Exemple #1
        //Render:When your image has changed, call it
        public void Render(ICanvasResourceCreator creator, float scaleX, float scaleY, ICanvasImage image)
            //Scale :zoom up
            ScaleEffect effect = new ScaleEffect
                Source            = image,
                Scale             = new Vector2(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY),
                InterpolationMode = CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor,
            //Crop:So that it does not exceed the canvas boundary
            Rect       rect    = effect.GetBounds(creator);
            CropEffect effect2 = new CropEffect
                Source          = effect,
                SourceRectangle = new Rect(2, 2, rect.Width - 4, rect.Height - 4),

            this.OutPut = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect //Alpha
                Source = new EdgeDetectionEffect     //Edge
                    Amount = 1,
                    Source = effect2
Exemple #2
        // crop
        public SoftwareBitmap Crop(SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap, Rect bounds)
            if (softwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat != BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8)
                softwareBitmap = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(softwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8);

            var resourceCreator = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

            using (var canvasBitmap = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromSoftwareBitmap(resourceCreator, softwareBitmap))
                using (var canvasRenderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(resourceCreator, (float)bounds.Width, (float)bounds.Width, canvasBitmap.Dpi))
                    using (var drawingSession = canvasRenderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                        using (var cropEffect = new CropEffect())
                            using (var atlasEffect = new AtlasEffect())

                                cropEffect.SourceRectangle = bounds;
                                cropEffect.Source          = canvasBitmap;

                                atlasEffect.SourceRectangle = bounds;
                                atlasEffect.Source          = cropEffect;


                                return(SoftwareBitmap.CreateCopyFromBuffer(canvasRenderTarget.GetPixelBytes().AsBuffer(), BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, (int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Width, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied));
Exemple #3
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Tuple <Point, DavinciImage> > > ToTilesAsync(double tileWidth, double tileHight)
            var listResults = new List <Tuple <Point, DavinciImage> >();

            Size size;

            size = await GetSize(_source);

            var numberOfHorizontalTiles = (int)size.Width / tileWidth;
            var numberOfVerticalTiles   = (int)size.Height / tileHight;

            for (var y = 0; y < numberOfVerticalTiles; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < numberOfHorizontalTiles; x++)

                        var cropEffect = new CropEffect(_source)
                            CropArea = new Rect(x * tileWidth, y * tileHight, tileWidth, tileHight)
                        listResults.Add(new Tuple <Point, DavinciImage>(new Point(x, y), new DavinciImage(cropEffect)));
                    catch (Exception e)

Exemple #4
        public static SoftwareBitmap CropAndResize(this SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap, Rect bounds, float newWidth, float newHeight)
            var resourceCreator = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

            using (var canvasBitmap = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromSoftwareBitmap(resourceCreator, softwareBitmap))
                using (var canvasRenderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(resourceCreator, newWidth, newHeight, canvasBitmap.Dpi))
                    using (var drawingSession = canvasRenderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                        using (var scaleEffect = new ScaleEffect())
                            using (var cropEffect = new CropEffect())
                                using (var atlasEffect = new AtlasEffect())

                                    cropEffect.SourceRectangle = bounds;
                                    cropEffect.Source          = canvasBitmap;

                                    atlasEffect.SourceRectangle = bounds;
                                    atlasEffect.Source          = cropEffect;

                                    scaleEffect.Source = atlasEffect;
                                    scaleEffect.Scale  = new System.Numerics.Vector2(newWidth / (float)bounds.Width, newHeight / (float)bounds.Height);

                                    return(SoftwareBitmap.CreateCopyFromBuffer(canvasRenderTarget.GetPixelBytes().AsBuffer(), BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied));
        public CropEffectProcessor()
            Name         = "Crop Effect";
            m_cropEffect = new CropEffect();

            m_propertyDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, PropertyDescription>();
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Left", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Top", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Right", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Bottom", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));


        public CropEffectProcessor()
            Name = "Crop Effect";
            m_cropEffect = new CropEffect();

            m_propertyDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescription>();
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Left", new PropertyDescription(0,1.0, 0));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Top", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Right", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("Bottom", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));


