Exemple #1
        private void ProcessDistracted(bool isComplete = false)
            // processes the distracted event
            // when is complete is true, it means that we should return the distracted unit
            string message = "";

            if (isComplete)
                var distractedCrew = Crew.FirstOrDefault(c => c.State == CrewState.Distracted);
                if (distractedCrew == null)
                    // sometimes there might be an special scenario where you can't distract a crew member
                    message = "The distracted threat was discarded.  ";
                    _eventManager.Trigger("AppendMessage", new DefaultEvent(message));
                distractedCrew.State = CrewState.Returning;
                message = "A distracted crew member will be available on the next round. ";
                _eventManager.Trigger("AppendMessage", new DefaultEvent(message));

            // distract a crew mebmer, look in returning crew first
            CrewDie crew = null;

            if (ReturningCrewCount > 0)
                crew = Crew.First(c => c.State == CrewState.Returning);
            else if (AvailableCrewCount > 0)
                crew = Crew.First(c => c.State == CrewState.Available);
                message = "We have no returning or available crew to distract. ";
                _eventManager.Trigger("AppendMessage", new DefaultEvent(message));
            crew.State = CrewState.Distracted;
            message    = "One crew member is distracted and cannot be used until you send two medical crew on a mission to deal with the distracted  threat, or the threat die rolls a three or a four. ";
            _eventManager.Trigger("AppendMessage", new DefaultEvent(message));
Exemple #2
 public void ReturnCrewFromMission(CrewDie crew, Threat threat)
     crew.State       = CrewState.Returning;
     crew.MissionName = string.Empty;
     _eventManager.Trigger("RemoveCrewFromMission", new RemoveCrewFromMissionEvent(threat.Name, crew.Type));
Exemple #3
 public void SendCrewOnMission(CrewDie crew, Threat threat)
     threat.AwayMissions.First(a => a.Type == crew.Type && !a.IsAssigned).IsAssigned = true;
     crew.State       = CrewState.Mission;
     crew.MissionName = threat.Name;
Exemple #4
        public override SkillResponse HandleSyncRequest(AlexaRequestInformation <SkillRequest> information)
            var game = (Game)information.Context;

            if (!game.IsGameInProgress)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("You need to start a new game before sending your crew on a mission. Say new game to begin. ", "To start, say new game. ", information.SkillRequest.Session));

            var ship = game.Ship;

            if (ship.AvailableCrewCount < 1)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("We have no available crew to send on a mission. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // check if source crew type is available and present
            var    request     = (IntentRequest)information.SkillRequest.Request;
            string crewName    = request.Intent.Slots["Crew"].Value;
            bool   isCrewValid = Enum.TryParse(crewName.FirstCharToUpper(), out CrewType crewType);

            if (!isCrewValid)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{crewName} is not a valid crew type. Try the send crew on a mission command again and provide one of the following  types: Tactical, Medical, Engineering, Science, or Commander. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // valid crew provided, check if iti s available
            CrewDie crewDie = ship.Crew.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == crewType && c.State == CrewState.Available);

            if (crewDie == null)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{crewName} crew is not available. We have {ship.GetAvailableCrewAsString()}. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // if crew is commander and comms are offline, commander can't go on a mission
            if (crewDie.Type == CrewType.Commander && ship.ShipSystems["CommsOffline"])
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("Our comms are offline. We cannot use our commander crew until you send an engineer on a mission to fix the communication systems. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            if (crewDie.Type == CrewType.Engineering && ship.ShipSystems["EngineeringUnavailable"])
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("Our engineering crew is incapacitated from the panel explosion and cannot be used. Send a medical crew member on a mission to deal with the panel explosion. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // we have a valid available crew die to send on a mission
            // check the threat
            if (!game.ThreatManager.ExternalThreats.Any(t => t.HasMission) && !game.ThreatManager.InternalThreats.Any(t => t.HasMission))
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("There are no threats with missions at the moment. Use this command when you encounter threats with missions. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // check if enemy target is present
            string threatId = request.Intent.Slots["Threat"].GetSlotId();
            var    threat   = game.ThreatManager.ExternalThreats.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == threatId) as Threat;

            if (threat == null)
                // check internal threats
                threat = game.ThreatManager.InternalThreats.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == threatId) as Threat;
                if (threat == null)
                    string threatName = request.Intent.Slots["Threat"].Value;

