private void OnOpenReceived() { coroutineRunner.Run(() => { OnOpen?.Invoke(); }); }
public IEnumerator SendRequests_WithValidUrls_AllCompleted() { var worker = new UnityHttpWorker(); int serverErrorCount = 0; int networkErrorCount = 0; worker.ServerErrorOccured += req => serverErrorCount++; worker.NetworkErrorOccured += req => networkErrorCount++; var runner = new CoroutineRunner(); IHttpResponse[] responses = new IHttpResponse[15]; for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; i++) { int index = i; var request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet(string.Format("{0}", i)) .GetResult(); runner.Run(worker.SendRequest(request, rsp => responses[index] = rsp)); } yield return(new WaitUntil(() => responses.All(req => req != null))); TestHelper.Assert.That(serverErrorCount, Is.EqualTo(0)); TestHelper.Assert.That(networkErrorCount, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(responses.Count(req => req != null), Is.EqualTo(15)); }
public MobileARSupportProvider() { var currentARSessionState = Observable .FromEvent <ARSessionStateChangedEventArgs>( h => ARSession.stateChanged += h, h => ARSession.stateChanged -= h) .Select(args => args.state) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(ARSession.state); ARIsCheckedAndSupported = currentARSessionState .Select(state => !(state == ARSessionState.None || state == ARSessionState.CheckingAvailability || state == ARSessionState.Unsupported)) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); ARIsReady = currentARSessionState .Select(state => state == ARSessionState.Ready || state == ARSessionState.SessionInitializing || state == ARSessionState.SessionTracking) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); NeedInstall = currentARSessionState .Select(state => state == ARSessionState.NeedsInstall) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); IsInstalling = currentARSessionState .Select(state => state == ARSessionState.Installing) .ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty(); AddDisposable(currentARSessionState); CoroutineRunner.Run(CheckAvailability()); }
public ConstantChangeDetection(Func <bool> changeCondition, Action <bool> action, Func <bool> activeAction) { _condition = changeCondition; _action = action; _activeAction = activeAction; _coroutine = CoroutineRunner.Run(Update()); }
public ChangeDetection(Func <bool> changeCondition, Action <bool> detectAction, Func <bool> activeCondition = null, Func <float> delay = null) { _changeCondition = changeCondition; _delay = delay; _detectAction = detectAction; _activeCondition = activeCondition; _coroutine = CoroutineRunner.Run(Update()); }
public void UpdateTickSource() { m_RuntimeUpdateDisposable?.Dispose(); EditorUpdateInvokerBridge.Update -= Tick; if (Application.isPlaying) { m_RuntimeUpdateDisposable = CoroutineRunner.Run(UpdateCoroutine()); } else { EditorUpdateInvokerBridge.Update += Tick; } }
/// <summary> /// Enqueue Game Server to Joinable Session Queue. /// this will make this server joinable by other parties while already in a session. /// </summary> /// <param name="body">the session's data (get this data from QuerySessionStatus)</param> /// <param name="callback">the result of this operation</param> public void EnqueueJoinableSession(MatchmakingResult body, ResultCallback callback) { Report.GetFunctionLog(this.GetType().Name); if (!this.serverSession.IsValid()) { callback.TryError(ErrorCode.IsNotLoggedIn); return; } coroutineRunner.Run(api.EnqueueJoinableSession(this.@namespace, serverSession.AuthorizationToken, body, callback)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve all active latest policies based on a namespace. /// The country will be read from user token. /// </summary> /// <param name="namespace">Filter the responded policy by namespace</param> /// <param name="agreementPolicyType">Filter the responded policy by policy type. Choose the AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY if you want to be responded with all policy type.</param> /// <param name="defaultOnEmpty">Specify with true if you want to be responded with default country-specific policy if your requested country is not exist.</param> /// <param name="callback">Returns a Result that contains an array of public policy via callback when completed</param> public void GetLegalPolicies(string namespace_, AgreementPolicyType agreementPolicyType, string[] tags, bool defaultOnEmpty, ResultCallback <PublicPolicy[]> callback) { Report.GetFunctionLog(this.GetType().Name); if (session == null || session.AuthorizationToken == null) { callback.TryError(ErrorCode.IsNotLoggedIn); return; } coroutineRunner.Run( api.GetLegalPolicies(namespace_, agreementPolicyType, tags, defaultOnEmpty, session.AuthorizationToken, callback)); }
public IEnumerable <Vector3Int> RunProgressive() { while (true) { if (!Observe(out var chunkPos)) { yield break; } // PropagateProgressive(); CoroutineRunner.Run(PropagateProgressive().GetEnumerator()); // foreach (var t in PropagateProgressive()) // { // yield return chunkPos; // } yield return(chunkPos); } }
public void ReceivePackets(UdpSocket udpSocket, SenderPacketInfo senderPacketSet, Material material, RingBuffer ringBuffer) { videoMessageAssembler.Assemble(udpSocket, senderPacketSet.VideoPackets, senderPacketSet.ParityPackets, textureSetUpdater.lastFrameId, VideoMessages); if (textureSetUpdater.State == PrepareState.Unprepared && VideoMessages.Count > 0) { foreach (var videoMessage in VideoMessages.Values) { CoroutineRunner.Run(textureSetUpdater.Prepare(material, videoMessage)); break; } } audioReceiver.Receive(senderPacketSet.AudioPackets, ringBuffer); if (senderPacketSet.ReceivedAny) { receivedAnyStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); } }
