public virtual void NoPass(long id) { target(SaveNoPass, id); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); bind("post", p); }
public void Pass(int id) { target(SavePass, id); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); bind("post", p); }
private void sendNoPassMsg(String desc, ContentTempPost p) { string title = string.Format("您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title); String msg = string.Format("对不起,您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title) + "<br/>审核说明:" + desc; msgService.SiteSend(title, msg, p.Creator); }
private ContentPost passSinglePost(ContentTempPost p) { ContentPost post = tempPostService.GetBySubmitPost(p, ctx.owner.obj); postService.Insert(post, p.TagList); tempPostService.Delete(p); sendPassNotification(post); return(post); }
private static bool articleExist(SpiderArticle spiderArticle) { logger.Info("articleExist=" + spiderArticle.Url); ContentPost post = ContentPost.find("OutUrl=:url").set("url", spiderArticle.Url).first(); if (post != null) { return(true); } return(ContentTempPost.find("SourceLink=:url").set("url", spiderArticle.Url).first() != null); }
private bool hasViewPermission(ContentTempPost p) { if (hasAdminPermission()) { return(true); } if (ctx.viewer.obj.Id == p.Creator.Id) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void Delete(int id) { ContentTempPost p = tpostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echoError(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } tpostService.Delete(p); redirect(); }
public virtual void SaveNoPass(long id) { String desc = ctx.Post("msg"); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echoError(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } tempPostService.NoPass(p); sendNoPassMsg(desc, p); echoToParentPart(lang("opok")); }
private void saveTempPost(int sectionId, Type postType) { ContentTempPost post = new ContentTempPost(); post.Creator = (User)ctx.viewer.obj; post.OwnerId = ctx.owner.Id; post.OwnerType = ctx.owner.obj.GetType().FullName; post.AppId =; post.SectionId = sectionId; post.Title = ctx.Post("Title"); if (postType != null) { post.TypeName = postType.FullName; } post.Author = ctx.Post("Author"); post.SourceLink = ctx.Post("SourceLink"); post.Content = ctx.PostHtml("Content"); post.Summary = ctx.Post("Summary"); post.ImgLink = sys.Path.GetPhotoRelative(ctx.Post("ImgLink")); post.TagList = ctx.Post("TagList"); post.Ip = ctx.Ip; if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Title)) { errors.Add(lang("exTitle")); } if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Content) && strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(post.SourceLink)) { errors.Add(alang("exContentLink")); } if (ctx.HasErrors) { return; } tempPostService.Insert(post); echoRedirect("投递成功", to(new MyListController().Index)); }
public void Show(int id) { ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echo(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } if (hasViewPermission(p) == false) { echo("对不起,你没有查看的权限"); return; } bind("p", p); }
private void passPosts(string ids) { int[] arrId = cvt.ToIntArray(ids); if (arrId.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (int id in arrId) { ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { continue; } passSinglePost(p); } }
public virtual void SavePass(long id) { String msg = ctx.Post("msg"); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echoError(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } ContentPost post = passSinglePost(p); String lnk = alink.ToAppData(post); HtmlHelper.SetPostToContext(ctx, post); echoToParentPart(lang("opok")); }
private static int importToTemp(SpiderArticle art, SpiderImport item, ContentSection section, ContentApp app) { ContentTempPost post = new ContentTempPost(); post.Creator = item.Creator; post.OwnerId = app.OwnerId; post.OwnerType = app.OwnerType; post.AppId = app.Id; post.SectionId = section.Id; post.Title = art.Title; post.SourceLink = art.Url; post.Content = art.Body; post.insert(); return(post.Id); }
public void SaveNoPass(int id) { String msg = ctx.Post("msg"); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echoError(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } tempPostService.NoPass(p); string title = string.Format("您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title); msg = string.Format("对不起,您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title) + "<br/>审核说明:" + msg; sendMsg(title, msg, p.Creator); echoToParentPart(lang("opok")); }
public ContentPost GetBySubmitPost(ContentTempPost p, IMember owner) { ContentPost post = new ContentPost(); post.Creator = p.Creator; post.CreatorUrl = p.Creator.Url; post.OwnerId = owner.Id; post.OwnerType = owner.GetType().FullName; post.OwnerUrl = owner.Url; post.AppId = p.AppId; ContentSection section = new ContentSection(); section.Id = p.SectionId; post.PageSection = section; post.Title = p.Title; post.TypeName = p.TypeName; post.Author = p.Author; post.SourceLink = p.SourceLink; post.Content = p.Content; post.Summary = strUtil.CutString(p.Summary, 250); post.ImgLink = p.ImgLink; if (typeof(ContentVideo).FullName.Equals(post.TypeName)) { post.CategoryId = PostCategory.Video; } else if (strUtil.HasText(post.ImgLink)) { post.CategoryId = PostCategory.Img; post.Width = 100; post.Height = 85; } post.Ip = p.Ip; return(post); }
public void SavePass(int id) { String msg = ctx.Post("msg"); ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { echoError(lang("exDataNotFound")); return; } ContentPost post = passSinglePost(p); String lnk = alink.ToAppData(post); string title = string.Format("你投递的 “{0}” 通过审核", p.Title); msg = string.Format("谢谢您的投递,你的 “<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>” 已通过审核。", lnk, p.Title) + "<br/>审核说明:" + msg; sendMsg(title, msg, p.Creator); echoToParentPart(lang("opok")); }
