/// <inheritdoc cref="GLOFC.GL4.Controls.GLBaseControl.SizeControl(Size)"/>
        protected override void SizeControl(Size parentsize)
            if (ControlsIZ.Count > 0 && Parent != null) // if not resizable, and we have stuff
                if (AutoSize && !Resizeable)            // if autosizable, and not resizable (turned off and on AFTER added into the display control etc) we can set the size
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"conf {Name} Attempt resize");

                    base.SizeControl(parentsize);                                                       // first perform the Form Autosize - taking into consideration title and objects other than the autoplacement items

                    Rectangle area = VisibleChildArea(x => (x.Anchor & AnchorType.AutoPlacement) == 0); // get the clients area , ignoring anchor buttons

                    int buttonsmaxh  = ControlsIZ.Where(x => (x.Anchor & AnchorType.AutoPlacement) != 0).Select(x => x.Height + AnchorDialogButtonLineSpacing).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() + AutoSizeClientMargin.Height;
                    int buttonswidth = ControlsIZ.Where(x => (x.Anchor & AnchorType.AutoPlacement) != 0).Select(y => y.Width + AnchorDialogButtonLineSpacing).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() + AutoSizeClientMargin.Width;

                    if (ClientWidth < buttonswidth || ClientHeight < area.Top + area.Height + buttonsmaxh)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Conf {Name} Need to make it wider/height for buttons {buttonswidth} {buttonsmaxh} ");
                        Size news = new Size(Math.Max(ClientWidth, buttonswidth), Math.Max(ClientHeight, area.Top + area.Height + buttonsmaxh));
                        SetNI(clientsize: news);

                        if (SetMinimumSizeOnAutoSize)
                            MinimumSize = Size;

                if (!Moveable)          // as long as not movable (turned on AFTER added into the display control etc) we can set the position
                    Size psize = Parent.Size;

                    if (centred)
                        int left = psize.Width / 2 - Size.Width / 2;
                        int top  = psize.Height / 2 - Size.Height / 2;
                        SetNI(location: new Point(left, top));
                        int left = location.X;
                        if (left + Width > psize.Width)
                            left = psize.Width - Width;
                        int top = location.Y;
                        if (top + Height > psize.Height)
                            top = psize.Height - Height;

                        SetNI(location: new Point(left, top));
        private void MenuItemEnter(object c, GLMouseEventArgs e)
            GLBaseControl b = c as GLBaseControl;

            mousehovered = ControlsIZ.IndexOf(b);       // when we move the mouse, the selected is discarded, and mousehover takes over

            GLMenuItem mi = ControlsIZ[mousehovered] as GLMenuItem; // if its a menu item, lets do a timer to autoopen

            if (mi != null && AutoOpenDelay > 0)
        private void MenuItemClicked(GLBaseControl c)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Parent != null);        // double check we are not on a zombie control, due to the add/remove stuff

            var mi = c as GLMenuItem;

            if (mi != null)                             // menu items are handled by us
                if (mi.SubMenuItems != null)
                    Select(ControlsIZ.IndexOf(mi), FlowDirection == ControlFlowDirection.Right);
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GLOFC.GL4.Controls.GLBaseControl.PerformRecursiveLayout"/>
        protected override void PerformRecursiveLayout()
            base.PerformRecursiveLayout();      // do normal layout on children

            int buttonsmaxh = ControlsIZ.Where(x => (x.Anchor & AnchorType.AutoPlacement) != 0).Select(x => x.Height).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max();
            int buttonline  = ClientHeight - AutoSizeClientMargin.Height - buttonsmaxh;
            int buttonright = ClientWidth - AutoSizeClientMargin.Width;

            foreach (var control in ControlsIZ)
                if ((control.Anchor & AnchorType.AutoPlacement) != 0)        // if dialog line anchor
                    buttonright -= control.Width;
                    var pos = new Point(buttonright, buttonline);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{control.Name} {control.Size} to {pos}");
                    control.SetNI(location: pos);
                    buttonright -= AnchorDialogButtonLineSpacing;
Exemple #5
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GLOFC.GL4.Controls.GLBaseControl.Paint(Graphics)"/>
        protected override void Paint(Graphics gr)
            // called after the background of the panel has been drawn - so it will be clear to write.

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var c in ControlsIZ.OfType <GLTabPage>())       // draw all but selected
                if (i != seltab)
                    DrawTab(gr, new Rectangle(tabrectangles[i].Left, tabrectangles[i].Top, tabrectangles[i].Width, tabrectangles[i].Height),
                            c.Text, null, false, mouseover == i);

            if (seltab >= 0 && seltab < ControlsIZ.Count)       // and draw selected
                var c = ControlsIZ[seltab] as GLTabPage;
                DrawTab(gr, new Rectangle(tabrectangles[seltab].Left, tabrectangles[seltab].Top, tabrectangles[seltab].Width, tabrectangles[seltab].Height),
                        c.Text, null, true, mouseover == seltab);