public void GeneratePath(Node startNode)
        Node currentNode = startNode;
        // Debug.Log ("currentNode: " + currentNode);

        int doNumAttempts = 0;
        int doMaxAttempts = (Node.GetRows() * Node.GetCols());


            // Set the current node to path and inform its neighbors
            if (Node.Type.Path != currentNode.type)
                SetNode(currentNode, Node.Type.Path);

            // Get the potential directions the path could take, i.e. those not already a path
            List <Coords.Direction> potentialDirections = currentNode.closedNeighbors;

            // For Debugging only

            /* string directions = "";
             * for (int i = 0; i < potentialDirections.Count; i++) {
             *      directions += potentialDirections[i] + " ";
             * }
             * Debug.Log("potentialDirections: " + directions);

            // If no directions for the path to take, we've reached a dead end
            if (0 == potentialDirections.Count)
                // Debug.Log("potentialDirections.Count: 0");
                currentNode.isDeadEnd = true;

            // Chose one of these at random
            int randIndex = Random.Range(0, potentialDirections.Count);
            Coords.Direction randomDirection = potentialDirections[randIndex];
            // Debug.Log("randomDirection: " + randomDirection);

            // Create a connection between the current node and that at the choosen direction
            Node nextNode = Node.nodes[Node.GetIndex(Coords.Displaced(currentNode.coords, randomDirection))];
            // Debug.Log("nextNode: " + nextNode);

            // Update whether currentNode is a dead end as needed
            if (currentNode.isDeadEnd && 1 < currentNode.connections.Count)
                currentNode.isDeadEnd = false;

            // Finally, set the next node as the new current node
            currentNode = nextNode;
        }while (doNumAttempts < doMaxAttempts);
    public void SetNode(Node node, Node.Type nodeType)
    // public void SetNode(Coords nodeCoords, NodeType nodeType)
        // Set the node accordingly
        node.type = nodeType;

        // Remove this node from its neighbors' lists of closed neighbors, if setting to open
        if (Node.Type.Path == nodeType || Node.Type.Room == nodeType)
            // Add this node to the set of nodes with closed neighbors if not already there
            // This method should only get called by GeneratePath once at maximum per node
            if (Node.Type.Path == nodeType && node.closedNeighbors.Count > 0)
                if (!Node.pathsWithClosedNeighbor.ContainsKey(node.index))
                    Node.pathsWithClosedNeighbor.Add(node.index, node);

            // Removing node from neighbors' closedNeighbors
            foreach (Coords.Direction neighborDirection in node.neighbors)
                // Get the neighboring node in each neighboring direction
                Coords neighborCoords = Coords.Displaced(node.coords, neighborDirection);
                Node   neighbor       = Node.nodes [Node.GetIndex(neighborCoords)];

                if (neighbor.closedNeighbors.Count > 0)
                    // Remove the originating node from the neighbors' closedNeighbors lists
                    Coords.Direction inverseDirection = Coords.Inverse(neighborDirection);
                    if (neighbor.closedNeighbors.Contains(inverseDirection))

                        // If no more closed neighbors, remove this node from the global list
                        if (0 == neighbor.closedNeighbors.Count)
Exemple #3
 public void ConnectTo(Coords.Direction direction)