public ContentPost GetBySubmitPost( ContentTempPost p, IMember owner ) { ContentPost post = new ContentPost(); post.Creator = p.Creator; post.CreatorUrl = p.Creator.Url; post.OwnerId = owner.Id; post.OwnerType = owner.GetType().FullName; post.OwnerUrl = owner.Url; post.AppId = p.AppId; ContentSection section = new ContentSection(); section.Id = p.SectionId; post.PageSection = section; post.Title = p.Title; post.TypeName = p.TypeName; post.Author = p.Author; post.SourceLink = p.SourceLink; post.Content = p.Content; post.Summary = strUtil.CutString( p.Summary, 250 ); post.ImgLink = p.ImgLink; if (typeof( ContentVideo ).FullName.Equals( post.TypeName )) { post.CategoryId = PostCategory.Video; } else if (strUtil.HasText( post.ImgLink )) { post.CategoryId = PostCategory.Img; post.Width = 100; post.Height = 85; } post.Ip = p.Ip; return post; }
private void passPosts(string ids) { int[] arrId = cvt.ToIntArray(ids); if (arrId.Length == 0) { return; } List <ContentPost> xList = new List <ContentPost>(); foreach (int id in arrId) { ContentTempPost p = tempPostService.GetById(id); if (p == null) { continue; } ContentPost x = passSinglePost(p); xList.Add(x); } HtmlHelper.SetPostListToContext(ctx, xList); }
private void saveTempPost( long sectionId, Type postType ) { ContentTempPost post = new ContentTempPost(); post.Creator = (User)ctx.viewer.obj; post.OwnerId = ctx.owner.Id; post.OwnerType = ctx.owner.obj.GetType().FullName; post.AppId =; post.SectionId = sectionId; post.Title = ctx.Post( "Title" ); if (postType != null) post.TypeName = postType.FullName; post.Author = ctx.Post( "Author" ); post.SourceLink = ctx.Post( "SourceLink" ); post.Content = ctx.PostHtml( "Content" ); post.Summary = ctx.Post( "Summary" ); post.ImgLink = sys.Path.GetPhotoRelative( ctx.Post( "ImgLink" ) ); post.TagList = ctx.Post( "TagList" ); post.Ip = ctx.Ip; if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty( post.Title )) errors.Add( lang( "exTitle" ) ); if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty( post.Content ) && strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty( post.SourceLink )) errors.Add( alang( "exContentLink" ) ); if (ctx.HasErrors) return; tempPostService.Insert( post ); echoRedirect( "投递成功", to( new MyListController().Index ) ); }
private bool hasViewPermission( ContentTempPost p ) { if (hasAdminPermission()) return true; if (ctx.viewer.obj.Id == p.Creator.Id) return true; return false; }
public void NoPass( ContentTempPost p ) { p.Status = PostSubmitStatus.Deleted; p.update( "Status" ); }
public int GetSubmitCount(int creatorId, IMember owner, int appId) { String condition = string.Format("CreatorId={0} and AppId={1} and OwnerId={2} and OwnerType='{3}' ", creatorId, appId, owner.Id, owner.GetType().FullName); return(ContentTempPost.count(condition)); }
public void Delete( ContentTempPost post ) { post.delete(); }
public void Delete(ContentTempPost post) { post.delete(); }
private ContentPost passSinglePost( ContentTempPost p ) { ContentPost post = tempPostService.GetBySubmitPost( p, ctx.owner.obj ); postService.Insert( post, p.TagList ); tempPostService.Delete( p ); sendPassNotification( post ); return post; }
public void NoPass(ContentTempPost p) { p.Status = PostSubmitStatus.Deleted; p.update("Status"); }
public void NoPass(string ids) { ContentTempPost.updateBatch("set Status=" + PostSubmitStatus.Deleted, "Id in (" + ids + ")"); }
public virtual ContentTempPost GetById(long id) { return(ContentTempPost.findById(id)); }
public Result Insert( ContentTempPost post ) { return post.insert(); }
public virtual int CountByCreator(long creatorId, IMember owner, long appId) { String condition = string.Format("CreatorId={0} and AppId={1} and OwnerId={2} and OwnerType='{3}' ", creatorId, appId, owner.Id, owner.GetType().FullName); return(ContentTempPost.count(condition)); }
public Result Insert(ContentTempPost post) { return(post.insert()); }
public DataPage <ContentTempPost> GetByCreator(int creatorId, IMember owner, int appId) { String condition = string.Format("CreatorId={0} and AppId={1} and OwnerId={2} and OwnerType='{3}' ", creatorId, appId, owner.Id, owner.GetType().FullName); return(ContentTempPost.findPage(condition)); }
private static int importToTemp( SpiderArticle art, SpiderImport item, ContentSection section, ContentApp app ) { ContentTempPost post = new ContentTempPost(); post.Creator = item.Creator; post.OwnerId = app.OwnerId; post.OwnerType = app.OwnerType; post.AppId = app.Id; post.SectionId = section.Id; post.Title = art.Title; post.SourceLink = art.Url; post.Content = art.Body; post.insert(); return post.Id; }
public DataPage <ContentTempPost> GetPage(IMember owner, int appId) { String condition = string.Format("AppId={0} and OwnerId={1} and OwnerType='{2}' and Status={3}", appId, owner.Id, owner.GetType().FullName, PostSubmitStatus.Normal); return(ContentTempPost.findPage(condition)); }
public ContentTempPost GetById(int id) { return(ContentTempPost.findById(id)); }
private void sendNoPassMsg( String desc, ContentTempPost p ) { string title = string.Format( "您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title ); String msg = string.Format( "对不起,您投递的 “{0}” 没有通过审核", p.Title ) + "<br/>审核说明:" + desc; msgService.SiteSend( title, msg, p.Creator ); }
public virtual int GetSubmitCount(IMember owner, long appId) { String condition = string.Format("AppId={0} and OwnerId={1} and OwnerType='{2}' and Status={3}", appId, owner.Id, owner.GetType().FullName, PostSubmitStatus.Normal); return(ContentTempPost.count(condition)); }