private static void Fail(string message, IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executableTargets) { ControlFlow.Fail(new StringBuilder() .AppendLine(message) .AppendLine() .AppendLine(HelpTextService.GetTargetsText(executableTargets)).ToString()); }
public static void ValidateRequirements(NukeBuild build) { foreach (var target in build.ExecutionPlan) { foreach (var requirement in target.Requirements) { if (requirement is Expression <Func <bool> > boolExpression) { ControlFlow.Assert(boolExpression.Compile().Invoke(), $"Target '{target.Name}' requires '{requirement.Body}'."); } else if (IsMemberNull(requirement.GetMemberInfo(), build, target)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Target '{target.Name}' requires member '{requirement.GetMemberInfo().Name}' to be not null."); } } } var requiredMembers = InjectionUtility.GetParameterMembers(build.GetType()).Where(x => x.HasCustomAttribute <RequiredAttribute>()); foreach (var member in requiredMembers) { if (IsMemberNull(member, build)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Member '{member.Name}' is required to be not null."); } } }
public static void ValidateRequirements(NukeBuild build, IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executingTargets) { foreach (var target in executingTargets) { foreach (var requirement in target.Requirements) { if (requirement is Expression <Func <bool> > boolExpression) { // TODO: same as HasSkippingCondition.GetSkipReason ControlFlow.Assert(boolExpression.Compile().Invoke(), $"Target '{target.Name}' requires '{requirement.Body}'."); } else if (IsMemberNull(requirement.GetMemberInfo(), build, target)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Target '{target.Name}' requires member '{requirement.GetMemberInfo().Name}' to be not null."); } } } var requiredMembers = ValueInjectionUtility.GetInjectionMembers(build.GetType()) .Select(x => x.Member) .Where(x => x.HasCustomAttribute <RequiredAttribute>()); foreach (var member in requiredMembers) { if (IsMemberNull(member, build)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Member '{member.Name}' is required to be not null."); } } }
public static IProcess AssertZeroExitCode( [AssertionCondition(AssertionConditionType.IS_NOT_NULL)][CanBeNull] this IProcess process) { const string indentation = " "; process.AssertWaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { var messageBuilder = new StringBuilder() .AppendLine($"Process '{Path.GetFileName(process.FileName)}' exited with code {process.ExitCode}.") .AppendLine("Invocation:") .AppendLine($"{indentation}{process.FileName.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()} {process.Arguments}") .AppendLine("Working directory:") .AppendLine($"{indentation}{process.WorkingDirectory}"); var errorOutput = process.Output.Where(x => x.Type == OutputType.Err).ToList(); if (errorOutput.Count > 0) { messageBuilder.AppendLine("Error output:"); errorOutput.ForEach(x => messageBuilder.Append(indentation).AppendLine(x.Text)); } else if (Logger.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Trace) { messageBuilder.AppendLine("Standard output:"); process.Output.ForEach(x => messageBuilder.Append(indentation).AppendLine(x.Text)); } ControlFlow.Fail(messageBuilder.ToString()); } return(process); }
private static bool ShouldCopyFile(string sourceFile, string targetFile, FileExistsPolicy policy) { if (!File.Exists(targetFile)) { return(true); } switch (policy) { case FileExistsPolicy.Fail: ControlFlow.Fail($"File '{targetFile}' already exists."); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(false); case FileExistsPolicy.Skip: return(false); case FileExistsPolicy.Overwrite: return(true); case FileExistsPolicy.OverwriteIfNewer: return(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(targetFile) < File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(sourceFile)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(policy), policy, message: null); } }
