Exemple #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            if (Session["username"] != null)
                ViewBag.Session = Session["username"].ToString();
                ViewBag.Session = "Contentful";

            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
            var        options    = new ContentfulOptions
                DeliveryApiKey = "4df4c5c7ed276605d36b9d880f1455aea05fe9b47e2da6acf518c0771d300625",
                PreviewApiKey  = "3aaec008db04a17e144539715f539354ff73cf8d82c2548c3045bbcfc2ee32a2",
                SpaceId        = "bda2gc49gm0w"

            var client = new ContentfulClient(httpClient, options);

            var AllCategories = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <Category> .New.ContentTypeIs("category"));

            var AllCategoryItems = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <Product> .New.ContentTypeIs("categoryItems"));

            Homepage model = new Homepage();

            model.Kategori = AllCategories.Items.ToList();
            model.Urun     = AllCategoryItems.Items.ToList();

        public static IGraph GetConcept(string id)
            var conceptQuery = QueryBuilder <Concept> .New.ContentTypeIs(Concept.ContentTypeName).FieldMatches(t => t.ParliamentId, id);

            var concepts = Engine.client.GetEntries(conceptQuery).Result;

            if (!concepts.Any())
                throw new EntryNotFoundException();

            var concept = concepts.Single();

            concept.Description = null;

            foreach (var broaderConcept in concept.BroaderConcept ?? Enumerable.Empty <Concept>())
                broaderConcept.Description = null;

            var indexedArticleQuery = QueryBuilder <Article> .New.ContentTypeIs(Article.ContentTypeName).LinksToEntry(concept.Sys.Id);

            concept.IndexedArticles = client.GetEntries(indexedArticleQuery).Result;

            foreach (var indexedArticle in concept.IndexedArticles)
                indexedArticle.ArticleType    = null;
                indexedArticle.Body           = null;
                indexedArticle.RelatedArticle = null;
                indexedArticle.Summary        = null;
                indexedArticle.Topic          = null;

            var narrowerConceptQuery = QueryBuilder <Concept> .New.ContentTypeIs(Concept.ContentTypeName).LinksToEntry(concept.Sys.Id);

            concept.NarrowerConcepts = client.GetEntries(narrowerConceptQuery).Result;

            foreach (var narrowerConcept in concept.NarrowerConcepts)
                narrowerConcept.BroaderConcept = null;
                narrowerConcept.Definition     = null;
                narrowerConcept.Description    = null;

            return(new Processor(concept).Graph);
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes the content items referenced by the project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slug">The slug identifying the project</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <string> > PublishProject(string slug)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing required parameter", nameof(slug));

                var cful             = new ContentfulClient(_httpClient, _options);
                var managementClient = new ContentfulManagementClient(_httpClient, _options);

                var facetQuery = new QueryBuilder <Project>()
                                 .FieldEquals("fields.slug", slug)
                _logger.LogInformation($"executing CMS call with query: {facetQuery.Build()}");

                // Retrieve the entire content tree by starting at the project and pulling includes
                // an arbitrary depth of 8
                var entrySet = await cful.GetEntries(facetQuery);

                // todo: determine if our process will already have the actual project published or not.
                // var projectId = entrySet.Items.FirstOrDefault().Sys.Id;
                var includedEntryIds = entrySet.IncludedEntries.Select(x => x.SystemProperties.Id);
                // todo: publish assets, too.
                // var includedAssetIds = entrySet.IncludedAssets.Select(x => x.SystemProperties.Id);

                foreach (var entry in entrySet.IncludedEntries)
                    var id = entry.SystemProperties.Id;
                    // Retrieve the item from mgmt API. Version is not included from delivery API so we get it again.
                    var mgmtEntry = await managementClient.GetEntry(id);

                    var latestVersion = mgmtEntry.SystemProperties.Version.GetValueOrDefault();
                    var result        = await managementClient.PublishEntry(id, latestVersion);

            catch (Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulException ex)
                var msg = "Error retrieving content: " + ex;
                throw new ContentException(msg, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = "Unable to retrieve content: " + ex;
                throw new ProcessException(msg, ex);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the view component and returns the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sys">They system properties of the entry to display status for.</param>
        /// <returns>The view.</returns>
        public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(IEnumerable <SystemProperties> sys)
            // Create a new client with preview set to false to always get the entry from the delivery API.
            var client = new ContentfulClient(_httpClient, _options.DeliveryApiKey, _options.PreviewApiKey, _options.SpaceId, false);
            IEnumerable <EntryStateModel> entries = null;
            var model = new EntryStateModel();

                // Try getting the entry by the specified Id. If it throws or returns null the entry is not published.
                entries = await client.GetEntries <EntryStateModel>($"?sys.id[in]={string.Join(",", sys.Select(c => c.Id))}");
            catch { }

            if (entries == null || (entries.Any() == false || sys.Select(c => c.Id).Except(entries.Select(e => e.Sys.Id)).Any()))
                // One of the entries are not published, thus it is in draft mode.
                model.Draft = true;

            if (entries != null && AnySystemPropertiesNotMatching(entries.Select(c => c.Sys), sys))
                // The entry is published but the UpdatedAt dates do not match, thus it must have pending changes.
                model.PendingChanges = true;


            bool AnySystemPropertiesNotMatching(IEnumerable <SystemProperties> published, IEnumerable <SystemProperties> preview)
                foreach (var publishedEntry in published)
                    var previewEntry = preview.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == publishedEntry.Id);
                    if (TrimMilliseconds(publishedEntry.UpdatedAt) != TrimMilliseconds(previewEntry?.UpdatedAt))
                        // At least one of the entries have UpdatedAt that does not match, thus it has pending changes.


