Exemple #1
        protected override Species CreateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Species> model)
            var species = new Species();

            this.UpdateEntityFromModel(model, ref species);

        protected override Breed CreateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Breed> model)
            var breed = new Breed();

            this.UpdateEntityFromModel(model, ref breed);

Exemple #3
 protected override void UpdateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Contact> model, ref Contact entity)
     // Whitelisting values that the user can provide
     entity.Name  = model.Entity.Name;
     entity.Email = model.Entity.Email;
     entity.Phone = model.Entity.Phone;
     entity.Type  = model.Entity.Type;
Exemple #4
        protected override Contact CreateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Contact> model)
            var contact = new Contact();

            this.UpdateEntityFromModel(model, ref contact);

        protected override Location CreateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Location> model)
            var location = new Location
                Type = model.Entity.Type // Type is only whitelisted during creation.

            this.UpdateEntityFromModel(model, ref location);

Exemple #6
        public virtual async Task <IActionResult> Edit(
            CrudCreateEditViewModel <EntityT> model,
            [FromServices] IAuthorizationService auth
            var isAuthed = await auth.AuthorizeAsync(this.User, this.Config.WritePolicy);

            if (!isAuthed.Succeeded)

            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                var result = await this.Crud.GetByIdAsync(this.GetEntityId(model.Entity));

                if (!result.Succeeded)
                    return(this.RedirectToAction("Index", new { error = result.GatherErrorMessages().FirstOrDefault() }));

                var dbEntity = result.Value;
                this.UpdateEntityFromModel(model, ref dbEntity);

                using (var workScope = this.UnitOfWork.Begin("Edit Entity"))
                    var updateResult = this.Crud.Update(dbEntity);
                    if (!updateResult.Succeeded)
                        workScope.Rollback("CreateAsync failed.");

                        foreach (var error in result.GatherErrorMessages())
                            this.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error);
                        return(this.View(this.Config.VIEW_CREATE_EDIT, model));


                    "Entity {Entity} updated by {User}",

            return(this.View(this.Config.VIEW_CREATE_EDIT, model));
        private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CrudCreateEditAsync <T>(string url, T entity, bool isCreate)
            where T : class
            var model = new CrudCreateEditViewModel <T>
                IsCreate = isCreate,
                Entity   = entity

            var codeToCheck = (isCreate)
                ? HttpStatusCode.Redirect // Test for redirect, since it should be going to an edit page, instead of erroring to the create page.
                : HttpStatusCode.OK;      // Test for going back to the same page.

            return(await this.PostEnsureStatusAsync(url, model.ToFormEncodedContent(), codeToCheck));
        protected override void UpdateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Location> model, ref Location entity)
            entity.Name = model.Entity.Name;

            // Whitelist changes.
            if (model.Entity.Holding != null && model.Entity.Type == LocationType.Holding)
                var left  = entity.Holding ?? new LocationHolding();
                var right = model.Entity.Holding;

                left.Address       = right.Address;
                left.GridReference = right.GridReference;
                left.HoldingNumber = right.HoldingNumber;
                left.OwnerId       = right.OwnerId;
                left.Postcode      = right.Postcode;
                left.Timestamp     = right.Timestamp;
                left.Location      = entity;

                entity.Holding = left;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates an instance of <typeparamref name="EntityT"/> from the given <paramref name="model"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The model to update the entity from.</param>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity to update.</param>
 protected abstract void UpdateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <EntityT> model, ref EntityT entity);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <typeparamref name="EntityT"/> from the given <paramref name="model"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The model to create the entity from.</param>
 /// <returns>The <typeparamref name="EntityT"/> create from <paramref name="model"/>.</returns>
 protected abstract EntityT CreateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <EntityT> model);
Exemple #11
 protected override void UpdateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Species> model, ref Species entity)
     entity.Name             = model.Entity.Name;
     entity.GestrationPeriod = model.Entity.GestrationPeriod;
 protected override void UpdateEntityFromModel(CrudCreateEditViewModel <Breed> model, ref Breed entity)
     entity.Name      = model.Entity.Name;
     entity.SpeciesId = model.Entity.SpeciesId;