public void General()
            ConstantGrowArray <Range> a = new ConstantGrowArray <Range>(1, Range.Comparer)
                new Range(1, 2), new Range(3, 6), new Range(2, 4)

            Assert.Equal(3, a.Count);


            Assert.Equal(1, a[0].Start);
            Assert.Equal(2, a[1].Start);
            Assert.Equal(3, a[2].Start);


            a.Add(new Range(4, 19));

            //Since we added a larger range, it should still be sorted.

            a.Add(new Range(3, 20));

        public string?Build(string unit, long dataSize = -1)
            //RFC7233: A server that supports range requests MAY ignore or reject a Range header field that consists of more than two overlapping ranges
            //RFC7233: A client that is requesting multiple ranges SHOULD list those ranges in ascending order

            //We do a couple of things here:
            //1. We merge ranges that overlap
            //2. We sort the ranges in ascending order to ease the work for the server
            //3. We shorten the range
            //4. We skip (and log) invalid ranges

            if (!HasData())

            //Reset state
            _invalidCount = 0;

            //We need an invalid index if we are going to report invalid ranges
            if (Options.Value.MergeOverlappingRanges || Options.Value.DiscardInvalidRanges)
                _invalidIndex = new BitArray(_ranges !.Count);

            if (_ranges !.Count > 1)
                if (Options.Value.SortRanges || Options.Value.MergeOverlappingRanges)

                if (Options.Value.MergeOverlappingRanges)
                    int       pointer  = 0;
                    ref Range previous = ref _ranges[pointer];

                    for (int i = 1; i < _ranges.Count; i++)
                        Range current = _ranges[i];

                        if (current.Start <= previous.End)
                            previous.End = Math.Max(previous.End, current.End);