private static void AssertProcess(IProcess process, Xunit2Settings toolSettings) { process.AssertWaitForExit(); switch (process.ExitCode) { case 0: break; case 1: ControlFlow.Fail("One or more of the tests failed."); break; case 2: ControlFlow.Fail( "The help page was shown, either because it was requested, or because the user did not provide any command line arguments."); break; case 3: ControlFlow.Fail("There was a problem with one of the command line options passed to the runner."); break; case 4: ControlFlow.Fail( "There was a problem loading one or more of the test assemblies (for example, if a 64-bit only assembly is run with the 32-bit test runner)."); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public object GetCommandLineArgument(string argumentName, Type destinationType, char?separator = null) { var args = _commandLineArgumentsProvider.Invoke(); var index = Array.FindLastIndex(args, x => x.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase($"-{argumentName}")); if (index == -1) { return(GetDefaultValue(destinationType)); } var values = args.Skip(index + 1).TakeWhile(x => !x.StartsWith("-")).ToArray(); ControlFlow.Assert(values.Length == 1 || !separator.HasValue || values.All(x => !x.Contains(separator.Value)), $"Command-line argument '{argumentName}' with value [ {values.JoinComma()} ] cannot be split with separator '{separator}'."); values = separator.HasValue && values.Any(x => x.Contains(separator.Value)) ? values.SingleOrDefault()?.Split(separator.Value) ?? new string[0] : values; try { return(ConvertValues(argumentName, values, destinationType)); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { ex.Message, "Command-line arguments were:" } .Concat(args.Select((x, i) => $" [{i}] = {x}")) .JoinNewLine()); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(null); } }
private object ConvertCommandLineArguments( string argumentName, string[] values, Type destinationType, string[] commandLineArguments, char?separator = null) { ControlFlow.Assert(values.Length == 1 || !separator.HasValue || values.All(x => !x.Contains(separator.Value)), $"Command-line argument '{argumentName}' with value [ {values.JoinComma()} ] cannot be split with separator '{separator}'."); values = separator.HasValue && values.Any(x => x.Contains(separator.Value)) ? values.SingleOrDefault()?.Split(separator.Value) ?? new string[0] : values; try { return(ConvertValues(argumentName, values, destinationType)); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { ex.Message, "Command-line arguments were:" } .Concat(commandLineArguments.Select((x, i) => $" [{i}] = {x}")) .JoinNewLine()); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(null); } }
public static void ManualToolresolvingMeandering() { string TryGetPathExe(string exe) { try { return(ToolPathResolver.GetPathExecutable(exe)); } catch { } return(string.Empty); } string TryGetPathToolExe(string exe) { try { return(ToolPathResolver.TryGetEnvironmentExecutable(exe)); } catch { } return(string.Empty); } //ToolResolver.GetPathTool(exe) //ToolResolver.GetPathTool("appveyor"); //Tool myTool = ToolResolver.GetPathTool(exe) void TryAndGetPathEXEAndPrint(string exe) { Logger.Normal($"Trying to get exe {exe}: '{TryGetPathExe(exe)}'"); } var executables = new[] { "DOES NOT EXIST", "powershell", "bash" }; //ToolPathResolver.GetPathExecutable - get something on the path //vs TryGetEnvironmentExecutable //ToolPathResolver.TryGetEnvironmentExecutable -- this will get an exe defined by an enviornment variable //vs ToolResolver.GetPathTool(exe) - get a tool in the user's path based on executables.ForEach(TryAndGetPathEXEAndPrint); Logger.Normal($"Comspec is set up by something on windows systems as a standard exe tool, so here is the path {TryGetPathToolExe("ComSpec")}"); Tool git = ToolResolver.GetPathTool("git"); #pragma warning disable 168 //just showing that ControlFlow.Fail throws an "Exception" object that is not sub-typed try { Tool doesNotExist = ToolResolver.GetPathTool("DOES NOT EXIST"); }catch (Exception e) {} try { ControlFlow.Fail("TEST same as trying to get non existent tool with tool resolver"); }catch (Exception e) {} #pragma warning restore 168 }
