Exemple #1
        private void ChangeState()
            if (editdisplaycontent == null)

            switch (State)
            case EditDisplayState.Edit:
                editdisplaycontent.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding("EditTemplate")
                    Source = this
                //editdisplaycontent.ContentTemplate = EditTemplate;

                editdisplaycontent.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding("DisplayTemplate")
                    Source = this
        protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride()
            ContentPresenter container = (ContentPresenter)base.GetContainerForItemOverride();

            if (ItemTemplate == null)

            FrameworkElement  content       = (FrameworkElement)ItemTemplate.LoadContent();
            BindingExpression rowBinding    = content.GetBindingExpression(Grid.RowProperty);
            BindingExpression columnBinding = content.GetBindingExpression(Grid.ColumnProperty);

            if (rowBinding != null)
                container.SetBinding(Grid.RowProperty, rowBinding.ParentBinding);

            if (columnBinding != null)
                container.SetBinding(Grid.ColumnProperty, columnBinding.ParentBinding);

        private void CreateCaptionForControl(UIElement control)
            DialogPanel.AddCaptionChangedEventHandler(control, this.ControlCaptionChanged);

            object Caption = DialogPanel.GetCaption(control);

            if (Caption != null)
                UIElement CaptionControl;
                if (Caption is UIElement)
                    CaptionControl = (UIElement)Caption;
                    ContentPresenter Presenter = new ContentPresenter();
                    Presenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding {
                        Source = control, Path = new PropertyPath(DialogPanel.CaptionProperty), BindsDirectlyToSource = true
                    Presenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding {
                        BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath("CaptionTemplate")
                    CaptionControl = Presenter;

                this.captionControls.Add(control, CaptionControl);
                //Ignore: there is no caption, This means, the control shall have full width

Exemple #4
        public TemplatedAdorner(UIElement adornedElement, AdornerLayer adornerLayer)
            : base(adornedElement)
            _adornerLayer     = adornerLayer;
            _contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();

            var contentBinding = new Binding
                Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay,
                Source = adornedElement,
                Path   = new PropertyPath(MaskAttach.DataContextProperty)

            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, contentBinding);

            var contentTemplateBinding = new Binding
                Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay,
                Source = adornedElement,
                Path   = new PropertyPath(MaskAttach.TemplateProperty)

            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, contentTemplateBinding);

            //AdornedElement.LayoutUpdated += AdornedElementLayoutUpdated;
        private ContentPresenter GetPresenter(object item)
            if (item == null)

            if (!_presenterCache.TryGetValue(item, out var presenter))
                presenter         = new ContentPresenter();
                presenter.Content = item;
                presenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding(nameof(ContentTemplate))
                    Source = this
                presenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateSelectorProperty, new Binding(nameof(ContentTemplateSelector))
                    Source = this

                _presenterCache.Add(item, presenter);

Exemple #6
        private void UnmaskHiddenContent()
            if (_contentGrid == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Content grid must be present.");
            if (_contentPresenter != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unmasking cannot happen twice.");
            //_hasUnmaskedContent = true;

            var contentBinding = new Binding("Content")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this
            var templateBinding = new Binding("ContentTemplate")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this
            _contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalContentAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalContentAlignment,
                Margin           = Padding,
                IsHitTestVisible = false,
            _contentPresenter.Loaded   += OnContentPresenterLoaded;
            _contentPresenter.Unloaded += OnContentPresenterUnloaded;
            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, templateBinding);
            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, contentBinding);

            _contentGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            _okToShowAfter = DateTime.Now + MinimumLoadingTime;
            _timeoutAfter  = DateTime.Now + TimeoutSpan; // probably don't need this one
            if (_timeoutTimer == null)
                _timeoutTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
                _timeoutTimer.Interval = TimeoutSpan;
                _timeoutTimer.Tick    += OnTimeoutTimerTick;
        public void SetFileTabDefinition(FileTabDefinition fileTabDefinition)
            this.DataContext = fileTabDefinition;
            if (fileTabDefinition.IsSeparator)
                this.Content   = new Separator();
                this.IsEnabled = false;
                this.SetBinding(TabItem.HeaderProperty, new Binding {
                    Source = fileTabDefinition, Path = new PropertyPath(FileTabDefinition.HeaderProperty)

