage.Match(pageContent).Groups[1].Value;
                extracted = new Regex("/.*/").Replace(extracted, "\"\"");
                ImageResponse imgRsp   = DeserializeImageResponse(extracted);
                int           maxWidth = imgRsp.Images.Max(x => x.Width);
                Image         img      = imgRsp.Images.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Width == maxWidth);
                return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(img?.MediaKey) ? url : img.Url);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("AbstractTumblrCrawler:RetrieveOriginalImageUrl: {0}", ex);
                ShellService.ShowError(ex, Resources.PostNotParsable, Blog.Name);
                throw new NullReferenceException("RetrieveOriginalImageUrl parsing", ex);
Exemple #16
 public event Reload ReloadDgv;//定义刷新父页面 dataGridView 的事件
 public AddOrEditForm(Ct model = null)
     _model = model;
Exemple #17
 public Control(long mindimlevel, long maxlumen, string colorgamuttype, List <List <double> > colorgamut, Ct ct) =>
 (Mindimlevel, Maxlumen, Colorgamuttype, Colorgamut, Ct) = (mindimlevel, maxlumen, colorgamuttype, colorgamut, ct);
Exemple #18
        //% The main file for running the wind farm controll and wake simulation.
        // It is not completely done yet. Further updates will come
        // Currently there are only 4 turbines, for test purposes. But is should be
        // easily updated to a larger number of turbines.
        // Similarly there is a lot of room for speed optimizations, even though it
        // now runs slowly with only 4 turbines
        // 19/07-13 MS

        public static double[][] Simulation(WakeFarmControlConfig config)
            var parm = new WindTurbineParameters();

            ILMatFile env;
            ILMatFile wt;

            ILArray <int>    idx;
            ILArray <double> ee;

            double           Ki;
            double           Kp;
            int              PC_MaxPit;
            int              PC_MinPit;
            double           VS_CtInSp;
            double           VS_RtGnSp;
            double           VS_Rgn2K;
            double           omega0;
            double           beta0;
            double           power0;
            ILArray <double> x;
            ILArray <double> u0;
            ILArray <double> u;
            ILArray <double> Mg_old;
            ILArray <double> P_ref;
            ILArray <double> Pa;
            ILArray <double> Power;
            ILArray <double> Ct;
            ILArray <double> P_ref_new;
            ILArray <double> v_nac;
            double           alpha;
            double           Mg_max_rate;
            ILArray <double> e;
            ILArray <double> Mg;
            ILArray <double> beta;
            ILArray <double> Cp;
            ILArray <double> Omega;
            ILArray <double> out_;

            if (config.NTurbines == 0)

            // Wind farm properties
            //turbine properties
            env             = wt = new ILMatFile(config.NREL5MW_MatFile);                                             //Load parameters from the NREL 5MW turbine
            parm.N          = config.NTurbines;                                                                       // number of turbines in farm
            parm.rho        = (double)env.GetArray <double>("env_rho");                                               //air density
            parm.radius     = ((double)(wt.GetArray <double>("wt_rotor_radius"))) * ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines); // rotor radius (NREL5MW)
            parm.rated      = 5e6 * ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines);                                                 //rated power (NREL5MW)
            parm.ratedSpeed = (double)wt.GetArray <double>("wt_rotor_ratedspeed");                                    //rated rotor speed

            idx = ILMath.empty <int>();
            ILMath.max(wt.GetArray <double>("wt_cp_table")[ILMath.full], idx);                                        //Find index for max Cp;
            parm.Cp = ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines) * wt.GetArray <double>("wt_cp_table").GetValue(idx.ToArray()); //Set power coefficent to maximum value in the cp table
            parm.Ct = ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines) * wt.GetArray <double>("wt_ct_table").GetValue(idx.ToArray()); //Set power coefficent to maximum value in the ct table

            // NOTE: controller parameters should be imported from the wt....struct in
            //Pitch control

            ee = 0;                                 //blade pitch integrator
            Ki = 0.008068634 * 360 / 2 / ILMath.pi; // integral gain (NREL5MW)
            Kp = 0.01882681 * 360 / 2 / ILMath.pi;  // proportional gain (NREL5MW)

            PC_MaxPit = 90;
            PC_MinPit = 0;

            //region control NREL
            VS_CtInSp = 70.16224;
            VS_RtGnSp = 121.6805;
            VS_Rgn2K  = 2.332287;

            // load initial wind data
            var wind = new ILMatFile(config.Wind_MatFile);

            //% Set initial conditions
            omega0 = 1.267; //Rotation speed
            beta0  = 0;     //Pitch

            var timeLine = (int)config.TimeLine();

            power0 = parm.rated.GetValue(0); //Power production
            x      = (omega0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)).Concat((wind.GetArray <double>("wind").GetValue(0, 1) * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)), 1);
            u0     = (beta0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)).Concat((power0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)), 1);
            u      = u0.C;
            Mg_old = u[ILMath.full, 1];
            P_ref  = ILMath.zeros(parm.N, (int)config.TimeLine()); //Initialize matrix to save the power production history for each turbine
            Pa     = P_ref.C;                                      //Initialize available power matrix
            Power  = P_ref.C;
            Ct     = parm.Ct.C;                                    //Initialize Ct - is this correct?
            Ct[timeLine - 1, ILMath.full] = Ct[0, ILMath.full];
            P_ref_new = power0 * ILMath.ones(config.NTurbines, 1);

            v_nac = ILMath.zeros(Ct.Size[1], timeLine);
            Mg    = ILMath.zeros(u.Size[0], timeLine);
            beta  = ILMath.zeros(u.Size[0], timeLine);
            Omega = ILMath.zeros(Ct.Size[1], timeLine);
            Cp    = ILMath.zeros(timeLine, parm.Cp.Size[1]);

            var turbineModel = new TurbineDrivetrainModel();

