Exemple #1
    public static ConstructGen<double> DoScaleWeights(ConstructGen<double> wts_, TraderArgs args_, Func<DateTime,double> getVolTargetForDate_)
      if (wts_.ColumnHeadings == null)
        wts_.ColumnHeadings = args_.Products.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

      var logReturns = args_.AllProductPrices(fillInGapsWithPrevious_: true).ToLogReturns(
        args_.Products.Select(x => x.Convention).ToArray());

      var scaledWts = new ConstructGen<double>(wts_.ColumnHeadings);

      foreach (var date in wts_.Dates)
        var wtArr = wts_.GetValues(date);

        for (int i = 0; i < wtArr.Length; ++i)
          if (double.IsInfinity(wtArr[i]))
            wtArr[i] = 0d;

        int indexOfDate = logReturns.FindIndexOfEffectiveDateOnDate(date);

        indexOfDate = (indexOfDate < 252) ? 252 : indexOfDate - 1; // note offset

        var subValues = logReturns.GetSubValues(logReturns.Dates[indexOfDate - 251], logReturns.Dates[indexOfDate]);

        var covArr = SI.Data.FXHistCovar.MatCovar(subValues.ToArray());

        var cov = new CovarianceItem(covArr);

        scaledWts.SetValues(date, cov.ScaleSeries(wtArr, getVolTargetForDate_(date)));

      return scaledWts;
Exemple #2
    private void buildCovariants(CovarianceItem cov_)

      int num = cov_.Data.GetLength(0);

      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
          m_variant.Add(new Variant()
            CcyI = i,
            CcyJ = j,
            Variance = cov_.Data[i, j]
    public void Ensure(DateTime[] orderedDates_, int windowLength_)
      // need to check if we have all of them already
      List<DateTime> missingDates = new List<DateTime>();

      foreach (DateTime d in orderedDates_)
        CacheKey k = new CacheKey(windowLength_, d);

        if (!m_list.ContainsKey(k))

      if (missingDates.Count == 0)

      // get the spots for a year before the first date
      DateTime startDate = missingDates[0].AddYears(-2);
      var allReturns = Singleton<FXSpots>.Instance.GetData(startDate, DateTime.Today).ToLogReturns(Singleton<FXIDs>.Instance.Select(x=>(double)x.Convention).ToArray());

      double[,] array;

      for (int i = 0; i < allReturns.Dates.Count; ++i)
        // do we want a covariance matrix for this date?
        if (!missingDates.Contains(allReturns.Dates[i]))

        // construct the array of returns over the window
        array = new double[windowLength_, allReturns.ArrayLength];

        for (int j = 0; j < windowLength_; ++j)
          var date = allReturns.Dates[i - windowLength_ + j];
          var values = allReturns.GetValues(date);
          for (int y = 0; y < array.GetLength(1); ++y)
            array[j, y] = (values[y]);

        double[,] covar = MatCovar(array);
        // calc the covariance matrix
        //NMathCore.DoubleMatrix m=NMathStats.StatsFunctions.CovarianceMatrix(new NMathCore.DoubleMatrix(array), NMathStats.BiasType.Biased);

        // store the value
        CacheKey key = new CacheKey(windowLength_, allReturns.Dates[i]);
        m_list[key] = new CovarianceItem(covar);

      if (missingDates.Contains(DateTime.Today))
        array = new double[windowLength_, allReturns.ArrayLength];

        for (int j = 0; j < windowLength_; ++j)
          var date = allReturns.Dates.Last();
          var values = allReturns.GetValues(date);
          for (int y = 0; y < values.Length; ++y)
            array[j, y] = values[y];
        double[,] covar = MatCovar(array);
        CacheKey key = new CacheKey(windowLength_, DateTime.Today);
        m_list[key] = new CovarianceItem(covar);

Exemple #4
    public static double[] weightFX(double[] input_, CovarianceItem covar_, TraderArgs args_,double targetVol_)
      double[] scaleThis = new double[covar_.ComponentIds.Count];
      int[] indices = new int[input_.Length];

      for (int i = 0; i < args_.Products.Count; ++i)
        indices[i] = covar_.ComponentIds.IndexOf(((ProductFX)args_.Products[i]).CoreProduct.ID);
        scaleThis[indices[i]] = input_[i];

      double[] scaled = covar_.ScaleSeries(scaleThis, targetVol_,args_.ScaleUsingDiagMatrix);

