Exemple #1
        // =====
        #region Methods

        // Check two convex polygons
        public void Check(ConvexPolygon polygonA, ConvexPolygon polygonB, float dt)
            // We will use the Separating Axis Theorem to determine whether or not
            // two convex polygons will collide.  This theorem states that if there
            // exists an edge, belonging to either polygon, such that the polygons'
            // edge-normal projection intervals do NOT overlap, then the polygons
            // themselves do not overlap.  We are essentially searching for a
            // direction on which we can cleanly draw a line between these two
            // polygons.  If such a direction exists, then the polygons do not
            // overlap.  After all, if we can draw a line between them, surely they
            // are not overlapping.
            // This is the intuition behind the Separating Axis Theorem.  However, we
            // are not simply interested in whether or not two polygons intersect.
            // Rather, we are interested in the TIME at which they interesect, i.e.
            // the timeOfImpact.  We will do this by investigating the motion of the
            // polygons' projection intervals on every edge-normal axis.
            // SAT says that two polygons are separated if there is at least one
            // axis on which their projections do not overlap.  Then, it follows that
            // two polygons are intersecting if and only if their projections overlap
            // on EVERY edge-normal axis!  Thus, we will monitor the polygons'
            // projections across all axes and find the time of the LAST overlap.
            // This is the polygon-polygon timeOfImpact.

            // The algorithm may be summarized as follows.
            //   1.)  Broad phase:  Bounding box test
            //   2.)  Narrow phase:  Separating axis test

            #region Initialization

            // Entry logging
            Log.Write(String.Format("Entering method for {0} with {1} and {2}", this.Name, BodyA.Name, BodyB.Name);

            // Physics logging
            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                Log.Write(String.Format("{0} entering collision check with {1} over time interval [0, {2:0.0000}]", this.BodyA.Name, this.BodyB.Name, dt));

            // Initialize fromLeft, which equals true if intervalA approaches
            // intervalB from the left.  This value is re-evaluated for each axis.
            bool fromLeft = false;

            // Use short-hand notation
            Vector2 vA = BodyA.Velocity;
            Vector2 vB = BodyB.Velocity;
            Vector2 cA = BodyA.RotationalAxis;
            Vector2 cB = BodyB.RotationalAxis;
            float   wA = BodyA.AngularVelocity;
            float   wB = BodyB.AngularVelocity;

            // Get sweep boxes
            Box boxA = polygonA.GetSweepBox(wA * dt, cA, vA * dt);
            Box boxB = polygonB.GetSweepBox(wB * dt, cB, vB * dt);


            #region [1]  Broad phase:  Bounding box test

            // Physics logging
            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                // Log.Write(String.Format("boxA = {0}", boxA));
                // Log.Write(String.Format("boxB = {0}", boxB));

            // If the polygons' bounding boxes will not intersect, then surely the
            // polygons themselves won't either.
            if (!boxA.IntersectsWith(boxB))
                // Case 1:  Boxes do not intersect

                // Physics logging
                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                    Log.Write("Boxes do NOT intersect!  We are done.");

                // Go to exit
                this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                goto exit;
                // Case 2:  Boxes do intersect

                // Physics logging
                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                    Log.Write("Boxes do intersect...  Keep going...");


            #region [2]  Narrow phase:  Separating axis test

            // Count this polygon's vertices
            int n = polygonA.Vertices.Count;
            // Count other polygon's vertices
            int m = polygonB.Vertices.Count;
            // Get this polygon's edges
            List <LineSegment> edgesA = polygonA.Edges;
            // Get other polygon's edges
            List <LineSegment> edgesB = polygonB.Edges;
            // Initialize list of previous axes' initial slopes
            List <float> pastSlopes1 = new List <float>();
            // Initialize list of previous axes' final slopes
            List <float> pastSlopes2 = new List <float>();
            // Initialize list of 'remembered' axes
            List <int> axes = new List <int>();
            // Initialize list of 'remembered' axes' initial interval distances
            List <float> distances = new List <float>();
            // Initialize list of 'remembered' axes' 'isResting' indicators
            List <bool> isRestingStates = new List <bool>();
            // Initialize list of 'remembered' axes' 'fromLeft' indicators
            List <bool> fromLeftStates = new List <bool>();

            // Initialize minimum interval overlap distance
            float minOverlapDistance = float.NegativeInfinity;
            // Initialize axis on which minOverlapDistance occurs
            int minOverlapAxis = -1;
            // Equals true if fromLeft holds on minOverlapAxis
            bool minOverlapFromLeft = false;