                if (!dateTime.HasValue)

                return(new DateTime(dateTime.Value.Year, dateTime.Value.Month, dateTime.Value.Day, dateTime.Value.Hour, dateTime.Value.Minute, dateTime.Value.Second, 0));
Exemple #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Category(string categoryID)
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
            var        options    = new ContentfulOptions
                DeliveryApiKey = "4df4c5c7ed276605d36b9d880f1455aea05fe9b47e2da6acf518c0771d300625",
                PreviewApiKey  = "3aaec008db04a17e144539715f539354ff73cf8d82c2548c3045bbcfc2ee32a2",
                SpaceId        = "bda2gc49gm0w"
            var client = new ContentfulClient(httpClient, options);

            var AllItems = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <Product> .New.ContentTypeIs("categoryItems"));

            var FilterCategoryItems = AllItems.Where(c => c.categoryRef.Any(x => string.Equals(x["$ref"].ToString(), categoryID)));
            var AllCategories       = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <Category> .New.ContentTypeIs("category"));

            var model = new Homepage();

            model.Urun     = FilterCategoryItems.ToList();
            model.Kategori = AllCategories.ToList();
            return(View("Index", model));
Exemple #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> ProductDetails(string productID)
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
            var        options    = new ContentfulOptions
                DeliveryApiKey = "4df4c5c7ed276605d36b9d880f1455aea05fe9b47e2da6acf518c0771d300625",
                PreviewApiKey  = "3aaec008db04a17e144539715f539354ff73cf8d82c2548c3045bbcfc2ee32a2",
                SpaceId        = "bda2gc49gm0w"
            var client = new ContentfulClient(httpClient, options);

            var ProductDetail = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <Product> .New.ContentTypeIs("categoryItems").FieldEquals(f => f.Sys.Id, productID));

        public async Task <ActionResult> Lesson(string slug)
            // slug is being passed in by the actionLink in /Lessons
            ViewData["slug"] = slug;

            var httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
            var client     = new ContentfulClient(httpClient, "TJUTn86tuAZZ0L4Aw1LmA2HUBWNoU2TBHeCghBWJTac", "XsWxHVfA6Mu5yO2rlMf_IlrmIxfy5nAnFPraPg5LGc0", "dgv1c069l5im");

            // if you had the entry id you could just return the single entry without having to do a forEach in the view
            var entry = await client.GetEntries <Lesson>($"?content_type=lesson&fields.slug={slug}");

            // logs the total number of entries returned
            // Console.WriteLine(entries.Total.ToString());

        public async Task <ActionResult> UserControl(string username, string password)
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
            var        options    = new ContentfulOptions
                DeliveryApiKey = "4df4c5c7ed276605d36b9d880f1455aea05fe9b47e2da6acf518c0771d300625",
                PreviewApiKey  = "3aaec008db04a17e144539715f539354ff73cf8d82c2548c3045bbcfc2ee32a2",
                SpaceId        = "bda2gc49gm0w"
            var client = new ContentfulClient(httpClient, options);

            var AllItems = await client.GetEntries(QueryBuilder <User> .New.ContentTypeIs("users"));

            foreach (var item in AllItems)
                if (item.Username.ToLower() == username.ToLower() && item.Password.ToLower() == password.ToLower() && username != null && password != null)
                    Session["username"] = username;
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "State"));
        public async Task <Project> GetProject(string slug, bool usePreview = false)
            _logger.LogTrace($"ContentfulContentRepository.GetProject({slug}, {usePreview})");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing required parameter", nameof(slug));

                _options.UsePreviewApi = usePreview;
                var cful       = new ContentfulClient(_httpClient, _options);
                var facetQuery = new QueryBuilder <Project>()
                                 .FieldEquals("fields.slug", slug)
                _logger.LogDebug($"executing CMS call with query: {facetQuery.Build()}");

                // The GetEntry method (/entry endpoint) doesn't support including the referenced
                // targeted content  items. We must use a list/search instead.
                var entrySet = await cful.GetEntries(facetQuery);

                var entryCount = entrySet.Items.Count();

                if (entryCount > 0)
                    // We assume the slug is unique so there should be only one item.
                    // Log so we can notify the content managers of naming conflicts.
                    if (entryCount > 1)
                        _logger.LogWarning("GetProject({slug}). Multiple pieces of targetable content found with the same slug: ", slug);

                    var project = entrySet.First();
                    project.IncludedAssets  = entrySet.IncludedAssets;
                    project.IncludedEntries = entrySet.IncludedEntries;

                else if (entryCount == 0)
                    _logger.LogWarning("GetProject({slug}). No pieces of targetable content found with the slug: ", slug);
            catch (Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulException ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "GetHtmlBlock({slug}).", slug);

                var msg = "Error retrieving content: " + ex;
                throw new ContentException(msg, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "GetHtmlBlock({slug}).", slug);

                var msg = "Unable to retrieve content: " + ex;
                throw new ProcessException(msg, ex);

Exemple #10
        public async Task GetEntriesShouldSerializeCorrectlyToAnEnumerableOfArbitraryType()
            _handler.Response = GetResponseFromFile(@"EntriesCollection.json");

            var res = await _client.GetEntries <TestEntryModel>();

            Assert.Equal(9, res.Count());
            Assert.Equal("Home & Kitchen", res.First().Title);
Exemple #11
        public async Task <List <T> > GetEntriesByType <T>() where T : IContentType
            var builder = new QueryBuilder <T>().ContentTypeIs(typeof(T).Name.FirstCharacterToLower()).Include(1);

            return((await _contentfulClient.GetEntries(builder)).ToList());