Exemple #1

        private IFAttribute CreateSurfraceProfile(ConstantThickness thickness, string lusasName)
            IFGeometricSurface lusasGeometricSurface = d_LusasData.createGeometricSurface(lusasName);

            lusasGeometricSurface.setValue("t", thickness.Thickness);
Exemple #2
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private bool CreateCollection(IEnumerable <ISurfaceProperty> srfProps)
            foreach (ISurfaceProperty srfProp in srfProps)
                RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();
                if (srfProp is Ribbed)
                    Ribbed        compProp = (Ribbed)srfProp;
                    ICompDeckProp ramProp;

                    //Validity check for ribbed properties thickness above flutes
                    if (compProp.Thickness < 2.0.FromInch())
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("Deck property " + srfProp.Name + " has an invalid thickness. Thickness was automatically changed to 2 inches in order to ensure required shear stud engagement per RAM.");
                        compProp.Thickness = 2.0.FromInch();
                    ICompDeckProps compDeckProps = m_Model.GetCompositeDeckProps();
                        ramProp = compDeckProps.Add2(compProp.Name, Engine.Base.Query.PropertyValue(compProp, "DeckProfileName").ToString(), compProp.Thickness.ToInch(), compProp.TotalDepth.ToInch() - 1.5);
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("Deck label for surface property " + srfProp.Name + " not found or invalid for specified thickness. Using default deck profile. Please provide a valid deck name from the RAM Deck Table as a property on the SurfaceProperty named DeckProfileName.");
                        ramProp = compDeckProps.Add2(compProp.Name, "ASC 3W", compProp.Thickness.ToInch(), 4.5);
                    RAMId.Id = ramProp.lUID;
                else if (srfProp is ConstantThickness && !(srfProp.Material is Steel))
                    ConstantThickness prop = (ConstantThickness)srfProp;
                    if (prop.PanelType != PanelType.Wall)  //Wall surface properties are created on a per wall element basis
                        IConcSlabProps concSlabProps = m_Model.GetConcreteSlabProps();
                        IConcSlabProp  ramProp;
                        ramProp  = concSlabProps.Add(prop.Name, prop.Thickness.ToInch(), prop.Material.Density.ToPoundPerCubicFoot());
                        RAMId.Id = ramProp.lUID;
                else if (srfProp is ConstantThickness && srfProp.Material is Steel)
                    ConstantThickness prop = (ConstantThickness)srfProp;
                    if (prop.PanelType != PanelType.Wall)  //Wall surface properties are created on a per wall element basis
                        INonCompDeckProps nonCompDeckProps = m_Model.GetNonCompDeckProps();
                        INonCompDeckProp  ramProp;

                        ramProp = nonCompDeckProps.Add(prop.Name);
                        ramProp.dEffectiveThickness = prop.Thickness.ToInch();
                        RAMId.Id = ramProp.lUID;

            //Save file

Exemple #3
        public static string Description(this ConstantThickness property)
            if (property == null)
                return("null property");

            return($"THK {property.Thickness:G3} - {CheckGetMaterialName(property.Material)}");
Exemple #4

        private bool CreateObject(ISurfaceProperty property2d)
            bool success = true;
            int  retA    = 0;

            string propertyName = property2d.Name;// property2d.CustomData[AdapterId].ToString();

            ETABS2016.eShellType shellType = property2d.EtabsShellType();

            if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(Waffle))
                Waffle waffleProperty = (Waffle)property2d;
                m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, ETABS2016.eSlabType.Waffle, shellType, property2d.Material.Name, waffleProperty.Thickness);
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlabWaffle(propertyName, waffleProperty.TotalDepthX, waffleProperty.Thickness, waffleProperty.StemWidthX, waffleProperty.StemWidthX, waffleProperty.SpacingX, waffleProperty.SpacingY);
            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(Ribbed))
                Ribbed ribbedProperty = (Ribbed)property2d;
                m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, ETABS2016.eSlabType.Ribbed, shellType, property2d.Material.Name, ribbedProperty.Thickness);
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlabRibbed(propertyName, ribbedProperty.TotalDepth, ribbedProperty.Thickness, ribbedProperty.StemWidth, ribbedProperty.StemWidth, ribbedProperty.Spacing, (int)ribbedProperty.Direction);
            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(LoadingPanelProperty))
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, ETABS2016.eSlabType.Slab, shellType, property2d.Material.Name, 0);

            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(ConstantThickness))
                ConstantThickness constantThickness = (ConstantThickness)property2d;
                if (constantThickness.PanelType == PanelType.Wall)
                    retA = m_model.PropArea.SetWall(propertyName, ETABS2016.eWallPropType.Specified, shellType, property2d.Material.Name, constantThickness.Thickness);
                    retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, ETABS2016.eSlabType.Slab, shellType, property2d.Material.Name, constantThickness.Thickness);

            if (property2d.HasModifiers())
                double[] modifier = property2d.Modifiers();//(double[])property2d.CustomData["Modifiers"];
                m_model.PropArea.SetModifiers(propertyName, ref modifier);

            if (retA != 0)
                success = false;

        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static ISurfaceProperty ToSurfaceProperty(this IFAttribute lusasAttribute)
            string attributeName = GetName(lusasAttribute);

            ISurfaceProperty surfaceProperty = new ConstantThickness
                Name      = attributeName,
                Thickness = lusasAttribute.getValue("t")

            int adapterNameId = lusasAttribute.getID();

            surfaceProperty.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterNameId);

Exemple #6
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private bool CreateCollection(IEnumerable <Panel> bhomPanels)
            //Code for creating a collection of floors and walls in the software

            List <Panel> panels = bhomPanels.ToList();

            // Register Floor types
            IFloorType ramFloorType;
            IStories   ramStories;
            IStory     ramStory;

            //Create wall and floor lists with individual heights
            List <Panel>  wallPanels   = new List <Panel>();
            List <Panel>  floors       = new List <Panel>();
            List <double> panelHeights = new List <double>();
            List <Point>  panelPoints  = new List <Point>();

            // Split walls and floors and get all elevations
            foreach (Panel panel in panels)
                double panelNormZ = panel.Normal().Z;

                //Split walls and floors
                if (Math.Abs(panelNormZ) < 0.707) // check normal against 45 degree slope

            ramStories = m_Model.GetStories();

            #region Create Floors

            // Cycle through floors and create on story
            foreach (Panel panel in floors)
                RAMId     RAMId           = new RAMId();
                string    name            = panel.Name;
                PolyCurve outlineExternal = panel.OutlineCurve();
                ramStory     = panel.GetStory(ramStories);
                ramFloorType = ramStory.GetFloorType();

                    // Set slab edges on FloorType in RAM for external edges
                    ISlabEdges ramSlabEdges    = ramFloorType.GetAllSlabEdges();
                    ISlabEdges ramOpeningEdges = ramFloorType.GetAllSlabOpenings();

