Exemple #1
        public IMediaType BuildEntity(ContentTypeDto dto)
            var contentType = new MediaType(dto.NodeDto.ParentId)
                Id            = dto.NodeDto.NodeId,
                Key           = dto.NodeDto.UniqueId,
                Alias         = dto.Alias,
                Name          = dto.NodeDto.Text,
                Icon          = dto.Icon,
                Thumbnail     = dto.Thumbnail,
                SortOrder     = dto.NodeDto.SortOrder,
                Description   = dto.Description,
                CreateDate    = dto.NodeDto.CreateDate,
                Path          = dto.NodeDto.Path,
                Level         = dto.NodeDto.Level,
                CreatorId     = dto.NodeDto.UserId.Value,
                AllowedAsRoot = dto.AllowAtRoot,
                IsContainer   = dto.IsContainer,
                Trashed       = dto.NodeDto.Trashed

            //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked
            // http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-1946
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(ContentTypeDto model)
            Guid userId = Guid.Parse(User.Claims.Single(x => x.Type == "sub").Value);
            var  result = await this.facade.CreateContentType(userId, model);

Exemple #3
        private static void BuildCommonEntity(ContentTypeBase entity, ContentTypeDto dto, bool setVariations = true)
            entity.Id            = dto.NodeDto.NodeId;
            entity.Key           = dto.NodeDto.UniqueId;
            entity.Alias         = dto.Alias ?? string.Empty;
            entity.Name          = dto.NodeDto.Text;
            entity.Icon          = dto.Icon;
            entity.Thumbnail     = dto.Thumbnail;
            entity.SortOrder     = dto.NodeDto.SortOrder;
            entity.Description   = dto.Description;
            entity.CreateDate    = dto.NodeDto.CreateDate;
            entity.UpdateDate    = dto.NodeDto.CreateDate;
            entity.Path          = dto.NodeDto.Path;
            entity.Level         = dto.NodeDto.Level;
            entity.CreatorId     = dto.NodeDto.UserId ?? Cms.Core.Constants.Security.UnknownUserId;
            entity.AllowedAsRoot = dto.AllowAtRoot;
            entity.IsContainer   = dto.IsContainer;
            entity.IsElement     = dto.IsElement;
            entity.Trashed       = dto.NodeDto.Trashed;

            if (setVariations)
                entity.Variations = (ContentVariation)dto.Variations;
Exemple #4
        public ContentTypeDto BuildContentTypeDto(IContentTypeBase entity)
            Guid nodeObjectType;

            if (entity is IContentType)
                nodeObjectType = Constants.ObjectTypes.DocumentTypeGuid;
            else if (entity is IMediaType)
                nodeObjectType = Constants.ObjectTypes.MediaTypeGuid;
            else if (entity is IMemberType)
                nodeObjectType = Constants.ObjectTypes.MemberTypeGuid;
                throw new Exception("Invalid entity.");

            var contentTypeDto = new ContentTypeDto
                Alias       = entity.Alias,
                Description = entity.Description,
                Icon        = entity.Icon,
                Thumbnail   = entity.Thumbnail,
                NodeId      = entity.Id,
                AllowAtRoot = entity.AllowedAsRoot,
                IsContainer = entity.IsContainer,
                NodeDto     = BuildNodeDto(entity, nodeObjectType)

Exemple #5
        protected internal ContentType(ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto, Module module)
            : base(contentTypeDto.Id, contentTypeDto.Metadata)
            Name        = contentTypeDto.Name;
            Module      = module;
            _properties = new Dictionary <string, IContentTypeProperty>();

            var ownProperties = contentTypeDto.OwnProperties.Select(p => new ContentTypeProperty(p, this)).ToList();

            ownProperties.ForEach(p => _properties.Add(p.Name, p));
Exemple #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetBy([FromRoute] Guid tenantId, [FromRoute] int code)
            ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto = await this.contentTypeService.GetBy(tenantId, code);

            if (contentTypeDto != null)

            return(this.NotFound("A content type w/ the given tenant id and code was not found"));
Exemple #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromRoute] Guid tenantId, [FromRoute] int code, [FromBody] UpdateContentTypeDto updateContentTypeDto)
                ContentTypeDto conditionTypeDto = await this.contentTypeService.Update(updateContentTypeDto.ToConditionTypeDto(tenantId, code));

