public bool HasStatModifier(Const.Stats stat) { var mod = this.StatsModifiers.Find(x =>{ return stat == x.Stat; }); return mod != null; }
private void CreateStatsCell(Const.Stats stat, string value, CharacterStatBuffState state) { var go = this.CreateCell(); var cell = go.GetComponent<CharacterStatCell>(); cell.Init(stat, value, state); }
public double GetStat(Const.Stats key) { if (_stats.ContainsKey(key)) { return _stats[key]; } return 0d; }
public double GetAffinity(Const.Affinities key) { if (_affinities.ContainsKey(key)) { return _affinities[key]; } return 0; }
/// <summary> /// 메시지를 수신했을 때 호출된다. /// 파라미터로 넘어온 버퍼는 워커 스레드에서 재사용 되므로 복사한 뒤 어플리케이션으로 넘겨준다. /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> void IPeer.on_message(Const<byte[]> buffer) { // 버퍼를 복사한 뒤 CPacket클래스로 감싼 뒤 넘겨준다. // CPacket클래스 내부에서는 참조로만 들고 있는다. byte[] app_buffer = new byte[buffer.Value.Length]; Array.Copy(buffer.Value, app_buffer, buffer.Value.Length); CPacket msg = new CPacket(app_buffer, this); (this.freenet_eventmanager.Target as CFreeNetEventManager).enqueue_network_message(msg); }
public void SetAffinity(Const.Affinities affinity, double value) { if (_affinities.ContainsKey(affinity)) { _affinities[affinity] = value; } else { _affinities.Add(affinity, value); } }
public void SetStat(Const.Stats stat, double value) { if (_stats.ContainsKey(stat)) { _stats[stat] = value; } else { _stats.Add(stat, value); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a position to cast a skill on so that the skill can hit the target character /// </summary> /// <returns>The position to hit character with skill.</returns> /// <param name="skill">Skill.</param> /// <param name="skillRadius">Skill radius.</param> /// <param name="target">Target.</param> /// <param name="sourceTeam">Source team.</param> /// <param name="map">The full map.</param> private MapPosition GetPositionToHitCharacterWithSkill(Skill skill, List<MapPosition> skillRadius, BattleCharacter target, Const.Team sourceTeam, Dictionary<MapPosition, Tile> map) { foreach (var mapPosition in skillRadius) { var targeting = skill.Effects[0].EffectTarget; var affectedPositions = ServiceFactory.GetMapService().GeMapPositionsForPattern(targeting.Pattern, targeting.TargetGroup, sourceTeam, map, mapPosition); if (affectedPositions.Intersect(target.OccupiedMapPositions).Count() > 0) { return mapPosition; } } return null; }
protected internal override void TraverseConst(Const @const) { if (@const.Value == null) { _writer.Write("null"); } else { var value = @const.Value.UndecorateNullable(); if (value.GetType().IsNumeric()) { _writer.Write(value.ToInvariantString()); } else if (value is bool) { _writer.Write(value.ToInvariantString().ToLower()); } else if (value is char) { _writer.Write((char)value); } else if (value is String) { _writer.Write(((String)value).Quote()); } else if (value is Type) { var t = (Type)value; var s_t = t.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.Informative); _writer.Write("typeof({0})", s_t); } else if (value is FieldInfo) { var f = (FieldInfo)value; var s_f = f.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.Informative); _writer.Write("fieldof({0})", s_f); } else if (value is MethodBase) { var m = (MethodBase)value; var s_m = m.GetCSharpRef(ToCSharpOptions.Informative); _writer.Write("methodof({0})", s_m); } else { _writer.Write("{"); _writer.Write(value); _writer.Write("}"); } } }
public static async Task <Tuple <IList <SnapshotRule>, string> > LoadLatestRules() { string appData = Const.GetAppDataFolderPath(); string latestRulesFileName = GetLatestRulesFileName(appData); IList <SnapshotRule> rules = latestRulesFileName == null ? new List <SnapshotRule>() : (await SafeLoadJson <IEnumerable <SnapshotRule> >(Path.Combine(appData, latestRulesFileName))).ToList(); return(new Tuple <IList <SnapshotRule>, string>( rules, latestRulesFileName )); }
public void SumOpDerivative() { var x = new Const <float>(BuilderInstance <float> .Volume.From(new float[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f }, new Shape(3)), "x"); var op = new Sum <float>(x, new Shape(1)); using (var session = new Session <float>()) { session.Differentiate(op); op.Derivate = new Const <float>(50.0f, "50"); var result = x.Derivate.Evaluate(session); } }
int AddConstant(float constant, string type) { Const tempConst = ConstantList.Find(x => x._Const == constant); if (tempConst == null) { ConstantList.Add(new Const(constant, ConstantList.Count, type)); return(ConstantList.Count - 1); } else { return(tempConst.Index); } }
