public override void OnTick(BaseTilemap <CropTileData> tilemap, int x, int y)
            // Increment the age of the crop.
            CropTileData crop = tilemap[x, y];

            tilemap[x, y] = crop;

            // If the age is greater than or equal to the death age, unset the tile.
            if (crop.Age >= deathAge)
                tilemap.SetTile(x, y, tilemap.Tileset.EmptyTileName);
            // Otherwise; handle ageing the crop and spawning creatures.
                // Scale the plant.
                scalePlant(tilemap, x, y, crop);

                // If the age is greater than or equal to the mature age, spawn creatures.
                if (crop.Age >= matureAge)
                    CropTilemap cropTilemap = tilemap as CropTilemap;

                    // Spawn the amount of creatures for this plant.
                    for (int i = 0; i < creaturesPerTick; i++)
                        cropTilemap.CreatureManager.SpawnCreature(cropTilemap.GetCropSeed(x, y), creaturePrefab, x, y);
 private void scalePlant(BaseTilemap <CropTileData> tilemap, int x, int y, CropTileData crop)
     // Set the y scale of the plant so that it starts at 0 and is at maximum 1 when the plant is fully mature.
     // TODO: Multiple plant models for growth stages.
     tilemap.GetTileObject(x, y).transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, Mathf.Min((float)crop.Age / matureAge, 1), 1);