Exemple #7
        private ICanvasImage CreateShadow()
            var renderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(canvas, 360, 150);

            using (var ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                ds.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));

                ds.DrawText("This text is drawn onto a rendertarget", 10, 10, Colors.White);
                ds.DrawText("with a different color per line,", 10, 40, Colors.Red);
                ds.DrawText("after which a drop shadow is", 10, 70, Colors.Green);
                ds.DrawText("generated using image effects.", 10, 100, Colors.Blue);

            var shadowEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new ShadowEffect
                    Source     = renderTarget,
                    BlurAmount = 2
                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(3, 3)

            var whiteBackground = new CropEffect
                Source = new ColorSourceEffect {
                    Color = Colors.White
                SourceRectangle = renderTarget.Bounds

            var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect
                Sources = { whiteBackground, shadowEffect, renderTarget }

            animationFunction = elapsedTime => { };

            currentEffectSize = renderTarget.Size.ToVector2();

Exemple #8
        public void SetEncodingProperties(VideoEncodingProperties encodingProperties, IDirect3DDevice device)
            canvasDevice = CanvasDevice.CreateFromDirect3D11Device(device, CanvasDebugLevel.None);
            numColumns   = (uint)(encodingProperties.Width / pixelsPerTile);
            numRows      = (uint)(encodingProperties.Height / pixelsPerTile);
            transforms   = new Transform2DEffect[numColumns, numRows];
            crops        = new CropEffect[numColumns, numRows];

            for (uint i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < numRows; j++)
                    crops[i, j] = new CropEffect();
                    crops[i, j].SourceRectangle = new Rect(i * pixelsPerTile, j * pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile);
                    transforms[i, j]            = new Transform2DEffect();
                    transforms[i, j].Source     = crops[i, j];
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper metohd that crop a SoftwareBitmap given a new bounding box
 /// </summary>
 private SoftwareBitmap CropSoftwareBitmap(SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap, float x, float y, float width, float height)
     using (var resourceCreator = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice())
         using (var canvasBitmap = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromSoftwareBitmap(resourceCreator, softwareBitmap))
             using (var canvasRenderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(resourceCreator, width, height, canvasBitmap.Dpi))
                 using (var drawingSession = canvasRenderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                     using (var cropEffect = new CropEffect())
                         cropEffect.Source = canvasBitmap;
                             new Rect(0.0, 0.0, width, height),
                             new Rect(x, y, width, height),
                         return(SoftwareBitmap.CreateCopyFromBuffer(canvasRenderTarget.GetPixelBytes().AsBuffer(), BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba8, (int)width, (int)height, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied));
        public void SetEncodingProperties(VideoEncodingProperties encodingProperties, IDirect3DDevice device)
            _canvasDevice = device != null?CanvasDevice.CreateFromDirect3D11Device(device) : CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

            _numColumns = (uint)(encodingProperties.Width / PixelsPerTile);
            _numRows    = (uint)(encodingProperties.Height / PixelsPerTile);
            _transforms = new Transform2DEffect[_numColumns, _numRows];
            _crops      = new CropEffect[_numColumns, _numRows];

            for (uint i = 0; i < _numColumns; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < _numRows; j++)
                    _crops[i, j] = new CropEffect();
                    _crops[i, j].SourceRectangle = new Rect(i * PixelsPerTile, j * PixelsPerTile, PixelsPerTile, PixelsPerTile);
                    _transforms[i, j]            = new Transform2DEffect();
                    _transforms[i, j].Source     = _crops[i, j];
Exemple #11
        public ICanvasImage Apply(ICanvasImage image)
            if (IsEnabled)
                var  originalImage = image;
                Rect?bounds        = null;

                // Apply all our effects in turn.
                foreach (var effect in Effects)
                    image = effect.Apply(image, ref bounds);

