/// <summary>
        /// Check if a user may do something - and throw an error if the permission is not given
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        /// <param name="grant"></param>
        /// <param name="autoAllowAdmin"></param>
        /// <param name="specificItem"></param>
        private void PerformSecurityCheck(string contentType, PermissionGrant grant, bool autoAllowAdmin = false, IEntity specificItem = null)
            // Check if we can find this content-type
            var ctc = new ContentTypeController();


            var cache = DataSource.GetCache(null, App.AppId);
            var ct    = cache.GetContentType(contentType);

            if (ct == null)
                ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Could not find Content Type '" + contentType + "'.", "content-types");

            // Check if the content-type has a GUID as name - only these can have permission assignments
            Guid ctGuid;
            var  staticNameIsGuid = Guid.TryParse(ct.StaticName, out ctGuid);

            if (!staticNameIsGuid)
                ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Content Type '" + contentType + "' is not a standard Content Type - no permissions possible.");

            // Check permissions in 2sxc - or check if the user has admin-right (in which case he's always granted access for these types of content)
            var permissionChecker = new PermissionController(App.ZoneId, App.AppId, ctGuid, specificItem, Dnn.Module);
            var allowed           = permissionChecker.UserMay(grant);

            var isAdmin = autoAllowAdmin && DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.ModulePermissionController.CanAdminModule(Dnn.Module);

            if (!(allowed || isAdmin))
                ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Request not allowed. User needs permissions to " + grant + " for Content Type '" + contentType + "'.", "permissions");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a user may do something - and throw an error if the permission is not given
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        /// <param name="grant"></param>
        /// <param name="autoAllowAdmin"></param>
        /// <param name="specificItem"></param>
        /// <param name="useContext"></param>
        /// <param name="appId"></param>
        internal void PerformSecurityCheck(string contentType, PermissionGrant grant, bool autoAllowAdmin = false, IEntity specificItem = null, bool useContext = true, int?appId = null)
            Log.Add($"security check for type:{contentType}, grant:{grant}, autoAdmin:{autoAllowAdmin}, useContext:{useContext}, app:{appId}, item:{specificItem?.EntityId}");
            // make sure we have the right appId, zoneId and module-context
            var contextMod = useContext ? Dnn.Module : null;
            var zoneId     = useContext ? App?.ZoneId : null; // App is null, when accessing admin-ui from un-initialized module

            if (useContext)
                appId = App?.AppId ?? appId;
            if (!useContext)
                autoAllowAdmin = false;              // auto-check not possible when not using context
            if (!appId.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("app id doesn't have value, and apparently didn't get it from context either");

            // Check if we can find this content-type
            var ctc = new ContentTypeController();


            var cache = DataSource.GetCache(zoneId, appId);
            var ct    = cache.GetContentType(contentType);

            if (ct == null)
                ThrowHttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Could not find Content Type '" + contentType + "'.",

            // Check if the content-type has a GUID as name - only these can have permission assignments

            // only check permissions on type if the type has a GUID as static-id
            var staticNameIsGuid = Guid.TryParse(ct.StaticName, out var ctGuid);

            // Check permissions in 2sxc - or check if the user has admin-right (in which case he's always granted access for these types of content)
            if (staticNameIsGuid &&
                new DnnPermissionController(ct, specificItem, Log, contextMod)

            // if initial test couldn't be done (non-guid) or failed, test for admin-specifically
            if (autoAllowAdmin &&

            // if the cause was not-admin and not testable, report better error
            if (!staticNameIsGuid)
                               "Content Type '" + contentType + "' is not a standard Content Type - no permissions possible.");

            // final case: simply not allowed
                           "Request not allowed. User needs permissions to " + grant + " for Content Type '" + contentType + "'.",