private void getOptSolnContent(CreateNetWork net)
     foreach (var pairing in OptSoln)
         string str = "";
         double T = 0, dis = 0;
         LR.TranslationCSP(pairing.Route, net, ref str, ref T, ref dis, 0, 0);
 public void InitCG(CreateNetWork net)
     num_task    = net.LineList.Count;
     RMP         = new Cplex();
     DvarSet     = new List <INumVar>(net.CrewList.Count);
     CoverMatrix = new List <int[]>();
     DualSet     = new double[num_task];
     constraints = new IRange[num_task];
     ColumnPool  = new List <Pairing>();
        public Summery(Lagrange lag, CreateNetWork net, double netConstructTime, double solveTime)
            for (int i = 0; i < lag.YUB.Count; i++)
                crew_schedule_content += "乘务交路" + (i + 1).ToString() + "为:" + lag.YUB[i] + "\n";

            //opt_lb_with = lag.BestLB;
            //opt_ub_with = lag.BestUB;
            opt_lb_with    = lag.BestLB_with_penalty;
            opt_ub_with    = lag.BestUB_with_penalty;
            opt_lb_without = lag.BestLB_without_penalty;
            opt_ub_without = lag.BestUB_without_penalty;

            gap_with    = (opt_ub_with - opt_lb_with) / opt_ub_with;
            gap_without = (opt_ub_without - opt_lb_without) / opt_ub_without;

            iteration_num      = lag.k;
            state_node_num     = net.T_S_S_NodeList.Count;
            state_arc_num      = net.T_S_S_ArcList.Count;
            dvar_num           = state_arc_num * lag.CrewCount;
            net_construct_time = netConstructTime;
            solve_time         = solveTime;
 public void InitLR(CreateNetWork net, int stepSize)
     LR = new Lagrange(net, stepSize);
        public void LR_and_CG(ref CreateNetWork net, int lr_iter_num)
            //1.initial solution
            LR.GenerateLRSoln(ref net, lr_iter_num);
            double lr_lb = LR.BestLB;
            double ub    = 0;


            //double real_LB = 0;
            //double real_UB = 0;

            #region //CG progress changed 20191026

            //for (; ; )
            //    try
            //    {
            //        RMP.Solve();
            //        //Console.WriteLine(GetRMPObjValue(LR.SortedPathSet));
            //        RMPObjValue = RMP.GetObjValue();
            //        Console.WriteLine("RMPOBJ:" + RMPObjValue);
            //        //3.get dual:v
            //        GetDuals();
            //    }
            //    catch (ILOG.Concert.Exception iloex)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(iloex.Message);
            //    }
            //    //4.renew LR multipliers u //2 way:1) u = a*v + u_best of last LR solve process
            //    double weight = 0.05;// 0.05;
            //    List<Line> lineList = net.LineList;
            //    List<T_S_S_Arc> taskArcSet = LR.type_arcPair[1];
            //    RenewLRMultipliers(ref lineList, ref taskArcSet, weight);

            //    real_LB = LR.BestLB;
            //    real_UB = LR.BestUB;
            //    foreach (var path in LR.LB_PathSet)
            //    {
            //        if (path.Route.Count <= 2)
            //        {
            //            real_LB -= path.Price;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    foreach (var path in LR.SortedPathSet)
            //    {
            //        if (path.Route.Count <= 2)
            //        {
            //            real_UB -= path.Price;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    Console.WriteLine("real_LB: {0} \t real_UB: {1}\n", real_LB, real_UB);
            //    //
            //    if (CheckTwoGAP(real_LB, real_UB, RMPObjValue) || num_iter >= 100)
            //    {
            //        //got best solution

            //        break;
            //    }
            //    //6.LR loop,either for some short path,not all Np numbers, or all Np short path
            //    //7.found no path with negetive reduced cost,then
            //    //renew LR multipliers by renew weight
            //    num_iter += 20;
            //    LR.GenerateLRSoln(ref net, num_iter);
            //    while (LR.SortedPathSet[0].Price >= 0 && weight < 1)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("!!!!");
            //        weight += 0.1;
            //        RenewLRMultipliers(ref lineList, ref taskArcSet, weight);
            //        num_iter += 20;
            //        LR.GenerateLRSoln(ref net, num_iter);
            //    }
            //    if (weight >= 1)
            //    {
            //        //got best solution
            //        break;
            //    }
            //    //8.if found path with negetive reduced cost,then
            //    //add to RMP
            //    AddColumnsToRMP(LR.SortedPathSet);
            //    AddColumnsToRMP(LR.LB_PathSet);


            IConversion mip = RMP.Conversion(DvarSet.ToArray(), NumVarType.Int);
            Console.WriteLine("MIP_OBJ:" + RMP.GetObjValue());

            int real_crew_num = 0;
            //ub = calLRUB_with_and_without_penalry(net.virtualRoutingCost, ref real_crew_num);
            Console.WriteLine("ub:" + ub);
            Console.WriteLine("real crew num:" + real_crew_num);

            //******stop when met stop-condition
            LR.BestUB = ub;