private CollisionShape MakeCollisionShape() { CollisionShape shape; switch (Shape) { case Shape.Cube: shape = new BoxShape(1, 1, 1); break; case Shape.Sphere: shape = new SphereShape(1); break; case Shape.Cylinder: shape = new ConeShape(1, 1); break; case Shape.Wedge: var wedgeGeo = Primitives.WedgeGeometry; shape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(new TriangleIndexVertexArray(wedgeGeo.Indices, wedgeGeo.Vertices.Select(v => (BulletVector3)v.Position).ToList())); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } shape.Margin *= PhysicsSimulation.Scale; shape.Margin = 0; shape.LocalScaling = new BulletVector3(_size.x / 2, _size.y / 2, _size.z / 2); return(shape); }
public override void SetupFromMesh(Mesh mesh) { var triMesh = new TriangleMesh(); int i = 0; var vertices = mesh.Vertices; while (i < mesh.Indices.Length) { triMesh.AddTriangle( vertices[mesh.Indices[i++]], vertices[mesh.Indices[i++]], vertices[mesh.Indices[i++]] ); } var tempShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(triMesh); using var tempHull = new ShapeHull(tempShape); tempHull.BuildHull(tempShape.Margin); collisionShape = new ConvexHullShape(tempHull.Vertices); }
private ConvexHullShape CreateHullApproximation(TriangleMesh triangleMesh) { using (var tmpConvexShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(triangleMesh)) { using (var hull = new ShapeHull(tmpConvexShape)) { hull.BuildHull(tmpConvexShape.Margin); var convexShape = new ConvexHullShape(hull.Vertices); if (_enableSat) { convexShape.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } return(convexShape); } } }
private static CollisionShape loadConvexHull(Mesh mesh, Vector3 scale) { TriangleMesh trimesh = new TriangleMesh(); // Shift vertices in so margin is not visible Vector3 shift = Vector3.Normalize(scale) - new Vector3(0.04f); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data.Length; i += 3) { int index0 = (int)mesh.submeshes[0].index_data[i]; int index1 = (int)mesh.submeshes[0].index_data[i + 1]; int index2 = (int)mesh.submeshes[0].index_data[i + 2]; Vector3 vertex0 = new Vector3(mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index0].position.X, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index0].position.Y, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index0].position.Z) * (scale); //vertex0 *= shift; Vector3 vertex1 = new Vector3(mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index1].position.X, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index1].position.Y, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index1].position.Z) * (scale); //vertex1 *= shift; Vector3 vertex2 = new Vector3(mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index2].position.X, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index2].position.Y, mesh.submeshes[0].vertex_data[index2].position.Z) * (scale); //vertex2 *= shift; trimesh.AddTriangle(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2); } ConvexShape tmpShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh); ShapeHull hull = new ShapeHull(tmpShape); float margin = tmpShape.Margin; hull.BuildHull(margin); tmpShape.UserObject = hull; ConvexHullShape convexShape = new ConvexHullShape(); foreach (Vector3 v in hull.Vertices) { convexShape.AddPoint(v); } hull.Dispose(); tmpShape.Dispose(); return(convexShape); }
public override CollisionShape GetCollisionShape() { if (collisionShapePtr == null) { Vector3[] verts = hullMesh.vertices; int[] tris = hullMesh.triangles; //todo test for convex. Make convex if not. TriangleMesh tm = new TriangleMesh(); for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3) { tm.AddTriangle(verts[tris[i]].ToBullet(), verts[tris[i + 1]].ToBullet(), verts[tris[i + 2]].ToBullet(), true); } collisionShapePtr = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(tm); } return(collisionShapePtr); }
ConvexTriangleMeshShape _CreateConvexTriangleMeshShape() { Vector3[] verts = hullMesh.vertices; int[] tris = hullMesh.triangles; //todo test for convex. Make convex if not. TriangleMesh tm = new TriangleMesh(); for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3) { tm.AddTriangle(verts[tris[i]].ToBullet(), verts[tris[i + 1]].ToBullet(), verts[tris[i + 2]].ToBullet(), true); } ConvexTriangleMeshShape ms = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(tm); ms.LocalScaling = m_localScaling.ToBullet(); return(ms); }
