public void PersistsProperties() { Container1 = CreateContainer(ContainerSpec); Container1.SetProperty("Phrase", "The quick brown fox..."); var value = Container1.GetProperty("Phrase"); Assert.Equal("The quick brown fox...", value); Container1.RemoveProperty("Phrase"); value = Container1.GetProperty("Phrase"); Assert.Null(value); }
public void SetsPropertiesOnCreation() { ContainerSpec.Properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Foo", "The quick brown fox..." }, { "Bar", "...jumped over the lazy dog." }, }; Container1 = CreateContainer(ContainerSpec); var fooValue = Container1.GetProperty("Foo"); var barValue = Container1.GetProperty("Bar"); Assert.Equal("The quick brown fox...", fooValue); Assert.Equal("...jumped over the lazy dog.", barValue); }