private void MAdapterOnItemLongClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { var position = e.Position; if (position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (item == null) { return; } if (item.Avatar == "addImage") { return; } Position = e.Position; var dialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(this).Theme(AppSettings.SetTabDarkTheme ? AFollestad.MaterialDialogs.Theme.Dark : AFollestad.MaterialDialogs.Theme.Light); dialog.Title(GetString(Resource.String.Lbl_Remove) + " " + WoWonderTools.GetNameFinal(item)); dialog.PositiveText(GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Yes)).OnPositive(this); dialog.NegativeText(GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_No)).OnNegative(this); dialog.AlwaysCallSingleChoiceCallback(); dialog.Build().Show(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
private async void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs adapterClickEvents) { try { var position = adapterClickEvents.Position; if (position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (item != null) { var index = MAdapter.UserList.IndexOf(MAdapter.UserList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserId == item.UserId)); if (index != -1) { MAdapter.UserList.Remove(item); MAdapter.NotifyItemRemoved(index); } Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_Unblock_successfully), ToastLength.Short).Show(); await RequestsAsync.User.BlockUnblock(item.UserId.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private void MAdapterOnItemLongClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs adapterClickEvents) { try { var position = adapterClickEvents.Position; if (position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (item != null) { //Pull up dialog DialogUser userDialog = new DialogUser(this, item.UserId, item); userDialog.Show(SupportFragmentManager, userDialog.Tag); userDialog.OnUserUpComplete += UserDialogOnOnUserUpComplete; } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (item != null) { WoWonderTools.OpenProfile(this, item.UserId, item); } } catch (Exception exception) { Methods.DisplayReportResultTrack(exception); } }
//Open profile private void MAdapterOnOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (item?.Id != null) { GlobalContext.OpenProfile(item.Id, item); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs adapterClickEvents) { try { var position = adapterClickEvents.Position; if (position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (item == null) { return; } if (item.Avatar != "addImage") { return; } StartActivityForResult(new Intent(this, typeof(MentionActivity)), 3); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (item != null) { WoWonderTools.OpenProfile(this, item.UserId, item); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
// Open Profile user private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (item != null) { AppTools.OpenProfile(Activity, item.UserId.ToString(), item); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
// Open Chat >> Following private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs adapterClickEvents) { try { var position = adapterClickEvents.Position; if (position >= 0) { var item = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (item != null) { UserId = item.UserId.ToString(); Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MessagesBoxActivity)); intent.PutExtra("UserId", item.UserId.ToString()); intent.PutExtra("TypeChat", "following"); intent.PutExtra("UserItem", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item)); // Check if we're running on Android 5.0 or higher if ((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt < 23) { StartActivity(intent); } else { //Check to see if any permission in our group is available, if one, then all are if (CheckSelfPermission(Manifest.Permission.ReadExternalStorage) == Permission.Granted && CheckSelfPermission(Manifest.Permission.WriteExternalStorage) == Permission.Granted) { StartActivity(intent); } else { new PermissionsController(this).RequestPermission(100); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private void MAdapterOnItemClick(object sender, ContactsAdapterClickEventArgs e) { try { var position = e.Position; if (position >= 0) { var itemMes = MAdapter.GetItem(position); if (itemMes != null) { var userid = itemMes.UserId; var item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MessageDataExtra>(Intent.GetStringExtra("SelectedItem")); if (item != null) { if (item.Product?.ProductClass != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ProductId) && item.ProductId != "0" && (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightProduct || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftProduct)) { string imageUrl = item.Product?.ProductClass?.Images[0]?.Image ?? ""; Console.WriteLine(imageUrl); //Not have api send Product } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Stickers) && (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightGif || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftGif) && item.Stickers.Contains(".gif")) { string imageUrl = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Stickers)) { imageUrl = item.Stickers; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Media)) { imageUrl = item.Media; } Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", "", "", "", imageUrl); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightText || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftText) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, item.Text); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightImage || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftImage) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", item.Media); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightAudio || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftAudio) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", item.Media); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightContact || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftContact) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ContactName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ContactName) && item.Text.Contains("{"Key"") || item.Text.Contains("{key:") || item.Text.Contains("{key:^qu") || item.Text.Contains("{^key:^qu") || item.Text.Contains("{Key:") || item.Text.Contains(""")) { string[] stringSeparators = { "," }; var name = item.Text.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None); var stringName = name[0].Replace("{key:", "").Replace("{Key:", "").Replace("Value:", ""); var stringNumber = name[1].Replace("{key:", "").Replace("{Key:", "").Replace("Value:", ""); item.ContactName = stringName; item.ContactNumber = stringNumber; } var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(item.ContactName)) { dictionary.Add(item.ContactName, item.ContactNumber); } string dataContact = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dictionary.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == item.ContactName)); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, dataContact, "1"); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightVideo || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftVideo) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", item.Media); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightSticker || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftSticker) { var fileNameWithoutExtension = item.Media.Split('/').Last().Split('.').First().Replace("sticker", ""); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", "", item.Media, "sticker" + fileNameWithoutExtension); }); } else if (item.ModelType == MessageModelType.RightFile || item.ModelType == MessageModelType.LeftFile) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { SendMess(userid, "", "", item.Media); }); } } Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_MessagesSent), ToastLength.Short).Show(); Finish(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }