/// <summary>
        /// Creates a rule with the enumeration of tokens.
        /// </summary>
        public static CssRule CreateRule(this CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssToken token, CssParser parser)
            switch (token.Type)
                case CssTokenType.AtKeyword:
                    return tokenizer.CreateAtRule(token, parser);

                case CssTokenType.CurlyBracketOpen:
                    tokenizer.RaiseErrorOccurred(CssParseError.InvalidBlockStart, token.Position);
                    return null;

                case CssTokenType.String:
                case CssTokenType.Url:
                case CssTokenType.CurlyBracketClose:
                case CssTokenType.RoundBracketClose:
                case CssTokenType.SquareBracketClose:
                    tokenizer.RaiseErrorOccurred(CssParseError.InvalidToken, token.Position);
                    return null;

                    return new CssStyleState(tokenizer, parser).Create(token);
Exemple #2
        public string SortStyleSheet(string css)
            ICssParser parser = new CssParser();
            StyleSheet stylesheet = parser.Parse(css.Trim(), true);

            CssFormatter formatter = new CssFormatter();
            formatter.Options.RemoveLastSemicolon = false;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(stylesheet.Text);

            var visitor = new CssItemCollector<RuleBlock>(true);

            foreach (RuleBlock rule in visitor.Items.Where(r => r.IsValid).Reverse())
                if (rule.Declarations.Count <= 1)

                int start = rule.OpenCurlyBrace.AfterEnd;
                int length = rule.Length - 2;

                string text = formatter.Format(rule.Text).Trim().Trim('}', '{');
                string[] declarations = text.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                var sorted = SortDeclarations(declarations);

                sb.Remove(start, length);
                sb.Insert(start, string.Join("", sorted));

            return sb.ToString();
        private async static Task ParseDocument()
            string fileName = GetSolutionFilePath();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) && File.Exists(fileName))
                CssParser parser = new CssParser();
                StyleSheet stylesheet = parser.Parse(await FileHelpers.ReadAllTextRetry(fileName), false);

                if (stylesheet.IsValid)
                    var visitor = new CssItemCollector<AtDirective>();

                    AtDirective at = visitor.Items.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Keyword.Text == _rootDirective);
                    if (at != null)
                        var visitorPalette = new CssItemCollector<AtDirective>(true);
                        _directives = visitorPalette.Items.Where(a => a.Keyword.Text != at.Keyword.Text).ToList();

                _hasFile = false;
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsUnsupportedMediaQuery_ShouldStrip()
            var stylesheet = "@media print { div { width: 90%; } }";

            var parser = new CssParser();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, parser.Styles.Count);
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsAtCharsetRule_ShouldStripRuleAndParseStylesheet()
            var stylesheet = "@charset utf-8; div { width: 100% }";

            var parser = new CssParser();

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an @-rule with the given name, if there is any.
        /// </summary>
        public static CssRule CreateAtRule(this CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssToken token, CssParser parser)
            Creator creator;

            if (creators.TryGetValue(token.Data, out creator))
                return creator(tokenizer, parser).Create(token);

            return new CssUnknownState(tokenizer, parser).Create(token);
        public void StartSearch(INavigateToCallback callback, string searchValue)
            if (searchValue.Length > 0 && (searchValue[0] == '.' || searchValue[0] == '#'))
                CssParser parser = new CssParser();
                var state = new Tuple<CssParser, string, INavigateToCallback>(parser, searchValue, callback);

                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork, state);
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsAtPageSection_ShouldStripRuleAndParseStylesheet()
            var stylesheet = "@page :first { margin: 2in 3in; } div { width: 100% }";

            var parser = new CssParser();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, parser.Styles.Count);
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsImportStatement_ShouldStripOutImportStatement()
            var stylesheet = "@import url(http://google.com/stylesheet); div { width : 600px; }";
            var parser = new CssParser();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, parser.Styles.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual("600px", parser.Styles["div"].Attributes["width"].Value);
Exemple #10
        public static StyleSheet Parse(TextReader reader, CssContext context = null)
            var sheet = new StyleSheet(context ?? new CssContext());

            var rules = new List<CssRule>();