public override void LoopContent() { //假如1个周期过去PLC可读或可写有任意一个为false,则代表出现错误,否则无问题 Const.OpcDatasource.PlcErrorOccured = !Const.OpcDatasource.PlcReadable || !Const.OpcDatasource.PlcWritable; if (Const.OpcDatasource.PlcErrorOccured) { Const.WriteConsoleLog("PLC出现故障,PLC Error Occured:true"); //Const.WriteConsoleLog("准备重启操作系统..."); //ExitWindowsUtils.Reboot(true); } Const.OpcDatasource.PlcReadable = false; Const.OpcDatasource.PlcWritable = false; //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected override void TraverseConst(Const @const) { var v = @const.Value; var t = @const.Type; if (v == null) { il.ldnull(); } else { if (t == typeof(bool)) { if ((bool)v) { il.ldtrue(); } else { il.ldfalse(); } } else if (t == typeof(int) || t == typeof(uint)) { unchecked { il.ldc_i4((int)v); } } else if (t == typeof(long) || t == typeof(long)) { unchecked { il.ldc_i8((long)v); } } else if (t == typeof(float)) { il.ldc_r4((float)v); } else if (t == typeof(double)) { il.ldc_r8((double)v); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "Player" || other.tag == "NPC") { DamageData ddNPC = Const.SetNPCDamageData(index, Const.aiState.Attack1, ownedBy); ddNPC.other = gameObject; ddNPC.attacknormal = Vector3.Normalize(other.transform.position - transform.position); ddNPC.impactVelocity = impactMelee; float take = Const.a.GetDamageTakeAmount(ddNPC); take = (take / meleeColliderCounter); //split it for multiple tap melee attacks, e.g. double paw swipe ddNPC.damage = take; other.GetComponent <HealthManager>().TakeDamage(ddNPC); } }
public void SoftmaxCrossEntropy() { var softmax = new Const <double>(1.0, "softmax"); var y = new Const <double>(1.0, "y"); var op = new SoftmaxCrossEntropy <double>(softmax, y); var xml = op.ToXml(); var deserialized = SerializationExtensions.FromXml <double>(xml) as SoftmaxCrossEntropy <double>; Assert.IsNotNull(deserialized); Assert.AreEqual(2, deserialized.Parents.Count); Assert.AreEqual("softmax", (deserialized.Parents[0] as Const <double>).Name); Assert.AreEqual("y", (deserialized.Parents[1] as Const <double>).Name); }
public void Div() { var a = new Const <double>(1.0, "one"); var b = new Const <double>(2.0, "two"); var op = new Div <double>(a, b); var xml = op.ToXml(); var deserialized = SerializationExtensions.FromXml <double>(xml) as Div <double>; Assert.IsNotNull(deserialized); Assert.AreEqual(2, deserialized.Parents.Count); Assert.AreEqual("one", (deserialized.Parents[0] as Const <double>).Name); Assert.AreEqual("two", (deserialized.Parents[1] as Const <double>).Name); }
public void Reshape2() { var x = new Const <double>(1.0, "x"); var shape = new Const <double>(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }, "shape"); var op = new Reshape <double>(x, shape); var xml = op.ToXml(); var deserialized = SerializationExtensions.FromXml <double>(xml) as Reshape <double>; Assert.IsNotNull(deserialized); Assert.AreEqual(2, deserialized.Parents.Count); Assert.AreEqual("x", (deserialized.Parents[0] as Const <double>).Name); Assert.AreEqual("shape", (deserialized.Parents[1] as Const <double>).Name); }
public IActionResult Login(string UserName, string Pwd) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pwd)) { return(Ok(new { token = Const.GetToken(UserName) })); } else { return(BadRequest(new { message = "username or password is incorrect." })); } }
/// <summary> /// solves ax3 + bx2 + cx + d /// </summary> /// <param name="a"> /// Coefficient of x^3 /// </param> /// <param name="b"> /// Coefficient of x^2 /// </param> /// <param name="c"> /// Coefficient of x /// </param> /// <param name="d"> /// Free coefficient /// </param> /// <returns> /// Set of roots /// </returns> internal static Set SolveCubic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c, Entity d) { // en: // ru: // TODO (to remove sympy code!) Set res; if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(d)) { res = SolveQuadratic(a, b, c); res.Add(0); return(res); } if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a)) { return(SolveQuadratic(b, c, d)); } res = new Set(); var coeff = MathS.i * MathS.Sqrt(3) / 2; var u1 = new NumberEntity(1); var u2 = SySyn.Rational(-1, 2) + coeff; var u3 = SySyn.Rational(-1, 2) - coeff; var D0 = MathS.Sqr(b) - 3 * a * c; var D1 = (2 * MathS.Pow(b, 3) - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * MathS.Sqr(a) * d).InnerSimplify(); var C = MathS.Pow((D1 + MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(D1) - 4 * MathS.Pow(D0, 3))) / 2, Number.CreateRational(1, 3)); foreach (var uk in new List <Entity> { u1, u2, u3 }) { Entity r; if (Const.EvalIfCan(C) == 0 && Const.EvalIfCan(D0) == 0) { r = -(b + uk * C) / 3 / a; } else { r = -(b + uk * C + D0 / C / uk) / 3 / a; } res.Add(r); } return(res); }
