private void finishQuizBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Quiz myQuiz = CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuiz(); PrintQuizTemplates.PrintQuizController print = new PrintQuizTemplates.PrintQuizController(CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuiz()); MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.QuizTableAdapter quizTableAdapter = new MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.QuizTableAdapter(); quizTableAdapter.InsertNewQuiz(LoginStatusData.userID, myQuiz.GetCreationDate(), myQuiz.GetQuizTitle(), myQuiz.GetSubject_id()); //myQuiz.SetQuiz_id((int)quizTableAdapter.ReturnLastQuizId()); int quiz_id = (int)quizTableAdapter.ReturnLastQuizId(); MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.QuestionTableAdapter questionTableAdapter = new MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.QuestionTableAdapter(); MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.AnswerTableAdapter answerTableAdapter = new MultipleChoiceDataSetTableAdapters.AnswerTableAdapter(); foreach (Question q in myQuiz.getQuestions()) { //Console.WriteLine(quiz_id); questionTableAdapter.InsertQuery(q.GetQuestion(), q.GetCrDate(), q.GetUser_id(), q.GetSubject(), quiz_id); q.SetQuestion_id((int)questionTableAdapter.ReturnLastQuestionId()); foreach (Answer a in q.GetAnswers()) { answerTableAdapter.InsertNewAnswer(a.GetAnswer(), a.IsCorrect(), q.GetQuestion_id()); } } Controls.Clear(); }
private void SaveLastQuestion() { lastQuestionBool = true; List <Answer> ans = getAnswers(); Quiz myq = CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuiz(); lastQuestion = new Question(questionNameTextBox.Text, myq.GetUser_id(), myq.GetSubject_id(), myq.GetCreationDate()); foreach (Answer an in ans) { lastQuestion.AddAnswer(an); } }
//ορίζουμε την παρακάτω μέθοδο που καλείται όταν πατηθεί ένα από τα κουμπιά που μετακινούν τα panel private void movePanelsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ως tag ορίζουμε την κίνηση των panel που θα γίνει(τιμές που παίρνει: -5,5) panelPos = Convert.ToInt32(((Button)sender).Tag); //ξεχωρίζουμε τα button που κάλεσαν το event για περαιτέρω επεξεργασία(αποθήκευση τιμών κλπ) string name = ((Button)sender).Name; if (name.Equals("stepOneNextBtn")) { int s_id; try { s_id = (int)tagTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; } catch { s_id = 0; } if (quizNameTextBox.Text != "" && s_id > 0) { //αν είναι κενό το όνομα δεν συνεχίζεται CreateQuizControlHandler.SetQuiz(quizNameTextBox.Text, s_id, Login.Login.userID); SetEnabledPanels(1); } } else if (name.Equals("backBtn")) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete this QUIZ ?", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { CreateQuizControlHandler.SetQuiz(); currentQuestion = 0; NewEmptyQuestion(); CheckQuestionNum(); lastQuestion = new Question(); lastQuestionBool = false; SetEnabledPanels(0); } } else if (name.Equals("finishQuestionsBtn")) { if (FinishButton()) { SetEnabledPanels(2); } } else if (name.Equals("backBtn2")) { SetEnabledPanels(1); } }
public void prevQBtn_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentQuestion > CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests()) { SaveLastQuestion(); } else { CreateQuizControlHandler.ChangeQuestionIn(currentQuestion - 1, questionNameTextBox.Text, getAnswers()); } currentQuestion -= 1; CheckQuestionNum(); SetQuestionPanelVar(CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetQuestion(), CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); }
private void NewEmptyQuestion() { int allQ = CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests(); if (allQ <= currentQuestion) { if (currentQuestion != allQ) { CreateQuizControlHandler.AddNewQuestion(questionNameTextBox.Text, getAnswers()); } currentQuestion += 1; List <Answer> nullAns = new List <Answer>(); SetQuestionPanelVar("", nullAns, currentQuestion); } }
public void nextQBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int allQ = CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests(); CreateQuizControlHandler.ChangeQuestionIn(currentQuestion - 1, questionNameTextBox.Text, getAnswers()); currentQuestion += 1; CheckQuestionNum(); if (currentQuestion > allQ) { SetQuestionPanelVar(lastQuestion.GetQuestion(), lastQuestion.GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); } else { SetQuestionPanelVar(CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetQuestion(), CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); } }
public void deleteQBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int allQ = CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests(); if (allQ != 0) { if (allQ < currentQuestion) { lastQuestionBool = false; lastQuestion = new Question(); currentQuestion -= 1; } else { currentQuestion -= 1; CreateQuizControlHandler.RemoveQuestion(currentQuestion); } if (currentQuestion == 0) { currentQuestion = 1; if (allQ <= 1) { if (!lastQuestionBool) { List <Answer> nullAns = new List <Answer>(); SetQuestionPanelVar("", nullAns, 1); } else { SetQuestionPanelVar(lastQuestion.GetQuestion(), lastQuestion.GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); } } else { Console.WriteLine("asd"); SetQuestionPanelVar(CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetQuestion(), CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); } } else { SetQuestionPanelVar(CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetQuestion(), CreateQuizControlHandler.GetQuestion(currentQuestion - 1).GetAnswers(), currentQuestion); } CheckQuestionNum(); } }
private bool FinishButton() { int allQ = CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests(); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to finish this QUIZ ?", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (allQ < currentQuestion) { SaveLastQuestion(); List <Answer> ans = getAnswers(); if (ans.Count == 0 || !ListIsCompleted(getAnswers()) || questionNameTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please don't leave empty spaces"); return(false); } CreateQuizControlHandler.AddNewQuestion(lastQuestion.GetQuestion(), ans); } return(true); } else { return(true); } }
private void CheckQuestionNum() { Console.WriteLine(lastQuestionBool); int allQ = CreateQuizControlHandler.CountQuests(); Console.WriteLine(allQ + " " + currentQuestion); if (allQ == 0) { prevQuBtn.Enabled = false; nextQuBtn.Enabled = false; } else if (currentQuestion > allQ) { prevQuBtn.Enabled = true; nextQuBtn.Enabled = false; } else { if (currentQuestion == allQ) { nextQuBtn.Enabled = lastQuestionBool; } else { nextQuBtn.Enabled = true; } if (currentQuestion == 1) { prevQuBtn.Enabled = false; } else { prevQuBtn.Enabled = true; } } }