            IList<Browser> browsers = null;

            using (var parser = new CssParser(reader))
                foreach (var node in parser.ReadNodes())
                    if (node.Kind == NodeKind.Mixin)
                        var mixin = (MixinNode)node;

                        sheet.Context.Mixins.Add(mixin.Name, mixin);
                    else if (node.Kind == NodeKind.Directive)
                        var directive = (CssDirective)node;

                        if (directive.Name == "support")
                            var parts = directive.Value.Split(Seperators.Space); // SpaceArray...

                            BrowserType browserType;

                            if (Enum.TryParse(parts[0].Trim(), true, out browserType))
                                if (browsers == null)
                                    browsers = new List<Browser>();

                                var browserVersion = float.Parse(parts[parts.Length - 1].Trim(' ', '+'));

                                browsers.Add(new Browser(browserType, browserVersion));

                if (browsers != null)

            return sheet;
            private static IEnumerable<ParseItem> GetItems(string filePath, string searchValue)
                var cssParser = new CssParser();
                StyleSheet ss = cssParser.Parse(File.ReadAllText(filePath), true);

                return new CssItemAggregator<ParseItem>
                    (ClassSelector c) => c.Text.Contains(searchValue) ? c : null,
                    (IdSelector c) => c.Text.Contains(searchValue) ? c : null
                }.Crawl(ss).Where(s => s != null);
Exemple #12
        public static CssValue Parse(string text)
            using (var reader = new SourceReader(new StringReader(text)))
                var tokenizer = new CssTokenizer(reader, LexicalMode.Value);

                var parser = new CssParser(tokenizer);

                return parser.ReadValueList();
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsSupportedMediaQuery_ShouldParseQueryRules()
            var stylesheet = "@media only screen { div { width: 600px; } }";

            var parser = new CssParser();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, parser.Styles.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual("600px", parser.Styles["div"].Attributes["width"].Value);
Exemple #14
        public string Parse(string zenSyntax, ZenType type)
            switch (type)
                case ZenType.CSS:
                    CssParser cssParser = new CssParser();
                    return cssParser.Parse(zenSyntax.Trim());

                case ZenType.HTML:
                    HtmlParser htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
                    return htmlParser.Parse(zenSyntax.Trim());

            return null;
        public void AddStylesheet_ContainsUnsupportedMediaQueryAndNormalRules_ShouldStripMediaQueryAndParseRules()
            var stylesheet = "div { width: 600px; } @media only screen and (max-width:620px) { div { width: 100% } } p { font-family: serif; }";

            var parser = new CssParser();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, parser.Styles.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual("600px", parser.Styles["div"].Attributes["width"].Value);

            Assert.AreEqual("serif", parser.Styles["p"].Attributes["font-family"].Value);
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges a css rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The rule.</returns>
        /// <param name="curStyle">Target TextStyleParameters</param>
        /// <param name="css">Css value</param>
        /// <param name="clone">If set to <c>true</c> clone the style</param>
        public static TextStyleParameters MergeRule(TextStyleParameters curStyle, string css, bool clone)
            var parser = new CssParser ();
            var rules = parser.ParseAll (css);
            if (rules.Count () != 1) {
                throw new NotSupportedException ("Only a single css class may be merged at a time");

            var mergedStyle = clone ? curStyle.Clone () : curStyle;

            var rule = rules.FirstOrDefault ();
            if (rule != null) {
                ParseCSSRule (ref mergedStyle, rule);

            return mergedStyle;
Exemple #17
        public string[] SortDeclarations(IEnumerable<string> declarations)
            Dictionary<string, string> inlineCommentStorage = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            List<string> filteredDeclarations = new List<string>();