                    // Get external and internal edges of floor panel
                    List <PolyCurve> panelOutlines   = new List <PolyCurve>();
                    List <PolyCurve> openingOutlines = new List <PolyCurve>();

                    Vector zDown = BH.Engine.Geometry.Create.Vector(0, 0, -1);

                    // RAM requires edges clockwise, flip if counterclockwise
                    PolyCurve cwOutline = (outlineExternal.IsClockwise(zDown) == false) ? outlineExternal.Flip() : outlineExternal;

                    List <ICurve> edgeCrvs = cwOutline.Curves;

                    foreach (ICurve crv in edgeCrvs)
                        Point startPt = crv.IStartPoint();
                        Point endPt   = crv.IEndPoint();
                        ramSlabEdges.Add(startPt.X.ToInch(), startPt.Y.ToInch(), endPt.X.ToInch(), endPt.Y.ToInch(), 0);

                    List <Opening> panelOpenings = panel.Openings;

                    foreach (Opening opening in panelOpenings)
                        PolyCurve outlineOpening = opening.OutlineCurve();

                    foreach (PolyCurve outline in openingOutlines)
                        // RAM requires edges clockwise, flip if counterclockwise
                        PolyCurve cwOpenOutline = (outline.IsClockwise(zDown) == false) ? outline.Flip() : outline;

                        if (!(outlineExternal.IsContaining(cwOpenOutline, false)))
                            cwOpenOutline = outlineExternal.BooleanIntersection(cwOpenOutline)[0];
                            Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("Panel " + name + " opening intersects floor boundary. Boolean intersection was used to get opening extents on panel, confirm opening extents in RAM.");

                        List <ICurve> openEdgeCrvs = cwOpenOutline.Curves;

                        foreach (ICurve crv in openEdgeCrvs)
                            Point startPt = crv.IStartPoint();
                            Point endPt   = crv.IEndPoint();
                            ramOpeningEdges.Add(startPt.X.ToInch(), startPt.Y.ToInch(), endPt.X.ToInch(), endPt.Y.ToInch(), 0);

                    // Create Deck
                    List <Point> ctrlPoints = cwOutline.ControlPoints();

                    if (ctrlPoints.First() != ctrlPoints.Last())

                    ISurfaceProperty srfProp = panel.Property;
                    int deckProplUID         = GetAdapterId <int>(srfProp);

                    //Add decks, then set deck points per outline
                    IDecks ramDecks = ramFloorType.GetDecks();
                    IDeck  ramDeck  = ramDecks.Add(deckProplUID, ctrlPoints.Count);

                    IPoints ramPoints = ramDeck.GetPoints();

                    // Create list of SCoordinates for floor outlines
                    List <SCoordinate> cornersExt = new List <SCoordinate>();

                    foreach (Point point in ctrlPoints)
                        SCoordinate cornerExt = point.ToRAM();

                    for (int k = 0; k < cornersExt.Count; k++)
                        ramPoints.InsertAt(k, cornersExt[k]);


                    // Add warning to report floors flattened to level as required for RAM
                    if (Math.Abs(panel.Normal().Z) < 1)
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("Panel " + name + " snapped to level " + ramStory.strLabel + ".");
                    CreateElementError("panel", name);

            #region Create Walls
            //Cycle through walls; if wall crosses level place at level
            foreach (Panel wallPanel in wallPanels)
                string name = wallPanel.Name;

                    double thickness = 0.2; // default thickness
                    if (wallPanel.Property is ConstantThickness)
                        ConstantThickness prop = (ConstantThickness)wallPanel.Property;
                        thickness = prop.Thickness;

                    // Find outline of planar panel
                    PolyCurve    outline       = BH.Engine.Spatial.Query.OutlineCurve(wallPanel);
                    List <Point> wallPts       = outline.DiscontinuityPoints();
                    List <Point> sortedWallPts = wallPts.OrderBy(p => p.X).ToList();
                    Point        leftPt        = sortedWallPts.First();
                    Point        rtPt          = sortedWallPts.Last();
                    bool         downToRight   = leftPt.Y > rtPt.Y;

                    BoundingBox wallBounds = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Bounds(outline);
                    Point       wallMin    = wallBounds.Min;
                    Point       wallMax    = wallBounds.Max;
                    double      tempY      = wallMin.Y;

                    wallMin.Y = downToRight ? wallMax.Y : wallMin.Y;
                    wallMax.Y = downToRight ? tempY : wallMax.Y;

                    for (int i = 0; i < ramStories.GetCount(); i++)
                        ramStory = ramStories.GetAt(i);
                        // If wall crosses level, add wall to ILayoutWalls for that level
                        if (Math.Round(wallMax.Z.ToInch(), 0) >= ramStory.dElevation && Math.Round(wallMin.Z.ToInch(), 0) < ramStory.dElevation)
                            ramFloorType = ramStory.GetFloorType();

                            //Get ILayoutWalls of FloorType and add wall
                            ILayoutWalls ramLayoutWalls = ramFloorType.GetLayoutWalls();
                            ILayoutWall  ramLayoutWall  = ramLayoutWalls.Add(EMATERIALTYPES.EWallPropConcreteMat, wallMin.X.ToInch(), wallMin.Y.ToInch(), 0, 0, wallMax.X.ToInch(), wallMax.Y.ToInch(), 0, 0, thickness.ToInch());

                            //Set lateral
                            ramLayoutWall.eFramingType = EFRAMETYPE.MemberIsLateral;

                            IWalls ramWalls = ramLayoutWall.GetAssociatedStoryWalls();
                            IWall  ramWall  = ramWalls.GetAt(0);

                            // Find opening location, width, and height from outline and apply
                            foreach (Opening open in wallPanel.Openings)
                                PolyCurve   openOutline = open.OutlineCurve();
                                BoundingBox openBounds  = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Bounds(openOutline);
                                Point       openMin     = openBounds.Min;
                                Point       openMax     = openBounds.Max;

                                if ((openMin.Z.ToInch() >= ramStory.dElevation - ramStory.dFlrHeight) && (openMin.Z.ToInch() < ramStory.dElevation))
                                    IFinalWallOpenings ramWallOpenings = ramWall.GetFinalOpenings();

                                    int openOverlapCount = 0;

                                    for (int j = 0; i < ramWallOpenings.GetCount(); j++)
                                        IFinalWallOpening testOpen   = ramWallOpenings.GetAt(j);
                                        IPoints           openingPts = testOpen.GetOpeningVertices();

                                        //Re-add first point to close Polygon
                                        IPoint      firstOPt    = openingPts.GetAt(0);
                                        SCoordinate firstOCoord = new SCoordinate();
                                        firstOPt.GetCoordinate(ref firstOCoord);

