protected void RegistrationSubmit_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string   name            = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name_Textbox.Text) ? "" : Name_Textbox.Text;
            string   email           = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Email_Textbox.Text) ? "" : Email_Textbox.Text;
            string   login           = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LoginName_Textbox.Text) ? "" : LoginName_Textbox.Text;
            string   reason          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Reason_Textbox.Text) ? "" : Reason_Textbox.Text;
            string   newOrReactivate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewOrReactivate_RadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Value) ? "" : NewOrReactivate_RadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Value;
            DateTime needDate        = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateNeeded_Textbox.Text, out needDate))
                needDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email) &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(login) &&
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason) &&
                //SaveRegistrationInformation(name, email, login, reason, newOrReactivate, needDate);
                CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
                int loginId;
                repo.SaveRegistrationData(name, email, login, reason, newOrReactivate, needDate, out loginId);

Exemple #2
        private void SectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            section = this.SectionComboBox.Text;
            CourseRegistrationRepository cr = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            this.IDComboBox.DataSource = cr.GetOnlyID(semester, ID, course, section);
        private void createbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseRegistration           c     = new CourseRegistration();
            CourseRepository             cRepo = new CourseRepository();
            CourseRegistrationRepository d     = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            CourseResultsRepository      rr    = new CourseResultsRepository();

            c.CourseId   = this.courseidtextBox.Text;
            c.CourseName = d.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).CourseName;

            c.Section   = d.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).Section;
            c.Semester  = d.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).Semester;
            c.AccountId = this.accountidtextBox.Text;
            c.Status    = "Confirmed";
            CourseRegistrationRepository cr    = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            CourseRepository             r     = new CourseRepository();
            AccountRepository            ar    = new AccountRepository();
            StudentBalanceRepository     sRepo = new StudentBalanceRepository();
            StudentBalance sb = new StudentBalance();

            sb.AccountId = this.accountidtextBox.Text;

                s = ar.GetAccountTypeShovon2(c.AccountId).AccountType;

            if (cr.CourseVerification2(c.CourseId) == this.courseidtextBox.Text && s == "Student" && cRepo.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).MaxStudent != cRepo.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).CurrentStudent)
                if (cr.DoubleIDRegistrationVerify(this.accountidtextBox.Text, this.courseidtextBox.Text).Contains(this.accountidtextBox.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Student Already In the Course ");
                    if (cr.Insert2(c) && rr.DoReg(c.AccountId, c.CourseId, c.Semester, c.Section, c.CourseName) && sRepo.UpdateStudentBalance(sb))
                        if (r.Increase2(c.CourseId))
                            MessageBox.Show("Error Current Student Not Increased");
                        MessageBox.Show("Error Inserting");
                MessageBox.Show("Error Course Or Student Verification");
        protected void Register_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string classIdAsString = RegisterClass_Textbox.Text;
            int    classId;

            if (int.TryParse(classIdAsString, out classId))
                if (RegisteredClassIds.Contains(classId))
                    Feedback_Label.Text     = "It appears you have already registered for that class.";
                    Feedback_Label.CssClass = "feedback-text-attention";
                    Student student = ((Student)Session["LoggedInUser"]);
                    CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
                    if (repo.RegisterClassForStudentId(classId, student.StudentId))
                        Feedback_Label.Text     = "Congrats! You have registered for the class.";
                        Feedback_Label.CssClass = "feedback-text-success";
                        Feedback_Label.Text     = "Something went wrong -- please try again later.";
                        Feedback_Label.CssClass = "feedback-text-attention";
                Feedback_Label.Text     = "Something went wrong -- Class ID needs to be a number.";
                Feedback_Label.CssClass = "feedback-text-attention";
        public async Task <ActionResult <Payment> > GenerateRegistration(
            [FromHeader] int idUser,
            int idCourse,
            [FromServices] CourseRegistrationRepository context,
            [FromServices] PaymentRepository paymentContext
            var payment = await paymentContext.VerifyPayments(idUser, idCourse);

            if (payment == null)
                return(NotFound(new { message = "Inscrição e pagamentos não encontrados" }));

            if (payment.PaymentsReceived > 0)
                await context.GenerateRegistration(idUser, idCourse);

                return(Ok(new { message = "Matrícula gerada com sucesso" }));
                return(BadRequest(new { message = "Realize um pagamento para gerar a matrícula." }));
Exemple #6
        private void SemesterComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            semester = this.SemesterComboBox.Text;
            CourseRegistrationRepository cr = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            this.CourseComboBox.DataSource = cr.GetOnlyCourses(semester, ID);
Exemple #7
        private void comboBoxSelectCourse_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string fullName    = comboBoxSelectCourse.Text;
            string nameCourse  = fullName.Remove(fullName.Length - 2, 2);
            string nameSection = comboBoxSelectCourse.Text;

            nameSection = "" + nameSection[fullName.Length - 1];
            //labelUserName.Text = nameCourse+"  "+ nameSection;