            // How could you do this with clever linq stuff?
            foreach (string attribute in declarations)
                string trimmedAttribute = attribute.Trim();
                Match inlineCommentRegexMatch = Regex.Match(trimmedAttribute, "/\\*.*\\*/");
                if (inlineCommentRegexMatch.Success
                    && inlineCommentRegexMatch.Index > 0)
                    string comment = inlineCommentRegexMatch.Value.Trim();
                    string value = trimmedAttribute.Remove(inlineCommentRegexMatch.Index).Trim();
                    inlineCommentStorage.Add(value, comment);

            string rule = "div {" + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, filteredDeclarations) + "}";
            CssParser parser = new CssParser();
            StyleSheet sheet = parser.Parse(rule, true);

            var comments = sheet.RuleSets[0].Block.Children.Where(c => c is CComment).Select(c => Environment.NewLine + c.Text);
            var decls = sheet.RuleSets[0].Block.Declarations.Select(d => d.Text);
            var sorted = decls.OrderBy(d => d, new DeclarationComparer());

            List<string> list = new List<string>(Stringify(sorted));
            list.AddRange(comments.OrderBy(c => c));

            var query = from c in list
                        join o in inlineCommentStorage on c equals o.Key into gj
                        from sublist in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select c + (sublist.Key == null ? string.Empty : ' ' + sublist.Value);

            return query.ToArray();
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the specified CSS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="css">Css.</param>
        public static Dictionary<string, TextStyleParameters> Parse(string css)
            var parser = new CssParser ();
            var rules = parser.ParseAll (css);

            var textStyles = new Dictionary<string, TextStyleParameters> ();

            foreach (var rule in rules) {
                foreach (var selector in rule.Selectors) {

                    // If it doesnt exist, create it
                    if (!textStyles.ContainsKey (selector))
                        textStyles [selector] = new TextStyleParameters (selector);

                    var curStyle = textStyles [selector];
                    ParseCSSRule (ref curStyle, rule);


            return textStyles;
 internal CssViewportRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Viewport, RuleNames.ViewPort, parser)
Exemple #20
        public void CssSheetInvalidStatementRulesetUnexpectedAtKeyword()
            var sheet = CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(@"p @here {color: red}");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.Rules.Length);
 internal CssSupportsRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Supports, parser)
     _condition = empty;
Exemple #22
        public void CssSheetInvalidStatementRulesetUnexpectedRightBrace()
            var sheet = CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(@"}} {{ - }}");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.Rules.Length);
 internal CssDocumentRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Document, parser)
 internal CssFontFaceRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.FontFace, RuleNames.FontFace, parser)
Exemple #25
 internal CssImportRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Import, parser)
     AppendChild(new MediaList(parser));
Exemple #26
 internal MediaList(CssParser parser)
     _parser = parser;
Exemple #27
 internal CssDocumentRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Document, parser)
     _conditions = new List <CssDocumentFunction>();
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the given html tag with all its attributes and styles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cssParser">used to parse CSS data</param>
        /// <param name="sb">the string builder to write html into</param>
        /// <param name="box">the css box with the html tag to write</param>
        /// <param name="styleGen">Controls the way styles are generated when html is generated</param>
        private static void WriteHtmlTag(CssParser cssParser, StringBuilder sb, CssBox box, HtmlGenerationStyle styleGen)
            sb.AppendFormat("<{0}", box.HtmlTag.Name);

