public void MapFromDomainEntity_NullContent_ReturnNull()
            var response = CostCodeLevel2.MapFromDomainEntity(null);

Exemple #2
        public static CostCodeLevel2DTO MapFromDatabaseEntity(CostCodeLevel2 costCodeLevel2)
            if (costCodeLevel2 == null)

            return(new CostCodeLevel2DTO()
                Id = costCodeLevel2.Id,
                Value = costCodeLevel2.Value,
                Position = costCodeLevel2.Position
        public void MapFromDomainEntity_ValidEntity_ReturnDTOEntity()
            var costCodeLevel2 = new CostCodeLevel2()
                Id       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Value    = "A1030 - Slab Construction",
                Position = 2
            var response = CostCodeLevel2DTO.MapFromDatabaseEntity(costCodeLevel2);

            Assert.AreEqual(costCodeLevel2.Id, response.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(costCodeLevel2.Value, response.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(costCodeLevel2.Position, response.Position);
        private static void SeedCostCodeLevel2(CapRedV2Context context)
            if (context.CostCodeLevel2s.Any())
            string[] costCodeLevel2s =
                "A1010 - Foundations",                                                         "A1020 - Special Foundations",                                             "A1030 - Slab Construction",                                                         "A2000 - Basement Construction",
                "B1010 - Floor and Frame Construction",                                        "B1020 - Roof Construction",                                               "B2000 - Enclosure, Windows and Ext. Doors",
                "B3000 - Roofing",                                                             "C1001 - Interior Construction - General",                                 "C1010 - Wallboard Partitions",
                "C1011 - Glazed Partition Systems",                                            "C1012 - Moveable Walls",                                                  "C1020 - Interior Doors, access panels etc.",
                "C1021 - Fixed Furnishings - Millwork",                                        "C1022 - Fixed Furnishings - Blinds and misc.",
                "C1023 - Fixed Furnishings - Countertops, mirrors, shelving, vanities",        "C1030 - Fittings Specialties - Toilet Ptns, closet accessories",
                "C2000 - Stair Construction and Finishes",                                     "C3010 - Wall Finishes",                                                   "C3020 - Floor Finishes",                                                            "C3025 - Raised Access Floor",
                "C3030 - Ceiling Finishes",                                                    "D0001 - Services - General and Misc.",                                    "D1000 - Elevator",                                                                  "D2000 - Plumbing",
                "D3000 - HVAC",                                                                "D3066 - Energy Monitoring and Control",                                   "D3067 - Building Automation Systems",                                               "D4010 - Fire Protection Systems",
                "D5010 - Electrical Services & Distribution",                                  "D5020 - Lighting & Branch Wiring",                                        "D5030 - Communications Systems (telecom, lv cabling, clocks, AV distribution etc)",
                "D5038 - Security Systems",                                                    "E1018 - Office Equipment",                                                "E1023 - Theater & Stage Equipment",                                                 "E1028 - Medical Equipment",
                "E1031 - Vehicular Service Equipment",                                         "E1032 - Parking Control Equipment",                                       "E1041 - Maintenance Equipment",
                "E1043 - Food Service Equipment",                                              "E1047 - Athletic, Recreation & Therapeutic",                              "E1061 - Generator",
                "E1062 - UPS",                                                                 "E1063 - Server Racks and Cabinets",                                       "E1064 - CRAC Units",                                                                "E1067 - Security Equipment",
                "E1068 - Fire Protection Specialties (extinguishers , cabinets etc)",          "E1069 - Health & Safety Equipment",
                "E1070 - MEP Equipment Purchases",                                             "E1071 - Misc. Equipment Purchases",                                       "E1210 - Technology - User Desktop Installations",
                "E1220 - Technology - Meeting Room Desktop Installations",                     "E1230 - Technology - Network Equipment",
                "E1250 - Technology - Service Providers",                                      "E1260 - Technology - Outsourced Consultants",
                "E1270 - Technology - Software Installations and Upgrades",                    "E1280 - Technology - Software Licenses",
                "E1290 - Technology - Fiber Circuit Installations (Cabling, etc)",             "E1310 - Audio-Visual -Meeting Room AV Installations",
                "E1320 - Audio-Visual -TV Installations",                                      "E1330 - Audio-Visual -Collaborative AV Installations",
                "E1340 - Audio-Visual -Server Hardware - Linux",                               "E1350 - Audio-Visual -Server Hardware - Windows",
                "E1410 - Data Center Technology - Data Storage Installations",                 "E1420 - Data Center Technology - Network Equipment",
                "E1430 - Data Center Technology - Service Providers",                          "E1440 - Data Center Technology - Outsourced Consultants",
                "E1450 - Data Center Technology - Software Installations and Upgrades",        "E1460 - Data Center Technology - Software Licenses",
                "E1470 - Data Center Technology - Fiber Circuit Installations (Cabling, etc)", "E1480 - Data Center Technology - Server Hardware - Linux",
                "E1490 - Data Center Technology - Server Hardware - Windows",                  "E2100 - Furniture and Equipment - Misc.",
                "E2105 - Office Equipment - whiteboards, loose shelving etc.",                 "E2110 - Office Furniture",                                                "E2115 - Office and Meeting Chairs",
                "E2120 - Client Suite Furniture",                                              "E2130 - Loose Furniture/furnishings - chairs, podium, misc. tables etc.",
