public ChargeServiceTests()
            _service         = new StartChargeService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _customerService = new StartCustomerService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _tokenService    = new StartTokenService("test_open_k_956a1de10dba98935041");

            _iPAddress   = "";
            _workingCard = new Card()
                Name        = "Abdullah Ahmed",
                Cvc         = 123,
                ExpireMonth = 12,
                ExpireYear  = 2020,
                Number      = "4242424242424242"

            _createTokenRequest = new CreateTokenRequest(_workingCard);

            _createChargeRequest = new CreateChargeRequest()
                Amount   = 10000,
                Currency = Currency.AED,
                Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                Ip       = _iPAddress
        public ChargeServiceTests(string _iPAddress)
            _service         = new StartChargeService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _customerService = new StartCustomerService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _tokenService    = new StartTokenService("test_open_k_3gfew76877gy689798hc86a4");
            _workingCard     = new Card()
                Name        = "Abdullah Ahmed",
                Cvc         = 123,
                ExpireMonth = 12,
                ExpireYear  = 2020,
                Number      = "4242424242424242"

            _createTokenRequest = new CreateTokenRequest()
                Number    = "4242424242424242",
                Exp_Month = 12,
                Exp_Year  = 2020,
                Cvc       = "123",
                Name      = "Abdullah Ahmed"
            _createChargeRequest = new CreateChargeRequest()
                Amount   = 10000,
                Currency = Currency.AED,
                Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                Ip       = _iPAddress
Exemple #3
            public async Task Validate_InputValidation(string idempotentKey, double amount, string currency, string description, string cardNumber, string cvv, int expiryMonth, int expiryYear)
                // Arrange

                var request = new CreateChargeRequest
                    IdempotentKey = idempotentKey,
                    Amount        = (decimal)amount,
                    Currency      = currency,
                    Description   = description,
                    CardNumber    = cardNumber,
                    Cvv           = cvv,
                    ExpiryMonth   = expiryMonth,
                    ExpiryYear    = expiryYear

                var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);

                using var content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                // Act

                using var response = await _client.PostAsync("api/charges", content);

                // Assert

                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode);
Exemple #4
            public async Task Request_With_Invalid_ApiKey_Returns_Unauthorized()
                // Arrange

                // Remove the ApiKey header so that auth fails.
                _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Api-Key", "invalid key");

                var request = new CreateChargeRequest
                    IdempotentKey = "111",
                    Amount        = 1.0m,
                    Currency      = "USD",
                    Description   = null,
                    CardNumber    = "1234567890123452",
                    Cvv           = "111",
                    ExpiryMonth   = 1,
                    ExpiryYear    = 2020

                var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);

                using var content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                // Act

                using var response = await _client.PostAsync("api/charges", content);

                // Assert

                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, response.StatusCode);
        public async Task <int> CreateChargeAsync(CreateChargeRequest chargeRequest)
            var charge = chargeRequest.ToDTO();
            await _chargeManager.InsertChargeAsync(charge).ConfigureAwait(false);

Exemple #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddCharge([FromRoute] int buildingId, [FromBody] CreateChargeRequest charge)
            charge.BuildingId = buildingId;
            var id = await _chargeApplicationService.CreateChargeAsync(charge);

Exemple #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] CreateChargeRequest request)
            // Note that explicitly checking ModelState is not required for controllers with the [ApiController]
            // attribute, so there is no code here for that here.

            var entity = new Charge
                IdempotentKey = request.IdempotentKey,
                CreatedOn     = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                Status        = ChargeStatus.Pending,
                Amount        = request.Amount,
                Currency      = request.Currency,
                Description   = request.Description,
                CardNumber    = request.CardNumber,
                Cvv           = request.Cvv,
                ExpiryMonth   = request.ExpiryMonth,
                ExpiryYear    = request.ExpiryYear


                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateException exception) when(exception.IsViolationOfUniqueIndex())
                // This handles the case where someone is double-posting a charge with the same IdempotentKey.

