/// <summary> /// This function fetches data for comboboxes based on the input parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="lCtrlName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable FetchControlData(ControlName lCtrlName) { string lQuery = string.Empty; OracleProvider lProvider = new OracleProvider(); switch (lCtrlName) { case ControlName.AssignedTo: lQuery = "Select EMP_LANID, LAST_NAME||', '||FIRST_NAME AS FullName from T_USERS_ACCESS where ACCESS_GROUP='ADMIN' order by 2"; break; case ControlName.OrganizationType: lQuery = "Select LOOKUP_ID, LOOKUP_DESC from T_LOOKUP where LOOKUP_GROUP='ORG_TYPE' and DELETED is Null order by 2"; break; case ControlName.OrganizationProvince: lQuery = "Select LOOKUP_ID, LOOKUP_DESC from T_LOOKUP where LOOKUP_GROUP='PROV' and DELETED is Null order by 2"; break; case ControlName.PayableProvince: lQuery = "Select LOOKUP_ID, LOOKUP_DESC from T_LOOKUP where LOOKUP_GROUP='PROV' and DELETED is Null order by 2"; break; case ControlName.RequestType: lQuery = "Select LOOKUP_ID, LOOKUP_DESC from T_LOOKUP where LOOKUP_GROUP='REQTYPE' and DELETED is Null order by 2"; break; } return(lProvider.FetchDataFromDB(lQuery)); }
public static void RemoveControl(ControlName controlName, ControlsListener controlsListener) { if (listeners.ContainsKey(controlName) && listeners[controlName].Contains(controlsListener)) { listeners[controlName].Remove(controlsListener); } }
public DalControlName MapToDal(ControlName entity) { return(new DalControlName { Id = entity.id, Name = entity.name }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an instance of the <see cref="ControlChangeEvent"/> corresponding to the specified controller. /// </summary> /// <param name="controlName"><see cref="ControlName"/> to get an event for.</param> /// <param name="controlValue">Controller value to set to event.</param> /// <param name="channel">Channel an event should be created for.</param> /// <returns>An instance of the <see cref="ControlChangeEvent"/> corresponding to the <paramref name="controlName"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidEnumArgumentException"><paramref name="controlName"/> specified an invalid value.</exception> public static ControlChangeEvent GetControlChangeEvent(this ControlName controlName, SevenBitNumber controlValue, FourBitNumber channel) { ThrowIfArgument.IsInvalidEnumValue(nameof(controlName), controlName); return(new ControlChangeEvent(controlName.AsSevenBitNumber(), controlValue) { Channel = channel }); }
public AxisControl(ControlName name, Quaternion rot, Quaternion rot2D, Color color) { this._controlName = name; this.rotation = rot; this.rotation2D = rot2D; this.colour = color; this.alpha.speed = 5f; this.alpha.value = 1f; }
public static void AddControl(ControlName controlName, ControlsListener controlsListener) { if (!listeners.ContainsKey(controlName)) { listeners.Add(controlName, new List <ControlsListener>()); } if (!listeners[controlName].Contains(controlsListener)) { listeners[controlName].Add(controlsListener); } }
public void ChangeInput(string _input, string _button, bool _usesAxis, int position) { //If the input dosen't exist create it if (!controls.ContainsKey(_input)) controls.Add(_input, new List<ControlName>()); //Make sure we have an input to replace while (controls[_input].Count < position + 1) controls[_input].Add(new ControlName("", false)); controls[_input][position] = new ControlName(_button, _usesAxis); }
// override object.GetHashCode public override int GetHashCode() { return(ControlName.GetHashCode()); }
/// <summary> /// Converts <see cref="ControlName"/> to the corresponding value of the <see cref="SevenBitNumber"/> type. /// </summary> /// <param name="controlName"><see cref="ControlName"/> to convert to <see cref="SevenBitNumber"/>.</param> /// <returns><see cref="SevenBitNumber"/> representing the <paramref name="controlName"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidEnumArgumentException"><paramref name="controlName"/> specified an invalid value.</exception> public static SevenBitNumber AsSevenBitNumber(this ControlName controlName) { ThrowIfArgument.IsInvalidEnumValue(nameof(controlName), controlName); return((SevenBitNumber)(byte)controlName); }
public static string GetControlFileName(ControlName controlId, string folderPath) { string controlName = ""; string ext = ".ascx"; switch (controlId) { case ControlName.Welcome: controlName = "ctlWelcome"; break; case ControlName.AddServices: controlName = "ctlAddServices"; break; case ControlName.ManageServices: controlName = "ctlManageServices"; break; case ControlName.AddNews: controlName = "ctlAddNews"; break; case ControlName.Services: controlName = "ctlServices"; break; case ControlName.News: controlName = "ctlNews"; break; case ControlName.ManageNews: controlName = "ctlManageNews"; break; case ControlName.Client: controlName = "ctlClient"; break; case ControlName.AddClient: controlName = "ctlAddClient"; break; case ControlName.ManageClient: controlName = "ctlManageClient"; break; case ControlName.Project: controlName = "ctlProject"; break; case ControlName.AddProject: controlName = "ctlAddProject"; break; case ControlName.ManageProject: controlName = "ctlManageProject"; break; case ControlName.Portfolio: controlName = "ctlPortfolio"; break; case ControlName.AddPortfolio: controlName = "ctlAddPortfolio"; break; case ControlName.ManagePortfolio: controlName = "ctlManagePortfolio"; break; default: controlName = "ctlLogin"; break; } controlName += ext; return (String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath) == false ? folderPath + controlName : controlName); }