                var presenter = new ContentPresenter();
                presenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding {
                    Source = fileTabDefinition, Path = new PropertyPath(FileTabDefinition.ContentTemplateProperty)
                this.Content = presenter;

                this.command = fileTabDefinition.Command as RoutedCommand;

                if (fileTabDefinition.Command != null)
                    fileTabDefinition.Command.CanExecuteChanged += OnCommandCanExecuteChanged;
                    this.IsEnabled = this.command == null?fileTabDefinition.Command.CanExecute(fileTabDefinition.CommandParameter) : this.command.CanExecute(fileTabDefinition.CommandParameter, fileTabDefinition.CommandTarget);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化,创建简易结构
        /// </summary>
        void Init()
            _rootGrid = new Grid()
                MinWidth        = 40d,
                MinHeight       = 40d,
                Background      = Res.默认背景,
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(1d),
                BorderBrush     = Res.浅灰边框

            _sv = new ScrollViewer
                ZoomMode                      = ZoomMode.Disabled,
                HorizontalScrollMode          = ScrollMode.Auto,
                HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto,
                VerticalScrollMode            = ScrollMode.Auto,
                VerticalScrollBarVisibility   = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto,

            _pre = new ContentPresenter {
                FontSize = 15
            _pre.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding {
                Path = new PropertyPath("Child"), Source = this

            _sv.Content = _pre;
            Content = _rootGrid;

            Opening += OnOpening;
        public DialogBase()
            // You might ask yourself why this is happening...
            // It's all because WPF apparently has a bug where if you use the Template property on Window to customize the
            // visual tree of its content (i.e., put the button tray / progressive disclosure / footnote stuff in), everything
            // works great *except* you don't get focus visuals for any of the controls.
            // So to get around that, we don't mess with the template of the window itself, but instead:
            //  1) Programmatically create a ContentPresenter and set it as the content of the Window (dialog)
            //  2) Change the default content property to be "MainContent" (so the xaml for DialogBase derivations looks "normal")
            //  3) Bind the content presenter to the MainContent property (and the template to MainContentTemplate)
            // Viola!  Plus the dialogs are now individually customizable via MainContentTemplate.
            var content = new ContentPresenter()
                Focusable = false, Content = new SelfWrapper(this)

            content.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding {
                Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath(MainContentTemplateProperty)

            this.Content = content;
            this.buttons = new ObservableCollection <Button>();
            this.Loaded += OnLoaded;
 private static UIElement r_2_ctMethod(UIElement parent)
     // e_0 element
     Grid e_0 = new Grid();
     e_0.Parent = parent;
     e_0.Name = "e_0";
     RowDefinition row_e_0_0 = new RowDefinition();
     row_e_0_0.Height = new GridLength(20F, GridUnitType.Pixel);
     RowDefinition row_e_0_1 = new RowDefinition();
     // PART_WindowTitleBorder element
     Border PART_WindowTitleBorder = new Border();
     PART_WindowTitleBorder.Name = "PART_WindowTitleBorder";
     PART_WindowTitleBorder.Background = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255));
     // e_1 element
     ContentPresenter e_1 = new ContentPresenter();
     e_1.Name = "e_1";
     Grid.SetRow(e_1, 1);
     Binding binding_e_1_Content = new Binding();
     e_1.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, binding_e_1_Content);
     return e_0;
Exemple #11
        private static UIElement r_2_ctMethod(UIElement parent)
            // e_0 element
            Grid e_0 = new Grid();

            e_0.Parent = parent;
            e_0.Name   = "e_0";
            RowDefinition row_e_0_0 = new RowDefinition();

            row_e_0_0.Height = new GridLength(20F, GridUnitType.Pixel);
            RowDefinition row_e_0_1 = new RowDefinition();

            // PART_WindowTitleBorder element
            Border PART_WindowTitleBorder = new Border();

            PART_WindowTitleBorder.Name       = "PART_WindowTitleBorder";
            PART_WindowTitleBorder.Background = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255));
            // e_1 element
            ContentPresenter e_1 = new ContentPresenter();

            e_1.Name = "e_1";
            Grid.SetRow(e_1, 1);
            Binding binding_e_1_Content = new Binding();

            e_1.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, binding_e_1_Content);
        private void UnmaskHiddenContent()
            // LIPEx
//            if (_contentGrid == null)
//            {
//#if DEBUG
//                throw new InvalidOperationException("Content grid must be present.");
//                return;
//            }
            // LPIEx
//            if (_contentPresenter != null)
//            {
//#if DEBUG
//                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unmasking cannot happen twice.");
//                return;
//            }
            //_hasUnmaskedContent = true;

            var contentBinding = new Binding("Content")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this
            var templateBinding = new Binding("ContentTemplate")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this