            // collect all element style properties including from stylesheet
            var tagStyles   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var tagCssBlock = box.HtmlContainer.CssData.GetCssBlock(box.HtmlTag.Name);

            if (tagCssBlock != null)
                // TODO:a handle selectors
                foreach (var cssBlock in tagCssBlock)
                    foreach (var prop in cssBlock.Properties)
                        tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;

            if (box.HtmlTag.HasAttributes())
                sb.Append(" ");
                foreach (var att in box.HtmlTag.Attributes)
                    // handle image tags by inserting the image using base64 data
                    if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && att.Key == HtmlConstants.Style)
                        // if inline style add the styles to the collection
                        var block = cssParser.ParseCssBlock(box.HtmlTag.Name, box.HtmlTag.TryGetAttribute("style"));
                        foreach (var prop in block.Properties)
                            tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
                    else if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && att.Key == HtmlConstants.Class)
                        // if inline style convert the style class to actual properties and add to collection
                        var cssBlocks = box.HtmlContainer.CssData.GetCssBlock("." + att.Value);
                        if (cssBlocks != null)
                            // TODO:a handle selectors
                            foreach (var cssBlock in cssBlocks)
                                foreach (var prop in cssBlock.Properties)
                                    tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0}=\"{1}\" ", att.Key, att.Value);

                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

            // if inline style insert the style tag with all collected style properties
            if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && tagStyles.Count > 0)
                var cleanTagStyles = StripDefaultStyles(box, tagStyles);
                if (cleanTagStyles.Count > 0)
                    sb.Append(" style=\"");
                    foreach (var style in cleanTagStyles)
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}; ", style.Key, style.Value);
                    sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

            sb.AppendFormat("{0}>", box.HtmlTag.IsSingle ? "/" : "");
Exemple #29
 public void Setup()
     CssParser.defaultCssNamespace = "XamlCSS.Tests.Dom, XamlCSS.Tests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null";
     defaultStyleSheet             = CssParser.Parse(@"@namespace ui ""XamlCSS.Tests.Dom, XamlCSS.Tests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"";");
Exemple #30
        public void TestTokenize()
            var tokens = CssParser.Tokenize(test1).ToList();

            Assert.Contains(new CssToken(CssTokenType.Identifier, "red"), tokens);
 internal CssDeclarationRule(CssRuleType type, String name, CssParser parser)
     : base(type, parser)
     _name = name;
Exemple #32
 internal CssGroupingRule(CssRuleType type, CssParser parser)
     : base(type, parser)
     _rules = new CssRuleList(this);
Exemple #33
 internal CssMediaRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Media, parser)
     AppendChild(new MediaList(parser));
Exemple #34
        static void CreateCssSelectorTest(String url, List <String> methods)
            Console.Write("Loading " + url + " ... ");
            var client = new HttpClient();
            var result = client.GetAsync(url).Result;
            var source = result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;

            IDocument html = null;

            try { html = DocumentBuilder.Html(source); }
            catch { Console.WriteLine("error!!!"); return; }

            var title     = Sanatize(html.GetElementsByTagName("title")[0].TextContent);
            var content   = html.GetElementsByTagName("content")[0].InnerHtml.Trim().Replace("\"", "\"\"");
            var css       = html.GetElementsByTagName("css")[0].TextContent;
            var sheet     = CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(css);
            var selectors = new StringBuilder();
            var i         = 1;

            if (methods.Contains(title))
                var ltr = 'A';

                while (methods.Contains(title + ltr.ToString()))
                    ltr = (Char)((int)ltr + 1);

                title += ltr.ToString();

            foreach (var rule in sheet.Rules)
                if (rule is ICssStyleRule)
	        var selectorINDEX = doc.QuerySelectorAll(""SELECTOR"");
	        Assert.AreEqual(0, selectorINDEX.Length);"
                                     .Replace("SELECTOR", ((ICssStyleRule)rule).SelectorText)
                                     .Replace("INDEX", i.ToString()));

