public WeatherData GetData(string city) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { var apiUrl = string.Format(Url, city, AppId, Units); try { var data = client.DownloadString(apiUrl); dynamic jsonData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data); string countryCode =; var weatherData = new WeatherData { City =, Country = CountryCodeConverter.ConvertTwoLetterCodeToName(countryCode), Temperature = jsonData.main.temp, TempratureMax = jsonData.main.temp_max, TemperatureMin = jsonData.main.temp_min, Conditions =[0].description, Humidity = jsonData.main.humidity, WindSpeed = jsonData.wind.speed }; return(weatherData); } catch { return(new WeatherData() { City = "Not found", Country = "Not found", Temperature = "Not found", TempratureMax = "Not found", TemperatureMin = "Not found", Conditions = "Not found", Humidity = "Not found", WindSpeed = "Not found" }); } } }
public static void DebugTest() { var inputpath = @"E:\SaaS\Input for debug code\city of mount juliet\Check Run 5-21-19"; var inputfile = File.ReadAllBytes(inputpath); var conversion = new PaymentPsTool(); var result = conversion.ProcessDataFile(inputfile); CountryCodeConverter.ConvertToThreeLetterISORegionName(""); File.WriteAllText(@"E:\SaaS\Input for debug code\city of mount juliet\Payment.txt", result.ToString()); //var inputpath = @"E:\SaaS\Input for debug code\city of mount juliet\CityofMountJuliet_Vendors.xlsx"; //var inputfile = File.ReadAllBytes(inputpath); //var conversion = new MasterDataPsTool(); //Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); //var result = conversion.ProcessDataFile(inputfile); //File.WriteAllText(@"E:\SaaS\Input for debug code\city of mount juliet\Master.txt", result.ToString()); }
public override string Format(string value) { return(CountryCodeConverter.ConvertToThreeLetterISORegionName(value)); }