            _contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalContentAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalContentAlignment,
                Margin           = Padding,
                IsHitTestVisible = false,
            _contentPresenter.Loaded   += OnContentPresenterLoaded;
            _contentPresenter.Unloaded += OnContentPresenterUnloaded;
            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, templateBinding);
            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, contentBinding);

            _contentGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            _okToShowAfter = DateTime.Now + MinimumLoadingTime;
Exemple #13
 public PageClone()
     content = new ContentPresenter();
     content.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding("Content")
         Source = this
Exemple #14
        protected override FrameworkElement GenerateEditingElementCore()
            var control = new ContentPresenter
                ContentTemplate = this.EditingTemplate

            control.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, this.Binding);

Exemple #15
        private UIElement CreateControls(UIElement parent)
            ContentPresenter p = new ContentPresenter();

            p.Parent = parent;
            p.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding()
                Source = this, SourceDependencyProperty = Window.ContentProperty
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup a new binding on a child content presenter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">The view.</param>
        /// <param name="bindingSource">The source of the binding.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The binding path.</param>
        protected void SetupBinding(ContentPresenter view, object bindingSource, string path)

            if (bindingSource != null)
                var b = new Binding(path);
                b.Source = bindingSource;
                view.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, b);
        public WatermarkAdorner(UIElement adornedElement) : base(adornedElement)
            contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            contentPresenter.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            contentPresenter.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding(nameof(Content))
                Source = this,

        private void AddTickmark(double position)
            ContentPresenter c = new ContentPresenter();

            c.SetValue(PositionProperty, position);
            c.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new System.Windows.Data.Binding()
                Source = this,
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true,
                Path = new PropertyPath("TickMarkTemplate")
        private ContentAdorner(UIElement adornedElement)
            : base(adornedElement)
            _children = new VisualCollection(this);

            var contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();

            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding
                Path   = new PropertyPath(AdornerContentProperty),
                Source = adornedElement

            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, new Binding
                Path   = new PropertyPath(AdornerContentTemplateProperty),
                Source = adornedElement

            _child = contentPresenter;
 public HierarchicalDataTemplate()
     // Workaround to avoid NullReferenceException since the compiler does not handle HierarchicalDataTemplate yet.
     this._methodToInstantiateFrameworkTemplate = (control) =>
         ContentPresenter presenter = new ContentPresenter();
         presenter.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding());
         return(new TemplateInstance()
             TemplateContent = presenter,
Exemple #21
        private void TemplatedWindowControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set Zindex
            Panel            parent    = ((Panel)this.Parent);
            FrameworkElement myElement = this;
            int myZ            = Canvas.GetZIndex(myElement);
            int ZWeAreChecking = 0;
            int maxZ           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < parent.Children.Count; i++)
                FrameworkElement childWeAreChecking = parent.Children[i] as FrameworkElement;
                ZWeAreChecking = Canvas.GetZIndex(childWeAreChecking);
                if (maxZ < ZWeAreChecking)
                    maxZ = ZWeAreChecking;
            Canvas.SetZIndex(myElement, maxZ + 1);

            // Get initial opacity setting
            double initialOpacity = this.Opacity;

            // Reset opacity to 1.0
            this.Opacity = 1.0;

            // Set slider to initial opacity
            if (initialOpacity < 0.25)
                initialOpacity = 0.25;
            _sliderOpacity.Value = initialOpacity * 100;

            // Set the binding between the opacity slider and the opacity of _contentPresenter
            Binding binding = new Binding();

            binding.Source    = _sliderOpacity;
            binding.Path      = new PropertyPath("Value");
            binding.Mode      = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            binding.Converter = new Converters.OpacityBindingConverter();
            _contentPresenter.SetBinding(OpacityProperty, binding);

            // Check if content is TextBox
            if (this.Content != null)
                if (this.Content.GetType() == typeof(TextBox))
                    ContentIsTextbox = true;
        // Be sure to call the base class constructor.
        public DragAdorner(TreeViewEx treeViewEx, DragContent content)
            : base(treeViewEx)
            layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(treeViewEx);

            contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            contentPresenter.Content = content;

            Binding b = new Binding("DragTemplate");
            b.Source = treeViewEx;
            b.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, b);
        private static FrameworkElement ExtractGeneric(DisplayOption option)
            var ctrl = new ContentPresenter {
                Margin = new Thickness(3)

            ctrl.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding(option.PropertyName));
            if (option.Wide)
                ctrl.SetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, 2);

Exemple #24
        public void RealizeContent()
            if (_contentPresenter != null)
                // throw new InvalidOperationException("Already realized!"); // probably want to not throw in the future, but just no-op out?