private static void Handle(string[] args) { var rootDirectory = FileSystemTasks.FindParentDirectory( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), x => x.GetFiles(NukeBuild.ConfigurationFile).Any()); var hasCommand = args.FirstOrDefault()?.StartsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(c_commandPrefix.ToString()) ?? false; if (hasCommand) { var command = args.First().Trim(trimChar: c_commandPrefix); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"No command specified. Usage is: nuke {c_commandPrefix}<command> [args]"); } var commandHandler = typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(command)); ControlFlow.Assert(commandHandler != null, $"Command '{command}' is not supported."); try { commandHandler.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: new object[] { rootDirectory, args.Skip(count: 1).ToArray() }); return; } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { ControlFlow.Fail(ex.InnerException.Message); } } var buildScript = rootDirectory != null ? new DirectoryInfo(rootDirectory) .EnumerateFiles($"build.{ScriptExtension}", maxDepth: 2) .FirstOrDefault()?.FullName.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded() : null; if (buildScript == null) { if (UserConfirms($"Could not find {NukeBuild.ConfigurationFile} file. Do you want to setup a build?")) { Setup(rootDirectory, new string[0]); } return; } // TODO: docker var arguments = args.Select(x => x.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()).JoinSpace(); var process = Process.Start( ScriptHost, EnvironmentInfo.IsWin ? $"-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -File {buildScript} {arguments}" : $"{buildScript} {arguments}").NotNull(); process.WaitForExit(); Environment.Exit(process.ExitCode); }
private static List <TargetDefinition> GetUnfilteredExecutingTargets(NukeBuild build, IReadOnlyCollection <TargetDefinition> invokedTargets) { var vertexDictionary = build.TargetDefinitions.ToDictionary(x => x, x => new Vertex <TargetDefinition>(x)); foreach (var pair in vertexDictionary) { pair.Value.Dependencies = pair.Key.TargetDefinitionDependencies.Select(x => vertexDictionary[x]).ToList(); } var graphAsList = vertexDictionary.Values.ToList(); var executingTargets = new List <TargetDefinition>(); while (graphAsList.Any()) { var independents = graphAsList.Where(x => !graphAsList.Any(y => y.Dependencies.Contains(x))).ToList(); if (EnvironmentInfo.ArgumentSwitch("strict") && independents.Count > 1) { ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Incomplete target definition order." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {x.Value.Name}")) .JoinNewLine()); } var independent = independents.FirstOrDefault(); if (independent == null) { var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponentFinder <TargetDefinition>(); var cycles = scc.DetectCycle(graphAsList) .Cycles() .Select(x => string.Join(" -> ", x.Select(y => y.Value.Name))); ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Circular dependencies between target definitions." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {cycles}")) .JoinNewLine()); } graphAsList.Remove(independent); var targetDefinition = independent.Value; var factoryDependencies = executingTargets.SelectMany(x => x.FactoryDependencies); var nameDependencies = executingTargets.SelectMany(x => x.NamedDependencies); if (!invokedTargets.Contains(targetDefinition) && !(factoryDependencies.Contains(targetDefinition.Factory) || nameDependencies.Contains(targetDefinition.Name))) { continue; } executingTargets.Add(targetDefinition); } executingTargets.Reverse(); return(executingTargets); }
string GetThemeVersion(string packageJsonPath) { var json = JsonDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(packageJsonPath)); JsonElement version; if (json.RootElement.TryGetProperty("version", out version)) { return(version.GetString()); } ControlFlow.Fail("No version found"); return(""); }
private object ConvertValues(string parameterName, IReadOnlyCollection<string> values, Type destinationType) { try { return ConvertValues(values, destinationType); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail(new[] { $"Resolving parameter '{parameterName}' failed.", ex.Message }.JoinNewLine()); return null; } }
private static List <TargetDefinition> GetSortedList( IReadOnlyCollection <TargetDefinition> specifiedTargets, IReadOnlyCollection <TargetDefinition> allTargets) { var vertexDictionary = allTargets.ToDictionary(x => x, x => new Vertex <TargetDefinition>(x)); foreach (var pair in vertexDictionary) { pair.Value.Dependencies = pair.Key.TargetDefinitionDependencies.Select(x => vertexDictionary[x]).ToList(); } var graphAsList = vertexDictionary.Values.ToList(); var result = new List <TargetDefinition>(); while (graphAsList.Any()) { var independents = graphAsList.Where(x => !graphAsList.Any(y => y.Dependencies.Contains(x))).ToList(); if (EnvironmentInfo.ArgumentSwitch("strict") && independents.Count > 1) { ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Incomplete target definition order." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {x.Value.Name}")) .JoinNewLine()); } var independent = independents.FirstOrDefault(); if (independent == null) { var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponentFinder <TargetDefinition>(); var cycles = scc.DetectCycle(graphAsList) .Cycles() .Select(x => string.Join(" -> ", x.Select(y => y.Value.Name))); ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Circular dependencies between target definitions." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {cycles}")) .JoinNewLine()); } graphAsList.Remove(independent); var targetDefinition = independent.Value; var executableDependency = result.SelectMany(x => x.TargetDefinitionDependencies).Contains(targetDefinition) && !EnvironmentInfo.ArgumentSwitch("nodeps"); if (specifiedTargets.Contains(targetDefinition) || executableDependency) { result.Add(targetDefinition); } } result.Reverse(); return(result); }
private object ConvertValues(string parameterName, IReadOnlyCollection <string> values, Type destinationType) { try { return(ConvertValues(values, destinationType)); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail(new[] { $"Resolving parameter '{parameterName}' failed.", ex.Message }.JoinNewLine()); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(null); } }
private static ExecutableTarget GetExecutableTarget( string targetName, IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executableTargets) { var executableTarget = executableTargets.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(targetName)); if (executableTarget == null) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Target with name '{targetName}' is not available."); } return(executableTarget); }
private static T GetTaskResult <T> ([NotNull] Task <T> task) { try { task.Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Could not retrieve KeyVault value. {ex.Message}"); } return(task.Result); }
private object Convert(string value, Type destinationType) { try { var typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType); return typeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(value); } catch { ControlFlow.Fail($"Value '{value}' could not be converted to '{GetName(destinationType)}'."); return null; } }
private object Convert(string value, Type destinationType) { try { var typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(destinationType); return(typeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(value)); } catch { ControlFlow.Fail($"Value '{value}' could not be converted to '{GetName(destinationType)}'."); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(null); } }
private static IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> GetExecutionPlanInternal( IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executableTargets, ICollection <ExecutableTarget> invokedTargets) { var vertexDictionary = GetVertexDictionary(executableTargets); var graphAsList = vertexDictionary.Values.ToList(); var executingTargets = new List <ExecutableTarget>(); while (graphAsList.Any()) { var independents = graphAsList.Where(x => !graphAsList.Any(y => y.Dependencies.Contains(x))).ToList(); if (EnvironmentInfo.ArgumentSwitch("strict") && independents.Count > 1) { ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Incomplete target definition order." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {x.Value.Name}")) .JoinNewLine()); } var independent = independents.FirstOrDefault(); if (independent == null) { var scc = new StronglyConnectedComponentFinder <ExecutableTarget>(); var cycles = scc.DetectCycle(graphAsList) .Cycles() .Select(x => string.Join(" -> ", x.Select(y => y.Value.Name))); ControlFlow.Fail( new[] { "Circular dependencies between target definitions." } .Concat(independents.Select(x => $" - {cycles}")) .JoinNewLine()); } graphAsList.Remove(independent); var executableTarget = independent.Value; if (!invokedTargets.Contains(executableTarget) && !executingTargets.SelectMany(x => x.ExecutionDependencies).Contains(executableTarget)) { continue; } executingTargets.Add(executableTarget); } executingTargets.Reverse(); return(executingTargets); }
