Exemple #1
        //save into file contour after process
        public static void FindContour(Bitmap img, CountourVariant variant)
            string imgExtension = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.Extension);
            string imgName      = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.FileName);
            string defPath      = GetImageInfo.MyPath("Contour");

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            image = ContourHelper(img, variant);

            string outName = defPath + imgName + variant.GetEnumDescription() + imgExtension;

            Helpers.SaveOptions(image, outName, imgExtension);
Exemple #2
        private static Bitmap ContourHelper(Bitmap img, CountourVariant variant)
            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            //arrays, where store color components result after operations
            int[,] resultR = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            int[,] resultG = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            int[,] resultB = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            bool type = true;

            //filtered values storage
            List <ArraysListDouble> filt = new List <ArraysListDouble>();

            //obtain color components. form 8bpp works too, but not recommended to use 8-bit .jpeg\tif\jpg images
            List <ArraysListInt> ColorList = Helpers.GetPixels(img);
            var    Red   = ColorList[0].Color;
            var    Green = ColorList[1].Color;
            var    Blue  = ColorList[2].Color;
            double Depth = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat);

            if (Depth == 8 || Checks.BlackandWhite24bppCheck(ColorList))
                type = false;

            //variants 1-4 black & white. Variants 5, 6 - colored
            if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant1_BW || variant == CountourVariant.Variant5_RGB || variant == CountourVariant.Variant2_BW)
                //using filter and array operations count RGB values in 2d dimentions x and y for variants with double
                if (!type)
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Red, "Sobel")
                    });                                                                                    //b&w x
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Red, "SobelT")
                    });                                                                                    //b&w y
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Red, "Sobel")
                    });                                                                                    //Rx
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Red, "SobelT")
                    });                                                                                    //Ry

                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Green, "Sobel")
                    });                                                                                      //Gx
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Green, "SobelT")
                    });                                                                                      //Gy

                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Blue, "Sobel")
                    });                                                                                     //Bx
                    filt.Add(new ArraysListDouble()
                        Color = ImageFilter.Filter_double(Blue, "SobelT")
                    });                                                                                     //By

                if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant1_BW)
                    //gradient for one color component B&W result
                    if (!type)
                        resultR = Gradient.Grad(filt[0].Color, filt[1].Color).ImageDoubleToUint8();
                        resultR = Gradient.Grad(filt[0].Color, filt[1].Color, filt[2].Color,
                                                filt[3].Color, filt[4].Color, filt[5].Color).ImageDoubleToUint8();
                    resultG = resultR; resultB = resultR; //Black & White result
                else if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant2_BW)
                    //gradient for one color component B&W result
                    if (!type)
                        resultR = Gradient.Grad(filt[0].Color, filt[1].Color).ArrayMultByConst(2).ImageDoubleToUint8();
                        resultR = Gradient.Grad(filt[0].Color, filt[1].Color, filt[2].Color,
                                                filt[3].Color, filt[4].Color, filt[5].Color).ArrayMultByConst(2).ImageDoubleToUint8();
                    resultG = resultR; resultB = resultR; //Black & White result
                    if (type)
                        //RGB gradients
                        var RG = (filt[0].Color).PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays((filt[1].Color).PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //R gradient
                        var GG = (filt[2].Color).PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays((filt[3].Color).PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //G gradient
                        var BG = (filt[4].Color).PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays((filt[5].Color).PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //B gradient

                        resultR = RG.ArrayToUint8(); resultG = GG.ArrayToUint8(); resultB = BG.ArrayToUint8();
                        Console.WriteLine("Need RGB image for Variant5_RGB as input. Contour Method.");

            else if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant3_BW || variant == CountourVariant.Variant4_BW)
                //convert image into gray scale
                var gray = MoreHelpers.BlackandWhiteProcessHelper(img);

                double[,] GG = new double[img.Height, img.Height]; //gray gradient

                if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant3_BW)
                    var Gx = ImageFilter.Filter_double(gray, "Sobel");
                    var Gy = ImageFilter.Filter_double(gray, "SobelT");

                    GG = Gx.PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays(Gy.PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements();
                    var Gx = ImageFilter.Filter_int(gray, "Sobel");
                    var Gy = ImageFilter.Filter_int(gray, "SobelT");

                    GG = Gx.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays(Gy.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements();

                resultR = GG.ArrayToUint8(); resultG = resultR; resultB = resultR;
            else if (variant == CountourVariant.Variant6_RGB)
                //using filter and array operations count RGB values in 2d dimentions x and y for variants with int
                if (type)
                    var Rix = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Red, "Sobel");
                    var Riy = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Red, "SobelT");

                    var Gix = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Green, "Sobel");
                    var Giy = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Green, "SobelT");

                    var Bix = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Blue, "Sobel");
                    var Biy = ImageFilter.Filter_int(Blue, "SobelT");

                    var RG = Rix.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays(Riy.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //R gradient
                    var GG = Gix.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays(Giy.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //G gradient
                    var BG = Bix.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2).SumArrays(Biy.ArrayToDouble().PowArrayElements(2)).SqrtArrayElements(); //B gradient

                    resultR = RG.ArrayToUint8(); resultG = GG.ArrayToUint8(); resultB = BG.ArrayToUint8();
                    Console.WriteLine("Need RGB image for Variant6_RGB as input. Contour Method.");

            image = Helpers.SetPixels(image, resultR, resultG, resultB);

            if (Depth == 8)
                image = PixelFormatWorks.Bpp24Gray2Gray8bppBitMap(image);

Exemple #3
 //return contour after process as bitmap object
 public static Bitmap ContourBitmap(Bitmap img, CountourVariant variant)
     return(ContourHelper(img, variant));