public bool IsInTargetGroup(Const.SkillTargetGroup targetGroup, Const.Team source, Const.Team target) { switch (targetGroup) { case Const.SkillTargetGroup.All: return true; case Const.SkillTargetGroup.Ally: case Const.SkillTargetGroup.Self: return source == target; case Const.SkillTargetGroup.Opponent: return source != target; default: return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute au fichier correspondant une sauvegarde des données entrées dans l'application. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnCloture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // S'il n'y a pas de budget if (lstAccounts.Items.Count != 0) { if ((MessageBox.Show(Const.MSG_VALIDATIONMONYLYSAVE(dtpMonth.Value), Const.MSG_TITLE_VALIDATIONMONYLYSAVE, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { controler.finalizeMonthDialogs(controler.formatDate(dtpMonth.Value.Date)); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Const.MSG_ERR_FINALIZE, Const.ERROR, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
public combinedHeightHeat(IMap heightMap, IMap heatMap, worldChunkSettings chunkSettings) { Const black = new Const(-1); Select heightselect = new Select(heightMap.GetCache(), black, heightMap.GetCache()); heightselect.SetBounds(.5, 1, .2); this.combo = new Add(heatMap.GetCache(), heightselect); //Invert invert = new Invert(combo); Noise2D final = new Noise2D(chunkSettings.mapWidth, chunkSettings.mapHeight, combo); final.GeneratePlanar(chunkSettings.left, chunkSettings.right,, chunkSettings.bottom, isSeamless: true); combinedCache = new Cache(combo); noiseData = final.GetData(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UserChalenge(string phoneNumber) { if (!phoneNumber.IsValidIranianMobileNumber()) { ViewBag.msg = "شماره تلفن همراه معتبر نمی باشد"; return(View()); } string token = Const.GeneratRandomNumber(); await AddCashAsync(phoneNumber, token, 3); await _notify.SendNotifyWithTemplateAsync(phoneNumber, token, MessageTemplate.Bisroverify); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ValidateingNumber), new { phoneNumber })); }
void IPeer.on_message(Const <byte[]> buffer) { CPacket msg = new CPacket(buffer.Value, this); PROTOCOL protocol_id = (PROTOCOL)msg.pop_protocol_id(); switch (protocol_id) { case PROTOCOL.CHAT_MSG_ACK: { string text = msg.pop_string(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("text {0}", text)); } break; } }
public UnitAction GetAction(Unit unit, Game game, AiCup2019.Debug debug) { if (m_lastTick >= game.CurrentTick) // Verify this number { //TODO: Check number of bullets LogService.WriteLine("Cached choice"); return(CreateAction(m_lastGame.Units.First(u => u.unit.Id == unit.Id), m_lastGame)); } Const.Reset(game.Properties, game); Debug = debug; var myGame = new MyGame(game, unit); var sim = m_lastGame = new SimGame(myGame, unit); m_lastTick = game.CurrentTick; DistService.CalcDists(sim); ShootService.Initialize(sim); foreach (var b in sim.Bullets) { b.CalcCollisionTime(sim); } foreach (var u in sim.Units) { u.WalkTarget = WalkService.FindWalkTarget(sim, u); u.AimTarget = AimService.GetAimTarget(sim, u); u.Shoot = ShootService.ShouldShoot(sim, u); if (u.Player.Id == unit.PlayerId) { u.IsMine = true; } } LogService.WriteLine("FIRETIMER: " + m_lastGame.Units.First(u => u.unit.Id == unit.Id).FireTimer); MCTSService.Search(sim); //foreach (var u in sim.Units) u.debug = true; MCTSService.DoOneRound(sim, true); //foreach (var u in sim.Units) u.debug = false; if (game.CurrentTick % 300 == 10) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Time: " + Const.GetTime + " Evals: " + Const.Evals + " Sims: " + Const.Sims); } var targetUnit = m_lastGame.Units.First(u => u.unit.Id == unit.Id); DistService.DrawPath(targetUnit.Position, targetUnit.WalkTarget); return(CreateAction(targetUnit, m_lastGame)); }
public bool VisitNode(Const node) { if (!Symbols.TryAddType(node)) { //Consts do not have to be globally unique, but they do have to be unique within a scope if (((IObjectType)node.Outer).TypeDeclarations.Any(decl => decl != node && decl.Name.CaseInsensitiveEquals(node.Name))) { return(Error($"A type named '{node.Name}' already exists in this {node.Outer.GetType().Name.ToLower()}!", node.StartPos, node.EndPos)); } } node.Declaration = node; return(Success); }
private DateTime ProcessDate(string xnya) { DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue; try { string[] splitted = xnya.Replace("Найближча доступна дата для реєстрації є ", "").Split('.'); string s = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", splitted[0], Const.GetMonthAsInt(splitted[1]), splitted[2]); dt = DateTime.ParseExact(s, Const.DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(dt); }
private void AddAds() { Grid currentGrid = GetCurrentGrid(); if (currentGrid != null && !(currentGrid.Children.Last() is AdmobControl)) { AdmobControl admob = new AdmobControl() { AdUnitId = Const.GetRandomAds(), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Margin = 0, }; currentGrid.Children.Add(admob, 0, 1); } }
