Exemple #1
 public ActionResult Bands(
     long industryId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, int bands,
     Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, string contentType = "*/*"
     using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
         if ("text/html".Equals(contentType))
             Expression <Func <SizeUp.Data.IndustryData, bool> >             filter = i => i.TotalRevenue != null;
             Expression <Func <SizeUp.Data.IndustryData, Kpi.LabeledValue> > selector;
             selector = i => new Kpi.LabeledValue
                 Label = i.GeographicLocation.LongName,
                 Value = i.TotalRevenue
                 ViewBag, context,
                 industryId, boundingGeographicLocationId, granularity,
                 filter, selector, "Total Revenue", "${0}", bands
             var data = Core.DataLayer.TotalRevenue.Bands(context, industryId, boundingGeographicLocationId, bands, granularity);
             return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #2
        public static void GetKpiModel(
            dynamic ViewBag, SizeUpContext context,
            long industryId, long locationId, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity,
            Expression <Func <IndustryData, bool> > filter,
            Expression <Func <IndustryData, LabeledValue> > selector,
            string kpiName, string formatString, int numBands
            var gran = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

            var data = Kpi.GetKpiBands(context, industryId, locationId, gran, filter, selector, formatString, numBands);

            // probably obsolete
            ViewBag.BoundingEntity = context.GeographicLocations
                                     .Where(i => i.Id == locationId)
                                     .Select(i => i.LongName)
            // current
            ViewBag.Area     = ViewBag.BoundingEntity;
            ViewBag.Bands    = Kpi.FormatBands(data);
            ViewBag.Industry = context.Industries
                               .Where(i => i.Id == industryId)
                               .Select(i => i.Name)
            ViewBag.Kpi           = kpiName;
            ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = Kpi.TranslateGranularity(granularity);
            ViewBag.Q             = numBands.ToString();
            ViewBag.ThemeUrl      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Theme.Url"];

            ViewBag.Query = string.Format(
                "Rank {0} in {1}, by {2} of {3} businesses, in {4} quantiles",
                ViewBag.LevelOfDetail, ViewBag.Area, ViewBag.Kpi, ViewBag.Industry, ViewBag.Q
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult Bands(int itemCount, int bands, int industryId, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, long?regionId, long?stateId)
            BestPlacesFilters filters = BuildFilters();

            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                var output = Core.DataLayer.BestPlaces.Bands(context, industryId, itemCount, bands, regionId, stateId, filters, granularity);
                return(Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #4
  * Also lifted from AccessibilityController code. Not to endorse how this works, just
  * relocating the code verbatim for now.
 public static string TranslateGranularity(Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity)
     if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.ZipCode)
         return("Zip Codes");
     else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.County)
     else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State)
         throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not resolve granularity: " + granularity.ToString());
Exemple #5
        public ActionResult Index(int industryId, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, long?regionId, long?stateId, int itemCount = 25)
            int maxResults = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Data.BestPlaces.MaxResults"]);

            itemCount = Math.Min(maxResults, itemCount);
            BestPlacesFilters filters = BuildFilters();

            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                var output = Core.DataLayer.BestPlaces.Get(context, industryId, regionId, stateId, filters, granularity).Take(itemCount).ToList();
                if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.City)
                    var cityIds  = output.Select(i => i.City.Id).ToList();
                    var counties = context.Cities.Where(c => cityIds.Contains(c.Id)).SelectMany(i => i.Counties, (i, o) => new { i.Id, o.Name }).ToList();
                    output.ForEach(i => i.City.Counties = counties.Where(c => c.Id == i.City.Id).Select(c => new Core.DataLayer.Models.County {
                        Name = c.Name
                return(Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult TotalRevenue(int bands, int industryId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity)
            ViewBag.Header = new Models.Header()
                HideNavigation = true
            var gran = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                var data = Core.DataLayer.IndustryData.Get(context)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.GeographicLocations.Any(gl => gl.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId))
                           .Where(i => i.IndustryId == industryId)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.Granularity.Name == gran)
                           .Select(i => new
                    Label = i.GeographicLocation.LongName,
                    Value = i.TotalRevenue
                           .NTileDescending(i => i.Value, bands)
                           .Select(i => new Band
                    Min   = string.Format("${0}", Format(i.Min(v => v.Value.Value))),
                    Max   = string.Format("${0}", Format(i.Max(v => v.Value.Value))),
                    Items = i.Select(v => v.Label).ToList()