            catch (NotFoundException)
                return(this.NotFound("A content type w/ the given id was not found"));
 private ContentTypeDto BuildContentTypeDto(IContentType entity)
     var contentTypeDto = new ContentTypeDto
                                  Alias = entity.Alias,
                                  Description = entity.Description,
                                  Icon = entity.Icon,
                                  Thumbnail = entity.Thumbnail,
                                  NodeId = entity.Id,
                                  AllowAtRoot = entity.AllowedAsRoot,
                                  IsContainer = entity.IsContainer,
                                  NodeDto = BuildNodeDto(entity)
     return contentTypeDto;
        public ContentTypeDto BuildDto(IMemberType entity)
            var contentTypeDto = new ContentTypeDto
                Alias       = entity.Alias,
                Description = entity.Description,
                Icon        = entity.Icon,
                Thumbnail   = entity.Thumbnail,
                NodeId      = entity.Id,
                AllowAtRoot = entity.AllowedAsRoot,
                IsContainer = entity.IsContainer,
                NodeDto     = BuildNodeDto(entity)

        public async Task <ContentTypeDto> Add(ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto)
            if (contentTypeDto == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentTypeDto));

            ContentType contentType = this.contentTypeFactory.CreateContentType(

            await this.contentTypeRepository.Add(contentType);

        public static IMemberType BuildMemberTypeEntity(ContentTypeDto dto)
            var contentType = new MemberType(dto.NodeDto.ParentId);

                BuildCommonEntity(contentType, dto, false);

Exemple #12
 private static void BuildCommonEntity(ContentTypeBase entity, ContentTypeDto dto)
     entity.Id            = dto.NodeDto.NodeId;
     entity.Key           = dto.NodeDto.UniqueId;
     entity.Alias         = dto.Alias;
     entity.Name          = dto.NodeDto.Text;
     entity.Icon          = dto.Icon;
     entity.Thumbnail     = dto.Thumbnail;
     entity.SortOrder     = dto.NodeDto.SortOrder;
     entity.Description   = dto.Description;
     entity.CreateDate    = dto.NodeDto.CreateDate;
     entity.Path          = dto.NodeDto.Path;
     entity.Level         = dto.NodeDto.Level;
     entity.CreatorId     = dto.NodeDto.UserId.Value;
     entity.AllowedAsRoot = dto.AllowAtRoot;
     entity.IsContainer   = dto.IsContainer;
     entity.Trashed       = dto.NodeDto.Trashed;
        public static IContentType BuildContentTypeEntity(ContentTypeDto dto)
            var contentType = new ContentType(dto.NodeDto.ParentId);


                BuildCommonEntity(contentType, dto);

                // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946)
        public async Task <ContentTypeDto> Update(ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto)
            ContentTypeKey key           = ContentTypeKey.New(contentTypeDto.TenantId, contentTypeDto.Code);
            ContentType    conditionType = await this.contentTypeRepository.GetById(key);

            if (conditionType == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(FormattableString.Invariant($"{nameof(ContentType)} was not found. Key = {key}"));

            conditionType.Name = contentTypeDto.Name;

            return(await this.contentTypeRepository.Update(conditionType)
                   .ContinueWith(tenantTask =>
                return this.ConvertToDto(conditionType);
Exemple #15
        public IContentType BuildContentTypeEntity(ContentTypeDto dto)
            var contentType = new ContentType(dto.NodeDto.ParentId);


                BuildCommonEntity(contentType, dto);

                //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked
                // http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-1946
        public async Task <ContentTypeDto> CreateContentType(Guid userId, ContentTypeDto model)
            var ctype = new ContentType
                CreatedByUserId = userId,
                CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                Fields          = model.Fields.Select(f => new ContentField
                    CreatedByUserId = userId,
                    CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    FieldType       = f.FieldType,
                    Name            = f.Name,
                    Slug            = f.Slug
                Name   = model.Name,
                Slug   = model.Slug,
                SiteId = model.SiteId

            var created = await this.service.CreateContentType(ctype);

            return(new ContentTypeDto
                Fields = created.Fields.Select(f => new ContentFieldDto
                    FieldType = f.FieldType,
                    Id = f.Id,
                    Name = f.Name,
                    Slug = f.Slug
                Id = created.Id,
                Name = created.Name,
                SiteId = created.SiteId,
                Slug = created.Slug
Exemple #17
        public static IMediaType BuildMediaTypeEntity(IShortStringHelper shortStringHelper, ContentTypeDto dto)
            var contentType = new MediaType(shortStringHelper, dto.NodeDto.ParentId);


                BuildCommonEntity(contentType, dto);

                // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946)