private static int Handle(string[] args, [CanBeNull] AbsolutePath rootDirectory, [CanBeNull] AbsolutePath buildScript) { var hasCommand = args.FirstOrDefault()?.StartsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(CommandPrefix.ToString()) ?? false; if (hasCommand) { var command = args.First().Trim(CommandPrefix).Replace("-", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"No command specified. Usage is: nuke {CommandPrefix}<command> [args]"); } var availableCommands = typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); var commandHandler = availableCommands .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(command)); ControlFlow.Assert(commandHandler != null, new[] { $"Command '{command}' is not supported.", "Available commands are:" } .Concat(availableCommands.Select(x => $" - {x.Name}").OrderBy(x => x)).JoinNewLine()); // TODO: add assertions about return type and parameters var commandArguments = new object[] { args.Skip(count: 1).ToArray(), rootDirectory, buildScript }; return((int)commandHandler.Invoke(obj: null, commandArguments)); } if (rootDirectory == null || buildScript == null) { var missingItem = rootDirectory == null ? $"{Constants.NukeDirectoryName} directory/file" : "build.ps1/sh files"; return(UserConfirms($"Could not find {missingItem}. Do you want to setup a build?") ? Setup(new string[0], rootDirectory, buildScript: null) : 0); } // TODO: docker var arguments = args.Select(x => x.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()).JoinSpace(); var process = Build(buildScript, arguments); process.WaitForExit(); return(process.ExitCode); }
public object GetEnvironmentVariable(string variableName, Type destinationType, char? separator = null) { var variables = _environmentVariablesProvider.Invoke(); var value = variables.Contains(variableName) ? (string) variables[variableName] : null; if (value == null) return GetDefaultValue(destinationType); try { return ConvertValues(variableName, separator.HasValue ? value.Split(separator.Value) : new[] { value }, destinationType); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail(new[] { ex.Message, "Environment variable was:", value }.JoinNewLine()); return null; } }
private async Task InstallPlatformAsync(string platformVersion) { if (NeedToInstallPlatform(platformVersion)) { Logger.Info($"Installing platform {platformVersion}"); var platformRelease = await GithubManager.GetPlatformRelease(platformVersion); var platformAssetUrl = platformRelease.Assets.FirstOrDefault().BrowserDownloadUrl; var platformZip = TemporaryDirectory / ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformAssetUrl)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"No platform's assets found with tag {platformVersion}"); } await HttpTasks.HttpDownloadFileAsync(platformAssetUrl, platformZip); CompressionTasks.Uncompress(platformZip, RootDirectory); } }
public object GetEnvironmentVariable(string variableName, Type destinationType, char?separator) { if (!Variables.TryGetValue(variableName, out var value)) { return(GetDefaultValue(destinationType)); } try { return(ConvertValues(variableName, separator.HasValue ? value.Split(separator.Value) : new[] { value }, destinationType)); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlFlow.Fail(new[] { ex.Message, "Environment variable was:", value }.JoinNewLine()); // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode return(null); } }
public static string Decrypt(string cipherText, byte[] password, string name) { try { var cipherBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText.Remove(startIndex: 0, count: 3)); using var ms = new MemoryStream(); using var cs = GetCryptoStream(ms, password, x => x.CreateDecryptor()); cs.Write(cipherBytes, offset: 0, cipherBytes.Length); cs.Close(); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray())); } catch { ControlFlow.Fail($"Could not decrypt '{name}' with provided password."); return(null); } }
public static void Compress(string directory, string archiveFile, Predicate <FileInfo> filter = null) { if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".zip")) { CompressZip(directory, archiveFile, filter); } else if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".tar.gz", ".tgz")) { CompressTarGZip(directory, archiveFile, filter); } else if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".tar.bz2", ".tbz2", ".tbz")) { CompressTarBZip2(directory, archiveFile, filter); } else { ControlFlow.Fail($"Unknown archive extension for archive '{Path.GetFileName(archiveFile)}'"); } }