public void SetBoundaryPattern(Pattern <T> boundPattern) { var bounds = new BoundsInt(, Size); for (var idx = 0; idx < NeighborOffset.Length; idx++) { var offset = NeighborOffset[idx]; var contraryIdx = NeighborOffset.IndexOf(-offset); foreach (var pos in bounds.BoundaryIter(offset)) { var chunk = ChunkStates[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z]; var count = chunk.Compatibles.Count; // chunk.Compatibles.RemoveWhere(p => !p.Neighbors[idx].Contains(boundPattern)); chunk.UpdateCompatibleFrom(boundPattern.Neighbors[contraryIdx]); if (count != chunk.Compatibles.Count) { _propagationStack.Push(pos); } } } CoroutineRunner.Run(PropagateProgressive().GetEnumerator()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //Timer variables to run the update loop at 10 fps var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); const float updateRate = 1f / 10f; var prevTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f; var accumulator = 0f; //The little @ character's position var px = 0; var py = 0; //Routine to move horizontally IEnumerator <object?> MoveX(int amount, float stepTime) { var dir = amount > 0 ? 1 : -1; while (amount != 0) { yield return(stepTime); px += dir; amount -= dir; } } //Routine to move vertically IEnumerator <object?> MoveY(int amount, float stepTime) { var dir = amount > 0 ? 1 : -1; while (amount != 0) { yield return(stepTime); py += dir; amount -= dir; } } //Walk the little @ character on a path IEnumerator <object?> Movement() { //Walk normally yield return(MoveX(5, 0.25f)); yield return(MoveY(5, 0.25f)); //Walk slowly yield return(MoveX(2, 0.5f)); yield return(MoveY(2, 0.5f)); yield return(MoveX(-2, 0.5f)); yield return(MoveY(-2, 0.5f)); //Run fast yield return(MoveX(5, 0.1f)); yield return(MoveY(5, 0.1f)); } //Render a little map with the @ character in the console void DrawMap() { Console.Clear(); for (var y = 0; y < 16; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { if (x == px && y == py) { Console.Write('@'); } else { Console.Write('.'); } } Console.WriteLine(); } } //Run the coroutine var runner = new CoroutineRunner(); var moving = runner.Run(Movement()); //Run the update loop until we've finished moving while (moving.IsRunning) { //Track time var currTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f; accumulator += currTime - prevTime; prevTime = currTime; //Update at our requested rate (10 fps) if (accumulator > updateRate) { accumulator -= updateRate; runner.Update(updateRate); DrawMap(); } } }
private void StartTelemetryScheduler() { telemetryCoroutine = coroutineRunner.Run(RunPeriodicTelemetry()); isTelemetryJobStarted = true; }
public EnemyController() { EventBroker.Register <SpawnEvent>(OnSpawned); runner.Run(Spawner()); }
public async void Run() { currentTask = _runner.Run(_run()); }
public void Send(string method, string json = "{}", Action <ErrorCode, string> cb = null) { CoroutineRunner.Run(InternalSend(method, json, cb)); }
public IEnumerator SendRequests_WithSomeTimeout_AllCompleted() { int serverErrorCount = 0; int networkErrorCount = 0; var worker = new UnityHttpWorker(); worker.ServerErrorOccured += req => serverErrorCount++; worker.NetworkErrorOccured += req => networkErrorCount++; var otherWorker = new UnityHttpWorker(); otherWorker.ServerErrorOccured += req => serverErrorCount++; otherWorker.NetworkErrorOccured += req => networkErrorCount++; var runner = new CoroutineRunner(); IHttpResponse[] responses = new IHttpResponse[15]; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { IHttpRequest request; int index = i; switch (i % 5) { case 0: request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet(string.Format("{0}", i)).GetResult(); runner.Run(worker.SendRequest(request, req => responses[index] = req)); break; case 1: request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet(string.Format("http://accelbyte.example/?id={0}", i)).GetResult(); runner.Run(worker.SendRequest(request, req => responses[index] = req)); break; case 2: request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet( string.Format("{0}", i)).GetResult(); runner.Run(worker.SendRequest(request, req => responses[index] = req)); break; case 3: request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet( string.Format("{0}", i)).GetResult(); otherWorker.SetRetryParameters(5000); runner.Run(otherWorker.SendRequest(request, req => responses[index] = req)); break; case 4: request = HttpRequestBuilder.CreateGet( string.Format("{0}", i)).GetResult(); runner.Run(worker.SendRequest(request, req => responses[index] = req)); break; } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); Assert.That(responses.Count(req => req != null), Is.EqualTo(6)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5)); Assert.That(responses.Count(req => req != null), Is.EqualTo(9)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5)); Assert.That(responses.Count(req => req != null), Is.EqualTo(12)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5)); Assert.That(responses.Count(req => req != null), Is.EqualTo(15)); Assert.That(serverErrorCount, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(networkErrorCount, Is.EqualTo(6)); }
public void InstallARSoftware() { CoroutineRunner.Run(ARSession.Install()); }