                                        Polyline     wallOpeningOutline = openingPts.ToPolyline();
                                        List <Point> intPts             = wallOpeningOutline.ICurveIntersections(openOutline);
                                        if (wallOpeningOutline.IsContaining(openOutline) || openOutline.IsContaining(wallOpeningOutline) || intPts.Count > 0)
                                            openOverlapCount += 1;

                                    if (openOverlapCount == 0)
                                        //Get opening on wall extents
                                        if (!(outline.IsContaining(openOutline, false)))
                                            openOutline = outline.BooleanIntersection(openOutline)[0];
                                            Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("Panel " + name + " opening intersects wall boundary. Boolean intersection was used to get opening extents on panel.");

                                        Point  closestOpenPt = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.ClosestPoint(wallMin, openOutline.ControlPoints());
                                        double distX         = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(closestOpenPt.X - wallMin.X, 2) + Math.Pow(closestOpenPt.Y - wallMin.Y, 2));
                                        double distZinch     = openBounds.Min.Z.ToInch() - (ramStory.dElevation - ramStory.dFlrHeight);
                                        double openWidth     = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(openBounds.Max.X - openBounds.Min.X, 2) + Math.Pow(openBounds.Max.Y - openBounds.Min.Y, 2));
                                        double openHt        = openBounds.Max.Z - openBounds.Min.Z;

                                        //Add opening to RAM
                                        IRawWallOpenings ramRawWallOpenings = ramWall.GetRawOpenings();
                                        ramRawWallOpenings.Add(EDA_MEMBER_LOC.eBottomStart, distX.ToInch(), distZinch, openWidth.ToInch(), openHt.ToInch());
                    CreateElementError("panel", name);

            //Save file

Exemple #7
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static ISurfaceProperty FromRFEM(this rf.SurfaceStiffness rfStiffness, IMaterialFragment material)
            ISurfaceProperty surfaceProperty = null;

            switch (rfStiffness.Type)
            case rf.OrthotropyType.ConstantThickness:
                surfaceProperty = new ConstantThickness {
                    Thickness = rfStiffness.Thickness, Material = material

            case rf.OrthotropyType.UnidirectionalRibbedPlate:
                surfaceProperty = new Ribbed
                    Thickness  = rfStiffness.Thickness,
                    TotalDepth = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.Height,
                    Spacing    = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.Spacing,
                    StemWidth  = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.Width,
                    Material   = material

            case rf.OrthotropyType.BidirectionalRibbedPlate:
                surfaceProperty = new Waffle
                    Thickness   = rfStiffness.Thickness,
                    TotalDepthX = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.HeightX,
                    TotalDepthY = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.HeightY,
                    SpacingX    = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.SpacingX,
                    SpacingY    = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.SpacingY,
                    StemWidthX  = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.WidthX,
                    StemWidthY  = rfStiffness.GeometricProperties.WidthY

            case rf.OrthotropyType.UnknownOrthotropyType:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.EffectiveThickness:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.DefinedByStiffnessMatrix:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.Coupling:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.TrapezoidalSheet:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.HollowCoreSlab:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.Grillage:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.UnidirectionalBoxFloor:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.Glass:
            case rf.OrthotropyType.Laminate:
                surfaceProperty = new ConstantThickness {
                    Thickness = rfStiffness.Thickness, Material = material
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("could not create surface property for " + rfStiffness.ID);

                surfaceProperty = new ConstantThickness {
                    Thickness = rfStiffness.Thickness, Material = material
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("could not create surface property for " + rfStiffness.ID);

            surfaceProperty.SetAdapterId(typeof(RFEMId), rfStiffness.No);
Exemple #8
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private List <ISurfaceProperty> ReadSurfaceProperty(List <string> ids = null)
            List <ISurfaceProperty> propertyList = new List <ISurfaceProperty>();

            Dictionary <string, IMaterialFragment> bhomMaterials = ReadMaterial().ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <string>(x));

            int nameCount = 0;

            string[] nameArr = { };
            m_model.PropArea.GetNameList(ref nameCount, ref nameArr);

            ids = FilterIds(ids, nameArr);

            foreach (string id in ids)
                int       shellType          = 0;
                bool      includeDrillingDOF = true;
                string    materialName       = "";
                double    matAng             = 0;
                double    thickness          = 0;
                double    bending            = 0;
                int       color     = 0;
                string    notes     = "";
                string    guid      = null;
                SAP2000Id sap2000id = new SAP2000Id();
                sap2000id.Id = id;

                if (m_model.PropArea.GetShell_1(id, ref shellType, ref includeDrillingDOF, ref materialName, ref matAng, ref thickness, ref bending, ref color, ref notes, ref guid) != 0)
                    Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"Error while pulling Surface Property {id}. Check results carefully.");

                ConstantThickness bhSurfProp = new ConstantThickness();

                bhSurfProp.Name      = id;
                bhSurfProp.Thickness = thickness;
                bhSurfProp.CustomData.Add("MaterialAngle", matAng);
                bhSurfProp.CustomData.Add("BendingThickness", bending);
                bhSurfProp.CustomData.Add("Color", color);
                bhSurfProp.CustomData.Add("Notes", notes);
                bhSurfProp.CustomData.Add("GUID", guid);

                IMaterialFragment bhMat = new GenericIsotropicMaterial();
                bhomMaterials.TryGetValue(materialName, out bhMat);
                bhSurfProp.Material = bhMat;

                double[] modifiers = new double[6];

                if (m_model.PropArea.GetModifiers(id, ref modifiers) == 0)
                    SurfacePropertyModifier modifier = new SurfacePropertyModifier
                        FXX    = modifiers[0],
                        FYY    = modifiers[1],
                        FXY    = modifiers[2],
                        MXX    = modifiers[3],
                        MYY    = modifiers[4],
                        MXY    = modifiers[5],
                        VXZ    = modifiers[6],
                        VYZ    = modifiers[7],
                        Mass   = modifiers[8],
                        Weight = modifiers[9]


        /***    Create Methods                           ***/

        private bool CreateObject(ISurfaceProperty property2d)
            bool success = true;
            int  retA    = 0;

            string propertyName = property2d.DescriptionOrName();

            SetAdapterId(property2d, propertyName);

            string materialName = "";

            if (CheckPropertyWarning(property2d, p => p.Material))
                materialName = GetAdapterId <string>(property2d.Material) ?? "";

            eShellType shellType = ShellTypeToCSI(property2d);

            if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(Waffle))
                Waffle waffleProperty = (Waffle)property2d;
                m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, eSlabType.Waffle, shellType, materialName, waffleProperty.Thickness);
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlabWaffle(propertyName, waffleProperty.TotalDepthX, waffleProperty.Thickness, waffleProperty.StemWidthX, waffleProperty.StemWidthX, waffleProperty.SpacingX, waffleProperty.SpacingY);
            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(Ribbed))
                Ribbed ribbedProperty = (Ribbed)property2d;
                m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, eSlabType.Ribbed, shellType, materialName, ribbedProperty.Thickness);
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlabRibbed(propertyName, ribbedProperty.TotalDepth, ribbedProperty.Thickness, ribbedProperty.StemWidth, ribbedProperty.StemWidth, ribbedProperty.Spacing, (int)ribbedProperty.Direction);
            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(LoadingPanelProperty))
                retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, eSlabType.Slab, shellType, materialName, 0);
            else if (property2d.GetType() == typeof(ConstantThickness))
                ConstantThickness constantThickness = (ConstantThickness)property2d;
                if (constantThickness.PanelType == PanelType.Wall)
                    retA = m_model.PropArea.SetWall(propertyName, eWallPropType.Specified, shellType, materialName, constantThickness.Thickness);
                    retA = m_model.PropArea.SetSlab(propertyName, eSlabType.Slab, shellType, materialName, constantThickness.Thickness);

