public RequestResult InsertConstructSubsidy( ConstructInfo ConstructInfo, List <Files> Files ) { try { /// Data Validations DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault2(ConstructInfo); DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault2(ConstructInfo.CheckedData); DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault2(ConstructInfo.CharityMainData); DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefaultList2(Files); //if (DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault(ConstructInfo) || // DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault(ConstructInfo.CheckedData) || // DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefault(ConstructInfo.CharityMainData) || // DataValidation.IsEmptyOrDefaultList(Files)) // throw new FaultException<ValidationFault>(new ValidationFault()); /// Call Database using (CharityDAL dal = new CharityDAL(new ADO())) { return(dal.InsertConstructSubsidyDAL( ConstructInfo, Files )); } } catch (FaultException <ValidationFault> flex) { //ValidationFault fault = new ValidationFault //{ // Result = true, // Message = "Parameter not correct", // Description = "Invalid Parameters is Required but have null or empty or 0 value" //}; //var flex = new FaultException<ValidationFault>(fault, new FaultReason("Invalid Parameters is Required but have null or empty or 0 value")); _log.Error(flex); throw flex; } catch (Exception ex) { ValidationFault fault = new ValidationFault { Result = false, Message = ex.Message, Description = "Service have an internal error please contact service administartor [email protected]" }; _log.Error(ex); throw new FaultException <ValidationFault>(fault); } }
public override object GetParameterTypeByIndex(int idx) { if (idx >= 0) { ConstructorInfo info = this.ConstructInfo; if (info != null) { ParameterInfo[] ps = ConstructInfo.GetParameters(); if (ps != null && idx < ps.Length) { return(ps[idx]); } } } return(null); }
public override object GetParameterType(string name) { ConstructorInfo info = this.ConstructInfo; if (info != null) { ParameterInfo[] ps = ConstructInfo.GetParameters(); if (ps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) { if (string.Compare(ps[i].Name, name, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { return(ps[i].ParameterType); } } } } return(null); }
public override object GetParameterType(UInt32 id) { ConstructorInfo info = this.ConstructInfo; if (info != null) { ParameterInfo[] ps = ConstructInfo.GetParameters(); int idi = (int)id; if (ps != null) { if (ps.Length == 1) { return(ps[0].ParameterType); } for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps[i].Name)) { if (ps[i].ParameterType.GetHashCode() == idi) { return(ps[i].ParameterType); } else if (ps[i].GetHashCode() == idi) { return(ps[i].ParameterType); } else if (ps[i].MetadataToken == idi) { return(ps[i].ParameterType); } } else if (ps[i].Name.GetHashCode() == idi) { return(ps[i].ParameterType); } } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// حفظ بيانات الاعانه الانشائية /// </summary> /// <param name="cnst"></param> /// <param name="Files"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RequestResult InsertConstructSubsidyDAL( ConstructInfo cnst, List <Files> Files ) { List <SpInPuts> inputs = new List <SpInPuts> { new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_REG_TYPE_CODE", VALUE = cnst.CheckedData.AgencyType }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_REG_ID", VALUE = cnst.CheckedData.AgencyLicenseNumber }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_SUBSIDY_CODE", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.SubsidyType }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_BENEF_COUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.BeneficiariesCount }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_VOLUNTEERS_COUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.VolunteersCount }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_EMP_SA_COUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.SaudiEmployeesCount }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_EMP_NONSA_COUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.NonSaudiEmployeesCount }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_BALANCE_SHEET_FLG", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.IsbudgetIssued }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_BOARD_MEET_FLG", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.IsBoardOfDirectorsMeetingsRegular }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PUB_BOARD_MEET_FLG", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.IsGeneralAssemblyMeetingsRegular }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PUB_BOARD_MEET_REASON", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.GeneralAssemblyIrregularityMeetingReason }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_LAST_YEAR_EXPENSES", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.TotalExpensesAdministrativePreviousYear }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_LAST_YEAR_ROG_EXPENSES", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.TotalExpensesForActivitiesPreviousYear }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_LAST_YEAR_PRG_COUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.ProgramsImplementedPreviousYearCount }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_MAKEEN_EAVL_RESULT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.GovernmentEvaluationResult }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_NAME", VALUE = cnst.ProgramName }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_AUDIENCES", VALUE = cnst.TargetedPeoples }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_SUMMARY", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.BriefAboutEmergencyAssembly }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_GOALS", VALUE = cnst.ProgramGoals }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_IMPLEMENTATION_DT", VALUE = cnst.ImplementationDate }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_IMPLEMENTATION_DESC", VALUE = cnst.ImplementationMethod }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_IMPLEMENTATION_DURATION", VALUE = cnst.ImplementationDuration }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_TOTAL_PROG_COST", VALUE = cnst.TotalCost }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PARTNERS_FLAG", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.AreTherePartners }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PARTNERS_LIST", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.PartnerNames }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PARTNERS_FUND_SUPPORT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.TotalPartnerSupport }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_GOALS_CMPTBL_FLAG", VALUE = cnst.CompatibilityOfProgramsWithObjectives }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_PROG_REQUEST_AMOUNT", VALUE = cnst.CharityMainData.RequiredSubsidy }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_ORG_FUND_SUPPORT", VALUE = cnst.AllocatedAmountToProject }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_ORG_FUND_SUPPORT_PRCNT", VALUE = cnst.AllocatedPercentageToProject }, new SpInPuts() { KEY = "P_LOGIN_ID", VALUE = cnst.CheckedData.CommissionerNumber } }; List <SpOutPuts> Outouts = new List <SpOutPuts>() { new SpOutPuts() { ParameterName = "P_RESULT_CODE", OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2, Size = 300 }, new SpOutPuts() { ParameterName = "P_RESULT_TEXT", OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2, Size = 2000 }, new SpOutPuts() { ParameterName = "P_REQUEST_ID", OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2, Size = 300 } }; //Populate Parameters List <OracleParameter> OpParms = ado.PopulateSpInPuts( in inputs ); ado.PopulateSpOutPuts( ref OpParms, in Outouts ); ado.ExecuteStoredProcedure( "CH_P_SUBSIDY_BUILDUP", OpParms, out OracleParameterCollection OPCs ); RequestResult RequestResult = new RequestResult { RequestId = OPCs[":P_REQUEST_ID"].Value != null?Convert.ToInt64(OPCs[":P_REQUEST_ID"].Value.ToString()) : 0, RequestCode = OPCs[":P_RESULT_CODE"].Value.ToString(), RequestName = OPCs[":P_RESULT_TEXT"].Value.ToString(), }; for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count(); i++) { InsertAttachmentDAL( RequestResult.RequestId, Files[i].Id, Files[i].Path, cnst.CheckedData.CommissionerNumber ); } return(RequestResult); }