Exemple #1
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> RunStepAsync(DialogContext dc, string option = null)
            // Find the current conversation tree node using the saved Step state.
            var node = _rootNode;

            if (dc.ActiveDialog.State.ContainsKey(DialogStateCurrentNodeId))
                node = _rootNode.Find(Convert.ToInt32(dc.ActiveDialog.State[DialogStateCurrentNodeId]));

            // Find the node that contains the actions for the reply.
            var nextNode = (option != null && node.ChildNodes.ContainsKey(option))
                ? node.ChildNodes[option]
                : node;

            // Process the actions, creating a list of activities to send back to the player.
            var activities = new List <IActivity>();

            foreach (var action in nextNode.Actions)
                switch (action)
                case GoToConversationTopicAction goToConversationTopicAction:
                    if (string.Equals(goToConversationTopicAction.Topic, "root", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        nextNode = _rootNode;
                    else if (node.ParentId.HasValue)
                        nextNode = _rootNode.Find(node.ParentId.Value);

                case EndConversationAction endConversationAction:
                    nextNode = null;

                    action.Execute(dc, activities, _gameFlags);

            // Check if the conversation tree should continue;
            if (nextNode != null)
                // If there are no child nodes in the next node, there's nothing for the player to do.
                // Revert to the current node for the next turn.
                if (!nextNode.ChildNodes.Any())
                    nextNode = node;

                // List the conversation tree options for the player.
                var options = nextNode.ChildNodes.Select(s => s.Key).ToArray();

                // Add the conversation tree options to the last outbound messages activity.
                var lastMessageIndex = activities.FindLastIndex(a => a.Type == ActivityTypes.Message);
                var text             = activities[lastMessageIndex].AsMessageActivity().Text;
                activities[lastMessageIndex] = MessageFactory.SuggestedActions(options, text);

            // Send all activities to the client.
            await dc.Context.SendActivitiesAsync(activities.ToArray());

            // Update the state so the next turn will start at the correct location in the dialog tree.
            if (nextNode != null)
                dc.ActiveDialog.State[DialogStateCurrentNodeId] = nextNode.Id;
                return(new DialogTurnResult(DialogTurnStatus.Waiting));

            // Or end the dialog tree if there's no next node.
            await dc.EndDialogAsync();

            return(new DialogTurnResult(DialogTurnStatus.Complete));