            SurfacePropertyModifier modifier = property2d.FindFragment <SurfacePropertyModifier>();

            if (modifier != null)
                double[] modifiers = new double[] { modifier.FXX, modifier.FYY, modifier.FXY, modifier.MXX, modifier.MYY, modifier.MXY, modifier.VXZ, modifier.VYZ, modifier.Mass, modifier.Weight };
                m_model.PropArea.SetModifiers(propertyName, ref modifiers);

            if (retA != 0)
                success = false;

Exemple #10
        /**** Public Methods - Surface Properties       ****/

        public static string Description(this ConstantThickness property)
            return("THK " + property.Thickness + " - " + CheckGetMaterialName(property.Material));
Exemple #11
        /****               Public Methods              ****/

        public static ISurfaceProperty SurfacePropertyFromRevit(this HostObjAttributes hostObjAttributes, string materialGrade = null, RevitSettings settings = null, Dictionary <string, List <IBHoMObject> > refObjects = null)
            Document document = hostObjAttributes.Document;

            settings = settings.DefaultIfNull();

            string            refId      = hostObjAttributes.Id.ReferenceIdentifier(materialGrade);
            ConstantThickness property2D = refObjects.GetValue <ConstantThickness>(refId);

            if (property2D != null)

            IMaterialFragment materialFragment = null;
            double            thickness        = 0;

            IList <CompoundStructureLayer> compoundStructure = hostObjAttributes.GetCompoundStructure()?.GetLayers();

            if (compoundStructure != null)
                bool composite           = false;
                bool nonStructuralLayers = false;

                foreach (CompoundStructureLayer csl in compoundStructure)
                    if (csl.Function == MaterialFunctionAssignment.Structure)
                        if (thickness != 0)
                            composite = true;
                            thickness = 0;

                        thickness = csl.Width.ToSI(UnitType.UT_Section_Dimension);

                        Material revitMaterial = document.GetElement(csl.MaterialId) as Material;
                        if (revitMaterial == null)
                            revitMaterial = hostObjAttributes.Category.Material;

                        materialFragment = revitMaterial.MaterialFragmentFromRevit(materialGrade, settings, refObjects);
                        if (materialFragment == null)
                            BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("There is a structural layer in wall/floor type without material assigned. A default empty material is returned. ElementId: " + hostObjAttributes.Id.IntegerValue.ToString());
                            materialFragment = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.StructuralMaterialType.Undefined.EmptyMaterialFragment(materialGrade);
                    else if (csl.Function == MaterialFunctionAssignment.StructuralDeck)
                        BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("A structural deck layer has been found in the Revit compound structure, but was ignored on convert. Revit ElementId: {0}", hostObjAttributes.Id));
                        nonStructuralLayers = true;

                if (nonStructuralLayers)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("Layers marked as nonstructural have been found in the Revit compound structure and were ignored on convert. Revit ElementId: {0}", hostObjAttributes.Id));

                if (composite)
                else if (thickness == 0)
                    BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(string.Format("A zero thickness panel is created. Element type Id: {0}", hostObjAttributes.Id.IntegerValue));
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("Revit panel type does not contain any layers (possibly it is a curtain panel). A BHoM panel type with zero thickness and no material is returned. Revit ElementId: {0}", hostObjAttributes.Id));

            oM.Structure.SurfaceProperties.PanelType panelType = oM.Structure.SurfaceProperties.PanelType.Undefined;
            if (hostObjAttributes is WallType)
                panelType = oM.Structure.SurfaceProperties.PanelType.Wall;
            else if (hostObjAttributes is FloorType)
                panelType = oM.Structure.SurfaceProperties.PanelType.Slab;

            property2D = new ConstantThickness {
                PanelType = panelType, Thickness = thickness, Material = materialFragment, Name = hostObjAttributes.Name

            //Set identifiers, parameters & custom data
            property2D.CopyParameters(hostObjAttributes, settings.ParameterSettings);
            property2D.SetProperties(hostObjAttributes, settings.ParameterSettings);

            refObjects.AddOrReplace(refId, property2D);
Exemple #12
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private List <Panel> ReadPanels(List <string> ids = null)
            //Get dictionary of surface properties with ids
            Dictionary <string, ISurfaceProperty> bhomProperties = ReadISurfaceProperties().ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId(x).ToString());

            //Implement code for reading panels
            List <Panel> bhomPanels = new List <Panel>();

            //Get stories
            IStories IStories   = m_Model.GetStories();
            int      numStories = IStories.GetCount();

            // Get all elements on each story
            for (int i = 0; i < numStories; i++)
                //Get Walls
                IWalls IWalls   = IStories.GetAt(i).GetWalls();
                int    numWalls = IWalls.GetCount();

                // Convert Walls
                for (int j = 0; j < numWalls; j++)
                    IWall IWall = IWalls.GetAt(j);
                    Panel Panel = BH.Adapter.RAM.Convert.ToBHoMObject(IWall);

                //Get Floors
                IStory     IStory     = IStories.GetAt(i);
                IFloorType IFloorType = IStory.GetFloorType();
                IDecks     IDecks     = IFloorType.GetDecks();
                int        IStoryUID  = IStory.lUID;

                int numDecks = IDecks.GetCount();

                if (numDecks > 0)
                    // Convert Floors
                    for (int j = 0; j < numDecks; j++)
                        IDeck IDeck = IDecks.GetAt(j);

                        Panel panel = BH.Adapter.RAM.Convert.ToBHoMObject(IDeck, m_Model, IStoryUID);

                        if (panel != null)
                            ISurfaceProperty bhProp = new ConstantThickness();
                            bhomProperties.TryGetValue(IDeck.lPropID.ToString(), out bhProp);

                            if (bhProp != null)
                                panel.Property = bhProp;
                                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"Could not get property for floor with RAM lUID = {IDeck.lUID}");

                    BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("This story has no slab edges defined. IStoryUID: " + IStoryUID);

