Exemple #1
        public AvrMapInfo(double pLon, double pLat)
            //MtInfo mtInfo = new MtInfo();
            //var connectionCredentials = new bv.common.Configuration.ConnectionCredentials();
            //mtInfo.ConnectionString = connectionCredentials.ConnectionString;
            //m_InfoRegion = new string[4];
            //m_InfoRayon = new string[4];
            //m_InfoResult = mtInfo.GetWebPointInfo(pLon, pLat, m_InfoRegion, m_InfoRayon, ref m_InfoSettlement);

            var connectionCredentials = new bv.common.Configuration.ConnectionCredentials();
            var lng = Localizer.CurrentCultureLanguageID;

            m_InfoRegion = new string[4];
            m_InfoRayon  = new string[4];

            // Old version: uses map control and requires devex. Causes an error.

            //MtInfo mtInfo = new MtInfo();
            //mtInfo.ConnectionString = connectionCredentials.ConnectionString;
            //m_InfoResult = mtInfo.GetWebPointInfo(pLon, pLat, m_InfoRegion, m_InfoRayon, ref m_InfoSettlement);

            m_InfoResult = CoordinatesUtils.GetWebPointInfo1(connectionCredentials.ConnectionString, lng, pLon, pLat,
                                                             m_InfoRegion, m_InfoRayon, ref m_InfoSettlement);
Exemple #2
        private void ProcessMouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var locationInMap = CoordinatesUtils.GetLocationInMapByLocationInControl(new Vector(e.X, e.Y), cellSize);
            var gemToDelete   = new List <Gem>();

            foreach (var gem in Game.CurrentLevel.Map.Gems)
                if ((gem.Position - locationInMap).Length < 0.9)
                    Game.CurrentLevel.GemCount += 25;

            foreach (var gem in gemToDelete)

            if (gemToDelete.Count > 0)

            if (isDeleteSelected)
                foreach (var hero in Game.CurrentLevel.Map.GetHeroesFromLine((int)locationInMap.Y))
                    if (Math.Abs(hero.Position.X - locationInMap.X) < double.Epsilon)
                isDeleteSelected = false;

            if (currentObjectToPurchase != null)
                if (Game.CurrentLevel.GemCount >= currentObjectToPurchase.Price &&
                    .Any(hero => (locationInMap - hero.Position).Length < 0.1))
                    var ctor      = currentObjectToPurchase.Type.GetConstructors()[0];
                    var heroToAdd = (IHero)ctor.Invoke(
                        new object[] { currentObjectToPurchase.Parameters, locationInMap });
                    Game.CurrentLevel.GemCount -= currentObjectToPurchase.Price;
Exemple #3
        private void DrawMap(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (Game.IsWin)

            if (Game.IsOver)

            if (Game.CurrentLevel.IsWin)

            foreach (var gameObject in Game.CurrentLevel.Map.GetGameObjects())
                var visualObject     = ResourceManager.GetVisualObject(gameObject.GetType());
                var currentAnimation = visualObject.PassiveImage;
                if (gameObject.State != State.Idle)
                    currentAnimation = gameObject.State == State.Moves
                        ? visualObject.MoveImage
                        : visualObject.AttackImage;
                    if (!visualObject.Animations.ContainsKey(gameObject))
                        visualObject.Animations[gameObject] = new Animation(
                            false, currentAnimation);
                    AnimationUtils.AnimateImage(visualObject.Animations[gameObject], currentAnimation, OnFrameChanged);
                var rectangleInMapControl = CoordinatesUtils.GetRectangleToPaintByLocationInMap(gameObject.Position, cellSize);
                if (gameObject is IStrike)
                    rectangleInMapControl.Height /= 3;
                    rectangleInMapControl.Y      += rectangleInMapControl.Height / 2;
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(currentAnimation, rectangleInMapControl);
Exemple #4
    public void CreateEnvironment(Coords worldPoint, int worldRadius, Vector3 editorPoint, float height, int editorRadius)

        var square    = CoordinatesUtils.SquareFromCenter((worldPoint.Latitude, worldPoint.Longitude), worldRadius);
        var squareSim = CoordinatesUtils.SquareFromCenterSim(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), editorRadius);
        var tile      = new Tile(square[2], square[0], squareSim[2], squareSim[0]);

        // Retrieve data from API only if necessary
        var data = SessionState.GetString("prev_environment", "");

        if (SettingsHaveChanged(worldPoint, worldRadius, height) == true)
            SessionState.SetFloat("prev_latitude", worldPoint.Latitude);
            SessionState.SetFloat("prev_longitude", worldPoint.Longitude);
            SessionState.SetInt("prev_radius", worldRadius);
            SessionState.SetFloat("prev_editor_heigh", height);
            data = Overpass.GetBuildingsInArea(tile);

        var dataObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataProperties>(data);