/// <summary> /// 循环体内容 /// </summary> public override void LoopContent() { if (!Config.Save2Sqlite) { return; } int sqlite_result = 0; try { sqlite_result = _dataService.InsertRadarDistance(Const.GnssInfo, Const.RadarInfo); } catch (Exception e) { Const.WriteConsoleLog("Sqlite保存失败:" + e.Message); } _taskLogsBuffer = new List <string>() { string.Format("Sqlite数据保存:{0}", sqlite_result) }; }
public void init(Cell cell) { this.cell = cell; cell.onDone += onDoneBuilding; GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(onClick); if (cell.cell_status != CellStatus.EMPTY) { txt_title.text = Const.getBuildName(cell.type_build); img_icon.sprite = Const.getSpriteBuild(cell.type_build); } progress_bar.SetActive(cell.cell_status == CellStatus.IN_PROCESS); updateBar(); }
public static bool IsNodeVersionValid(long version, out string error) { error = null; string requiredNodeVersion = Const.MinBitcoindRequired(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredNodeVersion)) { long clientVersion = GetBitcoindClientVersion(requiredNodeVersion); if (version < clientVersion) { error = $"Node version must be at least { requiredNodeVersion }."; } } return(error == null); }
public void Use(UseData ud) { if (LevelManager.a.GetCurrentLevelSecurity() <= minSecurityLevel) { if (!broken) { ud.owner.GetComponent <PlayerReferenceManager>().playerCapsule.GetComponent <PlayerHealth>().HealingBed(amount); Const.sprint("Automatic healing process activated.", ud.owner); SFXSource.PlayOneShot(SFX); } else { Const.sprint("Healing bed is broken beyond repair", ud.owner); } } }
public Object LoadMovie(string name) { obj = null; string path = Const.GetLocalFileUrl("Movie" + name); if (!File.Exists(path)) { Debug.LogError(path + " is not exit!"); return(obj); } StartCoroutine(DownAsset(path)); return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// 保存音效信息 /// </summary> private void SaveAudioList() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // TODO 后面要改成Json格式 foreach (string key in audioDic.Keys) { string value; audioDic.TryGetValue(key, out value); sb.Append(key + "," + value + "\n"); } File.WriteAllText(Const.GetLocalFileUrl(Const.Audio_Coinfig_Path), sb.ToString()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
void ExplodeOnDeath() { ExplosionForce ef = GetComponent <ExplosionForce> (); DamageData ddNPC = Const.SetNPCDamageData(index, Const.aiState.Attack3, gameObject); float take = Const.a.GetDamageTakeAmount(ddNPC); ddNPC.other = gameObject; ddNPC.damage = take; //enemy.GetComponent<HealthManager>().TakeDamage(ddNPC); Handled by ExplodeInner if (ef != null) { ef.ExplodeInner((transform.position + viewVerticalOffset) + explosionOffset, attack3Force, attack3Radius, ddNPC); } healthManager.ObjectDeath(SFXAttack1); GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = false; }
public async Task LookupFriendshipAsync(IUserModel user) { var option = Const.GetDictionary(); option.Add(Const.USER_ID, user.Id); var friendships = await tokens.Friendships.LookupAsync(option); if (friendships != null && friendships.Count != 0 && friendships[0].Connections != null && friendships[0].Connections.Length != 0) { var connections = friendships[0].Connections.Select(c => c.ToLower()).ToList(); user.IsFollowing = connections.Contains(Const.FOLLOWING); user.IsFollowedBy = connections.Contains(Const.FOLLOWED_BY); } }
void IPeer.on_message(Const <byte[]> buffer) { CPacket msg = new CPacket(buffer.Value, this); PROTOCOL protocol_id = (PROTOCOL)msg.pop_protocol_id(); switch (protocol_id) { case PROTOCOL.CHAT_MSG_ACK: { get.a = msg.pop_string(); //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", text)); //MessageBox.Show(Program.get_text); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Serves as a hash function for a particular type. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. /// </returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Type.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Id?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Schema?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Comment?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Title?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Description?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Default?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ MultipleOf.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Maximum.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ExclusiveMaximum.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Minimum.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ExclusiveMinimum.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (MaxLength?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (MinLength?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Pattern?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (AdditionalItems?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Items?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (MaxItems?