            // Get 'initial' and 'final' states

                                                                #region SAT loop

                                                                // Loop through edges
                                                                for (int i = 0; i < n + m; i++)
                // Declare current edge
                LineSegment edge;
                // Declare edge's unit normal vector i.e. the 'axis'
                Vector2 axis1;
                // Declare edge's unit normal vector after dt elapsed seconds
                Vector2 axis2;

                // Proceed according to current iteration number
                if (i < n)
                    // Case 1:  This edge belongs to polygonA
                    edge = edgesA[i];
                    axis1 = (edge.Point2 - edge.Point1).Unit.Normal;
                    int     timeIndex = this.BodyA.Sweep.GetIndex(dt);
                    Vector2 p1 = this.BodyA.Sweep.States[timeIndex][i];
                    Vector2 p2 = this.BodyA.Sweep.States[timeIndex][Globals.MathHelper.Mod(i + 1, n)];
                    axis2 = (p2 - p1).Unit.Normal;
                    // Case 2:  This edge belongs to polygonB
                    edge = edgesB[i - n];
                    axis1 = (edge.Point2 - edge.Point1).Unit.Normal;
                    int     timeIndex = this.BodyB.Sweep.GetIndex(dt);
                    Vector2 p1 = this.BodyB.Sweep.States[timeIndex][i - n];
                    Vector2 p2 = this.BodyB.Sweep.States[timeIndex][Globals.MathHelper.Mod(i - n + 1, m)];
                    axis2 = (p2 - p1).Unit.Normal;

                // Physics logging
                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                    Log.Write(String.Format("Entering iteration {0} of {1} for axis1 = {2}, axis2 = {3}", i + 1, n + m, axis1, axis2));

                #region Skip axes with similar slopes

                // Get current slope
                float slope1 = axis1.Slope;
                // Get future slope
                float slope2 = axis2.Slope;

                // Initialize alreadyTested as false
                bool alreadyTested = false;

                // Loop through archive
                for (int j = 0; j < pastSlopes1.Count; j++)
                    // Check for a match
                    if (slope1 == pastSlopes1[j] && slope2 == pastSlopes2[j])
                        // If a match exists, we raise a flag
                        alreadyTested = true;

                // Check if a flag has been raised
                if (alreadyTested)
                    // If so, we may skip this iteration

                    // Physics logging
          #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                    if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                        Log.Write("Slope already tested.  Skip this iteration.");

                    // Skip
                    // Otherwise, update the archive


                #region Classify initial and final intervals

                // Get initial projections
                Interval intervalA1 = this.BodyA.Sweep.GetProjection(axis1, 0);
                Interval intervalB1 = this.BodyB.Sweep.GetProjection(axis1, 0);

                // Get final projections
                Interval intervalA2 = this.BodyA.Sweep.GetProjection(axis2, dt);
                Interval intervalB2 = this.BodyB.Sweep.GetProjection(axis2, dt);

                // Get d1, the initial interval separation distance
                float d1 = Interval.DistanceBetween(intervalA1, intervalB1);
                if (d1 == 0)
                    d1 = -intervalA1.IntersectionWith(intervalB1).Length;

                // Get d2, the final interval separation distance
                float d2 = Interval.DistanceBetween(intervalA2, intervalB2);
                if (d2 == 0)
                    d2 = -intervalA2.IntersectionWith(intervalB2).Length;

                // Classify this pair of initial intervals as either 'not overlapping',
                // 'touching', or 'overlapping', i.e. 0, 1, or 2, respectively
                byte isOverlap1 = 0;
                if (d1 >= -CollisionResult.Epsilon && d1 <= CollisionResult.Epsilon)
                    isOverlap1 = 1;
                else if (d1 < -CollisionResult.Epsilon)
                    isOverlap1 = 2;

                // Classify this pair of final intervals as either 'not overlapping',
                // 'touching', or 'overlapping', i.e. 0, 1, or 2, respectively
                byte isOverlap2 = 0;
                if (d2 >= -CollisionResult.Epsilon && d2 <= CollisionResult.Epsilon)
                    isOverlap2 = 1;
                else if (d2 < -CollisionResult.Epsilon)
                    isOverlap2 = 2;

                // Check if intervalA is initially to the left of intervalB
                fromLeft = false;
                if (d1 >= 0 && intervalA1.Max <= intervalB1.Min)
                    fromLeft = true;
                else if (d1 < 0 && intervalA1.Min < intervalB1.Min)
                    fromLeft = true;