Exemple #13

        public static Panel ToBHoMObject(this IWall ramWall)
            //Find corner points of wall in RAM model
            SCoordinate TopstartPt    = new SCoordinate();
            SCoordinate TopendPt      = new SCoordinate();
            SCoordinate BottomstartPt = new SCoordinate();
            SCoordinate BottomendPt   = new SCoordinate();

            ramWall.GetEndCoordinates(ref TopstartPt, ref TopendPt, ref BottomstartPt, ref BottomendPt);

            // Create list of points
            List <Point> corners = new List <Point>();


            // Create outline from corner points
            Polyline outline = new Polyline();

            outline.ControlPoints = corners;

            //Create opening outlines
            List <ICurve>  wallOpeningPLs   = new List <ICurve>();
            List <Opening> bhomWallOpenings = new List <Opening>();

            // Create openings
            IFinalWallOpenings IFinalWallOpenings = ramWall.GetFinalOpenings();
            IRawWallOpenings   rawOpenings        = ramWall.GetRawOpenings();

            if (rawOpenings.GetCount() > 0)
                IRawWallOpening check = rawOpenings.GetAt(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < IFinalWallOpenings.GetCount(); i++)
                IFinalWallOpening IFinalWallOpening = IFinalWallOpenings.GetAt(i);
                IPoints           openingPts        = IFinalWallOpening.GetOpeningVertices();

                //Re-add first point to close Polygon
                IPoint      firstOPt    = openingPts.GetAt(0);
                SCoordinate firstOCoord = new SCoordinate();
                firstOPt.GetCoordinate(ref firstOCoord);

                ICurve wallOpeningOutline = ToPolyline(openingPts);

                Opening bhomOpening = Engine.Structure.Create.Opening(wallOpeningOutline);

            //  Create wall
            Panel bhomPanel = Engine.Structure.Create.Panel(outline, bhomWallOpenings);

            HashSet <String> tag = new HashSet <string>();


            //Get wall section property
            ConstantThickness wall2DProp    = new ConstantThickness();
            string            wallLabel     = "";
            double            wallThickness = ramWall.dThickness.FromInch();
            IMaterialFragment Material      = null;

            if (ramWall.eMaterial == EMATERIALTYPES.EWallPropConcreteMat)
                wallLabel = "Concrete " + ramWall.dThickness.ToString() + " in";
                Material  = Engine.Structure.Create.Concrete("Concrete");
                wallLabel = "Other " + ramWall.dThickness.ToString() + " in";
                Material  = Engine.Structure.Create.Concrete("Other");

            wall2DProp.Name      = wallLabel;
            wall2DProp.Thickness = wallThickness;
            wall2DProp.PanelType = PanelType.Wall;
            wall2DProp.Material  = Material;

            bhomPanel.Property = wall2DProp;
            bhomPanel.Tags     = tag;
            bhomPanel.Name     = ramWall.lLabel.ToString();

            // Add custom data
            RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();

            RAMId.Id = ramWall.lUID;

Exemple #14
 public static double AverageThickness(this ConstantThickness property)
     return(property.IsNull() ? 0 : property.Thickness);
Exemple #15
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private List <Panel> ReadPanel(List <string> ids = null)
            List <Panel> bhomPanels = new List <Panel>();

            Dictionary <string, Node>             bhomNodes      = ReadNodes().ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <string>(x));
            Dictionary <string, ISurfaceProperty> bhomProperties = ReadSurfaceProperty().ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <string>(x));

            int nameCount = 0;

            string[] nameArr = { };
            m_model.AreaObj.GetNameList(ref nameCount, ref nameArr);

            ids = FilterIds(ids, nameArr);

            foreach (string id in ids)
                Panel     bhomPanel = new Panel();
                SAP2000Id sap2000id = new SAP2000Id();
                string    guid      = null;

                //Set the Adapter ID
                sap2000id.Id = id;

                //Get outline of panel
                string[] pointNames = null;
                int      pointCount = 0;

                if (m_model.AreaObj.GetPoints(id, ref pointCount, ref pointNames) == 0)
                    List <Point> pts = new List <Point>();
                    foreach (string name in pointNames)
                    Polyline outline = new Polyline()
                        ControlPoints = pts
                    List <Edge> outEdges = new List <Edge>()
                        new Edge {
                            Curve = outline, Release = new oM.Structure.Constraints.Constraint4DOF()

                    bhomPanel.ExternalEdges = outEdges;

                //There are no openings in SAP2000
                bhomPanel.Openings = new List <Opening>();

                //Get the section property
                string propertyName = "";
                if (m_model.AreaObj.GetProperty(id, ref propertyName) == 0)
                    ISurfaceProperty bhProp = new ConstantThickness();
                    bhomProperties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out bhProp);
                    bhomPanel.Property = bhProp;

                //Get the groups the panel is assigned to
                int      numGroups  = 0;
                string[] groupNames = new string[0];
                if (m_model.AreaObj.GetGroupAssign(id, ref numGroups, ref groupNames) == 0)
                    foreach (string grpName in groupNames)

                if (m_model.AreaObj.GetGUID(id, ref guid) == 0)
                    sap2000id.PersistentId = guid;

                //Add the panel to the list

Exemple #16

        private List <ISurfaceProperty> ReadProperty2d(List <string> ids = null)
            List <ISurfaceProperty> propertyList = new List <ISurfaceProperty>();
            int nameCount = 0;

            string[] nameArr = { };

            if (ids == null)
                m_model.PropArea.GetNameList(ref nameCount, ref nameArr);
                ids = nameArr.ToList();

            foreach (string id in ids)
                ISurfaceProperty bhProperty = null;
                eSlabType        slabType   = eSlabType.Slab;
                eShellType       shellType  = eShellType.ShellThin;
                eWallPropType    wallType   = eWallPropType.Specified;
                string           material   = "";
                double           thickness  = 0;
                int      colour             = 0;
                string   notes           = "";
                string   guid            = "";
                double   depth           = 0;
                double   stemWidthTop    = 0;
                double   stemWidthBottom = 0;//not used
                double   ribSpacing      = 0;
                double   ribSpacing2nd   = 0;
                int      direction       = 0;
                double[] modifiers       = new double[] { };
                bool     hasModifiers    = false;

                int ret = m_model.PropArea.GetSlab(id, ref slabType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);
                if (ret != 0)
                    m_model.PropArea.GetWall(id, ref wallType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);

                if (m_model.PropArea.GetModifiers(id, ref modifiers) == 0)
                    hasModifiers = true;

                if (wallType == eWallPropType.AutoSelectList)
                    string[] propList        = null;
                    string   currentProperty = "";

                    m_model.PropArea.GetWallAutoSelectList(id, ref propList, ref currentProperty);
                    m_model.PropArea.GetWall(currentProperty, ref wallType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);