Exemple #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> Add([FromRoute] Guid tenantId, [FromBody] CreateContentTypeDto createContentTypeDto)
            ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto = await this.contentTypeService.Add(createContentTypeDto.ToConditionTypeDto(tenantId));

            return(this.CreatedAtRoute("get-condition-type", new { tenantId = contentTypeDto.TenantId, code = contentTypeDto.Code }, contentTypeDto));
        protected void PersistUpdatedBaseContentType(ContentTypeDto dto, IContentTypeComposition entity)
            var propertyGroupFactory = new PropertyGroupFactory(entity.Id);

            var nodeDto = dto.NodeDto;
            var o       = Database.Update(nodeDto);

            //Look up ContentType entry to get PrimaryKey for updating the DTO
            var dtoPk = Database.First <ContentTypeDto>("WHERE nodeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });

            dto.PrimaryKey = dtoPk.PrimaryKey;

            //Delete the ContentType composition entries before adding the updated collection
            Database.Delete <ContentType2ContentTypeDto>("WHERE childContentTypeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });
            //Update ContentType composition in new table
            foreach (var composition in entity.ContentTypeComposition)
                Database.Insert(new ContentType2ContentTypeDto {
                    ParentId = composition.Id, ChildId = entity.Id

            //Removing a ContentType from a composition (U4-1690)
            //1. Find content based on the current ContentType: entity.Id
            //2. Find all PropertyTypes on the ContentType that was removed - tracked id (key)
            //3. Remove properties based on property types from the removed content type where the content ids correspond to those found in step one
            var compositionBase = entity as ContentTypeCompositionBase;

            if (compositionBase != null && compositionBase.RemovedContentTypeKeyTracker != null &&
                //Find Content based on the current ContentType
                var sql = new Sql();
                .From <ContentDto>()
                .InnerJoin <NodeDto>()
                .On <ContentDto, NodeDto>(left => left.NodeId, right => right.NodeId)
                .Where <NodeDto>(x => x.NodeObjectType == new Guid(Constants.ObjectTypes.Document))
                .Where <ContentDto>(x => x.ContentTypeId == entity.Id);

                var contentDtos = Database.Fetch <ContentDto, NodeDto>(sql);
                //Loop through all tracked keys, which corresponds to the ContentTypes that has been removed from the composition
                foreach (var key in compositionBase.RemovedContentTypeKeyTracker)
                    //Find PropertyTypes for the removed ContentType
                    var propertyTypes = Database.Fetch <PropertyTypeDto>("WHERE contentTypeId = @Id", new { Id = key });
                    //Loop through the Content that is based on the current ContentType in order to remove the Properties that are
                    //based on the PropertyTypes that belong to the removed ContentType.
                    foreach (var contentDto in contentDtos)
                        foreach (var propertyType in propertyTypes)
                            var nodeId         = contentDto.NodeId;
                            var propertyTypeId = propertyType.Id;
                            var propertySql    = new Sql().Select("*")
                                                 .From <PropertyDataDto>()
                                                 .InnerJoin <PropertyTypeDto>()
                                                 .On <PropertyDataDto, PropertyTypeDto>(
                                left => left.PropertyTypeId, right => right.Id)
                                                 .Where <PropertyDataDto>(x => x.NodeId == nodeId)
                                                 .Where <PropertyTypeDto>(x => x.Id == propertyTypeId);

                            //Finally delete the properties that match our criteria for removing a ContentType from the composition
                            Database.Delete <PropertyDataDto>(propertySql);

            //Delete the allowed content type entries before adding the updated collection
            Database.Delete <ContentTypeAllowedContentTypeDto>("WHERE Id = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });
            //Insert collection of allowed content types
            foreach (var allowedContentType in entity.AllowedContentTypes)
                Database.Insert(new ContentTypeAllowedContentTypeDto
                    Id        = entity.Id,
                    AllowedId = allowedContentType.Id.Value,
                    SortOrder = allowedContentType.SortOrder

            if (((ICanBeDirty)entity).IsPropertyDirty("PropertyTypes") || entity.PropertyTypes.Any(x => x.IsDirty()))
                //Delete PropertyTypes by excepting entries from db with entries from collections
                var dbPropertyTypes     = Database.Fetch <PropertyTypeDto>("WHERE contentTypeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });
                var dbPropertyTypeAlias = dbPropertyTypes.Select(x => x.Id);
                var entityPropertyTypes = entity.PropertyTypes.Where(x => x.HasIdentity).Select(x => x.Id);
                var items = dbPropertyTypeAlias.Except(entityPropertyTypes);
                foreach (var item in items)
                    //Before a PropertyType can be deleted, all Properties based on that PropertyType should be deleted.
                    Database.Delete <PropertyDataDto>("WHERE propertytypeid = @Id", new { Id = item });
                    Database.Delete <PropertyTypeDto>("WHERE contentTypeId = @Id AND id = @PropertyTypeId",
                                                      new { Id = entity.Id, PropertyTypeId = item });

