Exemple #1
 public StackChain(Debugger debugger, CorChain chain)
     this.debugger = debugger;
     this.chain = chain;
     this.hashCode = chain.GetHashCode();
     this.isManaged = chain.IsManaged;
     this.reason = (ChainReason)chain.Reason;
     this.stackStart = chain.StackStart;
     this.stackEnd = chain.StackEnd;
        /// <summary>
        /// The function should parse the native part of the stack and fill the m_frameCache with the
        /// corresponding frames from the native chain. Further it should return the top-most frame in the chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain">the native chain on the stack</param>
        /// <returns>First frame from the native chain or null if there are no frames</returns>
        protected virtual MDbgFrame FillAndGetLeafFrameFromNativeChain(CorChain chain)
            Debug.Assert(chain != null);

            // StackWalkers that support interop callstacks would want to fill the list of frames and return
            // topmost native frame from that chain.
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the leaf-most frame in the stack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the top-most frame in the stack</returns>
        protected MDbgFrame ReturnLeafFrame()
            MDbgFrame leafFrame = null;

            CorChain c = null;

                c = Thread.CorThread.ActiveChain;
            catch (COMException ce)
                // Sometimes we cannot get the callstack.  For example, the thread
                // may not be scheduled yet (CORDBG_E_THREAD_NOT_SCHEDULED),
                // or the CLR may be corrupt (CORDBG_E_BAD_THREAD_STATE).
                // In either case, we'll ignore the problem and return an empty callstack.
                //    Debug.Assert(ce.ErrorCode == (int) HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_THREAD_STATE ||
                //                 ce.ErrorCode == (int) HResult.CORDBG_E_THREAD_NOT_SCHEDULED);
                DI.log.error("intenal MDbg error: Debug.Assert(ce.ErrorCode == (int) HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_THREAD_STATE || ce.ErrorCode == (int) HResult.CORDBG_E_THREAD_NOT_SCHEDULED);");

            if (c != null)
                if (!c.IsManaged)
                    leafFrame = FillAndGetLeafFrameFromNativeChain(c);

                if (leafFrame == null)
                    // if we still have no frame, we'll get one from the managed code.
                    while (c != null &&
                           (!c.IsManaged || (c.IsManaged && c.ActiveFrame == null))
                        c = c.Caller;

                    if (c == null)
                        leafFrame = null;
                        Debug.Assert(c != null && c.IsManaged);
                        leafFrame = new MDbgILFrame(Thread, c.ActiveFrame);
                leafFrame = null;

 void CheckTimestamp( )
     if (evalTimestamp != CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp)
         thread      = null;
         frame       = null;
         corEval     = null;
         activeChain = null;
Exemple #5
 public StackChain(Debugger debugger, CorChain chain)
     this.debugger   = debugger;
     this.chain      = chain;
     this.hashCode   = chain.GetHashCode();
     this.isManaged  = chain.IsManaged;
     this.reason     = (ChainReason)chain.Reason;
     this.stackStart = chain.StackStart;
     this.stackEnd   = chain.StackEnd;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new V2 StackWalker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thread">a thread object associated with the stackwalker</param>
        /// <returns>object implementing MDbgStackWalker interface</returns>
        public IEnumerable <MDbgFrame> EnumerateFrames(MDbgThread thread)
            // To do stackwalking using V2 ICorDebug, we enumerate through the chains,
            // and then enumerate each frame in every chain

            CorChain chain = null;

                chain = thread.CorThread.ActiveChain;
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ce)
                // Sometimes we cannot get the callstack.  For example, the thread
                // may not be scheduled yet (CORDBG_E_THREAD_NOT_SCHEDULED),
                // or the debuggee may be corrupt (CORDBG_E_BAD_THREAD_STATE).
                // In either case, we'll ignore the problem and return an empty callstack.
                Debug.Assert(ce.ErrorCode == (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_THREAD_STATE ||
                             ce.ErrorCode == (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_THREAD_NOT_SCHEDULED);

            while (chain != null)
                if (chain.IsManaged)
                    // Enumerate managed frames
                    // A chain may have 0 managed frames.
                    CorFrame f = chain.ActiveFrame;
                    while (f != null)
                        MDbgFrame frame = new MDbgILFrame(thread, f);
                        f = f.Caller;
                        yield return(frame);
                    // ICorDebug doesn't unwind unmanaged frames. Need to let a native-debug component handle that.
                    foreach (MDbgFrame frame in UnwindNativeFrames(thread, chain))
                        yield return(frame);

                // Move to next chain
                chain = chain.Caller;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unwind unmanaged frames within an native chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thread">thread containing chain</param>
        /// <param name="nativeChain">a native CorChain</param>
        /// <returns>enumeration of MDbgFrames for the native frames</returns>
        /// <remarks>ICorDebug stackwalking only unwinds managed chains.
        /// A derived class can override this function to provide native stacktracing.</remarks>
        protected virtual IEnumerable <MDbgFrame> UnwindNativeFrames(MDbgThread thread, CorChain nativeChain)

            // Base class can't unwind unmanaged chains.
            // A derived class can override and provide native stack unwinding.
            // Use:
            // 1) chain.RegisterSet to get the starting context.
            // 2) chain.GetStackRange(out start, out end);   to get the stackrange to unwind to
            // 3) a native unwinder (such as DbgHelp.dll) to actually do the native stack unwinding.
            yield break;
        /// <summary>
        /// A function that returns the new MdbgFrame. The function is expected to be overriden by derived implementations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">0 based index from top of the stack</param>
        /// <returns>frame from the stack</returns>
        protected override MDbgFrame GetFrameImpl(int index)
            if (index < FrameCache.Count)

            MDbgFrame frameToReturn;

            if (index == 0)
                // special case the first frame
                frameToReturn = ReturnLeafFrame();
                // use recursion...
                MDbgFrame prevFrame = GetFrameImpl(index - 1);
                if (prevFrame == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                frameToReturn = GetFrameCaller(prevFrame);
                if (frameToReturn == null)
                    // we need to get the next frame from the following chain

                    CorChain chain = GetFrameChain(prevFrame);
                    Debug.Assert(chain != null);
                    // 1. find next chain
                    while (true)
                        chain = chain.Caller;
                        if (chain == null)

                        if (chain.IsManaged)
                            CorFrame f = chain.ActiveFrame;
                            if (f != null)
                                frameToReturn = new MDbgILFrame(Thread, f);
                            frameToReturn = FillAndGetLeafFrameFromNativeChain(chain);
                            if (frameToReturn != null)

            // store and return frameToReturn
            if (frameToReturn != null)
                Debug.Assert(FrameCache.Count >= index);
                if (FrameCache.Count == index)
                    Debug.Assert(FrameCache[index] == frameToReturn, "List of frames pre-filled with incorrect frame");