public override void Update(SimulationEntity entity, Simulation simulation)
            entity.ControlState = _controlState.Clone();

            if (entity.ControlState == null)

            //Resets the player movement
            entity.SteeringVector.X = 0;
            entity.SteeringVector.Y = 0;

            //Moves player left
            if (entity.ControlState.Left)
                entity.SteeringVector.Add(new BfbVector(-1, 0));

            //Moves player right
            if (entity.ControlState.Right)
                entity.SteeringVector.Add(new BfbVector(1, 0));

            //Moves player up
            if (entity.ControlState.Jump && entity.Grounded)
                entity.SteeringVector.Add(new BfbVector(0, -1));

            //Move out following
            #region Tom SpawnMonster

            //Add an AI monster//TODO
//                if (entity.ControlState.HotBarRight)
//                {
//                    var random = new Random();
//                    int type = random.Next(0, 3);
//                    string textureKey = "";
//                    int xMaxSpeed = 20;
//                    BfbVector dimensions = new BfbVector(2* simulation.World.WorldOptions.WorldScale,3* simulation.World.WorldOptions.WorldScale);
//                    switch (type)
//                    {
//                        case 0://skeleton
//                            textureKey = "Skeleton";
//                            xMaxSpeed = 18;
//                            break;
//                        case 1://zombie
//                            textureKey = "Zombie";
//                            xMaxSpeed = 15;
//                            break;
//                        case 2://spider
//                            textureKey = "Spider";
//                            xMaxSpeed = 17;
//                            dimensions = new BfbVector(3* simulation.World.WorldOptions.WorldScale,2* simulation.World.WorldOptions.WorldScale);
//                            break;
//                    }
//                    //Add to simulation
//                    simulation.AddEntity(new SimulationEntity(
//                        Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
//                        new EntityOptions
//                        {
//                            TextureKey = textureKey,
//                            Position = new BfbVector(entity.ControlState.Mouse.X, entity.ControlState.Mouse.Y),
//                            Dimensions = dimensions,
//                            Rotation = 0,
//                            Origin = new BfbVector(0, 0),
//                            EntityType = EntityType.Mob
//                        },
//                         new List<SimulationComponent>
//                        {
//                            new WalkingAnimationComponent(),
//                            new WalkingPhysics(xMaxSpeed),
//                            new AIInputComponent(),
//                            new LifetimeComponent(2000),
//                            new HealthComponent()
//                        }
//                        ));
//                }
