Exemple #1
 public static void setMovingstate(ContentLoader.TextureNames movingstateParameter)
     if (movingstate == ContentLoader.TextureNames.empty)
         movingstate = movingstateParameter;
Exemple #2
        //public Int32 electricityCapacity;
        //public Int32 oxygenCapacity;

        public Capsule(ContentLoader.TextureNames name, Rectangle startPositionPart, Int32 weightParameter)
            partName     = name;
            partPosition = startPositionPart;
            partTexture  = ContentLoader.Textures[partName];
            partWeight   = weightParameter;
            type         = partType.capsule;
            //electricityCapacity = elec;
            //oxygenCapacity = oxy;
Exemple #3
        //public Int32 efficiency;
        //public Int32 consumption;

        public Engine(ContentLoader.TextureNames name, Rectangle startPositionPart, Int32 weightParameter, Int32 eff, Int32 consump, Int32 thr, Int32 isp)
            partName     = name;
            partPosition = startPositionPart;
            partTexture  = ContentLoader.Textures[partName];
            partWeight   = weightParameter;
            type         = partType.engine;
            thrust       = thr;
            efficiency   = eff;
            consumption  = consump;
            ISP          = isp;
Exemple #4
        //public Int32 fuelCapacity;
        //public Int32 fuelWeight;

        public Tank(ContentLoader.TextureNames name, Rectangle startPositionPart, Int32 weightParameter, Int32 fuel, Int32 fweight)
            partName     = name;
            partPosition = startPositionPart;
            partTexture  = ContentLoader.Textures[partName];
            partWeight   = weightParameter;
            type         = partType.tank;
            fuelCapacity = fuel;
            fuelWeight   = fweight;

            //this._fuelCapacity = fuel;
            //this._fuelWeight = fweight;
Exemple #5
        public void checkPartDrop()
            // See if part is dropped in rectangle.
            if (currentTouches.Count > 0)
                if (movingstate != ContentLoader.TextureNames.empty && grid.Contains(touchPoints))
                    gridTouched = true;
                if (gridTouched)
                    // Add to stack.

                    switch (movingstate)
                    case ContentLoader.TextureNames.capsule_test:
                        rocketStack.Push(new Capsule(ContentLoader.TextureNames.capsule_test, new Rectangle(0, 0, 101, 101), 50));

                    case ContentLoader.TextureNames.capsule_1:
                        rocketStack.Push(new Capsule(ContentLoader.TextureNames.capsule_1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 101, 101), 50));

                    case ContentLoader.TextureNames.tank_1:
                        rocketStack.Push(new Tank(ContentLoader.TextureNames.tank_1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 101, 101), 120, 100, 1));

                    case ContentLoader.TextureNames.engine_1:
                        rocketStack.Push(new Engine(ContentLoader.TextureNames.engine_1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 101, 101), 150, 100, 5, 1000, 1));

                    partStack.Push(new Rectangle(190, (rocketStack.Count * 101), 101, 101));
                    gridTouched = false;
                    grid.Y     += 101;

                    // Set totals back to 0.
                    stages                   = 0;
                    partWeightTotal          = 0;
                    electricityCapacityTotal = 0;
                    oxygenCapacityTotal      = 0;
                    fuelCapacityTotal        = 0;
                    fuelWeightTotal          = 0;
                    maxThrust                = 0;

                    // Calculate new rocket totals.
                    foreach (Part part in rocketStack)
                        part.stageNumber = stages;
                        if (part.type == Part.partType.engine)
                        partWeightTotal          += part.partWeight;
                        electricityCapacityTotal += part.electricityCapacity;
                        oxygenCapacityTotal      += part.oxygenCapacity;
                        fuelCapacityTotal        += part.fuelCapacity;
                        fuelWeightTotal          += part.fuelWeight;
                        maxThrust += part.thrust;

                movingstate = ContentLoader.TextureNames.empty;