/// <summary> /// Copies a grid's output to the clipboard /// </summary> private void CopyToClipboard() { if (ControlName.ToString().ToLower().Contains("two")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(Gadgetparameters.MainVariableName + " by " + Gadgetparameters.CrosstabVariableName); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("\t" + "Yes" + "\t" + "No" + "\tTotal"); sb.AppendLine("Yes" + "\t" + GridCells.YyVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.YnVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.YtVal.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("No" + "\t" + GridCells.NyVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.NnVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.NtVal.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("Total\t" + GridCells.YtVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.TnVal.ToString() + "\t" + GridCells.TtVal.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("(Exposure = Rows; Outcome = Columns)"); try { Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { // this exception is thrown when the user declines to give // permission for this web app to write to the clipboard } catch { } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Grid grid in this.strataGridList) { string gridName = grid.Tag.ToString(); if (strataGridList.Count > 1) { sb.AppendLine(grid.Tag.ToString()); } foreach (UIElement control in grid.Children) { if (control is TextBlock) { int columnNumber = Grid.GetColumn((FrameworkElement)control); string value = ((TextBlock)control).Text; sb.Append(value + "\t"); if (columnNumber >= grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 2) { sb.AppendLine(); } } } sb.AppendLine(); } try { Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { // this exception is thrown when the user declines to give // permission for this web app to write to the clipboard } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// This function takes somes inputs and uploads the file to database. /// </summary> /// <param name="pUserLandId">User windows id</param> /// <param name="pApp">application id</param> /// <param name="pFileName">file name that is going to be uploaded</param> /// <param name="pFileContent">binary content of file</param> public void InsertFileIntoDB(string pUserLandId, string pApp, string pFileName, byte[] pFileContent, ControlName pControlName) { string lQuery = string.Empty; OracleProvider lProvider = new OracleProvider(); string lFileId = string.Empty; string lVersionId = string.Empty; OracleCommand lCommand = null; string lControl = string.Empty; try { if (pControlName == ControlName.UploadOrganizationGovernance) { lControl = "Organization Governance"; } else if (pControlName == ControlName.UploadOrganizationBackground) { lControl = "Organization Background"; } //Get File and Version Id lFileId = lProvider.FetchDataFromDBUsingExecuteScaler("Select SEQ_DOCUMENT_ID.Nextval from dual"); lVersionId = lProvider.FetchDataFromDBUsingExecuteScaler("Select SEQ_VERSION_ID.Nextval from dual"); //Begin Transaction lCommand = lProvider.OpenConnectionAndBeginTransaction(); lQuery = "Insert into T_APPLICATION_DOCS (DOCUMENT_ID,APPLICATION_ID, DOC_TITLE,DOC_TYPE,DOC_ASSOCIATE,UPDATED_ON, UPDATED_BY) " + "values (" + lFileId + ",'" + pApp + "','" + lControl + "','I','G'," + "SYSDATE,'" + pUserLandId + "')"; //Insert into Application Docs lProvider.FExecuteNonQuery(lCommand, lQuery, null); lQuery = "Insert into T_APPLICATION_DOCS_VERSIONS (DOCUMENT_ID,APPLICATION_ID,VERSION_ID,DOC_EXT,UPLOADED_ON, UPLOADED_BY) " + "VALUES (" + lFileId + ",'" + pApp + "'," + lVersionId + ",'" + pFileName + "', SYSDATE,'" + pUserLandId + "')"; //Insert into Application_docs_version lProvider.FExecuteNonQuery(lCommand, lQuery, null); lQuery = "declare xx blob; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary(xx, false, 0); :tempblob := xx; end;"; OracleParameter lParam = new OracleParameter("tempblob", OracleType.Blob); lParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; OracleParameterCollection lParamCollection = new OracleParameterCollection(); lParamCollection.Add(lParam); lProvider.FExecuteNonQuery(lCommand, lQuery, lParamCollection); OracleLob tempLob = (OracleLob)lCommand.Parameters[0].Value; //Create temporary BLOB OracleLob lLob = (OracleLob)lCommand.Parameters[0].Value; int streamLength = pFileContent.Length; //Transfer data to server lLob.Write(pFileContent, 0, streamLength); lParam = new OracleParameter("data", OracleType.Blob); lParam.Value = lLob; //Create a parameter collection lParamCollection = new OracleParameterCollection(); lParamCollection.Add(lParam); lQuery = "Update T_APPLICATION_DOCS_VERSIONS set DOC_CONTENT=:data where DOCUMENT_ID=" + lFileId; //Execue the update query lProvider.FExecuteNonQuery(lCommand, lQuery, lParamCollection); //Commit lProvider.CommitTransaction(lCommand); } catch (Exception ex) { if (lProvider != null && lCommand != null) { lProvider.RollBackTransaction(lCommand); } } finally { lProvider = null; lCommand = null; } }