                if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.ZipCode)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "Zip Code";
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.County)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "County";
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "State";
                ViewBag.Bands          = FormatBands(data);
                ViewBag.BoundingEntity = context.GeographicLocations.Where(i => i.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId).Select(i => i.LongName).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.Attribute      = "Total Revenue";
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult Competition(long variableId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, int bands, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity)
            ViewBag.Header = new Models.Header()
                HideNavigation = true
            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                var variable = Variables(context).Where(i => i.Id == variableId).Select(i => i.Variable).FirstOrDefault();
                var gran     = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

                int granularityId = 0;
                if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.ZipCode)
                    granularityId = 1;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.City)
                    granularityId = 2;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.County)
                    granularityId = 3;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Place)
                    granularityId = 4;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Metro)
                    granularityId = 5;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State)
                    granularityId = 6;
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Nation)
                    granularityId = 7;

                var data = Get(context)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.Granularity.Name == gran)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.GeographicLocations.Any(g => g.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId));

                int count = data.ToList().Count();

                string queryString = string.Format("select LongName, {0} " +
                                                   "from dbo.ConsumerExpenditures as ce " +
                                                   "join dbo.GeographicLocation as gl on ce.GeographicLocationId = gl.Id " +
                                                   "where ce.GeographicLocationId in ( " +
                                                   "SELECT gl.GeographicLocationId " +
                                                   "FROM dbo.GeographicLocation as g " +
                                                   "join dbo.GeographicLocationGeographicLocation as gl on g.Id = gl.GeographicLocationId " +
                                                   "where GranularityId={1} and gl.IntersectedGeographicLocationId = {2})", variable, granularityId, boundingGeographicLocationId);
                var            conn = new EntityConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SizeUpContext"].ConnectionString);
                List <Payload> t    = new List <Payload>();
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conn.StoreConnection.ConnectionString))
                    SqlCommand command =
                        new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);

                    SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                    // Call Read before accessing data.
                    while (reader.Read())
                        t.Add(new Payload()
                            Name = reader[0].ToString(), Value = Convert.ToInt64(reader[1])

                    // Call Close when done reading.

                var output = t
                             .NTileDescending(i => i.Value, bands)
                             .Select(i => new Band
                    Min   = string.Format("${0}", Format(i.Min(v => v.Value))),
                    Max   = string.Format("${0}", Format(i.Max(v => v.Value))),
                    Items = i.Select(v => v.Name).ToList()

                if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.ZipCode)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "Zip Code";
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.County)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "County";
                else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State)
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = "State";
                ViewBag.Bands          = FormatBands(output);
                ViewBag.BoundingEntity = context.GeographicLocations.Where(i => i.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId).Select(i => i.LongName).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.Attribute      = "Competition";
        // GET: /Tiles/Revenue/

        public ActionResult Index(int x, int y, int zoom, long industryId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, string startColor, string endColor, int bands, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, int width = 256, int height = 256)
            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                Heatmap     tile        = new Heatmap(width, height, x, y, zoom);
                BoundingBox boundingBox = tile.GetBoundingBox(TileBuffer);
                double      tolerance   = GetPolygonTolerance(zoom);
                var         boundingGeo = boundingBox.GetDbGeography();

                var gran = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

                var geos = Core.DataLayer.GeographicLocation.Get(context)
                           .Where(i => i.Granularity.Name == gran)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocations.Any(g => g.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId));

                var data = Core.DataLayer.IndustryData.Get(context).Where(i => i.IndustryId == industryId);

                var list = geos
                           .GroupJoin(data, i => i.Id, o => o.GeographicLocationId, (i, o) => new { IndustryData = o, GeographicLocation = i })
                           .Select(i => new KeyValue <DbGeography, Band <double> >
                    Key = i.GeographicLocation.Geographies.Where(g => g.GeographyClass.Name == Core.Geo.GeographyClass.Display)
                          .Select(g => SqlSpatialFunctions.Reduce(g.Polygon, tolerance).Intersection(boundingGeo)).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Value = i.IndustryData.Select(d => d.Bands.Where(b => b.Attribute.Name == IndustryAttribute.CostEffectiveness).Select(b => new Band <double> {
                        Min = (double)b.Min.Value, Max = (double)b.Max.Value

                var quantiles = list
                                .Where(i => i.Value != null)
                                .NTileDescending(i => i.Value.Max, bands);

                ColorBands colorBands = new Core.Tiles.ColorBands(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + startColor), System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + endColor), quantiles.Count());
                string[]   bandList   = colorBands.GetColorBands().ToArray();

                var validValues = quantiles
                                  .Select((i, index) => i.Where(g => g.Key != null).Select(g => new GeographyEntity()
                    Geography = SqlGeography.Parse(g.Key.AsText()), Color = bandList[index]
                                  .SelectMany(i => i)

                var invalidValues = list
                                    .Where(i => i.Value == null)
                                    .Where(i => i.Key != null)
                                    .Select(g => new GeographyEntity()
                    Geography = SqlGeography.Parse(g.Key.AsText())

                var output = validValues.Union(invalidValues).ToList();

                var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                tile.Bitmap.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                return(File(stream.GetBuffer(), "image/png"));
Exemple #9
        // GET: /Tiles/Revenue/
        public ActionResult Index(int x, int y, int zoom, long variableId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, string startColor, string endColor, int bands, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity = Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State, int width = 256, int height = 256)
            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                Heatmap     tile        = new Heatmap(width, height, x, y, zoom);
                BoundingBox boundingBox = tile.GetBoundingBox(TileBuffer);
                double      tolerance   = GetPolygonTolerance(zoom);
                var         boundingGeo = boundingBox.GetDbGeography();

                var variable = Core.DataLayer.ConsumerExpenditures.Variables(context).Where(i => i.Id == variableId).Select(i => i.Variable).FirstOrDefault();

                var gran = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

                var geos = Core.DataLayer.GeographicLocation.Get(context)
                           .Where(i => i.Granularity.Name == gran)
                           .Where(i => i.GeographicLocations.Any(g => g.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId));

                var data = Core.DataLayer.ConsumerExpenditures.Get(context);
                //.Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.Granularity.Name == gran)
                //.Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.GeographicLocations.Any(g => g.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId));

                ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(data); //empty set
                IQueryProvider     provider = data.Provider;
                Type dataType = typeof(ConsumerExpenditure);
                var  param    = Expression.Parameter(dataType, "c");

                var varSelector     = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(param, variable), typeof(long?)) as Expression;
                var idSelector      = Expression.Property(param, "GeographicLocationId") as Expression;
                var transType       = typeof(KeyValue <long, long?>);
                var constructor     = transType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(long), typeof(long?) });
                var selector        = Expression.New(constructor, new Expression[] { idSelector, varSelector }.AsEnumerable(), new System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] { transType.GetProperty("Key"), transType.GetProperty("Value") });
                var pred            = Expression.Lambda(selector, param) as Expression;
                var expression      = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new Type[] { dataType, transType }, constant, pred);
                var transformedData = data.Provider.CreateQuery <KeyValue <long, long?> >(expression);

                var list = geos.GroupJoin(transformedData, i => i.Id, o => o.Key, (i, o) => new { Data = o, GeographicLocation = i })
                           .Select(i => new KeyValue <DbGeography, long?>
                    Key = i.GeographicLocation.Geographies.Where(g => g.GeographyClass.Name == Core.Geo.GeographyClass.Display)
                          .Select(g => SqlSpatialFunctions.Reduce(g.Polygon, tolerance).Intersection(boundingGeo)).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Value = i.Data.Select(d => d.Value).FirstOrDefault()

                var quantiles = list
                                .Where(i => i.Value != null)
                                .NTileDescending(i => i.Value, bands);