                // Mask so these effects only alter a specific region of the image?
                if (regionMask != null)
                    var selectedRegion = new CompositeEffect
                        Sources = { image, GetRegionMask() },
                        Mode    = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn

                    image = new CompositeEffect
                        Sources = { originalImage, selectedRegion }

                    if (bounds.HasValue)
                        image = new CropEffect
                            Source          = image,
                            SourceRectangle = bounds.Value

Exemple #12
        private ICanvasImage CreateCrop()
            var cropEffect = new CropEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            // Animation alters what area of the bitmap is selected.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                var w = 50 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 2) * 40;
                var h = 50 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 3) * 40;

                var range = bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() - new Vector2(w, h);

                var x = (Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 4) + 1) / 2 * range.X;
                var y = (Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 5) + 1) / 2 * range.Y;

                cropEffect.SourceRectangle = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

Exemple #13
        private IImageProvider Crop(BitmapImageSource overlayBitmapImageSource, ImageProviderInfo originalOverlayImageProviderInfo, int backgroundWidth, int backgroundHeight)
            IImageProvider imageProvider;

            int overlayWidth  = (int)overlayBitmapImageSource.Bitmap.Dimensions.Width;
            int overlayHeight = (int)overlayBitmapImageSource.Bitmap.Dimensions.Height;

            if (HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.None)
                int cropLeft   = 0;
                int cropTop    = 0;
                int cropWidth  = Math.Min(overlayWidth, (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Width);
                int cropHeight = Math.Min(overlayHeight, (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Height);

                if ((HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) &&
                    (overlayWidth < (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Width))
                    cropLeft   = Math.Abs(overlayWidth / 2 - backgroundWidth / 2);
                    cropWidth -= cropLeft * 2;

                if ((VerticalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) &&
                    (overlayHeight < (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Height))
                    cropTop     = Math.Abs(overlayHeight / 2 - backgroundHeight / 2);
                    cropHeight -= cropTop * 2;

                imageProvider = new CropEffect(new Rect(cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight));
                imageProvider = overlayBitmapImageSource;

Exemple #14
        public void Set(ICanvasResourceCreator rc, float sx, float sy, ICanvasImage ci)
            ScaleEffect se = new ScaleEffect
                Source            = ci,
                Scale             = new Vector2(1 / sx, 1 / sy),
                InterpolationMode = CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor,

            var        rect = se.GetBounds(rc);
            CropEffect sce  = new CropEffect
                Source          = se,
                SourceRectangle = new Rect(2, 2, rect.Width - 4, rect.Height - 4),

            CanvasCommandList ccl = new CanvasCommandList(rc);

            using (var ds = ccl.CreateDrawingSession())

            Image = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect   //亮度转不透明度
                Source = new EdgeDetectionEffect //边缘检测
                    Amount = 1,
                    Source = ccl
        private ICanvasImage CreateShadow()
            var renderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(canvas, 360, 150);

            using (var ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                ds.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));

                ds.DrawText("This text is drawn onto a rendertarget", 10, 10, Colors.White);
                ds.DrawText("with a different color per line,", 10, 40, Colors.Red);
                ds.DrawText("after which a drop shadow is", 10, 70, Colors.Green);
                ds.DrawText("generated using image effects.", 10, 100, Colors.Blue);

            var shadowEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new ShadowEffect
                    Source = renderTarget,
                    BlurAmount = 2
                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(3, 3)

            var whiteBackground = new CropEffect
                Source = new ColorSourceEffect { Color = Colors.White },
                SourceRectangle = renderTarget.Bounds

            var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect
                Sources = { whiteBackground, shadowEffect, renderTarget }

            animationFunction = elapsedTime => { };

            currentEffectSize = renderTarget.Size.ToVector2();

            return compositeEffect;
        private ICanvasImage CreateLuminanceToAlpha()
            var contrastAdjustedTiger = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,