                _logger.LogWarning("A charge with idempotency key {IdempotentKey} attempted to double post.", request.IdempotentKey);

            var acquiringBankRequest = new AcquiringBankRequest
                Amount      = entity.Amount,
                Currency    = entity.Currency,
                CardNumber  = entity.CardNumber,
                Cvv         = entity.Cvv,
                ExpiryMonth = entity.ExpiryMonth,
                ExpiryYear  = entity.ExpiryYear

            var success = await _bank.TrySendAsync(acquiringBankRequest, out var bankChargeId);

            if (!success)
                _logger.LogError("The acquiring bank for charge id {Id} rejected the payment.", entity.Id);

            entity.Status       = success ? ChargeStatus.Success : ChargeStatus.Failed;
            entity.BankChargeId = bankChargeId;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var result = new GetChargeResponse(entity);

            return(CreatedAtAction("Get", new { id = entity.Id }, result));
        public BaseResponse <GetChargeResponse> CreateCharge(string idempotencyKey, CreateChargeRequest request)
            var method   = HttpMethod.Post;
            var endpoint = $"/charges";
            var headers  = this.GetIdempontecyAsHeader(idempotencyKey);

            return(this.HttpClientUtil.SendRequest <GetChargeResponse>(method, endpoint, request, null, headers));
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Charges the buyer using the ChargePermission generated by the MerchantScan call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chargeRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="headers"></param>
        /// <returns>AmazonPayResponse response</returns>
        public ChargeResponse Charge(CreateChargeRequest chargeRequest, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null)
            var chargeUri  = apiUrlBuilder.BuildFullApiPath(Constants.ApiServices.InStore, Constants.Resources.InStore.Charge);
            var apiRequest = new ApiRequest(chargeUri, HttpMethod.POST, chargeRequest, headers);
            var result     = CallAPI <ChargeResponse>(apiRequest);

Exemple #10
        public void ChargesCreateTest()
            // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
            CreateChargeRequest body = null;
            string idempotencyKey    = null;
            var    response          = instance.ChargesCreate(body, idempotencyKey);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Charge> (response, "response is Charge");
Exemple #11
        public static ChargeDTO ToDTO(this CreateChargeRequest chargeRequest)
            var dto = new ChargeDTO
                BuildingId = chargeRequest.BuildingId,
                From       = chargeRequest.From,
                To         = chargeRequest.To

Exemple #12
        public async Task ChargesCreateCreateWithCustomer()
            var request = new CreateChargeRequest {
                Amount   = 100000, // THB 1,000.00
                Currency = "THB",
                Customer = "cust_test_52ydv7e3ao0oqwjj97e",

            var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(request);

            Assert.AreEqual(100000, charge.Amount);
Exemple #13
        public async Task ChargesCreateCreateWithToken()
            var request = new CreateChargeRequest {
                Amount   = 100000, // THB 1,000.00
                Currency = "THB",
                Card     = "tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z",

            var charge = await Client.Charges.Create(request);

            Assert.AreEqual(100000, charge.Amount);
Exemple #14
            public async Task Charge_Written_To_Db_With_Bank_Status(bool bankReturnStatus, ChargeStatus expectedStatus)
                // Arrange

                var s = "bankChargeId";

                _bank.Setup(o => o.TrySendAsync(It.IsAny <AcquiringBankRequest>(), out s)).ReturnsAsync(bankReturnStatus);

                var request = new CreateChargeRequest
                    IdempotentKey = "111",
                    Amount        = 1.0m,
                    Currency      = "USD",
                    Description   = null,
                    CardNumber    = "1234567890123452",
                    Cvv           = "111",
                    ExpiryMonth   = 1,
                    ExpiryYear    = 2020

                var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);

                using var content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                // Act

                using var response = await _client.PostAsync("api/charges", content);

                // Assert

                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.StatusCode);

                using var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                var responseCharge = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <GetChargeResponse>(responseStream);

                var dbCharge = await _db.Charges.FindAsync(responseCharge.Id);