            File.AppendAllText("test.cs", @"
        /// <summary>
        /// Test taken from URL
        /// </summary>
        public void TITLE()
	        var source = @""HTML"";
	        var doc = DocumentBuilder.Html(source);
                               .Replace("URL", url)
                               .Replace("TITLE", title)
                               .Replace("HTML", content)
                               .Replace("SELECTORS", selectors.ToString())
Exemple #35
 public CssUnknownRule(String name, CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Unknown, parser)
     _name = name;
Exemple #36
 internal CssRule(CssRuleType type, CssParser parser)
     _type   = type;
     _parser = parser;
Exemple #37
        private IEnumerable <CssSourceMapNode> ProcessGeneratedMaps(string cssfileContents)
            ParseItem      item       = null;
            Selector       selector   = null;
            StyleSheet     styleSheet = null;
            SimpleSelector simple     = null;
            int            start;
            var            parser = new CssParser();
            var            result = new List <CssSourceMapNode>();

            styleSheet = parser.Parse(cssfileContents, false);

            foreach (var node in MapNodes)
                start  = cssfileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.GeneratedLine);
                start += node.GeneratedColumn;

                item = styleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                if (item == null)

                selector = item.FindType <Selector>();

                if (selector == null)

                var depth = node.OriginalSelector.TreeDepth / 2;

                if (depth < selector.SimpleSelectors.Count)
                    simple = selector.SimpleSelectors.First();

                    if (simple == null)
                        simple = item.Parent != null?item.Parent.FindType <SimpleSelector>() : null;

                    if (simple == null)

                    var selectorText = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int i = 0; i < node.OriginalSelector.SimpleSelectors.Count; i++)
                        if (simple == null)

                        selectorText.Append(simple.Text).Append(" ");

                        simple = simple.NextSibling as SimpleSelector;

                    StyleSheet sheet = parser.Parse(selectorText.ToString(), false);

                    if (sheet == null || !sheet.RuleSets.Any() || !sheet.RuleSets.First().Selectors.Any())

                    selector = sheet.RuleSets.First().Selectors.First() as Selector;

                    if (selector == null)

                node.GeneratedSelector = selector;


 public CssCharsetState(CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssParser parser)
     : base(tokenizer, parser)
Exemple #39
        public void CssSheetInvalidStatementRulesetUnexpectedRightParenthesis()
            var sheet = CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(@") ( {} ) p {color: red }");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.Rules.Length);
Exemple #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new CSS condition rule.
 /// </summary>
 internal CssConditionRule(CssRuleType type, CssParser parser)
     : base(type, parser)
Exemple #41
        public void CssSheetInvalidStatementAtRuleUnexpectedAtKeyword()
            var sheet = CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(@"@foo @bar;");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sheet.Rules.Length);
 internal CssSupportsRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Supports, parser)
     _condition = empty;
Exemple #43
 internal CssFontFaceRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.FontFace, RuleNames.FontFace, parser)
Exemple #44
        public static void StyleFromSource(CSSStyleSheet sheet, String source)
            var parser = new CssParser(sheet, source);

Exemple #45
 internal CssKeyframeRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Keyframe, parser)
     AppendChild(new CssStyleDeclaration(this));
        // A very ugly hack for a very ugly bug: https://github.com/hcatlin/libsass/issues/324
        // Remove this and its caller in previous method, when it is fixed in original repo
        // and https://github.com/andrew/node-sass/ is released with the fix.
        // Overwriting all positions belonging to original/source file.
        private IEnumerable<CssSourceMapNode> CorrectionsForScss(string cssFileContents)
            // Sort collection for generated file.
            var sortedForGenerated = MapNodes.OrderBy(x => x.GeneratedLine)
                                             .ThenBy(x => x.GeneratedColumn)

            ParseItem item = null;
            Selector selector = null;
            SimpleSelector simple = null;
            StyleSheet styleSheet = null, cssStyleSheet = null;
            int start = 0, indexInCollection, targetDepth;
            string fileContents = null, simpleText = "";
            var result = new List<CssSourceMapNode>();
            var contentCollection = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // So we don't have to read file for each map item.
            var parser = new CssParser();

            cssStyleSheet = parser.Parse(cssFileContents, false);

            foreach (var node in MapNodes)
                // Cache source file contents.
                if (!contentCollection.ContainsKey(node.SourceFilePath))
                    if (!File.Exists(node.SourceFilePath)) // Lets say someone deleted the reference file.