            //% Simulate wind farm operation
            //var timeLine = (int) config.TimeLine();
            for (var i = 2; i <= timeLine; i++) //At each sample time(DT) from Tstart to Tend
                //Calculate the wake using the current Ct values
                    ILArray <double> out_v_nac;
                    WakeCalculation.Calculate((Ct[i - 1 - 1, ILMath.full]), i, wind, out out_v_nac);
                    v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1] = out_v_nac;
                x[ILMath.full, 1] = v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1];

                //Farm control
                //Calculate the power distribution references for each turbine
                if (config.EnablePowerDistribution)
                    ILArray <double> out_Pa;
                    PowerDistributionControl.DistributePower(v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1], config.Pdemand, Power[ILMath.full, i - 1 - 1], parm, out P_ref_new, out out_Pa);
                    Pa[ILMath.full, i - 1] = out_Pa;

                //Hold  the demand for some seconds
                if (ILMath.mod(i, ILMath.round(config.PRefSampleTime / config.DT)) == 2) //???
                    P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = P_ref_new;
                    if (config.PowerRefInterpolation)
                        alpha = 0.01;
                        P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = (1 - alpha) * P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1 - 1] + (alpha) * P_ref_new;
                        P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = P_ref_new;

                //Calculate control for each individual turbine - should be moved to the
                //turbine (drivetrain) model.

                //Torque controller
                for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                    if ((x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * 97 >= VS_RtGnSp) || (u.GetValue(j - 1, 0) >= 1))   // We are in region 3 - power is constant
                        u.SetValue(P_ref.GetValue(j - 1, i - 1) / x.GetValue(j - 1, 0), j - 1, 1);
                    else if (x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * 97 <= VS_CtInSp)                            //! We are in region 1 - torque is zero
                        u.SetValue(0.0, j - 1, 1);
                    else                                                         //! We are in region 2 - optimal torque is proportional to the square of the generator speed
                        u.SetValue(97 * VS_Rgn2K * x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * Math.Pow(97, 2), j - 1, 1);

                //Rate limit torque change
                //  u(:,2) - Mg_old;
                Mg_max_rate       = 1e6 * config.DT;
                u[ILMath.full, 1] = ILMath.sign(u[ILMath.full, 1] - Mg_old) * ILMath.min(ILMath.abs(u[ILMath.full, 1] - Mg_old), Mg_max_rate) + Mg_old;

                //Pitch controller
                e  = 97 * (omega0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1) - x[ILMath.full, 0]);
                ee = ee - config.DT * e;
                ee = ILMath.min(ILMath.max(ee, PC_MinPit / Ki), PC_MaxPit / Ki);

                u[ILMath.full, 0] = -Kp * config.DT * e + Ki * ee;
                for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                    u.SetValue(Math.Min(Math.Max(u.GetValue(j - 1, 0), PC_MinPit), PC_MaxPit), j - 1, 0);

                if (!config.EnableTurbineDynamics)
                    u = u0;

                Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1] = u[ILMath.full, 1];
                Mg_old = Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1];
                beta[ILMath.full, i - 1] = u[ILMath.full, 0]; //Set pitch

                //Turbine dynamics - can be simplified
                if (config.EnableTurbineDynamics)
                    for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                        double out_x;
                        double out_Ct;
                        double out_Cp;
                        turbineModel.Model(x[j - 1, ILMath.full], u[j - 1, ILMath.full], wt, env, config.DT, out out_x, out out_Ct, out out_Cp);
                        x.SetValue(out_x, j - 1, 0);
                        Ct.SetValue(out_Ct, i - 1, j - 1);
                        Cp.SetValue(out_Cp, i - 1, j - 1);
                    Ct[i - 1, ILMath.full] = parm.Ct;
                    Cp[i - 1, ILMath.full] = parm.Cp;
                    x[ILMath.full, 0]      = parm.ratedSpeed;//Rotational speed

                Omega[ILMath.full, i - 1] = x[ILMath.full, 0];
                Power[ILMath.full, i - 1] = Omega[ILMath.full, i - 1] * Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1];

            //% Save output data
            out_ = (config.DT * (ILMath.counter(0, 1, config.TimeLine())));
            out_ = out_.Concat(v_nac.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Omega.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(beta.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(P_ref.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Ct, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Cp, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Pa.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Mg.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Power.T, 1);

            //Ttotal power demand
            var l = config.NTurbines * 3 + 1;
            var r = l + config.NTurbines - 1;

            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(out_[ILMath.full, ILMath.r(l, r)], 1) / 1e6, 1);    // P_ref sum

            l = config.NTurbines * 6 + 1;
            r = l + config.NTurbines - 1;

            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(out_[ILMath.full, ILMath.r(l, r)], 1) / 1e6, 1);    // Pa sum. 'Power Demand'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Power).T / 1e6, 1);                                 // 'Actual Production'

            //Ttotal power demand
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(P_ref.T, 1), 1);              // 'Demand'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Pa.T, 1), 1);                 // 'Available'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Mg * Omega).T, 1);            // 'Actual'

            //Total power produced
            out_ = out_.Concat((Mg * Omega).T, 1);

            var out_doubleArray = new double[out_.Size[0]][];

            for (int i = 0; i <= out_doubleArray.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                out_doubleArray[i] = new double[out_.Size[1]];
                for (int j = 0; j <= out_doubleArray[i].GetLength(0) - 1; j++)
                    out_doubleArray[i][j] = out_.GetValue(i, j);