                "E2150 - Pantry and Support Equipment/White Goods",                            "E2200 - Branding Signage",                                                "E2250 - Wayfinding Signage",                                                        "E2300 - Artwork",
                "F2010 - Building Elements Demolition",                                        "G1000 - Site Preparation",                                                "G2000 - Site Improvement",                                                          "G3000 - Site Mechanical Utiities",
                "G4000 - Site Electrical and Communications Utilities",                        "Z0100 - General Requirements and Logistics",                              "Z0200 - Contractor/CM Insurance",
                "Z0300 - Bonding",                                                             "Z0400 - CM Fee",                                                          "Z0450 - CM Preconstruction Services",                                               "Z0900 - Retainage",                                  "Z1050 - Pre-Approval DesignWork - Expensed",
                "Z1100 - Architect",                                                           "Z1150 - Interior Designer",                                               "Z1200 - Structural Engineering",                                                    "Z1250 - Civil and Landscaping Engineering",
                "Z1300 - MEP Engineering",                                                     "Z1400 - Low Voltage Cabling Engineering",                                 "Z1450 - Audio Visual Engineering",                                                  "Z1480 - IT Design & Integration",
                "Z1500 - Acoustical Engineering",                                              "Z1600 - Lighting Design",                                                 "Z1700 - Security Engineering",
                "Z1800 - Traffic Engineering",                                                 "Z1810 - Elevator Consultant",                                             "Z1820 - Catering Consultant",
                "Z1840 - Signage Design",                                                      "Z1860 - Art Consultant",                                                  "Z1999 - Misc. Design Consultants",                                                  "Z2050 - Pre-Approval Planning/DD Work - Expensed",
                "Z2100 - Project Manager",                                                     "Z2150 - Cost Manager",                                                    "Z2200 - BlackRock Project Manager",                                                 "Z2220 - BlackRock PMO Consultant",
                "Z2240 - BlackRock PCG Consultant",                                            "Z2300 - Sustainability Consultant",                                       "Z2500 - Commissioning Services",
                "Z2550 - Health & Safety Consultant",                                          "Z2600 - Legal Services - D&C scope",                                      "Z2999 - Other Project Consultants",
                "Z3100 - Filing Fees",                                                         "Z3200 - Code Expeditor and Planning Consultant",                          "Z3999 - Approvals Charges Generally",
                "Z4100 - Move Manager",                                                        "Z4200 - Move Courier Services",                                           "Z4300 - Move Supplies",                                                             "Z4400 - Final Clean",                                "Z4500 - Security Guard Service",
                "Z4999 - Misc. Migration Costs",                                               "Z5100 - Landlord Supervision",                                            "Z5200 - Landlord Protection Measures",
                "Z5300 - Use of Building Services during Construction",                        "Z5999 - Misc. Landlord Costs",                                            "Z6100 - Recoverable Sales Tax/VAT (to P/R)",
                "Z6150 - Non-Recoverable Sales Tax/VAT (to P/R)",                              "Z7200 - ARO - Restoration Cost",                                          "Z8100 - Land Purchase Price",
                "Z8200 - Agent Fees",                                                          "Z8300 - Land Taxes and Disbursements",                                    "Z8999 - Misc. Land Purchase Costs",                                                 "Z9100 - Design Development Allowance",
                "Z9200 - Project Working Balance",                                             "Z9300 - Construction Risk Contingency",                                   "Fixed Artwork",
                "Fixed Casework",                                                              "Window Treatment",                                                        "Fixed Floor Grilles & Mats",                                                        "Fixed Multiple Seating",                             "Fixed Interior Landscaping",
                "Fixed Furnishings - Blinds and misc.",                                        "Fixed Furnishings - Countertops, mirrors, shelving, vanities",
                "Fittings Specialties - Toilet Ptns, closet accessories",                      "Moveable Artwork",                                                        "Moveable Mats & Rugs",
                "Moveable Multiple Seating",                                                   "Moveable Interior Landscaping",                                           "Furniture and Equipment - Misc.",                                                   "Office Equipment - whiteboards, loose shelving etc.",
                "Office Furniture",                                                            "Client Suite Furniture",                                                  "Loose Furniture/furnishings - chairs, podium, misc. tables etc.",
                "Pantry Furniture",                                                            "Pantry and Support Equipment/White Goods",                                "Branding Signage",
                "Wayfinding Signage",                                                          "Interior Demolition",                                                     "Exterior Demolition",                                                               "Removal of Hazardous Components",                    "Clearing & Grubbing",
                "Building Demolition",                                                         "Demolition of Site Components",                                           "Relocation of Building Utilities",                                                  "Site Grading & Excavation",