private static RigidBody CreateRigidBodyFromTgcMesh(TgcMesh mesh, TGCVector3 position, float mass) { var vertexCoords = mesh.getVertexPositions(); TriangleMesh triangleMesh = new TriangleMesh(); for (int i = 0; i < vertexCoords.Length; i = i + 3) { triangleMesh.AddTriangle(vertexCoords[i].ToBsVector, vertexCoords[i + 1].ToBsVector, vertexCoords[i + 2].ToBsVector); } var transformationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, 0).ToBsMatrix; transformationMatrix.Origin = position.ToBsVector; DefaultMotionState motionState = new DefaultMotionState(transformationMatrix); var bulletShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(triangleMesh, true); var localInertia = bulletShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass); var bodyInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, motionState, bulletShape, localInertia); var rigidBody = new RigidBody(bodyInfo); return(rigidBody); }
public RigidBody AddDynamicGeometryAccurateConvel(ColladaGeometry geometry, Matrix4 transform) { TriangleMesh mesh = new TriangleMesh(); foreach (Triangle tri in geometry.triangles) { mesh.AddTriangle( tri.vertices[0], tri.vertices[1], tri.vertices[2] ); } CollisionShape shape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(mesh); shape.UserObject = geometry; collisionShapes.Add(shape); RigidBody body = CreateRigidBody(geometry.triangles.Count, transform, shape); return(body); }
protected override void OnInitializePhysics() { ManifoldPoint.ContactAdded += MyContactCallback; SetupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); WavefrontObj wo = new WavefrontObj(); int tcount = wo.LoadObj("data/file.obj"); if (tcount > 0) { TriangleMesh trimesh = new TriangleMesh(); trimeshes.Add(trimesh); Vector3 localScaling = new Vector3(6, 6, 6); List <int> indices = wo.Indices; List <Vector3> vertices = wo.Vertices; int i; for (i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { int index0 = indices[i * 3]; int index1 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; int index2 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; Vector3 vertex0 = vertices[index0] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex1 = vertices[index1] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex2 = vertices[index2] * localScaling; trimesh.AddTriangle(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2); } ConvexShape tmpConvexShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh); //create a hull approximation ShapeHull hull = new ShapeHull(tmpConvexShape); float margin = tmpConvexShape.Margin; hull.BuildHull(margin); tmpConvexShape.UserObject = hull; ConvexHullShape convexShape = new ConvexHullShape(); foreach (Vector3 v in hull.Vertices) { convexShape.AddPoint(v); } if (sEnableSAT) { convexShape.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } tmpConvexShape.Dispose(); //hull.Dispose(); CollisionShapes.Add(convexShape); float mass = 1.0f; LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 2, 14), convexShape); const bool useQuantization = true; CollisionShape concaveShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh, useQuantization); LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(convexDecompositionObjectOffset), concaveShape); CollisionShapes.Add(concaveShape); // Bullet Convex Decomposition FileStream outputFile = new FileStream("file_convex.obj", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile); DecompDesc desc = new DecompDesc { mVertices = wo.Vertices.ToArray(), mTcount = tcount, mIndices = wo.Indices.ToArray(), mDepth = 5, mCpercent = 5, mPpercent = 15, mMaxVertices = 16, mSkinWidth = 0.0f }; MyConvexDecomposition convexDecomposition = new MyConvexDecomposition(writer, this); desc.mCallback = convexDecomposition; // HACD Hacd myHACD = new Hacd(); myHACD.SetPoints(wo.Vertices); myHACD.SetTriangles(wo.Indices); myHACD.CompacityWeight = 0.1; myHACD.VolumeWeight = 0.0; // HACD parameters // Recommended parameters: 2 100 0 0 0 0 int nClusters = 2; const double concavity = 100; //bool invert = false; const bool addExtraDistPoints = false; const bool addNeighboursDistPoints = false; const bool addFacesPoints = false; myHACD.NClusters = nClusters; // minimum number of clusters myHACD.VerticesPerConvexHull = 100; // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull myHACD.Concavity = concavity; // maximum concavity myHACD.AddExtraDistPoints = addExtraDistPoints; myHACD.AddNeighboursDistPoints = addNeighboursDistPoints; myHACD.AddFacesPoints = addFacesPoints; myHACD.Compute(); nClusters = myHACD.NClusters; myHACD.Save("output.wrl", false); if (true) { CompoundShape compound = new CompoundShape(); CollisionShapes.Add(compound); Matrix trans = Matrix.Identity; for (int c = 0; c < nClusters; c++) { //generate convex result Vector3[] points; int[] triangles; myHACD.GetCH(c, out points, out triangles); ConvexResult r = new ConvexResult(points, triangles); convexDecomposition.ConvexDecompResult(r); } for (i = 0; i < convexDecomposition.convexShapes.Count; i++) { Vector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.convexCentroids[i]; trans = Matrix.Translation(centroid); ConvexHullShape convexShape2 = convexDecomposition.convexShapes[i] as ConvexHullShape; compound.AddChildShape(trans, convexShape2); RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, trans, convexShape2); } #if true mass = 10.0f; trans = Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); RigidBody body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = 6; trans = Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = -6; trans = Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, trans, compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; #endif } writer.Dispose(); outputFile.Dispose(); } }
private void CreateMesh(string filePath) { Bodies = new List <RigidBody>(); VisualMeshes = new List <Mesh>(); BXDAMesh mesh = new BXDAMesh(); mesh.ReadFromFile(filePath); foreach (FieldNode node in NodeGroup.EnumerateAllLeafFieldNodes()) { if (!GetPropertySets().ContainsKey(node.PropertySetID)) { return; } PropertySet current = GetPropertySets()[node.PropertySetID]; CollisionShape subShape = null; switch (current.Collider.CollisionType) { case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.BOX: { //Create a box shape //This is a mess, though I was told that this is how it works Vector3[] vertices = MeshUtilities.DataToVector(mesh.meshes[node.SubMeshID].verts); StridingMeshInterface temp = MeshUtilities.BulletShapeFromSubMesh(mesh.meshes[node.SubMeshID]); Vector3 min, max; temp.CalculateAabbBruteForce(out min, out max); PropertySet.BoxCollider colliderInfo = (PropertySet.BoxCollider)current.Collider; subShape = new BoxShape((max - min) * colliderInfo.Scale.Convert() * 0.5f); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Created Box"); } break; } case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.SPHERE: { //Create a sphere shape PropertySet.SphereCollider colliderInfo = (PropertySet.SphereCollider)current.Collider; subShape = new SphereShape(colliderInfo.Scale); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Created Sphere"); } break; } case PropertySet.PropertySetCollider.PropertySetCollisionType.MESH: { //Create a mesh shape if (node.CollisionMeshID == -1) { break; } PropertySet.MeshCollider colliderInfo = (PropertySet.MeshCollider)current.Collider; Vector3[] vertices = MeshUtilities.DataToVector(mesh.colliders[node.CollisionMeshID].verts); if (colliderInfo.Convex) { subShape = new ConvexHullShape(vertices); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Created Convex Mesh"); } } else { StridingMeshInterface sMesh = MeshUtilities.BulletShapeFromSubMesh(mesh.colliders[node.CollisionMeshID]); subShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(sMesh, true); //still not really concave if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Created Concave Mesh"); } } break; } } if (null == subShape) { return; } //set sub shape local position/rotation and add it to the compound shape Vector3 Translation = node.Position.Convert(); Quaternion rotation = node.Rotation.Convert(); DefaultMotionState motion = new DefaultMotionState(Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(rotation) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Translation)); motion.CenterOfMassOffset = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(mesh.physics.centerOfMass.Convert()); RigidBodyConstructionInfo info = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(current.Mass, motion, subShape, subShape.CalculateLocalInertia(current.Mass)); info.Friction = current.Friction; Bodies.Add(new RigidBody(info)); VisualMeshes.Add(new Mesh(mesh.meshes[node.SubMeshID], Translation)); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Created " + node.PropertySetID); } } }