                RedOffset = -3,
                GreenOffset = -3,
                BlueOffset = -3,

            var tigerAlpha = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = contrastAdjustedTiger

            var tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = tigerAlpha,
                RedOffset = 1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueOffset = 1,
                RedSlope = 0,
                GreenSlope = 0,
                BlueSlope = 0,

            var recombinedRgbAndAlpha = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb,
                Source2 = bitmapTiger,

            var movedTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = recombinedRgbAndAlpha

            const float turbulenceSize = 128;

            var backgroundImage = new CropEffect
                Source = new TileEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Octaves = 8,
                        Size = new Vector2(turbulenceSize),
                        Tileable = true
                    SourceRectangle= new Rect(0, 0, turbulenceSize, turbulenceSize)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect((bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * -0.5f).ToPoint(),
                                           (bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * 1.5f).ToPoint())

            var tigerOnBackground = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = movedTiger,
                Background = backgroundImage

            // Animation moves the alpha bitmap around, and alters color transfer settings to change how solid it is.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                contrastAdjustedTiger.RedSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.GreenSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.BlueSlope = ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.9) + 2) * 3;

                var dx = (float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50;
                var dy = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50;

                movedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(dx, dy);

            return tigerOnBackground;
        private ICanvasImage CreateCrop()
            var cropEffect = new CropEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            // Animation alters what area of the bitmap is selected.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                var w = 50 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 2) * 40;
                var h = 50 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 3) * 40;

                var range = bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() - new Vector2(w, h);

                var x = (Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 4) + 1) / 2 * range.X;
                var y = (Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 5) + 1) / 2 * range.Y;

                cropEffect.SourceRectangle = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

            return cropEffect;
Exemple #18
        public void SetEncodingProperties(VideoEncodingProperties encodingProperties, IDirect3DDevice device)
            canvasDevice = CanvasDevice.CreateFromDirect3D11Device(device);
            numColumns = (uint)(encodingProperties.Width / pixelsPerTile);
            numRows = (uint)(encodingProperties.Height / pixelsPerTile);
            transforms = new Transform2DEffect[numColumns, numRows];
            crops = new CropEffect[numColumns, numRows];

            for (uint i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < numRows; j++)
                    crops[i, j] = new CropEffect();
                    crops[i, j].SourceRectangle = new Rect(i * pixelsPerTile, j * pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile);
                    transforms[i, j] = new Transform2DEffect();
                    transforms[i, j].Source = crops[i, j];
Exemple #19
        private ICanvasImage CreateLuminanceToAlpha()
            var contrastAdjustedTiger = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,

                RedOffset   = -3,
                GreenOffset = -3,
                BlueOffset  = -3,

            var tigerAlpha = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = contrastAdjustedTiger

            var tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source      = tigerAlpha,
                RedOffset   = 1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueOffset  = 1,
                RedSlope    = 0,
                GreenSlope  = 0,
                BlueSlope   = 0,

            var recombinedRgbAndAlpha = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb,
                Source2 = bitmapTiger,

            var movedTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = recombinedRgbAndAlpha

            const float turbulenceSize = 128;

            var backgroundImage = new CropEffect
                Source = new TileEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Octaves  = 8,
                        Size     = new Vector2(turbulenceSize),
                        Tileable = true
                    SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, turbulenceSize, turbulenceSize)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect((bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * -0.5f).ToPoint(),
                                           (bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * 1.5f).ToPoint())

            var tigerOnBackground = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = movedTiger,
                Background = backgroundImage

            // Animation moves the alpha bitmap around, and alters color transfer settings to change how solid it is.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                contrastAdjustedTiger.RedSlope          =
                    contrastAdjustedTiger.GreenSlope    =
                        contrastAdjustedTiger.BlueSlope = ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.9) + 2) * 3;

                var dx = (float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50;
                var dy = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50;

                movedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(dx, dy);

Exemple #20
        public ICanvasImage Apply(ICanvasImage image)
            if (IsEnabled)
                var originalImage = image;
                Rect? bounds = null;

                // Apply all our effects in turn.
                foreach (var effect in Effects)
                    image = effect.Apply(image, ref bounds);

