Exemple #1
        public void GetCountryById()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OlympicGamesDBContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "GetCounutyByIdDB")

            var data = new List <Countries>()
                new Countries {
                    Id = 1, Name = "Country1"
                new Countries {
                    Id = 2, Name = "Country2"
                new Countries {
                    Id = 3, Name = "Country3"

            using (OlympicGamesDBContext context = new OlympicGamesDBContext(options))
                CountriesBusiness business = new CountriesBusiness(context);
                data.ToList().ForEach(t => context.Countries.Add(t));

                Countries c = business.GetCountryById(1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Id);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// "Calls" method "GetAllTowns" from TownsBusiness.
        /// Then it shows all towns in table Towns.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetAllTowns()
            Console.WriteLine("Towns: ");
            List <Towns> towns = townsBusiness.GetAllTowns();

            if (towns.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("There are no towns in the table!");
                Console.WriteLine("Id" + new string(' ', 4)
                                  + "Name" + new string(' ', 28) + "Country");
                Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 68));

                foreach (var town in towns)
                    var    country = countriesBusiness.GetCountryById(town.CountryId);
                    string output  = $"{town.Id}" + new string(' ', 6 - town.Id.ToString().Length)
                                     + $"{town.Name}" + new string(' ', 28 - town.Name.Length)
                                     + $"{country.Name}" + new string(' ', 34 - country.Name.Length);
                Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 68));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// After the user has inputed id, the program "Calls" method "GetCountryById" from CountriesBusiness.
        /// Shows the Country who has this id.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetCountryById()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Country Id to fetch: ");
            int       id      = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Countries country = countriesBusiness.GetCountryById(id);

            if (country != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"There is no country with id = {id} in the table!");