                    fileContents = File.ReadAllText(node.SourceFilePath);

                    contentCollection.Add(node.SourceFilePath, fileContents);

                    styleSheet = _parser.Parse(fileContents, false);

                start = cssFileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.GeneratedLine);
                start += node.GeneratedColumn;

                item = cssStyleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                if (item == null)

                selector = item.FindType<Selector>();
                simple = item.FindType<SimpleSelector>();

                if (selector == null || simple == null)

                simpleText = simple.Text;

                indexInCollection = sortedForGenerated.FindIndex(e => e.Equals(node));//sortedForGenerated.IndexOf(node);

                targetDepth = 0;

                for (int i = indexInCollection;
                     i >= 0 && node.GeneratedLine == sortedForGenerated[i].GeneratedLine;
                     targetDepth++, --i) ;

                start = fileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.OriginalLine);
                start += node.OriginalColumn;

                item = styleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                while (item.TreeDepth > targetDepth)
                    item = item.Parent;

                // selector = item.FindType<RuleSet>().Selectors.First();

                RuleSet rule;
                ScssRuleBlock scssRuleBlock = item as ScssRuleBlock;

                if (scssRuleBlock == null)
                    rule = item as RuleSet;
                    rule = scssRuleBlock.RuleSets.First();

                // Because even on the same TreeDepth, there may be mulitple ruleblocks
                // and the selector names may include & or other symbols which are diff
                // fromt he generated counterpart, here is the guess work
                item = rule.Children.FirstOrDefault(r => r is Selector && r.Text.Trim() == simpleText) as Selector;

                selector = item == null ? null : item as Selector;

                if (selector == null)
                    // One more try; dive deep and sniff then skip.
                    var items = rule.Children.Where(r => r is RuleBlock)
                                             .SelectMany(r => (r as RuleBlock).Children
                                             .Where(s => s is RuleSet)
                                             .Select(s => (s as RuleSet).Selectors.FirstOrDefault(sel => sel.Text.Trim() == simpleText)));
                    selector = items.Any() ? items.First() : null;

                    if (selector == null)

                node.OriginalLine = fileContents.Substring(0, selector.Start).Count(s => s == '\n');
                node.OriginalColumn = fileContents.GetLineColumn(selector.Start, node.OriginalLine);


            return result;
Exemple #47
 internal CssSupportsRule(CssParser parser)
     : base(CssRuleType.Supports, parser)
Exemple #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the given html tag with all its attributes and styles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb">the string builder to write html into</param>
        /// <param name="box">the css box with the html tag to write</param>
        /// <param name="indent">the indent to use for nice formating</param>
        /// <param name="styleGen">Controls the way styles are generated when html is generated</param>
        private static void WriteHtmlTag(StringBuilder sb, CssBox box, int indent, HtmlGenerationStyle styleGen)
            sb.Append(new string(' ', indent * 4));
            sb.AppendFormat("<{0}", box.HtmlTag.Name);

            // collect all element style properties incliding from stylesheet
            var tagStyles = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            IEnumerable <CssBlock> tagCssBlock = box.HtmlContainer.CssData.GetCssBlock(box.HtmlTag.Name);

            if (tagCssBlock != null)
                // atodo: handle selectors
                foreach (CssBlock cssBlock in tagCssBlock)
                    foreach (var prop in cssBlock.Properties)
                        tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;