                Assert.AreEqual(request.IdempotentKey, dbCharge.IdempotentKey);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Amount, dbCharge.Amount);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Currency, dbCharge.Currency);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Description, dbCharge.Description);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.CardNumber, dbCharge.CardNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Cvv, dbCharge.Cvv);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.ExpiryMonth, dbCharge.ExpiryMonth);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.ExpiryYear, dbCharge.ExpiryYear);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedStatus, dbCharge.Status);
                Assert.AreEqual(s, dbCharge.BankChargeId);
Exemple #15
        public async Task <Charge> CreateAsync(CreateChargeRequest request)
            if (request is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));

            using var content = new JsonHttpContent <CreateChargeRequest>(request);

            using var response = await _client.PostAsync("api/charges", content).ConfigureAwait(false);

            using var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var result = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <Charge>(stream).ConfigureAwait(false);

Exemple #16
            public async Task Charge_Returned_When_Posted()
                // Arrange

                var request = new CreateChargeRequest
                    IdempotentKey = "111",
                    Amount        = 1.0m,
                    Currency      = "USD",
                    Description   = null,
                    CardNumber    = "1234567890123452",
                    Cvv           = "111",
                    ExpiryMonth   = 1,
                    ExpiryYear    = 2020

                var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);

                using var content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                // Act

                using var response = await _client.PostAsync("api/charges", content);

                // Assert

                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.StatusCode);

                using var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                var responseCharge = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <GetChargeResponse>(responseStream);

                Assert.AreEqual(request.IdempotentKey, responseCharge.IdempotentKey);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Amount, responseCharge.Amount);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Currency, responseCharge.Currency);
                Assert.AreEqual(request.Description, responseCharge.Description);
                Assert.AreEqual("************3452", responseCharge.CardNumber);

                var location = response.Headers.Location;

                Assert.AreEqual($"/api/charges?id={responseCharge.Id}", location.PathAndQuery);
        public void CanConvertToJsonFull()
            // arrange
            var chargePermissionId = "S02-7331650-8246451";
            var request            = new CreateChargeRequest(chargePermissionId, 12.99M, Currency.EUR);

            request.ProviderMetadata.ProviderReferenceId = "foo";
            request.SoftDescriptor = "foo";
            request.CaptureNow     = true;
            request.CanHandlePendingAuthorization = true;

            // act
            string json  = request.ToJson();
            string json2 = request.ToJson();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
            Assert.AreEqual("{\"chargePermissionId\":\"S02-7331650-8246451\",\"chargeAmount\":{\"amount\":12.99,\"currencyCode\":\"EUR\"},\"captureNow\":true,\"softDescriptor\":\"foo\",\"canHandlePendingAuthorization\":true,\"providerMetadata\":{\"providerReferenceId\":\"foo\"}}", json);
        internal static CreateChargeRequest BuildCreateChargeRequest(string paymentMethod = "credit_card", int amount = 100, bool capture = true)
            var request = new CreateChargeRequest();

            request.Amount   = amount;
            request.Code     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6);
            request.Customer = new CreateCustomerRequest()
                Name  = "Vitor de Andrade",
                Email = "*****@*****.**"
            request.Payment = new CreatePaymentRequest()
                PaymentMethod = paymentMethod,

            switch (paymentMethod)
            case "boleto":

            case "credit_card":
                request.Payment.CreditCard = new CreateCreditCardPaymentRequest()
                    CreditCardInfo = new CreateCreditCardRequest()
                        Number     = "4556604245849434",
                        HolderName = "VITOR DE ANDRADE",
                        Cvv        = "123",
                        ExpMonth   = 12,
                        ExpYear    = 21
                    StatementDescriptor = "STATEMENT TEST",
                    Installments        = 3,
                    Capture             = capture


        public void CanConstructWithAllPropertiesInitializedAsExpected()
            // arrange
            var chargePermissionId = "S02-7331650-8246451";