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (MinItems?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (UniqueItems?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Contains?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (AdditionalProperties?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Definitions?.GetCollectionHashCode().GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Properties?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PatternProperties?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Dependencies?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Const?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Enum?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Format?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ContentMediaType?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ContentEncoding?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (If?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Then?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Else?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (AllOf?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (AnyOf?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (OneOf?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Not?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Required?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Examples?.GetCollectionHashCode() ?? 0); return(hashCode); } }
private bool Init(IDBContext db, Incident incident) { this.errormessage = string.Empty; try { this.incident = incident; this.groundblur = new GroundBlur(this.incident); this.waterblur = new WaterBlur(db, this.groundblur); = DateTime.Now; if (!Const.isINFINITY(this.groundblur.timewatercomletion) && !Const.isINFINITY(this.groundblur.timemaxwaterconc)) { this.datewatercompletion = (new DateTime(; this.datemaxwaterconc = (new DateTime(; } else { this.datewatercompletion = Const.DATE_INFINITY; this.datemaxwaterconc = Const.DATE_INFINITY; } if (!Const.isINFINITY(this.groundblur.timeconcentrationinsoil)) { this.dateconcentrationinsoil = (new DateTime(; } else { this.dateconcentrationinsoil = Const.DATE_INFINITY; } foreach (WaterPollution p in this.waterblur.watepollutionlist) { if (!Const.isINFINITY(p.timemaxconcentration)) { p.datemaxconcentration =; } } } catch (EGHDBException e) { this.errormessage = e.ehgmessage; } return(true); }
/************************************************************* * コンストラクタ *************************************************************/ public Form_CostMng_FixedCostReg(Const.CATEGORY_TYPE category) { InitializeComponent(); this.category = category; switch (category) { case Const.CATEGORY_TYPE.Budget: this.Text = "固定費登録(予定)"; break; case Const.CATEGORY_TYPE.Actual: this.Text = "固定費登録(実績)"; break; } monthPairText = new Dictionary<int, TextBox[]>() { { 4 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Apr, manufacturing_depreciation_Apr, manufacturing_rent_Apr, manufacturing_repair_Apr, manufacturing_stock_Apr, manufacturing_other_Apr, selling_personnel_Apr, selling_depreciation_Apr, selling_other_Apr, operating_expenses_Apr } } , { 5 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_May, manufacturing_depreciation_May, manufacturing_rent_May, manufacturing_repair_May, manufacturing_stock_May, manufacturing_other_May, selling_personnel_May, selling_depreciation_May, selling_other_May, operating_expenses_May } } , { 6 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Jun, manufacturing_depreciation_Jun, manufacturing_rent_Jun, manufacturing_repair_Jun, manufacturing_stock_Jun, manufacturing_other_Jun, selling_personnel_Jun, selling_depreciation_Jun, selling_other_Jun, operating_expenses_Jun } } , { 7 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Jul, manufacturing_depreciation_Jul, manufacturing_rent_Jul, manufacturing_repair_Jul, manufacturing_stock_Jul, manufacturing_other_Jul, selling_personnel_Jul, selling_depreciation_Jul, selling_other_Jul, operating_expenses_Jul } } , { 8 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Aug, manufacturing_depreciation_Aug, manufacturing_rent_Aug, manufacturing_repair_Aug, manufacturing_stock_Aug, manufacturing_other_Aug, selling_personnel_Aug, selling_depreciation_Aug, selling_other_Aug, operating_expenses_Aug } } , { 9 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Sep, manufacturing_depreciation_Sep, manufacturing_rent_Sep, manufacturing_repair_Sep, manufacturing_stock_Sep, manufacturing_other_Sep, selling_personnel_Sep, selling_depreciation_Sep, selling_other_Sep, operating_expenses_Sep } } , { 10, new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Oct, manufacturing_depreciation_Oct, manufacturing_rent_Oct, manufacturing_repair_Oct, manufacturing_stock_Oct, manufacturing_other_Oct, selling_personnel_Oct, selling_depreciation_Oct, selling_other_Oct, operating_expenses_Oct } } , { 11, new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Nov, manufacturing_depreciation_Nov, manufacturing_rent_Nov, manufacturing_repair_Nov, manufacturing_stock_Nov, manufacturing_other_Nov, selling_personnel_Nov, selling_depreciation_Nov, selling_other_Nov, operating_expenses_Nov } } , { 12, new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Dec, manufacturing_depreciation_Dec, manufacturing_rent_Dec, manufacturing_repair_Dec, manufacturing_stock_Dec, manufacturing_other_Dec, selling_personnel_Dec, selling_depreciation_Dec, selling_other_Dec, operating_expenses_Dec } } , { 1 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Jan, manufacturing_depreciation_Jan, manufacturing_rent_Jan, manufacturing_repair_Jan, manufacturing_stock_Jan, manufacturing_other_Jan, selling_personnel_Jan, selling_depreciation_Jan, selling_other_Jan, operating_expenses_Jan } } , { 2 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Feb, manufacturing_depreciation_Feb, manufacturing_rent_Feb, manufacturing_repair_Feb, manufacturing_stock_Feb, manufacturing_other_Feb, selling_personnel_Feb, selling_depreciation_Feb, selling_other_Feb, operating_expenses_Feb } } , { 3 , new TextBox[] { manufacturing_personnel_Mar, manufacturing_depreciation_Mar, manufacturing_rent_Mar, manufacturing_repair_Mar, manufacturing_stock_Mar, manufacturing_other_Mar, selling_personnel_Mar, selling_depreciation_Mar, selling_other_Mar, operating_expenses_Mar } } }; monthPairTotal = new Dictionary<int, Label>() { { 4 , total_Apr } , { 5 , total_May } , { 6 , total_Jun } , { 7 , total_Jul } , { 8 , total_Aug } , { 9 , total_Sep } , { 10, total_Oct } , { 11, total_Nov } , { 12, total_Dec } , { 1 , total_Jan } , { 2 , total_Feb } , { 3 , total_Mar } }; }
/************************************************************* * コンストラクタ *************************************************************/ public Form_Common_SelectData(Const.SEARCH_TYPE type) { InitializeComponent(); this.type = type; switch (type) { case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Product: this.Text = "商品検索"; break; case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Supplier: this.Text = "取引先検索"; break; case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Material: this.Text = "原材料検索"; break; case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Packing: this.Text = "資材検索"; break; } }
/************************************************************* * 処理タイプの設定 *************************************************************/ public void setType(Const.STATUS_TYPE type) { this.type = type; switch (type) { case Const.STATUS_TYPE.Default: this.Text = "実績登録(CSVファイル登録内容)"; description.Text = string.Concat("以下の内容で" , targetMonth , "月分に反映します。よろしければOKボタンを、キャンセルする場合は右上の「×」ボタンをクリックしてください。"); btnDecide.Visible = true; btnClipboard.Visible = false; break; case Const.STATUS_TYPE.Error: this.Text = "実績登録(CSVファイル対応エラー内容)"; description.Text = "以下のデータが対応しませんでした。内容を確認してください。"; btnDecide.Visible = false; btnClipboard.Visible = true; break; } }
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<MapPosition, TileController>> InitGrid(GridLayoutGroup grid, int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns, Const.Team team, Action<MapPosition, bool> onTileClick) { grid.constraint = GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount; grid.constraintCount = numberOfColumns; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++) { var mapPosition = new MapPosition(j, i, team); var tile = Instantiate(tilePrefab) as GameObject; tile.transform.SetParent(grid.transform); tile.transform.localScale =; tile.transform.localEulerAngles =; tile.transform.localPosition =; var tileController = tile.GetComponent<TileController>(); tileController.Init(mapPosition, onTileClick); yield return new KeyValuePair<MapPosition, TileController>(mapPosition, tileController); } } }
protected void setCategory(Const.CATEGORY_TYPE category) { this.category = category; }
static int _CreateConst(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 0) { Const obj = new Const(); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, obj); return 1; } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: Const.New"); } return 0; }