                    ConstantThickness panelConstant = new ConstantThickness();
                    panelConstant.Name = currentProperty;
                    panelConstant.CustomData[AdapterId] = id;
                    panelConstant.Material = ReadMaterials(new List <string>()
                    panelConstant.Thickness = thickness;
                    panelConstant.PanelType = PanelType.Wall;
                    SetShellType(panelConstant, shellType);
                    if (hasModifiers)
                        panelConstant.CustomData.Add("Modifiers", modifiers);

                    switch (slabType)
                    case eSlabType.Ribbed:
                        Ribbed panelRibbed = new Ribbed();

                        m_model.PropArea.GetSlabRibbed(id, ref depth, ref thickness, ref stemWidthTop, ref stemWidthBottom, ref ribSpacing, ref direction);
                        panelRibbed.Name = id;
                        panelRibbed.CustomData[AdapterId] = id;
                        panelRibbed.Material = ReadMaterials(new List <string>()
                        panelRibbed.Thickness  = thickness;
                        panelRibbed.PanelType  = PanelType.Slab;
                        panelRibbed.Direction  = (PanelDirection)direction;
                        panelRibbed.Spacing    = ribSpacing;
                        panelRibbed.StemWidth  = stemWidthTop;
                        panelRibbed.TotalDepth = depth;
                        SetShellType(panelRibbed, shellType);
                        if (hasModifiers)
                            panelRibbed.CustomData.Add("Modifiers", modifiers);


                    case eSlabType.Waffle:
                        Waffle panelWaffle = new Waffle();

                        m_model.PropArea.GetSlabWaffle(id, ref depth, ref thickness, ref stemWidthTop, ref stemWidthBottom, ref ribSpacing, ref ribSpacing2nd);
                        panelWaffle.Name = id;
                        panelWaffle.CustomData[AdapterId] = id;
                        panelWaffle.Material = ReadMaterials(new List <string>()
                        panelWaffle.SpacingX    = ribSpacing;
                        panelWaffle.SpacingY    = ribSpacing2nd;
                        panelWaffle.StemWidthX  = stemWidthTop;
                        panelWaffle.StemWidthY  = stemWidthTop;    //ETABS does not appear to support direction dependent stem width
                        panelWaffle.Thickness   = thickness;
                        panelWaffle.TotalDepthX = depth;
                        panelWaffle.TotalDepthY = depth;     // ETABS does not appear to to support direction dependent depth
                        panelWaffle.PanelType   = PanelType.Slab;
                        SetShellType(panelWaffle, shellType);
                        if (hasModifiers)
                            panelWaffle.CustomData.Add("Modifiers", modifiers);


                    case eSlabType.Slab:
                    case eSlabType.Drop:
                    case eSlabType.Stiff_DO_NOT_USE:
                        ConstantThickness panelConstant = new ConstantThickness();
                        panelConstant.CustomData[AdapterId] = id;
                        panelConstant.Name     = id;
                        panelConstant.Material = ReadMaterials(new List <string>()
                        panelConstant.Thickness = thickness;
                        panelConstant.Name      = id;
                        panelConstant.PanelType = PanelType.Slab;
                        SetShellType(panelConstant, shellType);
                        if (hasModifiers)
                            panelConstant.CustomData.Add("Modifiers", modifiers);


 public static double AverageThickness(ConstantThickness property)
Exemple #18
        /**** Private Methods                            ****/
        private bool CreateObject(ISurfaceProperty surfaceProperty)
            string propName = surfaceProperty.DescriptionOrName();
            string matName  = "Default";

            if (surfaceProperty.Material != null)
                matName = GetAdapterId <string>(surfaceProperty.Material);
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"SurfaceProperty {propName} had no material defined. Using a default material.");

            SAP2000Id sap2000id = new SAP2000Id();

            if (surfaceProperty.GetType() == typeof(Waffle))
                // not implemented!
                CreatePropertyError("Waffle Not Implemented!", "Panel", propName);
            else if (surfaceProperty.GetType() == typeof(Ribbed))
                // not implemented!
                CreatePropertyError("Ribbed Not Implemented!", "Panel", propName);
            else if (surfaceProperty.GetType() == typeof(LoadingPanelProperty))
                // not implemented!
                CreatePropertyError("Loading Panel Not Implemented!", "Panel", propName);
            else if (surfaceProperty.GetType() == typeof(ConstantThickness))
                ConstantThickness constantThickness = (ConstantThickness)surfaceProperty;
                int  shellType          = 1;
                bool includeDrillingDOF = true;
                if (m_model.PropArea.SetShell_1(propName, shellType, includeDrillingDOF, matName, 0, constantThickness.Thickness, constantThickness.Thickness) != 0)
                    CreatePropertyError("ConstantThickness", "SurfaceProperty", propName);

            sap2000id.Id = propName;

            SurfacePropertyModifier modifier = surfaceProperty.FindFragment <SurfacePropertyModifier>();

            if (modifier != null)
                double[] modifiers = new double[]

                if (m_model.PropArea.SetModifiers(propName, ref modifiers) != 0)
                    CreatePropertyError("Modifiers", "SurfaceProperty", propName);

Exemple #19
        /***    Read Methods                             ***/

        private List <ISurfaceProperty> ReadSurfaceProperty(List <string> ids = null)
            List <ISurfaceProperty> propertyList = new List <ISurfaceProperty>();

            Dictionary <string, IMaterialFragment> bhomMaterials = ReadMaterial().ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <string>(x));

            int nameCount = 0;

            string[] nameArr = { };
            m_model.PropArea.GetNameList(ref nameCount, ref nameArr);

            ids = FilterIds(ids, nameArr);

            foreach (string id in ids)
                eSlabType     slabType        = eSlabType.Slab;
                eShellType    shellType       = eShellType.ShellThin;
                eWallPropType wallType        = eWallPropType.Specified;
                string        material        = "";
                double        thickness       = 0;
                int           colour          = 0;
                string        notes           = "";
                string        guid            = null;
                double        depth           = 0;
                double        stemWidthTop    = 0;
                double        stemWidthBottom = 0;//not used
                double        ribSpacing      = 0;
                double        ribSpacing2nd   = 0;
                int           direction       = 0;
                double[]      modifiers       = new double[] { };

                int ret = m_model.PropArea.GetSlab(id, ref slabType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);
                if (ret != 0)
                    m_model.PropArea.GetWall(id, ref wallType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);

                SurfacePropertyModifier modifier = null;
                if (m_model.PropArea.GetModifiers(id, ref modifiers) == 0 && modifiers != null && modifiers.Length == 10 && modifiers.Any(x => x != 1))
                    modifier = new SurfacePropertyModifier
                        FXX    = modifiers[0],
                        FYY    = modifiers[1],
                        FXY    = modifiers[2],
                        MXX    = modifiers[3],
                        MYY    = modifiers[4],
                        MXY    = modifiers[5],
                        VXZ    = modifiers[6],
                        VYZ    = modifiers[7],
                        Mass   = modifiers[8],
                        Weight = modifiers[9]

