Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // get the patient singleton and default values
        patient           = Patient.Instance;
        heartRate         = patient.HeartRate;
        intervalR         = heartRate / 60.0f;
        continuousMonitor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ContMonitor").GetComponent <ContinousMonitor>();

        triggerSANode = true;           // start new heartbeat

        // set the rates for the waves
        Pwavrate   = 12.5f;
        Qrswavrate = 25.0f;
        Jwavrate   = 25.0f;
        Twavrate   = 4.6f;
        Uwavrate   = 25.0f;

        // create the interval array
        intervalArrayR = new float[10];
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            intervalArrayR[i] = intervalR;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        continuousMonitor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ContMonitor").GetComponent <ContinousMonitor>();
        patient           = Patient.Instance;

        targetSaturation = patient.Spo2;
        scaledTarget     = targetSaturation / 10.0f;

        pulse = patient.Pulse;

        baseLine = 1.0f;

        // one pulse should take the same time as the heart rate
        // the time between systole and diastole is about 54% of one
        // beat, so (60 bpm * 0.54) / targetBPM = between seconds
        betweenTime = (60f * 0.545f) / pulse;

        // for a pulse of 60, srate = 5, drate = 3.4
        // so for any pulse, srate = pulse / 12, drate = pulse / 17.65
        srate = pulse / 9f;
        drate = pulse / 15.65f;

        currentSum  = baseLine;
        previousSum = baseLine;

        intervalArray = new float[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            intervalArray[i] = pulse / 60.0f;

        between = true;
Exemple #3
    void Awake()
        // get our variables and set some of the boolean properties
        continuosMonitor       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ContMonitor").GetComponent <ContinousMonitor>();
        notificationBackground = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AlarmNotify").GetComponent <Image>();
        notificationText       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AlarmNotify").GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
        efxSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        playing  = false;
        disabled = false;
        notificationBackground.color = Color.clear;
        notificationText.text        = "";