        SessionState.SetString("prev_environment", data);

        foreach (Elements elem in dataObj.elements)
            Vector3[] points = new Vector3[elem.geometry.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < elem.geometry.Length; i++)
                Coords  geoPoint = new Coords(elem.geometry[i].lat, elem.geometry[i].lon);
                Vector3 simPoint = SimCoordinatesUtils.GPSToSim(geoPoint, tile);

                points[i] = simPoint;

            GenerateBuilding(points, height);
Exemple #5
        private string GetMapJson(DataTable data)
            var    connectionCredentials = new bv.common.Configuration.ConnectionCredentials();
            string connection            = connectionCredentials.ConnectionString;

            var column = new DataColumn {
                DataType = typeof(SqlGeometry), ColumnName = "geom"


            var    sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connection); sqlConnection.Open();
            string lTableName    = CoordinatesUtils.GetWKBTableName(data, connection);

            const int srid  = 4326;
            string    ratio = "0"; // Settlement

            if (lTableName == "gisWKBRegion")
                ratio = "50";
            if ((lTableName == "gisWKBRayon") || (lTableName == "gisWKBDistrict"))
                ratio = "100";

            string strIds = string.Empty;

            if (data.Rows.Count > 0)
                strIds = String.Join(",", data.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field <long>("id").ToString()).ToArray());
                strIds = string.Format("idfsGeoObject in ({0}) and ", strIds);
                if ((data.PrimaryKey == null) || (data.PrimaryKey.Length == 0))
                    var key = new DataColumn[1];
                    key[0]          = data.Columns["id"];
                    data.PrimaryKey = key;

                try // Try get it from precached table geomShape_4326
                    string strBatchSql = "SELECT g.idfsGeoObject as id, g.geomShape_4326 as geom FROM " + lTableName + "Ready g WHERE " + strIds + " Ratio = " + ratio;
                    var    cmdBatch    = new SqlCommand(strBatchSql, sqlConnection);
                    using (SqlDataReader dr = cmdBatch.ExecuteReader())
                        var resBatch = new DataTable();

                        if ((resBatch != null) && resBatch.Rows.Count > 0)
                            if ((resBatch.PrimaryKey == null) || (resBatch.PrimaryKey.Length == 0))
                                var resBatchKey = new DataColumn[1];
                                resBatchKey[0]      = resBatch.Columns["id"];
                                resBatch.PrimaryKey = resBatchKey;

                            data.Merge(resBatch, false, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);
                catch (Exception /*ex*/) { /*var strErr = ex.Message;*/ }

                foreach (var rEmptyGeom in data.Select("geom is null"))
                    SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry feature = null;

                    long id = 0;
                    if (rEmptyGeom["id"].ToString() != "")
                        id = Int64.Parse(rEmptyGeom["id"].ToString());

                    // Try get it as usual
                    feature = Extents.GetGeomById(sqlConnection, lTableName, id);
                    if (feature != null)
                        feature = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(feature, GIS_V4.Common.CoordinateSystems.SphericalMercatorCS, GIS_V4.Common.CoordinateSystems.WGS84);
                        var wktGeometry = new System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars(feature.AsText());
                        rEmptyGeom["geom"] = SqlGeometry.STGeomFromText(wktGeometry, srid);

                    if (feature != null)
                        SharpMap.Geometries.Point point = feature.GetBoundingBox().GetCentroid();
                        rEmptyGeom["x"] = point.X;
                        rEmptyGeom["y"] = point.Y;
                        double x, y;
                        if (CoordinatesUtils.GetAdminUnitCoordinates(connection, id, out x, out y))
                            rEmptyGeom["x"] = x;
                            rEmptyGeom["y"] = y;


            var ds = new DataSet();


            string json = GeoJSON.DataSetToJSON(ds);

            json = json.Replace("\\r\\n", " ");

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get relative coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settlementID">settlement id</param>
        /// <param name="azimuth">Azimuth from North direction in decimal degree</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Distance in kilometers</param>
        /// <param name="x">x or Longitude in Geo coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="y">y or Latitude in Geo coordinates</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetRelativeCoordinates(long settlementID, double azimuth, double distance, out double x, out double y)
            string connectionString = ConnectionManager.DefaultInstance.ConnectionString;

            return(CoordinatesUtils.GetRelativeCoordinates(connectionString, settlementID, azimuth, distance * 1000, out x, out y));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get coordinates of administrative unit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Administrative unit ID</param>
        /// <param name="x">out X</param>
        /// <param name="y">out Y</param>
        /// <returns>True if exists</returns>
        public static bool GetAdminUnitCoordinates(long id, out double x, out double y)
            string connectionString = ConnectionManager.DefaultInstance.ConnectionString;

            return(CoordinatesUtils.GetAdminUnitCoordinates(connectionString, id, out x, out y));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get coordinates of the settlement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settlementID">settlement id</param>
        /// <param name="x">x or Longitude in Geo coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="y">y or Latitude in Geo coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="z">Elevation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetSettlementCoordinates(long settlementID, out double x, out double y, out int z)
            string connectionString = ConnectionManager.DefaultInstance.ConnectionString;

            return(CoordinatesUtils.GetSettlementCoordinates(connectionString, settlementID, out x, out y, out z));