                "Borrow Fill",                                                                 "Soil Stabilization & Treatment",                                          "Site Dewatering",                                                                   "Site Shoring",                                       "Removal of Contaminated Soil",
                "Restoration & Treatment",                                                     "Paving & Surfacing",                                                      "Rails & Barriers",                                                                  "Markings & Signage",                                 "Parking Booths & Equipment",
                "Exterior Steps",                                                              "Fences & Gates",                                                          "Retaining Walls",                                                                   "Terrace & Perimeter Walls",                          "Miscellaneous Structures",
                "Top Soil & Planting Beds",                                                    "Planting",                                                                "Irrigation Systems",                                                                "Piping System Testing & Balancing",                  "Steam Supply",
                "Condensate Return",                                                           "Hot Water Supply System",                                                 "Pumping Stations",                                                                  "Chilled Water Piping",                               "Cooling Towers on Site",
                "Piping",                                                                      "Equipment",                                                               "Storage Tanks",                                                                     "Substations",                                        "Overhead Power Distribution",         "Underground Distribution",
                "Fixtures & Transformers",                                                     "Poles",                                                                   "Wiring Conduits & Ductbanks",                                                       "Controls",                                           "Site Security & Alarm System",
                "CM Design Services",                                                          "CM Preconstruction Services",                                             "General Requirements and Logistics",                                                "Contractor/CM Insurance",
                "Retainage",                                                                   "Architect",                                                               "Interior Designer",                                                                 "Structural Engineering",                             "Civil and Landscaping Engineering",
                "MEP Engineering",                                                             "Low Voltage Cabling Engineering",                                         "Audio Visual Engineering",                                                          "IT Design & Integration",
                "Acoustical Engineering",                                                      "Lighting Design",                                                         " Security Engineering",                                                             "Traffic Engineering",                                "Elevator Consultant",
                "Catering Consultant",                                                         "Signage Design",                                                          "Art Consultant",                                                                    "Misc. Design Consultants",                           "Misc Blueprinting and Reimbursables",
                "Project Manager",                                                             "Cost Manager",                                                            "BlackRock Project Manager",                                                         "BlackRock PMO Consultant",                           "BlackRock PCG Consultant",
                "Sustainability Consultant",                                                   "Commissioning Services",                                                  "Health & Safety Consultant",                                                        "Legal Services - D&C scope",
                "Tax Consultants",                                                             "Other Project Consultants",                                               "Filing Fees",                                                                       "Code Expeditor and Planning Consultant",             "Approvals Charges Generally",
                "Move Manager",                                                                "Move Courier Services",                                                   "Move Supplies",                                                                     "Final Clean",                                        "Security Guard Service",              "Misc. Migration Costs",
                "Landlord Supervision",                                                        "Landlord Protection Measures",                                            "Use of Building Services during Construction",
                "Misc. Landlord Costs",                                                        "Recoverable Sales Tax/VAT (to P/R)",                                      "Non-Recoverable Sales Tax/VAT (to P/R)",
                "Non-CIP Expensed Consultants",                                                "Non-CIP Expensed construction (repairs & Maintenance)",                   "Non-CIP Expensed Furniture & Fixtures",
                "Non-CIP Expensed Equipment",                                                  "ARO - Restoration Cost",                                                  "Day Two - Design",                                                                  "Day Two - Project Management",                       "Day Two - Construction",
                "Day Two - Furniture & Equipment",                                             "Land Purchase Price",                                                     "Agent Fees",                                                                        "Land Taxes and Disbursements",
                "Misc. Land Purchase Costs",                                                   "Design Development Allowance",                                            "Construction Risk Contingency",                                                     "Project Working Balance"

            for (int i = 0; i < costCodeLevel2s.Length; i++)
                var costCodeLevel2 = new CostCodeLevel2 {
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Position = i, Value = costCodeLevel2s[i]