                // Update minOverlapDistance.  Recall that positive and negative
                // distances represent separation and penetration, respectively.
                if (d2 < -CollisionResult.Epsilon && d2 > minOverlapDistance)
                    minOverlapDistance = d2;
                    minOverlapAxis = i;
                    minOverlapFromLeft = fromLeft;

                // Physics logging
                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                    Log.Write(String.Format("intervalA1 = {0}, intervalB1 = {1}, d1 = {2}, isOverlap1 = {3}, fromLeft = {4}", intervalA1, intervalB1, d1, isOverlap1, fromLeft));
                    Log.Write(String.Format("intervalA2 = {0}, intervalB2 = {1}, d2 = {2}, isOverlap2 = {3}", intervalA2, intervalB2, d2, isOverlap2));


                #region Classify interval pair

                // Proceed according to initial and final overlap states
                if (isOverlap1 == 0)
                    if (isOverlap2 == 0)
                        #region Case 1:  Initially not overlapping, future not overlapping

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 1:  A separating axis exists...  No collision!"));

                        // We are done
                        this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        goto exit;

                    else if (isOverlap2 == 1)
                        #region Case 2:  Initially not overlapping, future touching

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 2:  These intervals will eventually collide...  Remember this collisionAxis!"));

                        // Remember collisionAxis

                        #region Case 3:  Initially not overlapping, future overlapping

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 3:  These intervals will eventually collide...  Remember this collisionAxis!"));

                        // Remember collisionAxis

                else if (isOverlap1 == 1)
                    if (isOverlap2 == 0)
                        #region Case 4:  Initially touching,        future not overlapping

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 4:  A separating axis exists...  No collision!"));

                        // We are done
                        this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        goto exit;

                    else if (isOverlap2 == 1)
                        #region Case 5:  Initially touching,        future touching

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 5:  These intervals are resting!  Remember this restingAxis!"));

                        // Remember restingAxis

                        #region Case 6:  Initially touching,        future overlapping

                        // This case is difficult to classify.  We could have resting
                        // intervals that are gradually pulled together over time.  In this
                        // case, we should still consider them as 'resting.'  However, it
                        // is also possible that an interval has abruptly sped up, and this
                        // is a potential collision axis.  We will proceed according to a
                        // pre-determined threshold, i.e. CollisionResult.Delta.

                        // Get interval displacement
                        float dd; if (d2 > d1)
                            dd = d2 - d1;
                            dd = d1 - d2;

                        // Compare against threshold
                        if (dd < 5.0f)
                            // Physics logging
              #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                                Log.Write(String.Format("case 6:  This is tricky...  Too slow for collision...  Remember this restingAxis..."));

                            // Remember restingAxis
                            // Physics logging
              #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                                Log.Write(String.Format("case 6:  This is tricky...  Too fast for resting...  Remember this collisionAxis..."));

                            // Remember collisionAxis

                    if (isOverlap2 == 0)
                        #region Case 7:  Initially overlapping,     future not overlapping

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 7:  A separating axis exists...  No collision!"));

                        // Question:  Does this imply a contact is released?
                        // ...  Not necessarily, but perhaps a useful event to monitor...

                        // We are done
                        this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        goto exit;

                    else if (isOverlap2 == 1)
                        #region Case 8:  Initially overlapping,     future touching

                        // This case is difficult to classify.  We could have resting
                        // intervals that were gradually pulled together over time, and are
                        // now trying to re-separate in response to the penalty forces.  In
                        // this case, we should still consider them as 'resting.'  However,
                        // it is also possible that the collision axis has changed, which
                        // would make this axis a potential candidate.  We will proceed
                        // according to CollisionResult.Delta.

                        // Get interval displacement
                        float dd; if (d2 > d1)
                            dd = d2 - d1;
                            dd = d1 - d2;

                        // Compare against threshold
                        if (dd < 1.0f)
                            // Physics logging
              #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                                Log.Write(String.Format("case 8:  This is tricky...  Too slow for collision...  Remember this restingAxis..."));

                            // Remember restingAxis
                            // Physics logging
              #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                            if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                                Log.Write(String.Format("case 8:  This is tricky...  Too fast for resting...  Let's say 'overlapping intervals'...  Skip this iteration."));

                            // Skip

                        #region Case 9:  Initially overlapping,     future overlapping

                        // Physics logging
            #if IS_LOGGING_PHYSICS
                        if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                            Log.Write(String.Format("case 9:  We have 'overlapping intervals'...  Skip this iteration."));

                        // Skip




                                                                // If no 'potential' axes were found, then these bodies are initially
                                                                // overlapping.  We will apply a spring-like 'penalty' force on the axis
                                                                // of minimum pentration.