                    return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{threatName} is not a valid target. Try sending your crew on a mission again and provide one of the following: {game.ThreatManager.GetThreatsAsString(true, true, true)}. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // we have a valid target, check if it has missions
            if (!threat.HasMission)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{threat.Name} cannot be dealt with by sending crew on a mission. Use this command again and provide one of the following: {game.ThreatManager.GetThreatsAsString(true, true, true)}. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // target has mission, check if we can assign this crew type
            // TODO: list the possible mission crew types for this threat in the response
            if (!threat.AwayMissions.Any(a => a.Type == crewDie.Type))
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"You cannot send {crewName} on a mission to deal with {threat.Name}. Try this command again and provide a different crew type. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // valid crew type for this threat selected
            // check if all the slots are filled for this type
            if (!threat.AwayMissions.Any(a => a.Type == crewDie.Type && !a.IsAssigned))
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"You have already assigned the required number of {crewName} crew to {threat.Name}. Try sending a different crew type on a mission to deal with this threat. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // check if science was sent on a mission while cosmic existentialism is active
            if (crewDie.Type == CrewType.Science && ship.ShipSystems["ScienceUnavailable"])
// science sent on mission while cosmic existentialism is active
// check if the mission is cosmic existentialism
                if (threat.Id != "CE")
                    return(ResponseCreator.Ask("Our science crew are having an existentialism crisis and are unavailable. Send a science crew on a mission to deal with cosmic existentialism to be able to use them again. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // we're good, assign this crew type to this threat
            ship.SendCrewOnMission(crewDie, threat);

            // check if mission complete and process cleanup
            if (game.ThreatManager.CheckIfMissionComplete(threat))
                game.Message += $"Mission complete! {threat.Name} is no longer a threat to our ship. ";
                game.Message += $"You sent one {crewName} crew on a mission to deal with the {threat.Name}. ";

            game.Message        += "Awaiting further orders, captain. ";
            game.RepeatMessage   = game.Message;
            game.RepromptMessage = "Waiting for further orders, captain. ";
            return(ResponseCreator.Ask(game.Message, game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
Exemple #5
        public override SkillResponse HandleSyncRequest(AlexaRequestInformation <SkillRequest> information)
            var game = (Game)information.Context;

            if (!game.IsGameInProgress)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("You need to start a new game before returning crew from a mission. Say new game to begin. ", "To start, say new game. ", information.SkillRequest.Session));

            var ship = game.Ship;

            if (ship.MissionCrewCount < 1)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("We currently do not have any crew members that are sent on a mission. You can use this command when you have crew members that are sent on missions. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // check if source crew type is available and present
            var    request     = (IntentRequest)information.SkillRequest.Request;
            string crewName    = request.Intent.Slots["Crew"].Value;
            bool   isCrewValid = Enum.TryParse(crewName.FirstCharToUpper(), out CrewType crewType);

            if (!isCrewValid)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{crewName} is not a valid crew type. Try the send crew on a mission command again and provide one of the following  types: Tactical, Medical, Engineering, Science, or Commander. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // valid crew provided, check if iti s on a mission

            // check the threat
            if (game.ThreatManager.ExternalThreats.Count < 1 && game.ThreatManager.InternalThreats.Count < 1)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask("There are no threats at the moment. This shouldn't have happened, please report this to the developer. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // check if enemy target is present
            string threatId = request.Intent.Slots["Threat"].GetSlotId();
            var    threat   = game.ThreatManager.ExternalThreats.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == threatId) as Threat;

            if (threat == null)
                // check internal threats
                threat = game.ThreatManager.InternalThreats.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == threatId) as Threat;
                if (threat == null)
                    string threatName = request.Intent.Slots["Threat"].Value;
                    // TODO: Show threats with missions only.
                    return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{threatName} is not a valid target. Try the return crew from a mission command again and provide a different target. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // we have a valid target, check if it has missions
            if (!threat.HasMission)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"{threat.Name} is not a valid threat. Try the return crew from a mission command again and provide a different threat. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));
            // target has mission, check if we can assign this crew type

            CrewDie crewDie = ship.Crew.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == crewType && c.State == CrewState.Mission && c.MissionName == threat.Name);

            if (crewDie == null)
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"We do not have any {crewName} crew assigned on a mission to deal with {threat.Name}. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // check if all the slots are filled for this type
            if (!threat.AwayMissions.Any(a => a.Type == crewDie.Type && a.IsAssigned))
                return(ResponseCreator.Ask($"There are no {crewName} crew assigned to {threat.Name}. Use the return crew from mission command again and provide a valid crew type and threat. ", game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));

            // we're good, return crew from this threat
            ship.ReturnCrewFromMission(crewDie, threat);

            game.Message        += "Awaiting further orders, captain. ";
            game.RepeatMessage   = game.Message;
            game.RepromptMessage = "Waiting for further orders, captain. ";
            return(ResponseCreator.Ask(game.Message, game.RepromptMessage, information.SkillRequest.Session));