protected override void OnInitializePhysics() { ManifoldPoint.ContactAdded += MyContactCallback; SetupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); //CompoundCollisionAlgorithm.CompoundChildShapePairCallback = MyCompoundChildShapeCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset = new Vector3(10, 0, 0); // Load wavefront file var wo = new WavefrontObj(); //string filename = UnityEngine.Application.dataPath + "/BulletUnity/Examples/Scripts/BulletSharpDemos/ConvexDecompositionDemo/data/file.obj"; UnityEngine.TextAsset bytes = (UnityEngine.TextAsset)UnityEngine.Resources.Load("file.obj"); System.IO.Stream byteStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes.bytes); int tcount = wo.LoadObj(byteStream); if (tcount == 0) { return; } // Convert file data to TriangleMesh var trimesh = new TriangleMesh(); trimeshes.Add(trimesh); Vector3 localScaling = new Vector3(6, 6, 6); List <int> indices = wo.Indices; List <Vector3> vertices = wo.Vertices; int i; for (i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { int index0 = indices[i * 3]; int index1 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; int index2 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; Vector3 vertex0 = vertices[index0] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex1 = vertices[index1] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex2 = vertices[index2] * localScaling; trimesh.AddTriangleRef(ref vertex0, ref vertex1, ref vertex2); } // Create a hull approximation ConvexHullShape convexShape; using (var tmpConvexShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh)) { using (var hull = new ShapeHull(tmpConvexShape)) { hull.BuildHull(tmpConvexShape.Margin); convexShape = new ConvexHullShape(hull.Vertices); } } if (sEnableSAT) { convexShape.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } CollisionShapes.Add(convexShape); // Add non-moving body to world float mass = 1.0f; LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 2, 14), convexShape); const bool useQuantization = true; var concaveShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh, useQuantization); LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(convexDecompositionObjectOffset), concaveShape); CollisionShapes.Add(concaveShape); // HACD var hacd = new Hacd(); hacd.SetPoints(wo.Vertices); hacd.SetTriangles(wo.Indices); hacd.CompacityWeight = 0.1; hacd.VolumeWeight = 0.0; // Recommended HACD parameters: 2 100 false false false hacd.NClusters = 2; // minimum number of clusters hacd.Concavity = 100; // maximum concavity hacd.AddExtraDistPoints = false; hacd.AddNeighboursDistPoints = false; hacd.AddFacesPoints = false; hacd.NVerticesPerCH = 100; // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull hacd.Compute(); hacd.Save("output.wrl", false); // Generate convex result var outputFile = new FileStream("file_convex.obj", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); var writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile); var convexDecomposition = new ConvexDecomposition(writer, this); convexDecomposition.LocalScaling = localScaling; for (int c = 0; c < hacd.NClusters; c++) { int nVertices = hacd.GetNPointsCH(c); int trianglesLen = hacd.GetNTrianglesCH(c) * 3; double[] points = new double[nVertices * 3]; long[] triangles = new long[trianglesLen]; hacd.GetCH(c, points, triangles); if (trianglesLen == 0) { continue; } Vector3[] verticesArray = new Vector3[nVertices]; int vi3 = 0; for (int vi = 0; vi < nVertices; vi++) { verticesArray[vi] = new Vector3( (float)points[vi3], (float)points[vi3 + 1], (float)points[vi3 + 2]); vi3 += 3; } int[] trianglesInt = new int[trianglesLen]; for (int ti = 0; ti < trianglesLen; ti++) { trianglesInt[ti] = (int)triangles[ti]; } convexDecomposition.ConvexDecompResult(verticesArray, trianglesInt); } // Combine convex shapes into a compound shape var compound = new CompoundShape(); for (i = 0; i < convexDecomposition.convexShapes.Count; i++) { Vector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.convexCentroids[i]; var convexShape2 = convexDecomposition.convexShapes[i]; Matrix trans = Matrix.Translation(centroid); if (sEnableSAT) { convexShape2.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } CollisionShapes.Add(convexShape2); compound.AddChildShape(trans, convexShape2); LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, trans, convexShape2); } CollisionShapes.Add(compound); writer.Dispose(); outputFile.Dispose(); #if true mass = 10.0f; var body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = 6; body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = -6; body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; #endif }