            // act
            var request = new CreateChargeRequest(chargePermissionId, 12.99M, Currency.EUR);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(12.99, request.ChargeAmount.Amount);
            Assert.AreEqual(Currency.EUR, request.ChargeAmount.CurrencyCode);
        public ChargeServiceTests()
            _service         = new StartChargeService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _customerService = new StartCustomerService("test_sec_k_8512e94e69d6a46c67ab2");
            _workingCard     = new Card()
                Name        = "Abdullah Ahmed",
                Cvc         = 123,
                ExpireMonth = 12,
                ExpireYear  = 2020,
                Number      = "4242424242424242"

            _createChargeRequest = new CreateChargeRequest()
                Amount   = 10000,
                Currency = Currency.AED,
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"
        public static CreateChargeResponse InvokeRestApi(string customerId, long amount, TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " INVOKE STRIPE");

            var createChargeRequest = new CreateChargeRequest();

            createChargeRequest.amount = amount;

            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            if (timeout != null)
                client.Timeout = timeout.Value;
            var httpResponse = client.PostAsync(STRIPE_CHARGE_URL, new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createChargeRequest), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result;


            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CreateChargeResponse>(httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result));
Exemple #22
        public IActionResult RetrievePayment([FromBody] CreateChargeRequest request)
            CreateChargeResponse response = new CreateChargeResponse();

            int waitTimeMillis = 0;

            if (slow)
                waitTimeMillis = random.Next(0, 60) * 1000;

            if (random.NextDouble() > 0.8d)
                response.errorCode = "Credit card expired";

            Console.WriteLine("Charge on credit card will take " + waitTimeMillis / 1000 + " seconds");
            response.transactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Exemple #23
        private async Task <Charge> ChargeCustomer(string omiseCustId, string omiseCardId, double amount, string urlComplete = null)
                var request = new CreateChargeRequest
                    Amount    = (long)(amount * 100),
                    Currency  = "THB",
                    Customer  = omiseCustId,
                    Card      = omiseCardId,
                    ReturnUri = urlComplete

                var charge = await client.Charges.Create(request);

            catch (Exception)
        internal static string CreateCharge(IMundiAPIClient client, CreateChargeRequest request)
                var response = client.Charges.CreateCharge(request);

                FileHelper.SaveResponse(response, $"CREATE{request.Payment.PaymentMethod.ToUpper()}CHARGE");

            catch (ErrorException e)
                FileHelper.SaveApiError(e, $"CREATE{request.Payment.PaymentMethod.ToUpper()}CHARGE");

            catch (Exception e)
                FileHelper.SaveException(e, $"CREATE{request.Payment.PaymentMethod.ToUpper()}CHARGE");

        public void CanConvertToJsonRecurring()
            // arrange
            var chargePermissionId = "S02-7331650-8246451";
            var request            = new CreateChargeRequest(chargePermissionId, 12.99M, Currency.EUR);

            request.ProviderMetadata.ProviderReferenceId = "foo1";
            request.SoftDescriptor = "foo2";
            request.CaptureNow     = true;
            request.CanHandlePendingAuthorization        = true;
            request.MerchantMetadata.MerchantReferenceId = "123abc!";
            request.MerchantMetadata.MerchantStoreName   = "My Store Name";
            request.MerchantMetadata.NoteToBuyer         = "My Note to Buyer";
            request.MerchantMetadata.CustomInformation   = "My Custom Info";

            // act
            string json  = request.ToJson();
            string json2 = request.ToJson();

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
            Assert.AreEqual("{\"chargePermissionId\":\"S02-7331650-8246451\",\"chargeAmount\":{\"amount\":12.99,\"currencyCode\":\"EUR\"},\"captureNow\":true,\"softDescriptor\":\"foo2\",\"canHandlePendingAuthorization\":true,\"providerMetadata\":{\"providerReferenceId\":\"foo1\"},\"merchantMetadata\":{\"merchantReferenceId\":\"123abc!\",\"merchantStoreName\":\"My Store Name\",\"noteToBuyer\":\"My Note to Buyer\",\"customInformation\":\"My Custom Info\"}}", json);
        public int Add(CreateChargeRequest request)
            int count = 0;

                bx_charge item = new bx_charge()
                    charge_type = request.ChargeType,
                    total_price = request.TotalPrice,
                    unit_price  = request.UnitPirce,
                    used_count  = 0,
                    agent       = request.Agent
                count = _chargeRepository.Add(item);
                logInfo.Info("创建消费用户成功:" + item.ToJson());
            catch (Exception ex)
                logError.Info("创建消费用户发生异常:" + ex.Source + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException);