      // contrains weights?

      if (args_.WtConstraints != null && args_.WtConstraints.Enabled)
        bool cont = true;
        int iterationCount = 0;
        double tolerance = 0.05; // 5% tolerance on constraint
        int iterationMax = 100;

        while (cont && iterationCount < iterationMax)
          cont = false;
          double upperLimit = args_.WtConstraints.UpperConstraint + Math.Abs(args_.WtConstraints.UpperConstraint * tolerance);
          double lowerLimit = args_.WtConstraints.LowerConstraint - Math.Abs(args_.WtConstraints.LowerConstraint * tolerance);

          for (int i = 0; i < scaled.Length; ++i)
            if (scaled[i] < lowerLimit)
              scaled[i] = args_.WtConstraints.LowerConstraint;

            if (scaled[i] > upperLimit)
              scaled[i] = args_.WtConstraints.UpperConstraint;

          if (args_.WtConstraints.ReScale)
            scaled = covar_.ScaleSeries(scaled, targetVol_);
            cont = true;


      // reshape into length of input products...

      double[] ret = new double[input_.Length];

      for (int i = 0; i < input_.Length; ++i)
        ret[i] = scaled[indices[i]];

      return ret;
    public void Go()
      var allweights=new ConstructGen<WeightsLine>(Spreads.Length);

      // mark each of the individual spread weight entry/exit points in the construct - could well be different dates per spread...
      for(int i=0;i<Spreads.Length;++i)
        var wts = Spreads[i].GenerateWeights();

        foreach (var wt in wts)
          if (wt.EntryDate <= DateTime.Today) allweights.SetValue(wt.EntryDate, i, wt);
          if (wt.ExitDate <= DateTime.Today) allweights.SetValue(wt.ExitDate, i, wt);


      // on each date, note the positions that are carried over from an earlier trade on the same day, so that we have a
      // full picture of what is in play on that day
      WeightsLine[] prev = null;
      foreach (var date in allweights.Dates)
        var todays = allweights.GetValues(date);
        if (prev != null)
          for (int i = 0; i < todays.Length; ++i)
            if (prev[i] != null && todays[i]==null && date <= prev[i].ExitDate)
              todays[i] = prev[i];

        prev = todays;

      if (allweights.NeedsToSortKeys()) allweights.SortKeys();

      // go through each of the dates to generate a covariance and scale the positions 
      foreach (DateTime date in allweights.Keys)
        var arr = allweights.GetValues(date);

        // build up list of indicies that are live on the current date
        var liveIndicies = new List<int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
          if (arr[i] != null && arr[i].ExitDate > date)

        if (!liveIndicies.Any()) continue;

        var liveItems = liveIndicies.Select(x => arr[x]).ToArray();

        // for all live items form an array of recent returns over of length 'NumDaysForCovariance'
        var returns = new double[NumDaysForCovariance, liveIndicies.Count()];
        var rawSpreadWeights = new double[liveIndicies.Count()];

        for (int i = 0; i < liveIndicies.Count; ++i)
          var indexReturns = liveItems[i].GetAllSpreadReturns();

          // have prices been updated?
          if (indexReturns.LastDate < date)

          int indexOfDate = indexReturns.IndexOfElsePrevious(date);

          var slice = indexReturns.Data.Slice(indexOfDate - NumDaysForCovariance + 1, NumDaysForCovariance);
          rawSpreadWeights[i] = liveItems[i].SpreadWeight/Statistics.Stdev(slice);
          returns.SetColumn(i, slice);

        // buil the covariance
        var covar = new CovarianceItem(Utils.CalculateCovariance(returns));

        // vol bucketing
        var targetvol = liveItems.Length*0.02;

        // scale the weights
        var newwts = covar.ScaleSeries(rawSpreadWeights, targetvol);

        for (int i = 0; i < newwts.Length; ++i)
          liveItems[i].AddCombineWeight(date, newwts[i]);