protected override void OnInitializePhysics() { ManifoldPoint.ContactAdded += MyContactCallback; SetupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); CompoundCollisionAlgorithm.CompoundChildShapePairCallback = MyCompoundChildShapeCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset = new Vector3(10, 0, 0); // Load wavefront file var wo = new WavefrontObj(); int tcount = wo.LoadObj("data/file.obj"); if (tcount == 0) { return; } // Convert file data to TriangleMesh var trimesh = new TriangleMesh(); trimeshes.Add(trimesh); Vector3 localScaling = new Vector3(6, 6, 6); List <int> indices = wo.Indices; List <Vector3> vertices = wo.Vertices; int i; for (i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { int index0 = indices[i * 3]; int index1 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; int index2 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; Vector3 vertex0 = vertices[index0] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex1 = vertices[index1] * localScaling; Vector3 vertex2 = vertices[index2] * localScaling; trimesh.AddTriangleRef(ref vertex0, ref vertex1, ref vertex2); } // Create a hull approximation ConvexHullShape convexShape; using (var tmpConvexShape = new ConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh)) { using (var hull = new ShapeHull(tmpConvexShape)) { hull.BuildHull(tmpConvexShape.Margin); convexShape = new ConvexHullShape(hull.Vertices); } } if (sEnableSAT) { convexShape.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } CollisionShapes.Add(convexShape); // Add non-moving body to world float mass = 1.0f; LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(0, 2, 14), convexShape); const bool useQuantization = true; var concaveShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh, useQuantization); LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(convexDecompositionObjectOffset), concaveShape); CollisionShapes.Add(concaveShape); // HACD var hacd = new Hacd(); hacd.SetPoints(wo.Vertices); hacd.SetTriangles(wo.Indices); hacd.CompacityWeight = 0.1; hacd.VolumeWeight = 0.0; // Recommended HACD parameters: 2 100 false false false hacd.NClusters = 2; // minimum number of clusters hacd.Concavity = 100; // maximum concavity hacd.AddExtraDistPoints = false; hacd.AddNeighboursDistPoints = false; hacd.AddFacesPoints = false; hacd.NumVerticesPerConvexHull = 100; // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull hacd.Compute(); hacd.Save("output.wrl", false); // Generate convex result var outputFile = new FileStream("file_convex.obj", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); var writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile); var convexDecomposition = new ConvexDecomposition(writer, this); convexDecomposition.LocalScaling = localScaling; for (int c = 0; c < hacd.NClusters; c++) { Vector3[] points; int[] triangles; hacd.GetCH(c, out points, out triangles); convexDecomposition.ConvexDecompResult(points, triangles); } // Combine convex shapes into a compound shape var compound = new CompoundShape(); for (i = 0; i < convexDecomposition.convexShapes.Count; i++) { Vector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.convexCentroids[i]; Matrix trans = Matrix.Translation(centroid); var convexShape2 = convexDecomposition.convexShapes[i] as ConvexHullShape; if (sEnableSAT) { convexShape2.InitializePolyhedralFeatures(); } CollisionShapes.Add(convexShape2); compound.AddChildShape(trans, convexShape2); LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, trans, convexShape2); } CollisionShapes.Add(compound); writer.Dispose(); outputFile.Dispose(); #if true mass = 10.0f; var body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = 6; body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; convexDecompositionObjectOffset.Z = -6; body2 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, Matrix.Translation(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset), compound); body2.CollisionFlags |= CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback; #endif }