                IMaterialFragment bhMaterial = null;

                    bhMaterial = bhomMaterials[material];
                catch (Exception)
                    Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote("Could not get material from ETABS. Material for surface property " + id + " will be null");

                if (wallType == eWallPropType.AutoSelectList)
                    string[] propList        = null;
                    string   currentProperty = "";

                    m_model.PropArea.GetWallAutoSelectList(id, ref propList, ref currentProperty);
                    m_model.PropArea.GetWall(currentProperty, ref wallType, ref shellType, ref material, ref thickness, ref colour, ref notes, ref guid);

                    ConstantThickness panelConstant = new ConstantThickness();
                    panelConstant.Name      = currentProperty;
                    panelConstant.Material  = bhMaterial;
                    panelConstant.Thickness = thickness;
                    panelConstant.PanelType = PanelType.Wall;
                    SetShellType(panelConstant, shellType);
                    if (modifier != null)

                    SetAdapterId(panelConstant, id);
                    switch (slabType)
                    case eSlabType.Ribbed:
                        Ribbed panelRibbed = new Ribbed();

                        m_model.PropArea.GetSlabRibbed(id, ref depth, ref thickness, ref stemWidthTop, ref stemWidthBottom, ref ribSpacing, ref direction);
                        panelRibbed.Name       = id;
                        panelRibbed.Material   = bhMaterial;
                        panelRibbed.Thickness  = thickness;
                        panelRibbed.PanelType  = PanelType.Slab;
                        panelRibbed.Direction  = (PanelDirection)direction;
                        panelRibbed.Spacing    = ribSpacing;
                        panelRibbed.StemWidth  = stemWidthTop;
                        panelRibbed.TotalDepth = depth;
                        SetShellType(panelRibbed, shellType);
                        if (modifier != null)

                        SetAdapterId(panelRibbed, id);

                    case eSlabType.Waffle:
                        Waffle panelWaffle = new Waffle();

                        m_model.PropArea.GetSlabWaffle(id, ref depth, ref thickness, ref stemWidthTop, ref stemWidthBottom, ref ribSpacing, ref ribSpacing2nd);
                        panelWaffle.Name        = id;
                        panelWaffle.Material    = bhMaterial;
                        panelWaffle.SpacingX    = ribSpacing;
                        panelWaffle.SpacingY    = ribSpacing2nd;
                        panelWaffle.StemWidthX  = stemWidthTop;
                        panelWaffle.StemWidthY  = stemWidthTop;    //ETABS does not appear to support direction dependent stem width
                        panelWaffle.Thickness   = thickness;
                        panelWaffle.TotalDepthX = depth;
                        panelWaffle.TotalDepthY = depth;     // ETABS does not appear to to support direction dependent depth
                        panelWaffle.PanelType   = PanelType.Slab;
                        SetShellType(panelWaffle, shellType);
                        if (modifier != null)

                        SetAdapterId(panelWaffle, id);

                    case eSlabType.Slab:
                    case eSlabType.Drop:
                    case eSlabType.Stiff_DO_NOT_USE:
                        ConstantThickness panelConstant = new ConstantThickness();
                        panelConstant.Name      = id;
                        panelConstant.Material  = bhMaterial;
                        panelConstant.Thickness = thickness;
                        panelConstant.Name      = id;
                        panelConstant.PanelType = PanelType.Slab;
                        SetShellType(panelConstant, shellType);
                        if (modifier != null)

                        SetAdapterId(panelConstant, id);

Exemple #20
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static rf.SurfaceStiffness ToRFEM(this ISurfaceProperty surfaceProperty)
            rf.SurfaceStiffness stiffness = new rf.SurfaceStiffness();

            if (surfaceProperty is LoadingPanelProperty)
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("sorry, Can't do loding panels");
                if (surfaceProperty is ConstantThickness)
                    ConstantThickness constantThickness = surfaceProperty as ConstantThickness;
                    stiffness.Type      = rf.OrthotropyType.ConstantThickness;
                    stiffness.Thickness = constantThickness.Thickness;

                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K   = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K33 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K44 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K55 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Kb  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ke  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Km  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ks  = 1.0;
                else if (surfaceProperty is Ribbed)
                    Ribbed prop = surfaceProperty as Ribbed;
                    stiffness.Type      = rf.OrthotropyType.UnidirectionalRibbedPlate;
                    stiffness.Thickness = prop.Thickness;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.Height    = prop.TotalDepth;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.Spacing   = prop.Spacing;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.Width     = prop.StemWidth;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.Thickness = prop.Thickness;

                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K   = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K33 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K44 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K55 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Kb  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ke  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Km  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ks  = 1.0;
                else if (surfaceProperty is Waffle)
                    Waffle prop = surfaceProperty as Waffle;
                    stiffness.Type      = rf.OrthotropyType.BidirectionalRibbedPlate;
                    stiffness.Thickness = prop.Thickness;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.HeightX   = prop.TotalDepthX;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.HeightY   = prop.TotalDepthY;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.SpacingX  = prop.SpacingX;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.SpacingY  = prop.SpacingY;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.WidthX    = prop.StemWidthX;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.WidthY    = prop.StemWidthY;
                    stiffness.GeometricProperties.Thickness = prop.Thickness;

                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K   = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K33 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K44 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.K55 = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Kb  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ke  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Km  = 1.0;
                    stiffness.MultiplicationFactors.Ks  = 1.0;
                    Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("my responses are limited. I don't know: " + surfaceProperty.Name);
Exemple #21
 public static double MassPerArea(this ConstantThickness constantThickness)
     return(constantThickness.Thickness * constantThickness.Material.Density);
Exemple #22
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private List <ISurfaceProperty> ReadISurfaceProperties(List <string> ids = null)
            List <ISurfaceProperty> propList      = new List <ISurfaceProperty>();
            ISteelCriteria          steelCriteria = m_Model.GetSteelCriteria();
            IDeckTableEntries       deckProfiles  = steelCriteria.GetDeckTableEntries();

            ICompDeckProps compDeckProps = m_Model.GetCompositeDeckProps();

            for (int i = 0; i < compDeckProps.GetCount(); i++)
                ICompDeckProp   DeckProp        = compDeckProps.GetAt(i);
                string          deckLabel       = DeckProp.strLabel;
                string          deckProfileName = DeckProp.strDeckType;
                IDeckTableEntry profile         = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < deckProfiles.GetCount(); j++) // find ram deck profile to get props
                    profile = deckProfiles.GetAt(j);
                    if (profile.strDeckName == deckLabel)

                double concThickness        = DeckProp.dThickAboveFlutes.FromInch();
                double deckProfileThickness = profile.dTD.FromInch();
                double deckThickness        = concThickness + deckProfileThickness;

                IMaterialFragment material = Engine.Structure.Create.Concrete("Concrete Over Deck");

