Exemple #1
        public static void Refactor(Range applyto, Location to, ContextNode subformula)
            // Check if all cells contain the subformula
            var notContaining = NotContainingSubformula(applyto, subformula);

            if (notContaining != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format((string)"Not all cells contain that subformula, for example: {0}", (object)notContaining.Address[false, false]));

            Range target = applyto.Worksheet.Cells[to.Row1, to.Column1];

            if (target.Value2 != null && target.Value2 != "")
                throw new ArgumentException($"Target cell {to} is not empty");
            target.Formula = "=" + subformula.Print();
            var targetAddr = subformula.Ctx.Parse(to.Address());

            foreach (var uniqueR1C1Group in applyto.Cells.Cast <Range>().GroupBy(c => c.FormulaR1C1))
                var prototype = uniqueR1C1Group.First();
                var parsed    = Helper.ParseCtx(prototype);

                prototype.Formula = "=" + parsed.Replace(subformula, targetAddr).Print();
                var r1c1 = prototype.FormulaR1C1;

                foreach (var cell in uniqueR1C1Group)
                    cell.FormulaR1C1 = r1c1;

            // TODO: Provide some sort of undo functionality if possible
            // Warning: You cannot allow Excel to undo the actions of a VSTO plugin, so that path is doomed to fail :(
            // Quote from page 176 from "Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007" by E. Carter:

            /* Undo in Excel
             *      Excel has an Undo method that can be used to undo the last few actions
             *      taken by the user. However, Excel does not support undoing actions taken
             *      by your code. As soon as your code touches the object model, Excel clears
             *      the undo history and it does not add any of the actions your code performs
             *      to the undo history.
            // Best option would be a manual undo stack, but that still goes against user expectations:
            //      (will Ctrl+Z work?, cannot undo further than Add-in actions etc.)
            // To hook up on Excel's undo trigger there's [Application.OnUndo](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff194135(v=office.15).aspx)
            //      but that still requires a VBA macro to be defined to undo the changes made by the addon.
 public void init(Range from)
     FormulaStr = orFormula.Print();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the subformula's of a range in a certain direction
        /// </summary>
        public static void Refactor(Range applyto, Direction dir, ContextNode subformula)
            var notContaining = NotContainingSubformula(applyto, subformula);

            if (notContaining != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format((string)"Not all cells contain that subformula, for example: {0}", (object)notContaining.Address[false, false]));

            if (dir == Direction.Left && applyto.TopLeft().Column == 1 ||
                dir == Direction.Up && applyto.TopLeft().Row == 1 ||
                applyto.Offset[dir.RowOffset, dir.ColOffset].Cells.Cast <Range>().Any(c => c.Value2 != null))
                switch (dir.Dir)
                case Direction.DIR.Left:
                    applyto.Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, XlInsertFormatOrigin.xlFormatFromRightOrBelow);
                    //subformulaCells = applyto;

                case Direction.DIR.Right:
                    applyto.Offset[0, 1].Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, XlInsertFormatOrigin.xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove);
                    //subformulaCells = applyto;

                case Direction.DIR.Up:
                    applyto.Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, XlInsertFormatOrigin.xlFormatFromRightOrBelow);
                    //subformulaCells = applyto;

                case Direction.DIR.Down:
                    applyto.Offset[1, 0].Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, XlInsertFormatOrigin.xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove);
                    //subformulaCells = applyto;

            // Set all the cells which should contain the prototype
            Range subformulaCells = applyto.Offset[dir.RowOffset, dir.ColOffset];
            var   prototype       = subformulaCells.TopLeft();

            prototype.Formula = "=" + subformula.Print();
            var r1c1 = prototype.FormulaR1C1;

            foreach (Range subformulaCell in subformulaCells.Cells)
                subformulaCell.FormulaR1C1 = r1c1;

            // Set all the refactored cells
            foreach (var uniqueR1C1Group in applyto.Cells.Cast <Range>().GroupBy(c => c.FormulaR1C1))
                prototype = uniqueR1C1Group.First();

                var parsed     = Helper.ParseCtx(prototype);
                var targetAddr = parsed.Ctx.Parse(prototype.Offset[dir.RowOffset, dir.ColOffset].Address[false, false]);

                prototype.Formula = "=" + parsed.Replace(subformula, targetAddr).Print();
                r1c1 = prototype.FormulaR1C1;

                foreach (var cell in uniqueR1C1Group)
                    cell.FormulaR1C1 = r1c1;