public void DebugDrawObject(Matrix worldTransform, CollisionShape shape, Vector3 color) { if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.Compound) { CompoundShape compoundShape = shape as CompoundShape; for (int i = compoundShape.ChildShapeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Matrix childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i); CollisionShape colShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i); DebugDrawObject(worldTransform * childTrans, colShape, color); } } else { switch (shape.ShapeType) { case BroadphaseNativeTypes.Sphere: { SphereShape sphereShape = shape as SphereShape; float radius = sphereShape.Margin; //radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation; DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start, start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(radius, 0, 0), worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start, start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, radius, 0), worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start, start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, 0, radius), worldTransform), color); //drawSphere break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.MultiSphere: case BroadphaseNativeTypes.Cone: { ConeShape coneShape = shape as ConeShape; float radius = coneShape.Radius; //+coneShape->getMargin(); float height = coneShape.Height; //+coneShape->getMargin(); Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation; DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f * height), worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(radius, 0f, -0.5f * height), worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f * height), worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(-radius, 0f, -0.5f * height), worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f * height), worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, radius, -0.5f * height), worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f * height), worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, -radius, -0.5f * height), worldTransform), color); break; } case BroadphaseNativeTypes.Cylinder: { CylinderShape cylinder = shape as CylinderShape; int upAxis = cylinder.UpAxis; float radius = cylinder.Radius; float halfHeight = MathHelper.GetElement(cylinder.HalfExtents, upAxis); Vector3 start = worldTransform.Translation; Vector3 offsetHeight = new Vector3(); MathHelper.SetElement(ref offsetHeight, upAxis, halfHeight); Vector3 offsetRadius = new Vector3(); MathHelper.SetElement(ref offsetRadius, (upAxis + 1) % 3, radius); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight + offsetRadius, worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight + offsetRadius, worldTransform), color); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(start + Vector3.TransformNormal(offsetHeight - offsetRadius, worldTransform), start + Vector3.TransformNormal(-offsetHeight - offsetRadius, worldTransform), color); break; } default: { if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.TriangleMesh) { TriangleMeshShape concaveMesh = shape as TriangleMeshShape; //btVector3 aabbMax(1e30f,1e30f,1e30f); //btVector3 aabbMax(100,100,100);//1e30f,1e30f,1e30f); //todo pass camera, for some culling Vector3 aabbMax = new Vector3(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f); Vector3 aabbMin = new Vector3(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f); DebugDrawCallback drawCallback = new DebugDrawCallback(DebugDrawer, worldTransform, color); concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, aabbMin, aabbMax); } if (shape.ShapeType == BroadphaseNativeTypes.ConvexTriangleMesh) { ConvexTriangleMeshShape convexMesh = shape as ConvexTriangleMeshShape; //todo: pass camera for some culling Vector3 aabbMax = new Vector3(1e30f, 1e30f, 1e30f); Vector3 aabbMin = new Vector3(-1e30f, -1e30f, -1e30f); //DebugDrawcallback drawCallback; DebugDrawCallback drawCallback = new DebugDrawCallback(DebugDrawer, worldTransform, color); convexMesh.getStridingMesh().InternalProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, aabbMin, aabbMax); } // for polyhedral shapes if (shape.IsPolyhedral) { PolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = shape as PolyhedralConvexShape; for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.EdgeCount; i++) { Vector3 a, b; polyshape.GetEdge(i, out a, out b); a = Vector3.TransformNormal(a, worldTransform); b = Vector3.TransformNormal(b, worldTransform); DebugDrawer.DrawLine(a, b, color); } } break; } } } }