            _contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalContentAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalContentAlignment,
                Margin           = Padding,
                IsHitTestVisible = false,

            _contentPresenter.Loaded   += OnContentPresenterLoaded;
            _contentPresenter.Unloaded += OnContentPresenterUnloaded;

                new Binding("ContentTemplate")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this
                new Binding("Content")
                BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Source = this

            _contentPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // ? is this one needed ?
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SplitContainer"/> class.</summary>
        public SplitContainer()
            SplitterPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            SplitterPresenter.SetBinding(StyleProperty, new Binding()
                Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath(SplitterPresenterStyleProperty)

            bool designMode = DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this);

Exemple #26
        protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride(DependencyObject element, object item)
            ContentPresenter contentPresenter = element as ContentPresenter;
            CategoryEditor   categoryEditor   = item as CategoryEditor;

            if (contentPresenter != null && categoryEditor != null)
                contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, (BindingBase) new Binding("DataContext.Category")
                    RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor, typeof(CategoryLayoutContainer), 1)
                contentPresenter.ContentTemplate = categoryEditor.get_EditorTemplate();
            base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
        private void SetupBinding(ContentPresenter view, string property)
            var script = this.SubAndSuperscript;

            BindingOperations.ClearBinding(view, ContentPresenter.ContentProperty);

            if (script != null)
                var b = new Binding(property);
                b.Source = script;
                view.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, b);
Exemple #28
        // Be sure to call the base class constructor.
        public DragAdorner(TreeViewEx treeViewEx, DragContent content)
            : base(treeViewEx)
            layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(treeViewEx);

            contentPresenter         = new ContentPresenter();
            contentPresenter.Content = content;

            Binding b = new Binding("DragTemplate");

            b.Source = treeViewEx;
            b.Mode   = BindingMode.OneWay;
            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, b);
Exemple #29
        protected virtual object LoadDlgContent()
            ContentPresenter content = new ContentPresenter()
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
            Binding contentBinding = new Binding()
                Path = new PropertyPath("SelectedContent"), Source = this

            content.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, contentBinding);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the read-only element that is bound to the column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">The cell that will contain the generated element.</param>
        /// <param name="dataItem">The data item that is represented by the row that contains the intended cell.</param>
        /// <returns>A new read-only element that is bound to the value of the column.</returns>
        protected override FrameworkElement GenerateElement(DataGridCell cell, object dataItem)
            var binding = new Binding(((Binding)Binding).Path.Path)
                          // comment this out to fix the bug
                Source = dataItem

            var content = new ContentPresenter {
                ContentTemplate = CellTemplate

            content.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, binding);
        public BlendEffectBox()
            _effectTopPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            ActualContent       = _effectTopPresenter;

            _effectBottomPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            _effectBottomPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, new Binding(ContentProperty.Name)
                Source = this

            var effects = new ObservableCollection <Effect>();

            effects.CollectionChanged += OnEffectsChanged;
            Effects = effects;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the ContentPresenter's Content property to the Binding set on this control.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateBindings()
            if (_content == null)

            if (_binding != null)
                _content.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentProperty, _binding);
        public InsertAdorner(TreeViewExItem treeViewItem, InsertContent content)
            : base(GetParentBorder(treeViewItem))
            this.treeViewItem = treeViewItem;

            layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(AdornedElement);

            contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
            contentPresenter.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            contentPresenter.Width = treeViewItem.ActualWidth;
            contentPresenter.Content = content;

            Binding b = new Binding("InsertTemplate");
            b.Source = treeViewItem.ParentTreeView;
            b.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
            contentPresenter.SetBinding(ContentPresenter.ContentTemplateProperty, b);

            content.InsertionMarkerBrush = treeViewItem.ParentTreeView.InsertionMarkerBrush;
            content.Item = treeViewItem;