public RepoPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += (sender, args) => { DataRequest request = args.Request; request.Data.SetText(repo.html_url); request.Data.Properties.Title = "Github Repo, Shared by GithubX"; }; SizeChanged += (sender, args) => { FilesList.Height = MarkdownScrollViewer.Height = ActualHeight - 92 - buttonPanel.ActualHeight - buttonPanel.Margin.Top - 32 - 48; //48 for expander //92 for header MarkdownText.Width = MarkdownScrollViewer.ActualWidth; }; Loaded += async(sender, args) => { PFix = string.Format("{0}/raw/master", repo.full_name); md = LoadTheme(); if (md == null) { md = new MarkdownSetting(); } try { ContentFiles = await ApiHandler.GetContentListAsync(repo); var readme = ContentFiles.Find(o =>"")); Url = readme.download_url; var res = await ApiHandler.GetReadMeMdAsync(, Url, true); MarkdownText.Text = res.Item2; if (!res.Item1) { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("There was a problem in loading README properly!", 2000); } } catch { MarkdownText.Text = "> Nothing 😣"; } Bindings.Update(); if (repo.Color == "#ffffff") { MarkdownText.LinkForeground = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightBlue); } }; }
private async void ButtonBar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var btn = e.OriginalSource as Button; switch (btn.Tag.ToString()) { case "0": if (ApiKeys.AppCenter != null) { Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Analytics.TrackEvent("Tap ReadMe.Share"); } DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI(); break; case "1": if (ApiKeys.AppCenter != null) { Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Analytics.TrackEvent("Tap ReadMe.OpenBrowser"); } await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(repo.html_url)); break; case "2": if (ApiKeys.AppCenter != null) { Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Analytics.TrackEvent("Tap ReadMe.ChangeCategory"); } #region Flyout MenuFlyout menu = new MenuFlyout { MenuFlyoutPresenterStyle = DarkFlyoutStyle }; var tempCategoriesId = new List <int>(repo.CategoriesId); foreach (var item in ApiHandler.AllCategories) { if (item.Id == 0) { continue; } var el = new ToggleMenuFlyoutItem { Text = item.Text, Tag = item.Id.ToString(), IsChecked = tempCategoriesId.Contains(item.Id) }; el.Click += El_Click; menu.Items.Add(el); } async void El_Click(object sen, RoutedEventArgs ee) { var tag = (sen as FrameworkElement).Tag; try { if (tag == null) { throw new Exception(); } var inx = Convert.ToInt32(tag.ToString()); if (tempCategoriesId.Contains(inx)) { //toggle off tempCategoriesId.Remove(inx); } else { //toggle on tempCategoriesId.Add(inx); } repo.CategoriesId = tempCategoriesId.ToArray(); await ApiHandler.UpdateRepoAsync(App.UserLoginAccountName, repo); MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("✔ Categories Updated", 3000); } catch { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("Something is not right!!", 2000); } } menu.ShowAt(btn); #endregion break; case "3": if (ApiKeys.Pocket == null) { return; } if (ApiKeys.AppCenter != null) { Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Analytics.TrackEvent("Tap ReadMe.Pocket"); } if (!Services.Utils.CheckConnection) { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("✖ Error! No internet", 3000); } var pocket = new PocketApi(); if (pocket.CheckLogin()) { var item = await pocket.Post(repo.html_url, new[] { "github", "github" }); if (item == null) { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("Error! Something with the Pocket", 3000); } else { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("Saved to Pocket", 3000); } } else { var dialog = new MessageDialog("✔ Login to Pocket then try Again"); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("OK", async(IUICommand command) => { var uri = await pocket.LoginUriAsync(); WebAuthenticationResult auth = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(WebAuthenticationOptions.None, uri, new Uri(App.PocketProtocol)); if (auth.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success) { if (await pocket.LoginUser()) { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("✔ Logged in Pocket", 3000); } else { MainPage.NotifyElement.Show("✖ Failed to login", 3000); } } })); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Cancel")); await dialog.ShowAsync(); } break; case "4": if (ApiKeys.AppCenter != null) { Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics.Analytics.TrackEvent("Tap ReadMe.Refresh"); } try { ContentFiles = await ApiHandler.GetContentListAsync(repo, false); FilesList.ItemsSource = ContentFiles; var readme = ContentFiles.Find(o =>"")); Url = readme.download_url; var res = await ApiHandler.GetReadMeMdAsync(, Url, false); MarkdownText.Text = res.Item2; } catch { } break; } }