Exemple #1
        public unsafe void ConvexConvexDistanceTest()
            Random rnd     = new Random(0x12345678);
            uint   dbgTest = 0;

            int numTests = 5000;

            if (dbgTest > 0)
                numTests = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
                // Save state to repro this query without doing everything that came before it
                if (dbgTest > 0)
                    rnd.state = dbgTest;
                uint state = rnd.state;

                // Generate random query inputs
                ConvexCollider *target          = (ConvexCollider *)TestUtils.GenerateRandomConvex(ref rnd).GetUnsafePtr();
                ConvexCollider *query           = (ConvexCollider *)TestUtils.GenerateRandomConvex(ref rnd).GetUnsafePtr();
                MTransform      queryFromTarget = new MTransform(
                    (rnd.NextInt(10) > 0) ? rnd.NextQuaternionRotation() : quaternion.identity,
                    rnd.NextFloat3(-3.0f, 3.0f));
                TestConvexConvexDistance(target, query, queryFromTarget, "ConvexConvexDistanceTest failed " + i + " (" + state.ToString() + ")");
Exemple #2
 public ConvexHullGeometryCollector(NavMeshNativeInputBuilder inputBuilder, ConvexCollider *collider, RigidTransform transform, DtBoundingBox bounds)
     InputBuilder = inputBuilder;
     Collider     = collider;
     Transform    = transform;
     Bounds       = bounds;
Exemple #3
        private static unsafe void TestConvexConvexDistance(ConvexCollider *target, ConvexCollider *query, MTransform queryFromTarget, string failureMessage)
            // Do the query, API version and reference version, then validate the result
            DistanceQueries.Result result = DistanceQueries.ConvexConvex((Collider *)query, (Collider *)target, queryFromTarget);
            float referenceDistance       = RefConvexConvexDistance(ref query->ConvexHull, ref target->ConvexHull, queryFromTarget);

            ValidateDistanceResult(result, ref query->ConvexHull, ref target->ConvexHull, queryFromTarget, referenceDistance, failureMessage);
Exemple #4
            private void HandleConvex(ConvexCollider *collider, ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rotation)
                RigidTransform colliderTransform = new RigidTransform(rotation.Value, translation.Value);
                Aabb           aabb        = collider->CalculateAabb(colliderTransform);
                DtBoundingBox  colliderBox = new DtBoundingBox(aabb.Min, aabb.Max);

                if (DtBoundingBox.Intersects(ref TileBounds.Bounds, ref colliderBox))
                    ConvexHullGeometryCollector collector = new ConvexHullGeometryCollector(InputBuilder, collider, colliderTransform, TileBounds.Bounds);
Exemple #5
        public unsafe void ConvexConvexDistanceEdgeCaseTest()
            Random rnd      = new Random(0x90456148);
            uint   dbgShape = 0;
            uint   dbgTest  = 0;

            int numShapes = 500;
            int numTests  = 50;

            if (dbgShape > 0)
                numShapes = 1;
                numTests  = 1;

            for (int iShape = 0; iShape < numShapes; iShape++)
                if (dbgShape > 0)
                    rnd.state = dbgShape;
                uint shapeState = rnd.state;

                // Generate a random collider
                ConvexCollider *collider = (ConvexCollider *)TestUtils.GenerateRandomConvex(ref rnd).GetUnsafePtr();

                for (int iTest = 0; iTest < numTests; iTest++)
                    if (dbgTest > 0)
                        rnd.state = dbgTest;
                    uint testState = rnd.state;

                    // Generate random transform
                    float      distance        = math.pow(10.0f, rnd.NextFloat(-15.0f, -1.0f));
                    float      angle           = math.pow(10.0f, rnd.NextFloat(-15.0f, 0.0f));
                    MTransform queryFromTarget = new MTransform(
                        (rnd.NextInt(10) > 0) ? quaternion.AxisAngle(rnd.NextFloat3Direction(), angle) : quaternion.identity,
                        (rnd.NextInt(10) > 0) ? rnd.NextFloat3Direction() * distance : float3.zero);
                    TestConvexConvexDistance(collider, collider, queryFromTarget, "ConvexConvexDistanceEdgeCaseTest failed " + iShape + ", " + iTest + " (" + shapeState + ", " + testState + ")");
        // followed by variable sized convex hull data