public static void Uncompress(string archiveFile, string directory) { if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".zip")) { UncompressZip(archiveFile, directory); } else if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".tar.gz", ".tgz")) { UncompressTarGZip(archiveFile, directory); } else if (archiveFile.EndsWithAny(".tar.bz2", ".tbz2", ".tbz")) { UncompressTarBZip2(archiveFile, directory); } else { ControlFlow.Fail($"Unknown archive extension for archive '{Path.GetFileName(archiveFile)}'"); } }
private static int Handle(string[] args, [CanBeNull] string rootDirectory, [CanBeNull] string buildScript) { var hasCommand = args.FirstOrDefault()?.StartsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(c_commandPrefix.ToString()) ?? false; if (hasCommand) { var command = args.First().Trim(c_commandPrefix); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"No command specified. Usage is: nuke {c_commandPrefix}<command> [args]"); } var commandHandler = typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase(command)); ControlFlow.Assert(commandHandler != null, $"Command '{command}' is not supported."); // TODO: add assertions about return type and parameters var commandArguments = new object[] { args.Skip(count: 1).ToArray(), rootDirectory, buildScript }; return((int)commandHandler.Invoke(obj: null, commandArguments)); } if (rootDirectory == null || buildScript == null) { var missingFile = rootDirectory == null ? Constants.ConfigurationFileName : "build.ps1/sh"; return(UserConfirms($"Could not find {missingFile} file. Do you want to setup a build?") ? Setup(new string[0], rootDirectory, buildScript: null) : 0); } // TODO: docker Logger.Normal($"NUKE Global Tool {typeof(Program).Assembly.GetInformationalText()}"); var arguments = args.Select(x => x.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()).JoinSpace(); var process = Build(buildScript, arguments); process.WaitForExit(); return(process.ExitCode); }
private static void Handle(string[] args) { var hasCommand = args.FirstOrDefault()?.StartsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase("!") ?? false; if (hasCommand) { var command = args.First().Trim(trimChar: '!'); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { ControlFlow.Fail("No command specified. Usage is: nuke !<command> [args]"); } var arguments = args.Skip(count: 1).JoinSpace(); if (command.EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase("setup")) { Setup(arguments); return; } ControlFlow.Fail($"Command '{command}' is not supported."); } var currentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); var rootDirectory = FileSystemTasks.FindParentDirectory(currentDirectory, x => x.GetFiles(NukeBuild.ConfigurationFile).Any()); var buildScript = rootDirectory? .EnumerateFiles($"build.{ScriptExtension}", maxDepth: 2) .FirstOrDefault()?.FullName; if (buildScript == null) { if (UserConfirms($"Could not find {NukeBuild.ConfigurationFile} file. Do you want to setup a build?")) { Setup(); } return; } // TODO: docker RunScript(buildScript, args.Select(x => x.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()).JoinSpace()); }
private async Task <bool> DownloadExternalFile(string file, int timeout) { try { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList(); ControlFlow.Assert(lines.Count == 1, $"External file '{file}' must contain single URI."); var uriString = lines.FirstOrDefault(); if (!Uri.TryCreate(uriString, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri)) { ControlFlow.Fail($"Could not parse '{uriString}' from external file '{file}'."); } var outputFile = file.Substring(0, file.Length - 4); await HttpTasks.HttpDownloadFileAsync(uri.AbsolutePath, outputFile); BuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(new BuildMessageEventArgs( $"Successfully downloaded external file '{outputFile}' from '{uri}'.", helpKeyword: null, senderName: typeof(ExternalFilesTask).FullName, importance: MessageImportance.Normal)); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { BuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(new BuildErrorEventArgs( subcategory: "Build", code: null, file: file, lineNumber: 0, columnNumber: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumnNumber: 0, message: exception.Message, helpKeyword: null, senderName: typeof(ExternalFilesTask).FullName)); return(false); } }