Exemple #1
        //TODO:Move this to a business object instead of having it in the service.
        private List <Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile> GetViewableArea(System.Drawing.Point playerPosition, Core.GameStateInformation.GameStateUpdate gameStateUpdate)
            //We need to get a list of tiles that are currently viewable to the player based on their current position in the map
            List <Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile> tiles = new List <Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile>();

            int relativeY = 0;

            //TODO:Currently assuming that the player view is 7X7
            for (int y = playerPosition.Y - 3; y <= playerPosition.Y + 3; y++)
                int relativeX = 0;
                for (int x = playerPosition.X - 3; x <= playerPosition.X + 3; x++)
                    Business.Maps.MapTile mapTile = _map.Tiles.GetFromLocation(x, y);
                    Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile gameTile = new Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile();
                    gameTile.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(relativeX, relativeY);

                    if (mapTile != null)
                        gameTile.BackgroundImageName        = mapTile.Terrain.BackgroundImageName;
                        gameTile.WallImageNames             = mapTile.WallImages;
                        gameTile.UnpassableObjectImageNames = mapTile.UnpassableObjects;
                        gameTile.ObjectNames = mapTile.Objects;
                        gameTile.DoorNames   = mapTile.DoorImages;

                        foreach (Business.Maps.MapNonPlayerCharacter npc in mapTile.NPCs)
                            //TODO:Need to handle the npc image name
                            string imageName = "NPC_" + npc.NonPlayerCharacterType.ToString();



Exemple #2
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_characterAvatar))
                _characterAvatar    = Content.ContentManager.GetRandomCharacterAvatar();
                _otherPlayersAvatar = Content.ContentManager.GetRandomCharacterAvatar();

            if (this.GameStateUpdate == null)

            //The size of the tiles is based on the current size of the control.  Use the smallest dimension to calculate the tile size,
            //so that we end up with square tiles
            Size tileSize = new Size(this.Width > this.Height ? this.Height / 7 : this.Width / 7, this.Width > this.Height ? this.Height / 7 : this.Width / 7);

            //Get a rectangle that represents the viewable that the tiles will be drawn on
            Rectangle viewableArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileSize.Width * 7, tileSize.Height * 7);

            //Center the viewable area to the control's client area
            if (this.Width > this.Height)
                viewableArea.Location = new Point((this.Width - this.Height) / 2, 0);
                viewableArea.Location = new Point(0, (this.Height - this.Width) / 2);

            //Designate a rectnagle that the player is standing on
            Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile playerTile = this.GameStateUpdate.GetPlayerTile();

            foreach (Core.GameStateInformation.GameTile viewableTile in this.GameStateUpdate.ViewableArea)
                int y = viewableTile.Location.Y * tileSize.Height + viewableArea.Y;
                int x = viewableTile.Location.X * tileSize.Width + viewableArea.X;

                //Get a rectangle for the tile
                Rectangle tileRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height);

                //If the tile is not viewable, fill it in with a black rectangle
                //TODO:Kinda dumb to call it viewable if it isn't viewable.
                if (!this.GameStateUpdate.IsTileViewable(playerTile, viewableTile.Location))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, tileRectangle);

                //Draw the tile's terrain
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewableTile.BackgroundImageName))
                    using (Bitmap tileBackgroundImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(viewableTile.BackgroundImageName))
                        e.Graphics.DrawImage(tileBackgroundImage, tileRectangle);
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, tileRectangle);

                //Draw the tile's walls
                foreach (string wallImageName in viewableTile.WallImageNames)
                    using (Bitmap wallImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(wallImageName))
                        if (wallImage != null)
                            //TODO:Need to not depend on a known tile size
                            //The normal size of a tile is 55X55 pixels.  However, since the control size determines our destination rectangle, we need a sort of zoom factor to apply to the wall image
                            float      zoomFactor    = (float)tileSize.Width / 55.0F;//Since we know we have square tiles being drawn, we can just use the width.
                            RectangleF wallRectangle = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)wallImage.Width * zoomFactor, (float)wallImage.Height * zoomFactor);

                            //We need to move the rectangle so that its bottom right corner is in the bottom right corner of the tile
                            PointF wallOrigin = new Point(tileRectangle.Right, tileRectangle.Bottom);

                            //Adjust the origin based on the image size
                            wallOrigin.X          -= wallRectangle.Width;
                            wallOrigin.Y          -= wallRectangle.Height;
                            wallRectangle.Location = wallOrigin;

                            e.Graphics.DrawImage(wallImage, wallRectangle);

                //TODO:The code for walls and objects is re-usable, consider refactoring this to another method.
                //Draw the tile's objects
                foreach (string unpassableObject in viewableTile.UnpassableObjectImageNames)
                    using (Bitmap objectImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(unpassableObject))
                        if (objectImage != null)
                            //TODO:Need to not depend on a known tile size
                            //The normal size of a tile is 55X55 pixels.  However, since the control size determines our destination rectangle, we need a sort of zoom factor to apply to the wall image
                            float      zoomFactor      = (float)tileSize.Width / 55.0F;//Since we know we have square tiles being drawn, we can just use the width.
                            RectangleF objectRectangle = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)objectImage.Width * zoomFactor, (float)objectImage.Height * zoomFactor);

