Exemple #1
        void Solve(int partSumOrder, int iterCount, int nodesCount)
            var chunksCount = (int)nupChunksCount.Value;

            var(segment, y0, f, yExact) = Example3();
            var nodes = Range(0, nodesCount).Select(j => segment.Start + segment.Length * j / (nodesCount - 1)).ToArray();

            if (yExact != null)
                //nodes = Range(0, nodesCount).Select(j => 1.0*j / nodesCount).ToArray();
                exactSolutionPlot.DiscreteFunctions = new[] { new DiscreteFunction2D(x => yExact(x), nodes) };
            //nodes = Range(0, nodesCount).Select(j => segment.Start + segment.Length * j / nodesCount).ToArray();
            var cosSystem    = new CosSystem();
            var sobCosSystem = new SobolevCosSystem();

            var solverIter = new CosSpectralSolverIter(1000);
            var problem    = new CauchyProblem(f, y0, segment);
            var df         = solverIter.Solve(problem, chunksCount, partSumOrder, iterCount, nodesCount);

            //df.X = df.X.Select(x => x).ToArray();
            numSolutionPlotIter.Colors            = Colors;
            numSolutionPlotIter.DiscreteFunctions = df.Select(d => d[0]).ToArray();
            //numSolutionPlotIter2.DiscreteFunctions = df[1];
Exemple #2
        private static ISpectralOdeOperator <double[][]> CreateOperator(int quadratureNodesCount)
            // Used to calculate coeffs that are represented as integrals
            var quadratureNodes = new Segment(0, 1).GetUniformPartition(quadratureNodesCount);
            var cosSystem       = new CosSystem();
            var sobCosSystem    = new SobolevCosSystem();
            var op = new CosSpectralOdeOperator(Natural.NumbersWithZero.Select(k => cosSystem.Get(k)),
                                                Natural.NumbersWithZero.Select(k => sobCosSystem.Get(k)), quadratureNodes);

        public void CosSytemOrthonormality()
            var cosSystem = new CosSystem();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var i1 = i;
                var v  = Integrals.Trapezoid(x => cosSystem.Get(i1)(x) * cosSystem.Get(i1)(x), 0, 1, 10000);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, v, 0.0000001);

            var val = Integrals.Trapezoid(x => cosSystem.Get(0)(x) * cosSystem.Get(5)(x), 0, 1, 10000);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, val, 0.0000001);

            val = Integrals.Trapezoid(x => cosSystem.Get(4)(x) * cosSystem.Get(5)(x), 0, 1, 10000);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, val, 0.0000001);
Exemple #4
        void SolveSystem(int partSumOrder, int iterCount, int nodesCount)
            var chunksCount = (int)nupChunksCount.Value;

            var(segment, initVals, f, h, yExact) = ExampleSystem6();
            var nodes = Range(0, nodesCount).Select(j => segment.Start + segment.Length * j / (nodesCount - 1)).ToArray();

            if (yExact != null)
                exactSolutionPlot.DiscreteFunctions =
                    yExact.Select(y => new DiscreteFunction2D(y, nodes)).ToArray();

            var cosSystem    = new CosSystem();
            var sobCosSystem = new SobolevCosSystem();

            var solverIter = new CosSpectralSolverIter(1000);
            var problem    = new CauchyProblem(f, initVals, segment);
            var solution   = solverIter.Solve(problem, chunksCount, partSumOrder, iterCount, nodesCount);
            var dfs        = new List <DiscreteFunction2D>();

            foreach (var s in solution)
            numSolutionPlotIter.Colors            = Colors;
            numSolutionPlotIter.DiscreteFunctions = dfs.ToArray();
            //var deltas = solution.Zip(yExact, (df, y) => Abs(df.Y.Last() - y(df.X.Last()))).ToArray();
            //var deltas = solution.Zip(yExact, (df, y) =>
            //    {
            //        var eDf = new DiscreteFunction2D(y, df.X);
            //        return Sqrt((df - eDf).Y.Average(v => v * v));
            //    }
            //    ).ToArray();
            //Trace.WriteLine($"iter={iterCount}; N={partSumOrder}; dy1={deltas[0]};dy2={deltas[1]}");