private async Task ChecksFailedError(CommandsNextExtension c, CommandErrorEventArgs e)
            if (e.Exception is ChecksFailedException checksFailed)
                IReadOnlyList <CheckBaseAttribute> failedChecks = checksFailed.FailedChecks;

                string DetermineMessage()
                    if (failedChecks.Any(x => x is RequireBotPermissionsAttribute))
                        return("I don't have the permissions necessary");
                    if (failedChecks.Any(x => x is RequireUserPermissionsAttribute))
                        return("you don't have the permissions necessary");
                    if (failedChecks.Any(x => x is CooldownAttribute))
                        CooldownAttribute cooldown = failedChecks.First(x => x is CooldownAttribute) as CooldownAttribute;
                        return($"this command is on cooldown for {cooldown.GetRemainingCooldown(e.Context):hh\\:mm\\:ss}");
                    if (failedChecks.Any(x => x is RequireOwnerAttribute))
                        return("this command can only be used by the Bot's owner");

                    return("The check failed is unknown");

                await e.Context.RespondAsync($"You can't use `{e.Command.QualifiedName}` because {DetermineMessage()}.");

                e.Handled = true;
Exemple #2
 private string ParseFailedCheck(CheckBaseAttribute attr)
     return(attr switch
         CooldownAttribute _ => "You cannot do that so often!",
         RequireOwnerAttribute _ => "Only the server owner can use that command!",
         RequirePermissionsAttribute _ => "You don't have permission to do that!",
         RequireRolesAttribute _ => "You do not have a required role!",
         RequireUserPermissionsAttribute _ => "You don't have permission to do that!",
         RequireNsfwAttribute _ => "This command can only be used in an NSFW channel!",
         _ => "Unknown Discord API error occured, please try again later."
Exemple #3
 private static string TranslateFailedCheck(CheckBaseAttribute check, CommandContext ctx)
     return(check switch
         RequireOwnerAttribute => "You must be the bot's owner to use this command",
         RequireGuildAttribute => "The command can only be used in a Guild channel (not in a DM)",
         RequireDirectMessageAttribute => "The command can only be used in a Direct Message",
         RequireBotPermissionsAttribute botperm => $"The Bot doesn't have the required permissions. It needs: {botperm.Permissions}",
         RequireUserPermissionsAttribute userPerm => $"You don't have the required permissions. You need: {userPerm.Permissions}",
         RequirePermissionsAttribute perms => $"You or the bot don't the required permissions: {perms.Permissions}",
         RequireRolesAttribute roles => $"You need the following role(s) to use this command: {string.Join(", ", roles.RoleNames)}",
         RequireNsfwAttribute => $"This command can only be used in a nsfw channel!",
         CooldownAttribute cooldown => $"This command has a cooldown. Please wait {cooldown.GetRemainingCooldown(ctx).Humanize(culture: new("en-GB"))} before you can use it again.",
         _ => $"{check.TypeId} failed"