Exemple #27
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateCharge([FromRoute] int chargeId, [FromRoute] int buildingId, [FromBody] CreateChargeRequest charge)
            charge.BuildingId = buildingId;
            await _chargeApplicationService.UpdateChargeAsync(chargeId, charge);

Exemple #28
        //a rotina é um timer de 100ms para monitorar a porta de comunicação (COM4) ao aguardo de uma TAG RFID.
        //Quando chegar um conjunto de 40bits for redebido nessa porta, tal informação será armazenada na variavel X1

        private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String x1 = "";

            if (serialPort1.IsOpen)
                comando.Connection = conn;      // parametro para banco de dados

                x1 = serialPort1.ReadExisting();

            //A rotina abaixo verifica se a variavel x1 recebeu a instrução da tag de 40bits atravez da porta COM4.
            //caso X1 ainda tenha o valor null continuará presa em um lopp aguardando TAG e essa tag será verificada novamente a cada
            //100ms devido ao timer implementado em "void Timer1_Tick"
            if (x1 != "")
                //Assim que for feita a leitura de uma TAG RFID na porta serial emulada a variavel X1 assume o valor dessa TAG, afim de que seja
                //realizado um select no bando de dados em busda id do cliente relacionado.

                comando.CommandText = "select id from pessoa where RFID = '" + x1 + "'";
                SqlDataReader dr = comando.ExecuteReader();
                var idcliente = Convert.ToString(dr["id"]);

                x1            = "";
                textBox1.Text = "";

                //A rotina abaixo realiza a consulta na base de dados da mundipagg, atravez do Id do cliente(carregada na variavel cachorrinho),
                //retornando os dados de nome, email,...
                string basicAuthUserName = "******";
                string basicAuthPassword = "";
                var    client            = new MundiAPIClient(basicAuthUserName, basicAuthPassword);
                var    response1         = client.Customers.GetCustomer(idcliente);
                textBox3.Text = response1.Name;
                textBox4.Text = response1.Email;
                textBox5.Text = response1.Type;

                comando.CommandText = "UPDATE pessoa SET email = '" + response1.Email + "', name = '" + response1.Name + "'   WHERE id  = '" + idcliente + "'";


                //a etapa abaixo sera de requeisitar dados do cartão passando o id do cliente.

                //aqui seria realizado a busca dos dados do cartão do cliente, mas nao consegui informação de como trabalhar com os dados
                //que receber dentro da String response2
                // var response2 = client.Customers.GetCards(idcliente);

                if (checkBox1.Checked)
                    var valor   = textBox8.Text;
                    var cart    = textBox9.Text;
                    var request = new CreateChargeRequest()

                        Amount = Convert.ToInt32(valor),

                        CustomerId = idcliente,

                        Payment = new CreatePaymentRequest()
                            PaymentMethod = "credit_card",

                            CreditCard = new CreateCreditCardPaymentRequest()
                                //colocar proteção de if
                                CardId = cart,
                                Card   = new CreateCardRequest
                                    Cvv = "353",

                        try {
                            var response = client.Charges.CreateCharge(request);
                            textBox6.Text     = response.Status;
                            textBox5.Text     = response.Id;
                            checkBox1.Checked = false;
                            MessageBox.Show("Esse Cartão não pertence ao cliente " + textBox3.Text + ". Por favor altere os dados");
        public ApiResponse <Charge> CreateCharge(CreateChargeRequest request)
            ApiResponse <Charge> response = SendApiRequest <CreateChargeRequest, Charge>(request);

 public async Task UpdateChargeAsync(int chargeId, CreateChargeRequest charge)
     await _chargeManager.UpdateChargeAsync(chargeId, charge.ToDTO());