            if (((ICanBeDirty)entity).IsPropertyDirty("PropertyGroups") || entity.PropertyGroups.Any(x => x.IsDirty()))
                //Delete Tabs/Groups by excepting entries from db with entries from collections
                var dbPropertyGroups =
                    Database.Fetch <PropertyTypeGroupDto>("WHERE contenttypeNodeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id })
                    .Select(x => new Tuple <int, string>(x.Id, x.Text));
                var entityPropertyGroups = entity.PropertyGroups.Select(x => new Tuple <int, string>(x.Id, x.Name));
                var tabs = dbPropertyGroups.Except(entityPropertyGroups);
                foreach (var tab in tabs)
                    Database.Update <PropertyTypeDto>("SET propertyTypeGroupId = NULL WHERE propertyTypeGroupId = @PropertyGroupId",
                                                      new { PropertyGroupId = tab.Item1 });
                    Database.Update <PropertyTypeGroupDto>("SET parentGroupId = NULL WHERE parentGroupId = @TabId",
                                                           new { TabId = tab.Item1 });
                    Database.Delete <PropertyTypeGroupDto>("WHERE contenttypeNodeId = @Id AND text = @Name",
                                                           new { Id = entity.Id, Name = tab.Item2 });

            //Run through all groups to insert or update entries
            foreach (var propertyGroup in entity.PropertyGroups)
                var tabDto          = propertyGroupFactory.BuildGroupDto(propertyGroup);
                int groupPrimaryKey = propertyGroup.HasIdentity
                                          ? Database.Update(tabDto)
                                          : Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(tabDto));
                if (propertyGroup.HasIdentity == false)
                    propertyGroup.Id = groupPrimaryKey; //Set Id on new PropertyGroup
                //Ensure that the PropertyGroup's Id is set on the PropertyTypes within a group
                //unless the PropertyGroupId has already been changed.
                foreach (var propertyType in propertyGroup.PropertyTypes)
                    if (propertyType.IsPropertyDirty("PropertyGroupId") == false)
                        var tempGroup = propertyGroup;
                        propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroup.Id);

            //Run through all PropertyTypes to insert or update entries
            foreach (var propertyType in entity.PropertyTypes)
                var tabId = propertyType.PropertyGroupId != null ? propertyType.PropertyGroupId.Value : default(int);
                //If the Id of the DataType is not set, we resolve it from the db by its ControlId
                if (propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId == 0 || propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId == default(int))
                    var datatype = Database.FirstOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE controlId = @Id", new { Id = propertyType.DataTypeId });
                    propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId = datatype.DataTypeId;
                var propertyTypeDto = propertyGroupFactory.BuildPropertyTypeDto(tabId, propertyType);
                int typePrimaryKey  = propertyType.HasIdentity
                                         ? Database.Update(propertyTypeDto)
                                         : Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(propertyTypeDto));
                if (propertyType.HasIdentity == false)
                    propertyType.Id = typePrimaryKey; //Set Id on new PropertyType
Exemple #20
 public IMemberType BuildMemberTypeEntity(ContentTypeDto dto)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public void Issue8370Test()
            // fixme maybe we need to create some content?
            // yes otherwise cannot get it to fail!

            var n = new NodeDto
                Text       = "text",
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                Path       = "-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                UniqueId   = Guid.NewGuid()

            var ct = new ContentTypeDto
                Alias     = "alias",
                NodeId    = n.NodeId,
                Thumbnail = "thumb"

            n = new NodeDto
                Text       = "text",
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                Path       = "-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                UniqueId   = Guid.NewGuid()
            var dt = new DataTypeDto
                PropertyEditorAlias = Constants.PropertyEditors.RelatedLinksAlias,
                DbType     = "x",
                DataTypeId = n.NodeId

            var pt = new PropertyTypeDto
                Alias         = "alias",
                ContentTypeId = ct.NodeId,
                DataTypeId    = dt.DataTypeId

            n = new NodeDto
                Text       = "text",
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                Path       = "-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                UniqueId   = Guid.NewGuid()
            var data = new PropertyDataDto
                NodeId         = n.NodeId,
                PropertyTypeId = pt.Id,
                Text           = "text",
                VersionId      = Guid.NewGuid()

            data = new PropertyDataDto
                NodeId         = n.NodeId,
                PropertyTypeId = pt.Id,
                Text           = "<root><node title=\"\" type=\"\" newwindow=\"\" link=\"\" /></root>",
                VersionId      = Guid.NewGuid()

            var migration = new UpdateRelatedLinksData(SqlSyntax, Logger);


