Exemple #1
        public static Layer <T> Deserialize(string file)
            Layer <T> layer      = new Layer <T>();
            int       validGeoms = 0;

            using (var reader = new ShapefileDataReader(file, GeometryFactory.Default))
                var projectionFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".prj");
                var projectionInfo = File.ReadAllText(projectionFile);
                CoordinateSystems.COORSYSTEM detected = CoordinateSystems.DetectCoordinateSystems(projectionInfo);
                bool convert = (detected != layer.coordinateSystem);

                while (reader.Read())
                    T t = new T();

                    //import all fields by variable name
                    t.Geometry = reader.Geometry;
                    foreach (var field in t.GetType().GetFields())
                        if (reader.DbaseHeader.Fields.Select(x => x.Name.ToLower()).Contains(field.Name.ToLower()))
                            t.GetType().GetField(field.Name).SetValue(t, reader[field.Name]);

                    //convert from geodecial degrees to NAD83
                    if (convert)
                        t.Longitude = t.Geometry.Centroid.X;
                        t.Latitude  = t.Geometry.Centroid.Y;
                        t.Geometry  = CoordinateSystems.Convert(detected, layer.coordinateSystem, reader.Geometry);
                        var point = CoordinateSystems.Convert(layer.coordinateSystem, CoordinateSystems.COORSYSTEM.WGS84,
                                                              t.Geometry.Centroid.Y, t.Geometry.Centroid.X);
                        t.Longitude = point[0];
                        t.Latitude  = point[1];
                    //Calculate max length of polygon
                    #region PolyLength
                    var        hull   = t.Geometry.ConvexHull();
                    Coordinate left   = hull.Coordinate,
                               right  = hull.Coordinate,
                               top    = hull.Coordinate,
                               bottom = hull.Coordinate;

                    //Source: https://msi.nga.mil/msisitecontent/staticfiles/calculators/degree.html
                    //Source: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/142326/calculating-longitude-length-in-miles
                    //double lngToMeterScale = 111320f;
                    //double latToMeterScale = 110574f;
                    //double leftX = 0, rightX = 0, topY = 0, bottomY = 0;

                    foreach (var point in hull.Coordinates)
                        //double pointX = point.X * lngToMeterScale;
                        //double pointY = point.Y * latToMeterScale;
                        //leftX = left.X * lngToMeterScale;
                        //rightX = right.X * lngToMeterScale;
                        //topY = top.Y * latToMeterScale;
                        //bottomY = bottom.Y * latToMeterScale;

                        if (point.X < left.X)
                            left = point;
                        if (point.X > right.X)
                            right = point;
                        if (point.Y > top.Y)
                            top = point;
                        if (point.Y < bottom.Y)
                            bottom = point;

                    if (Math.Abs(right.X - left.X) > Math.Abs(top.Y - bottom.Y))
                        t.Length = Math.Abs(right.X - left.X);
                        t.Length = Math.Abs(top.Y - bottom.Y);


                    t.Object_ID = layer.Shapes.Count + 1;

                    if (t.Geometry.IsValid)

                Debug.Assert(layer.Shapes.Count == reader.RecordCount);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} Valid Geometries in file {2} (converted: {3})", validGeoms, layer.Shapes.Count, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), convert);
Exemple #2
 public Layer()
     coordinateSystem = CoordinateSystems.COORSYSTEM.NAD83;
     Shapes           = new List <T>();