        #region Construction

        // Create a convex collider from the given point cloud.
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(
            NativeArray <float3> points, float convexRadius,
            float3?scale = null, CollisionFilter?filter = null, Material?material = null)
            if (convexRadius < 0.0f || !math.isfinite(convexRadius))
                throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create ConvexCollider with invalid convex radius");

            // Build convex hull
            int    verticesCapacity = points.Length;
            int    triangleCapacity = 2 * verticesCapacity;
            var    vertices         = (ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(verticesCapacity * sizeof(ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex), 16, Allocator.Temp);
            var    triangles        = (ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(triangleCapacity * sizeof(ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle), 16, Allocator.Temp);
            var    builder          = new ConvexHullBuilder(vertices, verticesCapacity, triangles, triangleCapacity);
            float3 s = scale ?? new float3(1);

            // Build the points' AABB and validate them
            var domain = new Aabb();

            foreach (var point in points)
                if (math.any(!math.isfinite(point)))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create ConvexCollider with invalid points");
                domain.Include(point * s);

            // Add points to the hull
            builder.IntegerSpaceAabb = domain;
            foreach (float3 point in points)
                builder.AddPoint(point * s);

            // TODO: shrink by convex radius

            // Build face information
            float maxAngle = 0.1f * (float)math.PI / 180.0f;


            // Simplify the hull until it's under the max vertices requirement
            // TODO.ma this is just a failsafe. We need to think about user-controlled simplification settings & how to warn the user if their shape is too complex.
                const int maxVertices = 252;    // as per Havok

                float maxSimplificationError = 1e-3f;
                int   iterations             = 0;
                while (builder.Vertices.PeakCount > maxVertices)
                    if (iterations++ > 10) // don't loop forever
                        return(new BlobAssetReference <Collider>());
                    maxSimplificationError *= 2.0f;

            // Convert hull to compact format
            var tempHull = new TempHull(ref builder);

            // Allocate collider
            int totalSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <ConvexCollider>();

            totalSize += tempHull.Vertices.Count * sizeof(float3);
            totalSize  = Math.NextMultipleOf16(totalSize); // planes currently must be aligned for Havok
            totalSize += tempHull.Planes.Count * sizeof(Plane);
            totalSize += tempHull.Faces.Count * sizeof(ConvexHull.Face);
            totalSize += tempHull.FaceVertexIndices.Count * sizeof(short);
            totalSize += tempHull.VertexEdges.Count * sizeof(ConvexHull.Edge);
            totalSize += tempHull.FaceLinks.Count * sizeof(ConvexHull.Edge);
            ConvexCollider *collider = (ConvexCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            // Initialize it
                UnsafeUtility.MemClear(collider, totalSize);
                collider->MemorySize = totalSize;

                collider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Convex;
                collider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Convex;
                collider->m_Header.Version       = 0;
                collider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;
                collider->m_Header.Filter        = filter ?? CollisionFilter.Default;
                collider->m_Header.Material      = material ?? Material.Default;

                ref var hull = ref collider->ConvexHull;

                hull.ConvexRadius = convexRadius;

                // Initialize blob arrays
                    byte *end = (byte *)collider + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <ConvexCollider>();

                    hull.VerticesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.VerticesBlob.Offset));
                    hull.VerticesBlob.Length = tempHull.Vertices.Count;
                    end += sizeof(float3) * tempHull.Vertices.Count;

                    end = (byte *)Math.NextMultipleOf16((ulong)end); // planes currently must be aligned for Havok

                    hull.FacePlanesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.FacePlanesBlob.Offset));
                    hull.FacePlanesBlob.Length = tempHull.Planes.Count;
                    end += sizeof(Plane) * tempHull.Planes.Count;

                    hull.FacesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.FacesBlob.Offset));
                    hull.FacesBlob.Length = tempHull.Faces.Count;
                    end += sizeof(ConvexHull.Face) * tempHull.Faces.Count;

                    hull.FaceVertexIndicesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.FaceVertexIndicesBlob.Offset));
                    hull.FaceVertexIndicesBlob.Length = tempHull.FaceVertexIndices.Count;
                    end += sizeof(byte) * tempHull.FaceVertexIndices.Count;

                    hull.VertexEdgesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.VertexEdgesBlob.Offset));
                    hull.VertexEdgesBlob.Length = tempHull.VertexEdges.Count;
                    end += sizeof(ConvexHull.Edge) * tempHull.VertexEdges.Count;

                    hull.FaceLinksBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref hull.FaceLinksBlob.Offset));
                    hull.FaceLinksBlob.Length = tempHull.FaceLinks.Count;
                    end += sizeof(ConvexHull.Edge) * tempHull.FaceLinks.Count;