                Ribbed deck2DProp = new Ribbed();
                deck2DProp.Name       = deckLabel;
                deck2DProp.Thickness  = concThickness;
                deck2DProp.PanelType  = PanelType.Slab;
                deck2DProp.Material   = material;
                deck2DProp.Spacing    = profile.dRSpac;
                deck2DProp.StemWidth  = profile.dWR;
                deck2DProp.TotalDepth = deckThickness;

                // Unique RAM ID
                RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();
                RAMId.Id = DeckProp.lUID;

                RAMDeckData ramDeckData = new RAMDeckData();
                ramDeckData.DeckProfileName = deckProfileName;


            IConcSlabProps concSlabProps = m_Model.GetConcreteSlabProps();

            for (int i = 0; i < concSlabProps.GetCount(); i++)
                IConcSlabProp     DeckProp      = concSlabProps.GetAt(i);
                double            deckThickness = DeckProp.dThickness.FromInch();
                string            deckLabel     = DeckProp.strLabel;
                IMaterialFragment material      = Engine.Structure.Create.Concrete("Concrete");

                ConstantThickness deck2DProp = new ConstantThickness();
                deck2DProp.Name      = deckLabel;
                deck2DProp.Material  = material;
                deck2DProp.Thickness = deckThickness;
                deck2DProp.PanelType = PanelType.Slab;

                // Unique RAM ID
                RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();
                RAMId.Id = DeckProp.lUID;

            INonCompDeckProps nonCompDeckProps = m_Model.GetNonCompDeckProps();

            for (int i = 0; i < nonCompDeckProps.GetCount(); i++)
                INonCompDeckProp  DeckProp      = nonCompDeckProps.GetAt(i);
                double            deckThickness = DeckProp.dEffectiveThickness.FromInch();
                string            deckLabel     = DeckProp.strLabel;
                IMaterialFragment material      = Engine.Structure.Create.Steel("Metal Deck");

                ConstantThickness deck2DProp = new ConstantThickness();
                deck2DProp.Name      = deckLabel;
                deck2DProp.Material  = material;
                deck2DProp.Thickness = deckThickness;
                deck2DProp.PanelType = PanelType.Slab;

                // Unique RAM ID
                RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();
                RAMId.Id = DeckProp.lUID;

Exemple #23
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private List <ISurfaceProperty> ReadSurfaceProperty(List <int> ids = null)
            int uID = 1;
            int err = 0;
            List <ISurfaceProperty> propertyList = new List <ISurfaceProperty>();

            int[] propCount       = new int[St7.kMaxEntityTotals - 1];
            int[] propLastNumbers = new int[St7.kMaxEntityTotals - 1];
            err = St7.St7GetTotalProperties(uID, propCount, propLastNumbers);
            if (!St7Error(err))
            int numberOfPlateProps = propCount[St7.ipPlatePropTotal];

            for (int pp = 0; pp < numberOfPlateProps; pp++)
                int propNumber = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetPropertyNumByIndex(uID, St7.ptPLATEPROP, pp + 1, ref propNumber);
                if (!St7Error(err))
                int plateType    = 0;
                int materialType = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetPlatePropertyType(uID, propNumber, ref plateType, ref materialType);
                if (!St7Error(err))
                StringBuilder propertyName = new StringBuilder(St7.kMaxStrLen);
                err = St7.St7GetPropertyName(uID, St7.ptPLATEPROP, propNumber, propertyName, St7.kMaxStrLen);
                if (!St7Error(err))
                IMaterialFragment material = GetPlateIsotropicMaterial(propNumber);
                if ((St7PlateType)plateType == St7PlateType.LoadPatch)
                    LoadingPanelProperty loadingPanelProperty = new LoadingPanelProperty();
                    loadingPanelProperty.Name = propertyName.ToString();
                    SetAdapterId(loadingPanelProperty, propNumber);
                    loadingPanelProperty.CustomData["ShellType"] = (St7PlateType)plateType;
                    double[] plateThickness = new double[2];
                    err = St7.St7GetPlateThickness(uID, propNumber, plateThickness);
                    if (!St7Error(err))
                    ConstantThickness panelConstant = new ConstantThickness();
                    panelConstant.Name = propertyName.ToString();
                    SetAdapterId(panelConstant, propNumber);
                    panelConstant.Material  = material;
                    panelConstant.Thickness = plateThickness[1]; // here is bending thickness
                    panelConstant.PanelType = PanelType.Undefined;
                    panelConstant.CustomData["ShellType"] = (St7PlateType)plateType;
Exemple #24
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private List <Panel> ReadPanels(List <string> ids = null)
            List <Panel>     panelList = new List <Panel>();
            ISurfaceProperty surfaceProperty;

            if (ids == null)
                foreach (rf.Surface surface in modelData.GetSurfaces())
                    if (surface.GeometryType != rf.SurfaceGeometryType.PlaneSurfaceType)
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("Only plane surface types are supported at the moment");

                    List <Edge> edgeList = GetEdgesFromRFEMSurface(surface);

                    IMaterialFragment material = modelData.GetMaterial(surface.MaterialNo, rf.ItemAt.AtNo).GetData().FromRFEM();

                    if (surface.StiffnessType == rf.SurfaceStiffnessType.StandardStiffnessType)
                        surfaceProperty = new ConstantThickness {
                            Thickness = surface.Thickness.Constant, Material = material
                    else if (surface.StiffnessType == rf.SurfaceStiffnessType.OrthotropicStiffnessType)
                        rf.ISurface s = modelData.GetSurface(surface.No, rf.ItemAt.AtNo);
                        rf.IOrthotropicThickness ortho     = s.GetOrthotropicThickness();
                        rf.SurfaceStiffness      stiffness = ortho.GetData();
                        surfaceProperty = stiffness.FromRFEM(material);
                        surfaceProperty = null;
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("could not create surface property of type " + surface.StiffnessType.ToString());

                    List <Opening> openings = null;
                    Panel          panel    = Engine.Structure.Create.Panel(edgeList, openings, surfaceProperty);

                foreach (string id in ids)
                    rf.Surface surface = modelData.GetSurface(Int32.Parse(id), rf.ItemAt.AtNo).GetData();
                    if (surface.GeometryType != rf.SurfaceGeometryType.PlaneSurfaceType)
                        Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("Only plane surface types are supported at the moment");

                    List <Edge> edgeList = GetEdgesFromRFEMSurface(surface);

                    IMaterialFragment material = modelData.GetMaterial(surface.MaterialNo, rf.ItemAt.AtNo).GetData().FromRFEM();

                    rf.ISurface s = modelData.GetSurface(surface.No, rf.ItemAt.AtNo);
                    rf.IOrthotropicThickness ortho     = s.GetOrthotropicThickness();
                    rf.SurfaceStiffness      stiffness = ortho.GetData();

                    surfaceProperty = stiffness.FromRFEM(material);

                    List <Opening> openings = null;
                    Panel          panel    = Engine.Structure.Create.Panel(edgeList, openings, surfaceProperty);