//处理战斗view的事件 public IEnumerator FightViewTouchFn( Const.FIGHT_BTN_TYPE state) { //场上必须得有卡牌才能响应 if (MineFightData.getInstance().usingCardsNumber() > 0 && FightController.getInstance().RightToPlay == FightController.RIGHTTOPLAY.MINE ) { if (Const.FIGHT_BTN_TYPE.NO_OUT == state) { noOut(); FightController.getInstance().RightToPlay = FightController.RIGHTTOPLAY.ENEMY; } else if (Const.FIGHT_BTN_TYPE.TIP == state) { noOut(); if (currOutCardRule.Count == 0) { currOutCardRule = getItemOutCardRule(); } if (currOutCardRule.Count > 0) { List<int> l = new List<int>(); l = currOutCardRule[0]; currOutCardRule.RemoveAt(0); foreach (var pos in l) { cardToWaitPos(pos); } } } //出击 else if (Const.FIGHT_BTN_TYPE.ATK == state) { //此时是否有卡片可以出 bool isHaveCardCanOut = false; for (int i = 1; i <= Const.FRIST_CARD_NUM; ++i) { if (viewCardDic.ContainsKey(i) && viewCardDic[i].getCardState() == Card.CardState.waitFight) { isHaveCardCanOut = true; FightController.getInstance().RightToPlay = FightController.RIGHTTOPLAY.MINEING; viewCardDic[i].getObj().transform.SetAsLastSibling(); viewCardDic [i].getObj ().GetComponent<RectTransform> ().DOLocalMove (FightUIData.getInstance ().EnemyVec3 + new Vector3 (0, Screen.height * 0.2f, 0), 0.1f) .SetEase(Ease.InBack).SetUpdate(true); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f); } } if (isHaveCardCanOut) { yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.6f); FightController.getInstance ().RightToPlay = FightController.RIGHTTOPLAY.ENEMY; } else { MsgPrompts.create ("请选择至少一张卡牌",; } } } }
public static string GetTileKey(Const.Team team, int x, int y) { return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", team, Const.TileKey, x, y); }
public Spell(uint i, Const.WindowsVirtualKey kb) { this.ID = i; this.keybind = kb; }
public Emitter ld(Const @const) { var ptx = new PtxConst(@const.Value); push(ptx); return this; }
protected internal virtual void TraverseConst(Const @const) { @const.Unsupported(); }
private void CreateCellWithDecimalValue(BattleCharacter character, Const.Stats stat) { this.CreateStatsCell(stat, character.GetStat(stat).ToString(), character.GetStatBuffState(stat)); }
protected internal override void TraverseConst(Const @const) { Dispatch(@const); }
private void CreateCellWithPercentageValue(BattleCharacter character, Const.Stats stat) { this.CreateStatsCell(stat, string.Format("{0}%", character.GetStat(stat) * 100d), character.GetStatBuffState(stat)); }
/************************************************************* * 指定した取引先の荷造運賃を返却する(ブレンド品用) *************************************************************/ protected decimal getPackingFareForBlend(CostAccountingEntities context, Const.CATEGORY_TYPE category , string productCode, string supplierCode, decimal volume) { var blend = from t_blend in context.ProductBlend join t_product in context.Product on new { t_blend.year, t_blend.code, t_blend.category } equals new { t_product.year, t_product.code, t_product.category } where t_blend.year.Equals(Const.TARGET_YEAR) && t_blend.product_code.Equals(productCode) && t_blend.category.Equals((int)category) orderby select new { t_blend, t_product }; decimal packingFareSum = decimal.Zero; foreach (var data in blend) { decimal packingFare = getPackingFare(context, category, data.t_blend.code, supplierCode, data.t_product.volume); packingFareSum += decimal.Multiply(packingFare, data.t_blend.blend_rate); } return packingFareSum; }
/************************************************************* * 指定した取引先の荷造運賃を返却する *************************************************************/ protected decimal getPackingFare(CostAccountingEntities context, Const.CATEGORY_TYPE category , string productCode, string supplierCode, decimal volume) { var packingFare = from t in context.ProductPackingFare where t.year.Equals(Const.TARGET_YEAR) && t.product_code.Equals(productCode) && t.supplier_code.Equals(supplierCode) && t.category.Equals((int)category) select t; decimal sumCostKgPerAmount = 0; DataTable fare = DataTableSupport.getInstance(category).fare; foreach (var data in packingFare) { decimal amount = decimal.Multiply(data.quantity, DataTableSupport.getPrice(fare, data.code)); decimal kgPerAmount = (volume != decimal.Zero ? decimal.Divide(amount, volume) : decimal.Zero); sumCostKgPerAmount += kgPerAmount; } return sumCostKgPerAmount; }
private void AddStatModifier(Const.Stats stat, double magnitude, Const.ModifierType bonusType) { this.StatsModifiers.Add(new StatModifier(stat, magnitude, bonusType)); }
/************************************************************* * コンボボックスなどの価格やレートの予算/実績を切り替える *************************************************************/ private void changeRateValue(Const.CATEGORY_TYPE category) { // 原料費タブの設定 initDgvComboBox(dgvMaterialCostName, DataTableSupport.getInstance(category).rowMaterial, "rowMaterialTable"); // 製造経費-包装資材費タブの設定 initDgvComboBox(dgvPackingName, DataTableSupport.getInstance(category).material, "materialTable"); // 製造経費-設備費タブの設定 initDgvComboBox(dgvMachineName, DataTableSupport.getInstance(category).machine, "machineTable"); // 製造経費-荷造運賃タブの設定 initDgvComboBox(dgvPackingFareName, DataTableSupport.getInstance(category).fare, "fareTable"); // 労務費タブの設定 wageRateM_direct.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).wageM.ToString("N"); wageRateF.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).wageF.ToString("N"); wageRateM_indirect.