            data = DatabaseContext.Database.Fetch <PropertyDataDto>("SELECT * FROM cmsPropertyData WHERE id=" + data.Id).FirstOrDefault();
        protected void PersistNewBaseContentType(ContentTypeDto dto, IContentTypeComposition entity)
            //Logic for setting Path, Level and SortOrder
            var parent    = Database.First <NodeDto>("WHERE id = @ParentId", new { ParentId = entity.ParentId });
            int level     = parent.Level + 1;
            int sortOrder =
                Database.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM umbracoNode WHERE parentID = @ParentId AND nodeObjectType = @NodeObjectType",
                                             new { ParentId = entity.ParentId, NodeObjectType = NodeObjectTypeId });

            //Create the (base) node data - umbracoNode
            var nodeDto = dto.NodeDto;

            nodeDto.Path      = parent.Path;
            nodeDto.Level     = short.Parse(level.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            nodeDto.SortOrder = sortOrder;
            var o = Database.IsNew(nodeDto) ? Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(nodeDto)) : Database.Update(nodeDto);

            //Update with new correct path
            nodeDto.Path = string.Concat(parent.Path, ",", nodeDto.NodeId);

            //Update entity with correct values
            entity.Id        = nodeDto.NodeId; //Set Id on entity to ensure an Id is set
            entity.Path      = nodeDto.Path;
            entity.SortOrder = sortOrder;
            entity.Level     = level;

            //Insert new ContentType entry
            dto.NodeId = nodeDto.NodeId;

            //Insert ContentType composition in new table
            foreach (var composition in entity.ContentTypeComposition)
                if (composition.Id == entity.Id)
                    continue;                             //Just to ensure that we aren't creating a reference to ourself.
                if (composition.HasIdentity)
                    Database.Insert(new ContentType2ContentTypeDto {
                        ParentId = composition.Id, ChildId = entity.Id
                    //Fallback for ContentTypes with no identity
                    var contentTypeDto = Database.FirstOrDefault <ContentTypeDto>("WHERE alias = @Alias", new { Alias = composition.Alias });
                    if (contentTypeDto != null)
                        Database.Insert(new ContentType2ContentTypeDto {
                            ParentId = contentTypeDto.NodeId, ChildId = entity.Id

            //Insert collection of allowed content types
            foreach (var allowedContentType in entity.AllowedContentTypes)
                Database.Insert(new ContentTypeAllowedContentTypeDto
                    Id        = entity.Id,
                    AllowedId = allowedContentType.Id.Value,
                    SortOrder = allowedContentType.SortOrder

            var propertyFactory = new PropertyGroupFactory(nodeDto.NodeId);

            //Insert Tabs
            foreach (var propertyGroup in entity.PropertyGroups)
                var tabDto     = propertyFactory.BuildGroupDto(propertyGroup);
                var primaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(tabDto));
                propertyGroup.Id = primaryKey;//Set Id on PropertyGroup

                //Ensure that the PropertyGroup's Id is set on the PropertyTypes within a group
                //unless the PropertyGroupId has already been changed.
                foreach (var propertyType in propertyGroup.PropertyTypes)
                    if (propertyType.IsPropertyDirty("PropertyGroupId") == false)
                        var tempGroup = propertyGroup;
                        propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroup.Id);

            //Insert PropertyTypes
            foreach (var propertyType in entity.PropertyTypes)
                var tabId = propertyType.PropertyGroupId != null ? propertyType.PropertyGroupId.Value : default(int);
                //If the Id of the DataType is not set, we resolve it from the db by its ControlId
                if (propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId == 0 || propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId == default(int))
                    var datatype = Database.FirstOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE controlId = @Id", new { Id = propertyType.DataTypeId });
                    propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId = datatype.DataTypeId;
                var propertyTypeDto = propertyFactory.BuildPropertyTypeDto(tabId, propertyType);
                int typePrimaryKey  = Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(propertyTypeDto));
                propertyType.Id = typePrimaryKey; //Set Id on new PropertyType

                //Update the current PropertyType with correct ControlId and DatabaseType
                var dataTypeDto = Database.FirstOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE nodeId = @Id", new { Id = propertyTypeDto.DataTypeId });
                propertyType.DataTypeId           = dataTypeDto.ControlId;
                propertyType.DataTypeDatabaseType = dataTypeDto.DbType.EnumParse <DataTypeDatabaseType>(true);
 public ContentType(ContentTypeDto contentTypeDto)
     Id       = contentTypeDto.Id;
     Name     = contentTypeDto.Name;
     Articles = contentTypeDto.Articles;