                // Mask so these effects only alter a specific region of the image?
                if (regionMask != null)
                    var selectedRegion = new CompositeEffect
                        Sources = { image, GetRegionMask() },
                        Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn

                    image = new CompositeEffect
                        Sources = { originalImage, selectedRegion }

                    if (bounds.HasValue)
                        image = new CropEffect
                            Source = image,
                            SourceRectangle = bounds.Value

            return image;
Exemple #21
        private void DrawBackImage(CanvasDrawingSession graphics, double scale)
            if (editimage != null)
                Rect des = GetImageDrawingRect();
                des.X      *= scale;
                des.Y      *= scale;
                des.Width  *= scale;
                des.Height *= scale;
                // 滤镜特效

                ICanvasImage image = GetBrightnessEffect(editimage);
                image = GetContrastEffect(image);
                image = GetSaturationEffect(image);
                image = GetSharpenEffect(image);
                image = GetBlurEffect(image);

                image = ApplyFilterTemplate(image);

                var width_scale  = editimage.Bounds.Width / des.Width;
                var height_scale = editimage.Bounds.Height / des.Height;
                if (cutok)
                    left          = (float)cutmanage.cutPointX;
                    top           = (float)cutmanage.cutPointY;
                    descut.X      = (cutmanage.cutPointX - des.X) * width_scale;
                    descut.Y      = (cutmanage.cutPointY - des.Y) * height_scale;
                    descut.Width  = cutmanage.cutWidth * width_scale;
                    descut.Height = cutmanage.cutHeight * height_scale;
                    cutok         = false;
                    cutmanage     = null;
                //des.Width = 100;
                //Vector2 vec = new Vector2();

                if (iscuted)
                    //graphics.DrawImage(_image, left,top,descut);

                    if (cuted)
                        //graphics.DrawImage(image, des, descut);
                        //image = new AtlasEffect { Source = image, SourceRectangle = descut };
                        image = new CropEffect {
                            Source = image, SourceRectangle = descut
                        //graphics.DrawImage(image, des, descut);
                        //image = new AtlasEffect { Source = image, SourceRectangle = descut };
                        image = new CropEffect {
                            Source = image, SourceRectangle = descut
                        cuted = true;
                //    graphics.DrawImage(image, des, editimage.Bounds);
                graphics.DrawImage(image, des, editimage.Bounds);
                //    image = new CropEffect { Source = image, SourceRectangle = new Rect(cutmanage.cutPointX, cutmanage.cutPointY, cutmanage.cutWidth, cutmanage.cutHeight) };
                //    //cutok = false;
                //    cutmanage = null;
                //graphics.DrawImage(image, des, editimage.Bounds);
        private IImageProvider Crop(BitmapImageSource overlayBitmapImageSource, ImageProviderInfo originalOverlayImageProviderInfo, int backgroundWidth, int backgroundHeight)
            IImageProvider imageProvider;

            int overlayWidth = (int)overlayBitmapImageSource.Bitmap.Dimensions.Width;
            int overlayHeight = (int)overlayBitmapImageSource.Bitmap.Dimensions.Height;

            if (HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.None)
                int cropLeft = 0;
                int cropTop = 0;
                int cropWidth = Math.Min(overlayWidth, (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Width);
                int cropHeight = Math.Min(overlayHeight, (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Height);

                if ((HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) &&
                    (overlayWidth < (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Width))
                    cropLeft = Math.Abs(overlayWidth / 2 - backgroundWidth / 2);
                    cropWidth -= cropLeft * 2;

                if ((VerticalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) &&
                    (overlayHeight < (int)originalOverlayImageProviderInfo.ImageSize.Height))
                    cropTop = Math.Abs(overlayHeight / 2 - backgroundHeight / 2);
                    cropHeight -= cropTop * 2;

                imageProvider = new CropEffect(new Rect(cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight));
                imageProvider = overlayBitmapImageSource;

            return imageProvider;