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).wageIndirect.ToString("N"); // 製造経費-水道光熱費タブの設定 fuelAmountPerHourB.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).utilitiesAD.ToString("N"); fuelAmountPerHourA.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).utilitiesFD.ToString("N"); // 製造経費-その他経費タブの設定 fuelAmountPerHourFD.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationFD.ToString("N"); fuelAmountPerHourAD.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationAD.ToString("N"); fuelAmountPerHourLabor.Text = Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationLabor.ToString("N"); // 算出式を設定 message1.Text = msgTemplate1.Replace("[x]", Parameters.getInstance(category).rateLoss.ToString()); message2.Text = msgTemplate2.Replace("[x]", Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationSale.ToString()); message3.Text = msgTemplate3.Replace("[x]", Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationMng.ToString()) .Replace("[y]", Parameters.getInstance(category).allocationExt.ToString()); }
public virtual void loadFunctions(Rete engine) { Abs abs = new Abs(); engine.declareFunction(abs); funcs.Add(abs); Acos acos = new Acos(); engine.declareFunction(acos); funcs.Add(acos); Add add = new Add(); engine.declareFunction(add); funcs.Add(add); Asin asin = new Asin(); engine.declareFunction(asin); funcs.Add(asin); Atan atan = new Atan(); engine.declareFunction(atan); funcs.Add(atan); Ceil ceil = new Ceil(); engine.declareFunction(ceil); funcs.Add(ceil); Const cnst = new Const(); engine.declareFunction(cnst); funcs.Add(cnst); Cos cos = new Cos(); engine.declareFunction(cos); funcs.Add(cos); Degrees degrees = new Degrees(); engine.declareFunction(degrees); funcs.Add(degrees); Divide div = new Divide(); engine.declareFunction(div); funcs.Add(div); EqFunction eqf = new EqFunction(); engine.declareFunction(eqf); funcs.Add(eqf); Evenp evenp = new Evenp(); engine.declareFunction(evenp); funcs.Add(evenp); Exp exp = new Exp(); engine.declareFunction(exp); funcs.Add(exp); Floor floor = new Floor(); engine.declareFunction(floor); funcs.Add(floor); Greater gr = new Greater(); engine.declareFunction(gr); funcs.Add(gr); GreaterOrEqual gre = new GreaterOrEqual(); engine.declareFunction(gre); funcs.Add(gre); Less le = new Less(); engine.declareFunction(le); funcs.Add(le); LessOrEqual leoe = new LessOrEqual(); engine.declareFunction(leoe); funcs.Add(leoe); Log log = new Log(); engine.declareFunction(log); funcs.Add(log); Max max = new Max(); engine.declareFunction(max); funcs.Add(max); Min min = new Min(); engine.declareFunction(min); funcs.Add(min); Multiply mul = new Multiply(); engine.declareFunction(mul); funcs.Add(mul); NeqFunction neq = new NeqFunction(); engine.declareFunction(neq); funcs.Add(neq); Oddp oddp = new Oddp(); engine.declareFunction(oddp); funcs.Add(oddp); Pow pow = new Pow(); engine.declareFunction(pow); funcs.Add(pow); Radians radians = new Radians(); engine.declareFunction(radians); funcs.Add(radians); Random random = new Random(); engine.declareFunction(random); funcs.Add(random); Rint rint = new Rint(); engine.declareFunction(rint); funcs.Add(rint); Round round = new Round(); engine.declareFunction(round); funcs.Add(round); Sin sin = new Sin(); engine.declareFunction(sin); funcs.Add(sin); Sqrt sqrt = new Sqrt(); engine.declareFunction(sqrt); funcs.Add(sqrt); Subtract sub = new Subtract(); engine.declareFunction(sub); funcs.Add(sub); Tan tan = new Tan(); engine.declareFunction(tan); funcs.Add(tan); // now we Add the functions under alias engine.declareFunction("+", add); engine.declareFunction("-", sub); engine.declareFunction("*", mul); engine.declareFunction("/", div); engine.declareFunction("**", pow); engine.declareFunction(">", gr); engine.declareFunction(">=", gre); engine.declareFunction("<", le); engine.declareFunction("<=", leoe); }
/************************************************************* * 商品検索/取引先検索の検索データを設定する *************************************************************/ private void setSelectData(Const.SEARCH_TYPE type) { Form_Common_SelectData form = new Form_Common_SelectData(type); form.ShowDialog(); if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { string code = (string)form.dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value; string name = (string)form.dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value; string note = (string)form.dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value; string unit = (string)form.dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value; switch (type) { case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Product: productCode.Text = code; productName.Text = name; saleUnit.Text = unit; break; case Const.SEARCH_TYPE.Supplier: suppllierCode.Text = code; suppllierName.Text = name; break; } } form.Dispose(); }