            if (box.HtmlTag.HasAttributes())
                sb.Append(" ");
                foreach (var att in box.HtmlTag.Attributes)
                    // handle image tags by inserting the image using base64 data
                    if (box.HtmlTag.Name == "img" && att.Key == "src" &&
                        (att.Value.StartsWith("property") || att.Value.StartsWith("method")))
                        Image img = ((CssBoxImage)box).Image;
                        if (img != null)
                            using (var buffer = new MemoryStream())
                                img.Save(buffer, ImageFormat.Png);
                                string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer.ToArray());
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0}=\"data:image/png;base64, {1}\" ", att.Key, base64);
                    else if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && att.Key == HtmlConstants.Style)
                        // if inline style add the styles to the collection
                        CssBlock block = CssParser.ParseCssBlock(box.HtmlTag.Name, box.HtmlTag.TryGetAttribute("style"));
                        foreach (var prop in block.Properties)
                            tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
                    else if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && att.Key == HtmlConstants.Class)
                        // if inline style convert the style class to actual properties and add to collection
                        IEnumerable <CssBlock> cssBlocks = box.HtmlContainer.CssData.GetCssBlock("." + att.Value);
                        if (cssBlocks != null)
                            // atodo: handle selectors
                            foreach (CssBlock cssBlock in cssBlocks)
                                foreach (var prop in cssBlock.Properties)
                                    tagStyles[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0}=\"{1}\" ", att.Key, att.Value);

                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

            // if inline style insert the style tag with all collected style properties
            if (styleGen == HtmlGenerationStyle.Inline && tagStyles.Count > 0)
                sb.Append(" style=\"");
                foreach (var style in tagStyles)
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}; ", style.Key, style.Value);
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

            sb.AppendFormat("{0}>", box.HtmlTag.IsSingle ? "/" : "");
Exemple #49
 public CssBuilder(CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssParser parser)
     _tokenizer = tokenizer;
     _parser = parser;
Exemple #50
        static ICssStyleSheet ParseStyleSheet(String source)
            var parser = new CssParser();

 public CssKeyframesState(CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssParser parser)
     : base(tokenizer, parser)
Exemple #52
        public static ICssStyleSheet ToCssStylesheet(this String sourceCode, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            var parser = new CssParser(configuration);

 public CssMediaState(CssTokenizer tokenizer, CssParser parser)
     : base(tokenizer, parser)
Exemple #54
        public static ICssStyleSheet ToCssStylesheet(this Stream content, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            var parser = new CssParser(configuration);

        private IEnumerable<CssSourceMapNode> ProcessGeneratedMaps(string fileContents)
            ParseItem item = null;
            Selector selector = null;
            StyleSheet styleSheet = null;
            SimpleSelector simple = null;
            int start;
            var parser = new CssParser();
            var result = new List<CssSourceMapNode>();

            styleSheet = parser.Parse(fileContents, false);

            foreach (var node in MapNodes)
                start = fileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.GeneratedLine);
                start += node.GeneratedColumn;

                item = styleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                if (item == null)

                selector = item.FindType<Selector>();

                if (selector == null)

                var depth = node.OriginalSelector.TreeDepth / 2;

                if (depth < selector.SimpleSelectors.Count)
                    simple = selector.SimpleSelectors.First();

                    if (simple == null)
                        simple = item.Parent != null ? item.Parent.FindType<SimpleSelector>() : null;

                    if (simple == null)

                    var selectorText = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int i = 0; i < node.OriginalSelector.SimpleSelectors.Count; i++)
                        selectorText.Append(simple.Text).Append(" ");

                        if (simple.NextSibling == null)

                        simple = simple.NextSibling as SimpleSelector;

                    selector = parser.Parse(selectorText.ToString(), false).RuleSets.First().Selectors.First() as Selector;

                    if (selector == null)

                node.GeneratedSelector = selector;


            return result;
Exemple #56
        // A very ugly hack for a very ugly bug: https://github.com/hcatlin/libsass/issues/324
        // Remove this and its caller in previous method, when it is fixed in original repo
        // and https://github.com/andrew/node-sass/ is released with the fix.
        // Overwriting all positions belonging to original/source file.
        private async Task <IEnumerable <CssSourceMapNode> > CorrectionsForScss(string cssFileContents)
            // Sort collection for generated file.
            var sortedForGenerated = MapNodes.OrderBy(x => x.GeneratedLine)
                                     .ThenBy(x => x.GeneratedColumn)