                                                                #region (Old) Error:  Initially overlapping bodies
                                                                // Check 'remembered' axes count
                                                                // if (axes.Count == 0)
                                                                if (false)
                // Create error string
                String s = "Collision error\n";
                s += "Bodies are initially overlapping!\n";
                s += String.Format("bodyA.Name = {0}, bodyB.Name = {1}\n", this.BodyA.Name, this.BodyB.Name);

                // Throw exception
                throw new SystemException(s);

                                                                // Penalty force testing
                                                                if (axes.Count == 0)
                this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                this.Index = minOverlapAxis;
                this.Distance = minOverlapDistance;
                this.FromLeft = minOverlapFromLeft;
                this.IsResting = true;
                goto exit;

                                                                // If we've made it this far, we have a list of potential axes on which
                                                                // a collision or resting contact may occur.  If 'resting' intervals
                                                                // occur on every 'remembered' axis, then this is a resting contact.
                                                                // Otherwise, this is not a resting contact, but rather a true collision.

                                                                #region Resting contact

                                                                // Physics logging
                                                                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                Log.Write(String.Format("Potential contact axis count:  {0}", axes.Count));
                for (int i = 0; i < axes.Count; i++)
                    Log.Write(String.Format("axes[{0}] = {1}, distances[{2}] = {3}, isRestingStates[{4}] = {5}, fromLeftStates[{6}] = {7}",
                                            i, axes[i], i, distances[i], i, isRestingStates[i], i, fromLeftStates[i]));

                                                                // Check for a resting contact
                                                                bool isResting = true;
                                                                for (int i = 0; i < isRestingStates.Count; i++)
                if (isRestingStates[i] == false)
                    isResting = false; break;

                                                                // Physics logging
                                                                if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                if (isResting)
                    Log.Write(String.Format("This is a resting contact!"));
                    Log.Write(String.Format("This is not a resting contact!"));

                                                                // If all axes have resting intervals, this is a resting contact.
                                                                // We must find the optimal resting contact axis.  We will pick
                                                                // whichever axis has the smallest absolute interval distance.
                                                                if (isResting)
                // Initialize minimum absolute distance
                float minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;

                for (int i = distances.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // Get absolute distance
                    float absDistance = distances[i];
                    if (absDistance < 0)
                        absDistance = -absDistance;

                    // Check if optimal
                    if (absDistance < minDistance)
                        // If so, update optimum
                        minDistance = absDistance;
                        // Otherwise, remove from list

                // Since ties aren't allowed, there will be exactly one solution.
                this.Time = float.PositiveInfinity;
                this.Index = axes[0];
                this.Distance = distances[0];
                this.IsResting = isRestingStates[0];
                this.FromLeft = fromLeftStates[0];

                // We are done
                goto exit;


                                                                #region Collision contact

                                                                // If we've made it this far, this isn't a resting contact.  We have a
                                                                // list of potential axes on which a true collision will occur.
                                                                this.Time = Sweep.GetTimeOfImpact(this.BodyA.Sweep, this.BodyB.Sweep, dt, ref axes, ref distances, ref isRestingStates, ref fromLeftStates);
                                                                                                  this.Index = axes[0];
                                                                                                  this.Distance = distances[0];
                                                                                                  this.IsResting = isRestingStates[0];
                                                                                                  this.FromLeft = fromLeftStates[0];



                                                                                                  #region [*]  Exit trap

                                                                                                  // [*]  Exit trap

                                                                                                  // Physics logging
                                                                                                  if (Log.Subject1 == null || (BodyA.Name == Log.Subject1 && (Log.Subject2 == null || BodyB.Name == Log.Subject2)))
                Log.Write(String.Format("returning Time = {0}, Index = {1}, Distance = {2}, FromLeft = {3}", this.Time, this.Index, this.Distance, this.FromLeft));
                Log.Write(String.Format("{0} exiting collision check with {1}", this.BodyA.Name, this.BodyB.Name));

                                                                                                  // Exit logging
                                                                                                  Log.Write (String.Format("Exiting method for {0} with {1} and {2}", this.Name, BodyA.Name, BodyB.Name);

                                                                                                  // Null op