            CourseRegistrationRepository crr   = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <CourseRegistration>    cList = new List <CourseRegistration>();

            cList = crr.GetAllStudents(comboBoxSelectSemester.Text, nameCourse, nameSection);
            //List<CourseRegistration>mList=new List<CourseRegistration>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
            //    mList.Add(cList[i]);

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("Student Id", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Student Name", typeof(string));

            List <string> cTempList = new List <string>(cList.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
            //Account ac = new Account();
            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
                if (!cTempList.Contains(cList[i].AccountId))
                    AccountRepository ar = new AccountRepository();
                    Account           ac = ar.GetAccount(cList[i].AccountId);
                    //ac = new ar.GetAccount(cList[i].AccountId);
                    table.Rows.Add(cList[i].AccountId, ac.Name);

            //for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
            //    mList.Remove(cList[i]);
            //    if (!mList.Contains(cList[i]))
            //    {
            //        //AccountRepository ar = new AccountRepository();
            //        ////Account ac = new Account();
            //        //Account ac = new ar.GetAccount(cList[i].AccountId);
            //        table.Rows.Add(cList[i].AccountId, cList[i].);
            //    }

            dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
            dataGridView1.ReadOnly   = true;
            dataGridView1.Visible    = true;
        private List <Class> GetAllClasses()
            // TODO: Have this method called once per request. It's called three times.
            CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <Class> classes;

            repo.GetAllClasses(out classes);
        private void DropClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseRegistrationRepository cor = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            if (cor.DropCourse(ID, semester, courseName))
                MessageBox.Show("Dropping for this subject is Applied", "Done");
                MessageBox.Show("Dropping this subject is not possible", "Error");
        public async Task <ActionResult <dynamic> > ListRegistration(
            [FromHeader] int idUser,
            int idCourse,
            [FromServices] CourseRegistrationRepository context
            var registration = context.Get().CourseRegistration.Where(x => x.UserId == idUser && x.CourseId == idCourse);

            if (registration == null)
                return(NotFound(new { message = "Você não se matriculou nesse curso." }));

        private void viewbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseRegistrationRepository cr    = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            CourseRepository             cRepo = new CourseRepository();

            if (cr.CourseVerification2(this.courseidtextBox.Text) == this.courseidtextBox.Text)
                this.semestertextBox.Text = cRepo.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).Semester;
                this.sectiontextBox.Text  = cRepo.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).Section;
                this.coursetextBox.Text   = cRepo.GetCourse2(this.courseidtextBox.Text).Name;
                MessageBox.Show("No Course Found");
Exemple #12
        private List <Class> GetClassesByStudentId()
            // TODO: Have this method called once per request. It's called three times.
            if (Session["LoggedInUser"] == null)

            int studentId;

            studentId = ((Student)Session["LoggedInUser"]).StudentId;
            CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <Class> classes;

            repo.GetClassesByStudentId(studentId, out classes);
        private List <int> GetRegisteredClassIds()
            List <int> ids = new List <int>();
            int        loggedInStudentId;

            if (Session["LoggedInUser"] == null)

            Student student = ((Student)Session["LoggedInUser"]);

            loggedInStudentId = student.StudentId;

            CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            repo.GetRegisteredClassIds(loggedInStudentId, out ids);
Exemple #14
        protected void Login_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string login    = LoginName_Textbox.Text;
            string password = Password_Textbox.Text;
            int    id       = 0;

            CourseRegistrationRepository repo = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            if (repo.GetStudentIdFromLoginPassword(login, password, out id))
                var student = new Student();
                if (repo.GetStudentFromId(id, out student))
                    Session["LoggedInUser"] = student;

        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseRegistrationRepository r  = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            AccountRepository            ar = new AccountRepository();
            StudentBalanceRepository     sr = new StudentBalanceRepository();

            if (r.RoutineVerification2(this.accountidtextBox.Text, this.semestertextBox.Text))
                List <Course> aList  = r.GetAllCourse2(this.accountidtextBox.Text, this.semestertextBox.Text);
                string        q      = this.accountidtextBox.Text + this.semestertextBox.Text + "payment.pdf";
                FileStream    fs     = new FileStream(q, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
                Document      doc    = new Document();
                PdfWriter     writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs);
                Paragraph p = new Paragraph(this.accountidtextBox.Text);
                p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                Paragraph s = new Paragraph(this.semestertextBox.Text);
                s.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                Paragraph n = new Paragraph(ar.GetAccountTypeShovon2(this.accountidtextBox.Text).Name);
                n.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                foreach (Course c in aList)
                    Paragraph c1 = new Paragraph(c.Name + "    " + c.Schedule);
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Pay:" + sr.GetBalance(this.accountidtextBox.Text).ToString() + "Taka");

                MessageBox.Show("Payment Created");