            ParseItem      item = null;
            Selector       selector = null;
            SimpleSelector simple = null;
            StyleSheet     styleSheet = null, cssStyleSheet = null;
            int            start = 0, indexInCollection, targetDepth;
            string         fileContents = null, simpleText = "";
            var            result            = new List <CssSourceMapNode>();
            var            contentCollection = new HashSet <string>(); // So we don't have to read file for each map item.
            var            parser            = new CssParser();

            cssStyleSheet = parser.Parse(cssFileContents, false);

            foreach (var node in MapNodes)
                // Cache source file contents.
                if (!contentCollection.Contains(node.SourceFilePath))
                    if (!File.Exists(node.SourceFilePath)) // Lets say someone deleted the reference file.

                    fileContents = await FileHelpers.ReadAllTextRetry(node.SourceFilePath);


                    styleSheet = _parser.Parse(fileContents, false);

                start  = cssFileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.GeneratedLine);
                start += node.GeneratedColumn;

                item = cssStyleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                if (item == null)

                selector = item.FindType <Selector>();
                simple   = item.FindType <SimpleSelector>();

                if (selector == null || simple == null)

                simpleText = simple.Text;

                indexInCollection = sortedForGenerated.FindIndex(e => e.Equals(node));//sortedForGenerated.IndexOf(node);

                targetDepth = 0;

                for (int i = indexInCollection;
                     i >= 0 && node.GeneratedLine == sortedForGenerated[i].GeneratedLine;
                     targetDepth++, --i)

                start  = fileContents.NthIndexOfCharInString('\n', node.OriginalLine);
                start += node.OriginalColumn;

                item = styleSheet.ItemAfterPosition(start);

                if (item == null)

                while (item.TreeDepth > targetDepth)
                    item = item.Parent;

                // selector = item.FindType<RuleSet>().Selectors.First();

                RuleSet       rule;
                ScssRuleBlock scssRuleBlock = item as ScssRuleBlock;

                rule = scssRuleBlock == null ? item as RuleSet : scssRuleBlock.RuleSets.FirstOrDefault();

                if (rule == null)

                // Because even on the same TreeDepth, there may be mulitple ruleblocks
                // and the selector names may include & or other symbols which are diff
                // fromt he generated counterpart, here is the guess work
                item = rule.Children.FirstOrDefault(r => r is Selector && r.Text.Trim() == simpleText) as Selector;

                selector = item == null ? null : item as Selector;

                if (selector == null)
                    // One more try: look for the selector in neighboring rule blocks then skip.
                    selector = rule.Children.Where(r => r is RuleBlock)
                               .SelectMany(r => (r as RuleBlock).Children
                                           .Where(s => s is RuleSet)
                                           .Select(s => (s as RuleSet).Selectors.FirstOrDefault(sel => sel.Text.Trim() == simpleText)))

                    if (selector == null)

                node.OriginalLine   = fileContents.Substring(0, selector.Start).Count(s => s == '\n');
                node.OriginalColumn = fileContents.GetLineColumn(selector.Start, node.OriginalLine);


        static public StyleSheet MakeStyleSheet(string text)
            CssParser parser = new CssParser();

            return(parser.Parse(text, insertComments: true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new keyframe rule into the current CSSKeyframesRule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rule">A string containing a keyframe in the same format as an entry of a @keyframes at-rule.</param>
        public void Add(String rule)
            var value = CssParser.ParseKeyframeRule(rule);

            _rules.Insert(value, _rules.Length, _ownerSheet, this);
Exemple #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new CSS condition rule.
        /// </summary>
        internal CssConditionRule (CssRuleType type, CssParser parser)
            : base(type, parser)
        public void TestParseCss()
            var styleSheet = CssParser.Parse(css);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, styleSheet.Rules.Count);