                            //We need to move the rectangle so that its bottom right corner is in the bottom right corner of the tile
                            PointF wallOrigin = new Point(tileRectangle.Right, tileRectangle.Bottom);

                            //Adjust the origin based on the image size
                            wallOrigin.X            -= objectRectangle.Width;
                            wallOrigin.Y            -= objectRectangle.Height;
                            objectRectangle.Location = wallOrigin;

                            e.Graphics.DrawImage(objectImage, objectRectangle);

                foreach (string normalObject in viewableTile.ObjectNames)
                    using (Bitmap objectImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(normalObject))
                        if (objectImage != null)
                            //TODO:Need to not depend on a known tile size
                            //The normal size of a tile is 55X55 pixels.  However, since the control size determines our destination rectangle, we need a sort of zoom factor to apply to the wall image
                            float      zoomFactor      = (float)tileSize.Width / 55.0F;//Since we know we have square tiles being drawn, we can just use the width.
                            RectangleF objectRectangle = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)objectImage.Width * zoomFactor, (float)objectImage.Height * zoomFactor);

                            //We need to move the rectangle so that its bottom right corner is in the bottom right corner of the tile
                            PointF wallOrigin = new Point(tileRectangle.Right, tileRectangle.Bottom);

                            //Adjust the origin based on the image size
                            wallOrigin.X            -= objectRectangle.Width;
                            wallOrigin.Y            -= objectRectangle.Height;
                            objectRectangle.Location = wallOrigin;

                            e.Graphics.DrawImage(objectImage, objectRectangle);

                //Draw the door objects
                foreach (string door in viewableTile.DoorNames)
                    using (Bitmap doorImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(door))
                        if (doorImage != null)
                            //TODO:Need to not depend on a known tile size
                            //The normal size of a tile is 55X55 pixels.  However, since the control size determines our destination rectangle, we need a sort of zoom factor to apply to the wall image
                            float      zoomFactor      = (float)tileSize.Width / 55.0F;//Since we know we have square tiles being drawn, we can just use the width.
                            RectangleF objectRectangle = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)doorImage.Width * zoomFactor, (float)doorImage.Height * zoomFactor);

                            //We need to move the rectangle so that its bottom right corner is in the bottom right corner of the tile
                            PointF objectOrigin = new Point(tileRectangle.Right, tileRectangle.Bottom);

                            //Adjust the origin based on the image size
                            objectOrigin.X          -= objectRectangle.Width;
                            objectOrigin.Y          -= objectRectangle.Height;
                            objectRectangle.Location = objectOrigin;

                            e.Graphics.DrawImage(doorImage, objectRectangle);

                //Draw NPCs
                foreach (string npcImageName in viewableTile.NonPlayableCharacterImageNames)
                    using (Bitmap npcImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(npcImageName))
                        if (npcImage != null)
                            //TODO:Need to not depend on a known tile size
                            //The normal size of a tile is 55X55 pixels.  However, since the control size determines our destination rectangle, we need a sort of zoom factor to apply to the wall image
                            float      zoomFactor      = (float)tileSize.Width / 55.0F;//Since we know we have square tiles being drawn, we can just use the width.
                            RectangleF objectRectangle = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, (float)npcImage.Width * zoomFactor, (float)npcImage.Height * zoomFactor);

                            //We need to move the rectangle so that its bottom right corner is in the bottom right corner of the tile
                            PointF objectOrigin = new Point(tileRectangle.Right, tileRectangle.Bottom);

                            //Adjust the origin based on the image size
                            objectOrigin.X          -= objectRectangle.Width;
                            objectOrigin.Y          -= objectRectangle.Height;
                            objectRectangle.Location = objectOrigin;

                            e.Graphics.DrawImage(npcImage, objectRectangle);

            //Draw the player - assuming that the player is always in the center of the viewable area for now
            Rectangle characterRectangle = new Rectangle(viewableArea.Location.X + tileSize.Width * 3, viewableArea.Location.Y + tileSize.Height * 3, tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height);

            using (Bitmap playerImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(_characterAvatar))
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(playerImage, characterRectangle);

            //Draw other players
            if (this.GameStateUpdate.OtherPlayers != null)
                foreach (System.Drawing.Point otherPlayerPosition in this.GameStateUpdate.OtherPlayers.PlayerPositions)
                    using (Bitmap playerImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(_otherPlayersAvatar))
                        characterRectangle.Location = new Point(characterRectangle.Location.X + otherPlayerPosition.X * tileSize.Width, characterRectangle.Y + otherPlayerPosition.Y * tileSize.Height);
                        e.Graphics.DrawImage(playerImage, characterRectangle);

            //Draw zombies
            //TODO:These are not drawing correctly when the control is resized.
            foreach (Core.GameStateInformation.NpcInformation npcInTheArea in this.GameStateUpdate.NpcsInTheArea)
                using (Bitmap zombieImage = Content.ContentManager.GetImage(npcInTheArea.NpcAvatarName))
                    //TODO:This is working but should not be.
                    characterRectangle.Location = new Point((npcInTheArea.NpcRelativeLocation.X) * tileSize.Width, (npcInTheArea.NpcRelativeLocation.Y + 1) * tileSize.Height);
                    e.Graphics.DrawImage(zombieImage, characterRectangle);