                MessageBox.Show("Student Is Not Registered For This Semester");
        private void comboBoxSelectCourse_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            comboBoxSelectStudent.Text = "";

            buttonUploadQuizMark.Visible        = false;
            buttonUploadTermMark.Visible        = false;
            numericUpDownUploadQuizMark.Visible = false;
            numericUpDownUploadTermMark.Visible = false;
            buttonUploadQuiz.Visible            = false;
            buttonUploadTerm.Visible            = false;

            string fullName    = comboBoxSelectCourse.Text;
            string nameCourse  = fullName.Remove(fullName.Length - 2, 2);
            string nameSection = comboBoxSelectCourse.Text;

            nameSection = "" + nameSection[fullName.Length - 1];
            //labelUserName.Text = nameCourse+"  "+ nameSection;

            CourseRegistrationRepository crr   = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <CourseRegistration>    cList = new List <CourseRegistration>();

            cList = crr.GetAllStudents(comboBoxSelectSemester.Text, nameCourse, nameSection);
            List <string> cTempList = new List <string>(cList.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
                if (!cTempList.Contains(cList[i].AccountId))
                    AccountRepository ar = new AccountRepository();
                    Account           ac = ar.GetAccount(cList[i].AccountId);
                    comboBoxSelectStudent.Items.Add(ac.AccountId + "  " + ac.Name);
        private void DoneRegistrationClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string fullName   = CourseComboBox.Text;
            string nameCourse = fullName.Remove(fullName.Length - 2, 2);

            course  = nameCourse;
            section = CourseComboBox.Text;
            section = "" + section[fullName.Length - 1];

            List <Course>    cList = new List <Course>();
            CourseRepository cvr   = new CourseRepository();

            cList = cvr.GetCourseIdStudent(course, semester, section);

            string courseId = "";
            int    maxStudent = 0, currentStudent = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count(); i++)
                courseId       = cList[i].CourseId;
                maxStudent     = cList[i].MaxStudent;
                currentStudent = cList[i].CurrentStudent;

            CourseRegistrationRepository cdr = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            CourseResultsRepository      xdr = new CourseResultsRepository();
            bool yo = xdr.DoReg(ID, courseId, semester, section, course);

            if (cdr.DoRegistration(ID, courseId, semester, section, course))
                MessageBox.Show("Registration for this subject is Done", "Done");
                MessageBox.Show("Registration for this subject is not Possible", "Error");

            this.RegistrationLabel.Text += semester + ": " + course + " " + section + "\n";
Exemple #18
        //private void CourseInfo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'courseRegistrationTableDataSet.CourseRegTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
        //    this.courseRegTableTableAdapter.Fill(this.courseRegistrationTableDataSet.CourseRegTable);


        private void SemesterComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string semester = SemesterComboBox.Text;

            CourseRegistrationRepository crr   = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <CourseRegistration>    cList = new List <CourseRegistration>();

            cList = crr.GetAllCourseInfo(semester, ID);

            DataTable cTable = new DataTable();

            cTable.Columns.Add("Course ID", typeof(string));
            cTable.Columns.Add("Course Name", typeof(string));
            cTable.Columns.Add("Section", typeof(string));
            cTable.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < cList.Count; i++)
                cTable.Rows.Add(cList[i].CourseId, cList[i].CourseName, cList[i].Section, cList[i].Status);

            CourseInfoGridView.DataSource = cTable;
            CourseInfoGridView.ReadOnly   = true;
        private void refreshbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseRegistrationRepository cr = new CourseRegistrationRepository();

            this.dataGridView.DataSource = cr.GetAllCourses2();
        private void SemesterComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            semester = SemesterComboBox.Text;

            CourseRegistrationRepository gr    = new CourseRegistrationRepository();
            List <CourseRegistration>    gList = new List <CourseRegistration>();

            gList = gr.GetAllCourseInfo(semester, ID);
            if (gList.Count == 6)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;

                this.Course2Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course2Btn.Text    = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section;

                this.Course3Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course3Btn.Text    = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section;

                this.Course4Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course4Btn.Text    = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section;

                this.Course5Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course5Btn.Text    = gList[4].CourseName + " " + gList[4].Section;

                this.Course6Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course6Btn.Text    = gList[5].CourseName + " " + gList[5].Section;
            else if (gList.Count == 5)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;

                this.Course2Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course2Btn.Text    = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section;

                this.Course3Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course3Btn.Text    = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section;

                this.Course4Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course4Btn.Text    = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section;

                this.Course5Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course5Btn.Text    = gList[4].CourseName + " " + gList[4].Section;
            else if (gList.Count == 4)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;

                this.Course2Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course2Btn.Text    = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section;

                this.Course3Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course3Btn.Text    = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section;

                this.Course4Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course4Btn.Text    = gList[3].CourseName + " " + gList[3].Section;
            else if (gList.Count == 3)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;

                this.Course2Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course2Btn.Text    = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section;

                this.Course3Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course3Btn.Text    = gList[2].CourseName + " " + gList[2].Section;
            else if (gList.Count == 2)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;

                this.Course2Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course2Btn.Text    = gList[1].CourseName + " " + gList[1].Section;
            else if (gList.Count == 1)
                this.Course1Btn.Visible = true;
                this.Course1Btn.Text    = gList[0].CourseName + " " + gList[0].Section;