public IEnumerator loadTransect(string transect) { string url = "http://localhost/ReefTransects/" + transect; WWW wwwImage = new WWW(url + ".jpg"); WWW wwwCoords = new WWW(url + ".txt"); yield return(wwwImage); yield return(wwwCoords); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(10, 10); wwwImage.LoadImageIntoTexture(texture); TransectSelection.transectTextures.Add(transect, texture); string[] coords = wwwCoords.text.ToString().Split(','); float xPos = CoordConversion.calcX(float.Parse(coords[1])); float zPos = CoordConversion.calcZ(float.Parse(coords[0])); GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); = transect; Vector3 worldPos = new Vector3(xPos, 0, zPos); sphere.transform.position = new Vector3(xPos, RandomTerrainGenerator.terrain.SampleHeight(worldPos) - 6f, zPos); sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture; sphere.AddComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; sphere.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; sphere.tag = "transect"; }
public void loadDummyMesh(string reefSection) { string path = @"C:\dummyserver\" + reefSection; string[] coords = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + ".txt").Split(','); print(coords[0] + " " + coords[1]); float xPos = CoordConversion.calcX(float.Parse(coords[1])); float zPos = CoordConversion.calcZ(float.Parse(coords[0])); GetComponent <PLYImporter>().ReadBinaryFile(path + ".ply", xPos, 0f, zPos); }
// Loads the mesh "reefSection".ply at the coordinate position desiganted in the txt file "reefSection".txt // which are saved on the localhost at "http://localhost/ReefMeshes/" public IEnumerator loadMesh(string reefSection) { string url = "http://localhost/ReefMeshes/" + reefSection; string path = @"C:\ReefData\" + reefSection; WWW wwwScript = new WWW(url + ".ply"); WWW wwwMeta = new WWW(url + ".txt"); // real server stuff yield return(wwwScript); yield return(wwwMeta); File.WriteAllBytes(path + ".ply", wwwScript.bytes); string[] coords = wwwMeta.text.ToString().Split(','); float xPos = CoordConversion.calcX(float.Parse(coords[1])); float zPos = CoordConversion.calcZ(float.Parse(coords[0])); CoordConversion.resetOrigin(xPos, zPos); // resets origin and puts mesh in origin position- easily changed GetComponent <PLYImporter>().ReadBinaryFile(path + ".ply", 0, 0f, 0); }