                // Fill blob arrays
                    for (int i = 0; i < tempHull.Vertices.Count; i++)
                        hull.Vertices[i]    = tempHull.Vertices[i];
                        hull.VertexEdges[i] = tempHull.VertexEdges[i];

                    for (int i = 0; i < tempHull.Faces.Count; i++)
                        hull.Planes[i] = tempHull.Planes[i];
                        hull.Faces[i]  = tempHull.Faces[i];

                    for (int i = 0; i < tempHull.FaceVertexIndices.Count; i++)
                        hull.FaceVertexIndices[i] = tempHull.FaceVertexIndices[i];
                        hull.FaceLinks[i]         = tempHull.FaceLinks[i];

                // Fill mass properties
                    var massProperties = builder.ComputeMassProperties();
                    Math.DiagonalizeSymmetricApproximation(massProperties.InertiaTensor, out float3x3 orientation, out float3 inertia);

                    float maxLengthSquared = 0.0f;
                    foreach (float3 vertex in hull.Vertices)
                        maxLengthSquared = math.max(maxLengthSquared, math.lengthsq(vertex - massProperties.CenterOfMass));

                    collider->MassProperties = new MassProperties
                        MassDistribution = new MassDistribution
                            Transform     = new RigidTransform(orientation, massProperties.CenterOfMass),
                            InertiaTensor = inertia
                        Volume = massProperties.Volume,
                        AngularExpansionFactor = math.sqrt(maxLengthSquared)
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        // Complete the simulation

        NativeList <TriggerEvent> triggerEvents = new NativeList <TriggerEvent>(Allocator.TempJob);

        var collectTriggerEventsJob = new CollectTriggerEventsJob
            m_TriggerEvents = triggerEvents

        // Collect all events
        var handle = collectTriggerEventsJob.Schedule(m_StepPhysicsWorldSystem.Simulation, Dependency);


        var physicsWorld = m_BuildPhysicsWorldSystem.PhysicsWorld;
        int expectedNumberOfTriggerEvents = 0;

        .ForEach((ref Entity entity, ref TriggerEventChecker component) =>
            int numTriggerEvents           = 0;
            TriggerEvent triggerEvent      = default;
            expectedNumberOfTriggerEvents += component.NumExpectedEvents;

            for (int i = 0; i < triggerEvents.Length; i++)
                if (triggerEvents[i].EntityA == entity || triggerEvents[i].EntityB == entity)
                    triggerEvent = triggerEvents[i];

            Assert.IsTrue(numTriggerEvents == component.NumExpectedEvents, "Missing events!");

            if (numTriggerEvents == 0)

            // Even if component.NumExpectedEvents is > 1, we still take one trigger event, and not all, because the only
            // difference will be in ColliderKeys which we're not checking here
            int nonTriggerBodyIndex = triggerEvent.EntityA == entity ? triggerEvent.BodyIndexA : triggerEvent.BodyIndexB;
            int triggerBodyIndex    = triggerEvent.EntityA == entity ? triggerEvent.BodyIndexB : triggerEvent.BodyIndexA;

            Assert.IsTrue(nonTriggerBodyIndex == physicsWorld.GetRigidBodyIndex(entity), "Wrong body index!");

            RigidBody nonTriggerBody = physicsWorld.Bodies[nonTriggerBodyIndex];
            RigidBody triggerBody    = physicsWorld.Bodies[triggerBodyIndex];

            bool isTrigger = false;
                ConvexCollider *colliderPtr = (ConvexCollider *)triggerBody.Collider.GetUnsafePtr();
                var material = colliderPtr->Material;

                isTrigger = colliderPtr->Material.CollisionResponse == CollisionResponsePolicy.RaiseTriggerEvents;

            Assert.IsTrue(isTrigger, "Event doesn't have valid trigger index");

            float distance = math.distance(triggerBody.WorldFromBody.pos, nonTriggerBody.WorldFromBody.pos);

            Assert.IsTrue(distance < 10.0f, "The trigger index is wrong!");

        Assert.IsTrue(expectedNumberOfTriggerEvents == triggerEvents.Length, "Incorrect number of events: Expected: " + expectedNumberOfTriggerEvents + " Actual: " + triggerEvents.Length);
