Exemple #1
    private bool TooCloseToOtherPoints(Coord coord, Coord[,] grid, float cellSize)
        // get the position on the grid
        Coord gridCoord = SpaceToPoissonGrid(coord, cellSize);

        // check adjacent squares
        for (int x = gridCoord.x - 1; x < gridCoord.x + 1; x++)
            for (int y = gridCoord.y - 1; y < gridCoord.y + 1; y++)
                if (x < 0 || x >= grid.GetLength(0) || y < 0 || y >= grid.GetLength(1))
                Coord cell = grid [x, y];
                if (cell != null)
                    if (coord.Distance(cell) < minDistBetweenPoints)
Exemple #2
        private void NxtFrm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Frame        += 1;
            Frame         = Frame % Data.GetLength(0);
            TimeReal.Text = "Time : " + Frame;
            Bitmap Frm = GenerateBitmap(screen.Width, screen.Height, Frame, zoom, Xoffset, Yoffset, Data, LogView.Checked);

            screen.Image = (Image)Frm;
Exemple #3
        // Make sure pool is initialized to proper width/height.
        static Coord()
            int width = POOL.GetLength(0), height = POOL.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    POOL[i, j] = new Coord(i - 3, j - 3);
Exemple #4
        public static Bitmap GenerateBitmap(int xd, int yd, int frame, double zoom, double Xo, double Yo, Coord[,] datas, bool lg)
            Bitmap Frm = new Bitmap(xd, yd);

            for (int Part = 0; Part < datas.GetLength(1); Part++)
                double xa = (zoom * (datas[frame, Part].X));
                int    Xaff;
                double ya = (zoom * (datas[frame, Part].Y));
                int    Yaff;
                double za = zoom * datas[frame, Part].Z;
                double Zaff;
                if (lg)
                    double dist    = Math.Sqrt(xa * xa + ya * ya);
                    double LogDist = Math.Log10(1.0 + dist);
                    double Teta    = Math.Sign(ya) * Math.Acos(xa / dist);
                    Xaff = (int)(LogDist * Math.Cos(Teta) - Xo);
                    Yaff = yd - (int)(LogDist * Math.Sin(Teta) - Yo);
                    Zaff = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(za / 10));
                    Xaff = (int)(xa - Xo);
                    Yaff = yd - (int)(ya - Yo);
                    Zaff = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(za));

                if (((Xaff >= 0) && (Xaff < xd)) && ((Yaff >= 0) && (Yaff < yd)))
                    Frm.SetPixel(Xaff, Yaff, Color.FromArgb((int)(100 + 154.0 * Zaff), 0, 0));