                ColorBands colorBands = new Core.Tiles.ColorBands(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + startColor), System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + endColor), quantiles.Count());
                string[]   bandList   = colorBands.GetColorBands().ToArray();

                var validValues = quantiles
                                  .Select((i, index) => i.Where(g => g.Key != null).Select(g => new GeographyEntity()
                    Geography = SqlGeography.Parse(g.Key.AsText()), Color = bandList[index]
                                  .SelectMany(i => i)

                var invalidValues = list
                                    .Where(i => i.Value == null || i.Value <= 0)
                                    .Where(i => i.Key != null)
                                    .Select(g => new GeographyEntity()
                    Geography = SqlGeography.Parse(g.Key.AsText())

                var output = validValues.Union(invalidValues).ToList();

                var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                tile.Bitmap.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                return(File(stream.GetBuffer(), "image/png"));
 public ActionResult Bands(long industryId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, int bands, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, string contentType = "*/*")
     // contentType arg should also be checked for application/json and application/javascript,
     // but those seem to be inferred by other code like APIContext.IsJsonp, alluded to in
     // Controller.Json, and etc. For now we'll leave those alone and just check for:
     if ("text/html".Equals(contentType))
         using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
             Expression <Func <SizeUp.Data.IndustryData, bool> >             filter = i => i.AverageRevenue != null;
             Expression <Func <SizeUp.Data.IndustryData, Kpi.LabeledValue> > selector;
             selector = i => new Kpi.LabeledValue
                 Label = i.GeographicLocation.LongName,
                 Value = i.AverageRevenue
                 ViewBag, context,
                 industryId, boundingGeographicLocationId, granularity,
                 filter, selector, "Average Annual Revenue", "${0}", bands
         using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
             var data = Core.DataLayer.AverageRevenue.Bands(context, industryId, boundingGeographicLocationId, bands, granularity);
             return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 public ActionResult Bands(long industryId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, int bands, Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity)
     using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
         var data = Core.DataLayer.TotalEmployees.Bands(context, industryId, boundingGeographicLocationId, bands, granularity);
         return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Bands(
            int variableId, long boundingGeographicLocationId, int bands,
            Core.DataLayer.Granularity granularity, string contentType = "*/*")
            using (var context = ContextFactory.SizeUpContext)
                if ("text/html".Equals(contentType))
                    var variable = context.ConsumerExpenditureVariables
                                   .Where(i => i.Id == variableId)
                    var gran = Enum.GetName(typeof(Core.DataLayer.Granularity), granularity);

                    int granularityId = 0;
                    if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.ZipCode)
                        granularityId = 1;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.City)
                        granularityId = 2;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.County)
                        granularityId = 3;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Place)
                        granularityId = 4;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Metro)
                        granularityId = 5;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.State)
                        granularityId = 6;
                    else if (granularity == Core.DataLayer.Granularity.Nation)
                        granularityId = 7;

                    var data = context.ConsumerExpenditures
                               .Where(i => i.Year == CommonFilters.TimeSlice.ConsumerExpenditures.Year && i.Quarter == CommonFilters.TimeSlice.ConsumerExpenditures.Quarter)
                               .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.Granularity.Name == gran)
                               .Where(i => i.GeographicLocation.GeographicLocations.Any(g => g.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId));

                    int count = data.ToList().Count();

                    var output = GetPayloads(variable.Variable, granularityId, boundingGeographicLocationId)
                                 .NTileDescending(i => i.Value, bands)
                                 .Select(i => new Kpi.Band
                        Min   = string.Format("${0}", Kpi.Format(i.Min(v => v.Value))),
                        Max   = string.Format("${0}", Kpi.Format(i.Max(v => v.Value))),
                        Items = i.Select(v => v.Name).ToList()

                    ViewBag.Area = context.GeographicLocations
                                   .Where(i => i.Id == boundingGeographicLocationId)
                                   .Select(i => i.LongName)
                    ViewBag.Bands         = Kpi.FormatBands(output);
                    ViewBag.Expenditure   = variable;
                    ViewBag.LevelOfDetail = Kpi.TranslateGranularity(granularity);
                    ViewBag.Q             = bands.ToString();
                    ViewBag.ThemeUrl      = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Theme.Url"];
                    ViewBag.Query         = string.Format(
                        "Rank {0} in {1}, by {2} Consumer Spending on {3}, in {4} quantiles",
                        ViewBag.LevelOfDetail, ViewBag.Area,
                        variable.Variable.StartsWith("X") ? "Average" : "Total",
                        variable.Description, ViewBag.Q
                    var output = Core.DataLayer.ConsumerExpenditures.Bands(context, variableId, boundingGeographicLocationId, bands, granularity);
                    return(Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));