Exemple #1
        private static void ReportOutcome(VC.VCGen.Outcome outcome, ErrorReporterDelegate er, string implName, IToken implTok, string requestId, TextWriter tw, int timeLimit, List<Counterexample> errors)
            ErrorInformation errorInfo = null;

              switch (outcome)
            case VCGen.Outcome.ReachedBound:
              tw.WriteLine(string.Format("Stratified Inlining: Reached recursion bound of {0}", CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound));
            case VCGen.Outcome.TimedOut:
              if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, string.Format("Verification timed out after {0} seconds ({1})", timeLimit, implName), requestId);

            //  Report timed out assertions as auxiliary info.
            if (errors != null)
              var cmpr = new CounterexampleComparer();
              var timedOutAssertions = errors.Where(e => e.IsAuxiliaryCexForDiagnosingTimeouts).Distinct(cmpr).ToList();
              int idx = 1;
              foreach (Counterexample error in timedOutAssertions)
                var callError = error as CallCounterexample;
                var returnError = error as ReturnCounterexample;
                var assertError = error as AssertCounterexample;
                IToken tok = null;
                if (callError != null)
                  tok = callError.FailingCall.tok;
                else if (returnError != null)
                  tok = returnError.FailingReturn.tok;
                  tok = assertError.FailingAssert.tok;
                errorInfo.AddAuxInfo(tok, string.Format("unverified assertion due to timeout ({0} of {1})", idx++, timedOutAssertions.Count));
            case VCGen.Outcome.OutOfMemory:
              if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, "Verification out of memory (" + implName + ")", requestId);
            case VCGen.Outcome.Inconclusive:
              if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, "Verification inconclusive (" + implName + ")", requestId);

              if (errorInfo != null)
            errorInfo.ImplementationName = implName;
            if (er != null)
              lock (er)
Exemple #2
    private static void ReportOutcome(VC.VCGen.Outcome outcome, ErrorReporterDelegate er, string implName, IToken implTok, string requestId, TextWriter tw, int timeLimit, List<Counterexample> errors)
      ErrorInformation errorInfo = null;

      switch (outcome)
        case VCGen.Outcome.ReachedBound:
          tw.WriteLine(string.Format("Stratified Inlining: Reached recursion bound of {0}", CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound));
        case VCGen.Outcome.Errors:
        case VCGen.Outcome.TimedOut:
          if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            if (outcome == ConditionGeneration.Outcome.TimedOut || (errors != null && errors.Any(e => e.IsAuxiliaryCexForDiagnosingTimeouts)))
              errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, string.Format("Verification of '{1}' timed out after {0} seconds", timeLimit, implName), requestId);

            //  Report timed out assertions as auxiliary info.
            if (errors != null)
              var cmpr = new CounterexampleComparer();
              var timedOutAssertions = errors.Where(e => e.IsAuxiliaryCexForDiagnosingTimeouts).Distinct(cmpr).ToList();
              if (0 < timedOutAssertions.Count)
                errorInfo.Msg += string.Format(" with {0} check(s) that timed out individually", timedOutAssertions.Count);
              foreach (Counterexample error in timedOutAssertions)
                var callError = error as CallCounterexample;
                var returnError = error as ReturnCounterexample;
                var assertError = error as AssertCounterexample;
                IToken tok = null;
                string msg = null;
                if (callError != null)
                  tok = callError.FailingCall.tok;
                  msg = callError.FailingCall.ErrorData as string ?? "A precondition for this call might not hold.";
                else if (returnError != null)
                  tok = returnError.FailingReturn.tok;
                  msg = "A postcondition might not hold on this return path.";
                  tok = assertError.FailingAssert.tok;
                  if (assertError.FailingAssert is LoopInitAssertCmd)
                    msg = "This loop invariant might not hold on entry.";
                  else if (assertError.FailingAssert is LoopInvMaintainedAssertCmd)
                    msg = "This loop invariant might not be maintained by the loop.";
                    msg = assertError.FailingAssert.ErrorData as string;
                    if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.ForceBplErrors && assertError.FailingAssert.ErrorMessage != null)
                      msg = assertError.FailingAssert.ErrorMessage;
                    if (msg == null)
                      msg = "This assertion might not hold.";
                errorInfo.AddAuxInfo(tok, msg, "Unverified check due to timeout");
        case VCGen.Outcome.OutOfMemory:
          if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, "Verification out of memory (" + implName + ")", requestId);
        case VCGen.Outcome.Inconclusive:
          if (implName != null && implTok != null)
            errorInfo = errorInformationFactory.CreateErrorInformation(implTok, "Verification inconclusive (" + implName + ")", requestId);

      if (errorInfo != null)
        errorInfo.ImplementationName = implName;
        if (er != null)
          lock (er)
          printer.WriteErrorInformation(errorInfo, tw);